Chapter 44
"Louis, explain yourself. Now" demanded Liam over the video call.
"Gosh, don't be so demanding that early in the morning" groaned Louis tiredly.
"Just tell us what happened yesterday" urged Niall him.
"Any specific part?" asked Louis sassily.
"Don't give me that attitude, young man. Why did you give in to Max' threats?" Liam wanted to know.
"Because I thought if Harry would be happier without me it'd be the best to just leave" shrugged Louis.
"But you were wrong" looked Niall pointedly at him.
"Yes, I was wrong. You're done now?" raised Louis an eyebrow at them.
"Definitely not, Tomlinson. Why would you even think about giving him up? Why do you always step back and push your feelings in the back? Think about yourself for once. You can't just...".
"God, I love him" exploded Louis, making Liam shut up and Niall and Zayn stare at him through the screen. "That's why I did it".
"You left because you love him?" hooked Liam confused.
"I thought if he likes Max and is better off without me and me leaving makes him happy then I go without a second thought" went Louis into more detail.
"You selfless idiot".
"You love him?" blinked Zayn at him.
"I do. Realised that somewhere across the way. No crush anymore. I'm fucked" sighed Louis defeated.
"Not yet" snickered Niall, causing Liam to slap him against the head.
"It's okay. I'm here for you" smiled Zayn softly at him.
"We are here for you. All of us. Not just Zayn" corrected Liam.
"Gosh, you're annoying sometimes" groaned Niall.
"Be nice to my boyfriend" huffed Zayn.
"Guys, give it a break. It's about Louis now" tried Liam to stop them.
"And here comes Harry. I'm off. See you" ended Louis the call as Harry padded into the kitchen sleepily.
"Morning, Sunshine" greeted Louis him.
"Good Morning, Lou. Who did you talk to?" yawned Harry.
"Our idiotic friends" chuckled Louis.
"We should invite them over" yawned Harry again.
"You should first of all wake up and eat some breakfast" laughed Louis amused.
"Food sounds good" agreed Harry cutely.
Still totally sleepy Harry started to make the breakfast because Louis would just poison them in the end. Watching Harry doing so made Louis happy and he just knew they were on a good way now. The bad times were over.
A few days later Louis was pacing up and down in his room, searching through his big closet for an old pair of red pants that he felt the need to wear again today. While he was searching, Zayn was on the phone on speaker, literally making Louis go crazy. Louis had no idea where Harry was but presumably somewhere in the house.
"Are you even listening? Tommo, I'm scared. I haven't slept over since...".
"Are you saying you haven't done it yet?" Louis interrupted him and stopped pacing around for a second. He didn't know it but Harry was leaning in the doorframe, listening to them.
"No, we wanted to wait and be slow," told Zayn him.
"That's amazing" continued Louis searching his pants.
"Maybe but now I'm nervous" confessed Zayn.
"You don't have to be," said Louis calmly.
"Well, you already know what it feels like" pointed Zayn out.
"Who would have thought that I'd be the one doing it first even though you have the boyfriend and not me" tried Louis to crack a joke.
"Don't say that or I'm gonna be sad again" huffed Zayn.
"Because you waited?" hooked Louis carelessly.
"Because you were broken enough to do this" replied Zayn in a serious voice.
"Zayn, I'm good now" assured Louis him.
"So, no more clubbing adventures that end up in the toilet stall?" checked Zayn worriedly.
"Nope, I spent all my time with Harry" popped Louis the 'p'.
"That's good to hear" smiled Zayn hearingly.
"Yeah, it feels good to be back to normal and be friends again" nodded Louis.
"Friends, huh?" smirked Zayn, Louis just knew that.
"Zayn, shut up".
"Didn't say anything" laughed Zayn.
"Sure, now go and enjoy your time with Liam" ordered Louis him playfully.
"I will. Thanks, Tommo" