Chapter 5*
"Excuse me?" looked Harry bewildered at that new girl.
"No. What you're doing here is absolutely disgusting and a big fat joke. Focus on your bitches and those idiots and leave the rest of us alone with your bullshit. Wake up or leave" that girl stood her ground.
"We're not done here" threatend Harry Louis and the others after some Uhhh's were heard and left the cafeteria with his crew.
"Let's get out of here. I hate people watching" was Louis almost begging his friends.
"Sure thing. But it was about time this happened" took Eleanor her stuff from the table.
"Maybe but I liked keeping it low. Now he will only get worse" feared Louis.
"But not without everyone watching him" pointed Niall out, not sensing the danger.
"This won't stop him" was Louis sure. He just knew Harry wouldn't stop that easily.
"We should head out. We have a song to work on" tried Zayn to lighten the mood.
"And I should leave for my course" remembered Eleanor and slapped her forehead.
"But let's not forget to praise the Queen. No one ever talked with Harry like that. I'm impressed. I have never seen you around here" turned Niall around to that pretty girl.
"I'm new. I started this week and thankfully have no classes with Harry" said that girl.
"Lucky girl. We have all classes together" groaned Niall.
"It was nice meeting you. I'm sure we'll see each other around. What's your name?" asked Louis her before they left.
"I'm Elli".
"Actually we wrote a few songs already and thought we could use them if you like the lyrics. Liam liked both of them but preferred this one" lay Niall two papers on the table in front of them.
Niall, Zayn and Louis were sitting in the library at a table discussing the music task. Louis and Niall had written stuff before and thought maybe they could use it now if Zayn agreed with it.
"They're great. You really wrote that?" marvelled Zayn thrilled.
"I had the idea and wrote a few lines but Tommo here is the lyrical genius" patted Niall Louis' shoulder.
"Stop it" blushed Louis.
"Tommo, you're really good. I didn't knew that. We have to take your lyrics" was Zayn excited.
"If you really want to" mumbled Louis unsure.
"Definitely. Wich one did Liam want?" asked Zayn Niall curiously.
"Acutally both but we would take 'Right Now' if that is okay with you" looked Niall more at Louis than Zayn.
"Okay with me" shrugged Louis.
"Great. 'Don't forget where you belong' it is then. This will be lit" was Zayn happy.
"Are you using Twitter language now?" raised Niall an eyebrow at him.
"I don't know what you mean" pretended Zayn to be clueless.
"You two, I swear" shook Louis amused his head.
"Hey, you wanted us to be friends. Now deal with it" pouted Niall cutely.
"Yeah. Deal with it" laughed Zayn.
Louis just laughed along with them and tried to focus on the song. They went over some chords and possibilities to make it into the best song possible while Niall threw in some comments even though it wasn't his project. But Louis noticed that Zayn seemed very distant.
"Zayn, is everything okay?" asked Louis carefully.
"Yeah I just... um. I think I overreacted earlier. A little bit. It's just. I don't know how to explain this" Zayn couldn't find the right words.
"Take your time" smiled Louis understandingly at him.
"I just think it wasn't necessary to explode like that and be so mean to Harry. There has been a lot of frustration and unspoken stuff between the both of us. It has to escalate at some point but not like that. I didn't want to push him away from me completely. Yes, he is pretty mean to people and it seems like he uses me for more popularity but that's not all. There is more to him. He can be very nice and a good friend. I mean look at him and Liam. They're friends for years now and there has to be a reason for it. Liam always told me that Harry wasn't always like that and that he isn't so bad so I really wanted to find out what happened. I ruined that now. We both said things we possibly regret now. I just couldn't take it any more. I hate how he talks about you" opened Zayn his heart up to them with full honesty.
"It's no secret that I'm not really keen of him but I think you two should talk alone. In private. You can talk this through. If there is any good in him you might find it someday. Maybe he needs the right friends to show him. Who knows?" lay Louis a hand on Zayn's shoulder.
"You amaze me. How can you say such nice things if he treats you like utter bullshit? How can he not see how wonderful you are?" was Zayn utterly confused.
"Stop, you make me blush" turned Louis red in the face.
"You're too good for this world, Louis. He doesn't deserve it one bit but you still try to understand and be fair" sighed Niall fondly.
"If I'm too good does this mean I can't go to the loo now?" replied Louis sarcastically.
"Just go, you wanker" slapped Niall Louis' bum.
"We all are" winked Louis at him.
Amused Louis left the library and skipped down the hall to the toilet. That Zayn and Niall got along that well made Louis really happy. There seemed to be something right for once.
After he washed his hands he made his way back to his friends but hallway there he spotted Nick, Aidan and Harry leaning against the wall, smirking evilly at him. Louis knew running away would only make it worse so he just kept walking until he was met with them.
"Didn't I broke those glasses the last time?" pointed Aidan at Louis' black glasses.
"Looks like the nerd has at least ten of them at home" snorted Nick, amused by himself.
"Well, suits the gay nerd look. Nobody likes them" cackled Aidan over his own joke.
"If you're quiet done with celebrating yourself can we get to the point?" groaned Louis sassily.
"Uhhh, Lewis being sassy again. You're pretty brave for such a tiny lad. Where's your new protector Zayn? Did he left you already?" mocked Nick him.
"Was is it with you and trying to make me feel alone? Are you so bored?" questioned Louis and wasn't even joking any more.
"Scratch the crap. Beat him up already" interupted Harry their 'talk'.
"Why don't you just do it yourself? Are you too weak?" challenged Louis him. He knew it was pretty stupid but he would end up with bruises anyway.
Harry fisted Louis' hair and crashed him into the lockers very hard. "Be glad I don't lay a finger on you, Lewis" hissed Harry at him through gritted teeth.
Louis had no time to respond. Nick and Aidan directly started to punch him as soon as Harry let him go. They punched him in the stomach and in the face but they didn't drop him to the ground so Louis could curl into a tiny ball and cry. No they held him against the locker with his arms and pressed hard against them. At one point Louis felt Nick pressing against his wrist too hard, causing his scars to pop open under his hoodie. He felt the blood dripping down but no one seemed to notice at all. The pain was unbearable.
"HEY" shouted someone from the end of the hallway.
Immediately Nick and Aidan dropped Louis to the floor, kicked him one last time against the head and then left with Harry. Louis felt for his glasses, wich were broken again, and tried to catch his breath.
"Shit, I should have know that" blamed Zayn himself as he squat down to Louis.
Zayn and Niall were wondering why it took Louis so long to come back so Zayn decided to go look for him. That's when he saw Nick and Aidan beating him up and Harry watching emotionlessly. Automatically he ran over and stopped it.
"Zayn, it hurts" cried Louis out, holding his wrist.
"Fuck. Okay, we have to get you home" cursed Zayn as he saw all the blood.
Louis didn't protest as Zayn helped him up and supported him so he didn't fall back down. They stumbled back to the library to tell Mrs. Peazer they were going and to inform Niall about what happened.
"Mrs. Peazer, Louis got beat up. I'll take him home" informed Zayn her.
"Oh my poor boy. Of course, I'll take care of the rest. Can you handle it?" addressed Mrs. Peazer Zayn, who nodded at her.
"I'll go tell Niall and make him come after us. Stay here and don't move. Can you keep an eye on him?" was Zayn a little bit stressed out.
He went to look for Niall and told him everything. Niall was furious, what was kinda logical right now. Zayn told him he would take Louis home with his motorcycle and clean him up. Niall would come after them as soon as school was over with all their stuff. Louis needed both of them now.
Then he went back to Louis, thanked Mrs. Peazer and walked with him or more like stumbled with Louis to Zayn's motorcycle outside of the school. He helped Louis sit on it and felt a pair of eyes on him. He looked around and spotted Harry behind a window watching them carefully. Zayn didn't know what to think about that. He never saw that expression on Harry's face before.
Zayn considered really riding the bike with Louis on it or just letting Louis sit on it while pushing the bike to Louis' house because he couldn't walk normally at the moment. In the end he decided to push the bike and steady Louis because it was saver. He shrugged Harry off and started walking. Louis didn't question him. He wasn't really there.
After about fifteen minutes they arrived at Louis' house. Zayn steadied Louis at his waist and entered his house. Maria wasn't home so Zayn placed Louis on the couch. Then he went into the kitchen and searched for a coolpack and some band aids and a washcloth. With that in hand he went back to Louis.
"This might sting a little" warned Zayn.
Louis hissed in pain as Zayn carefully cleaned his bloody wrist with the washcloth. The contact was burning like fire. He handed Louis the coolback to hold it against his head where Nick had kicked him.
Louis heard a clicking sound and the next moment Niall bursted into the house. Before you ask, Niall had a key and Eleanor too. Niall closed the door and sprinted over to Louis and Zayn, dropping all their school stuff on the way.
"Oh My God, are you okay, Louis?" gasped Niall as he saw all the blood. "Did they hurt you that bad?".
Zayn and Louis exchanged a look and Louis knew Zayn wanted to say 'tell him'. He sighed to himself and nodded at Zayn.
"He just pressed on my wrist to hard. They opened again" said Louis as Zayn put a new bandaid on the scars.
"They?" looked Niall wide eyed at him. He knew what that meant.
"I wanted to tell you, but I didn't wanted to disappoint you" hung Louis his head low.
"Oh Louis" sighed Niall and pulled Louis into his arms. "You could never disappoint me. I'm just worried about you".
"I know and I'm really trying but it's so hard. I..." broke Louis' voice.
"Please don't say you're worthless because you're not. You're worth so much and I will help you realise that too" cupped Niall Louis' face with his hands.
"I know it's a hard way and it will be difficult to get better but you're not alone. We will be there with you every step of the way. We have to build up your confidence. And believe me one thing, falling back a few times is not a shame. It's normal and belongs to the progress. You will make it. You're strong" said Zayn with determination in his voice.
"So you...?" trailed Niall off.
"Yes, a while ago. I discovered this here immediately because I know the signs" admitted Zayn.
"Can you help him?" asked Niall hopefull.
"We can. Together. Right, Louis?" patted Zayn Louis' knee.
"Right" agreed Louis hesitantly.
"We have to keep these bastar.... I mean your friends away from him. They just make it worse" corrected Niall himself.
"Nick and Aidan were never my friends. I hate them. Harry is..... was. There has to be a way. Did you ever thought about fighting back?" wondered Zayn.
"You mean more than telling them off?" questioned Niall.
"I mean really fighting back. Not just take it. I know they're in the football team and all, but I see your arms, Tommo. You're stronger than them. You could easily fight them" Zayn had to admit.
"This isn't a solution" mumbled Louis.
"Why though? They're pretty dumb. They think they own you and are scary but they're just pathetic. Getting rid of them once they lost wouldn't be that hard. I can help you" offered Zayn.
"You're serious?" checked Louis unsure.
"Never was so serious in my whole life" clarified Zayn.
"Tommo, I think he's right. They just do that for Harry. When they lost they will stop. They're not mean, just stupid" agreed Niall with Zayn.
"And you would help me?" considered Louis this way of solving the problem.
"Of course. I did some kind of kickboxing to have a different outlet for... you know" told Zayn them.
"And Harry?" checked Louis to make sure.
"We will find a way" smiled Zayn at him encouraginly.
Louis looked at Zayn and then over at Niall. Both seemed to think this was a good idea and would help in some way. Louis wasn't so sure about it. He thought back to all the times Nick and Aidan had beat him up in Harry's name. Back to when it started out of nowhere like Harry's insults. At the beginning he had not just let it happen but never got violent. He wasn't a fan of it. But more and more he accepted it and gave in. The punches and kicks weren't the worst part. The worst part was Harry and his insults all the time. There was no safe place other than his home, where he felt totally alone. The punches had left visible scars and bruises but Harry had crashed his soul. Even without Nick and Aidan breathing down his neck Harry would still be there. Every day. But getting rid of them would be a start. Maybe it would help him get better.
"Well good, teach me then".
I really don't know what to say any more. What do you want to happen in the story?
Question of the Chapter: Will their plan work out?
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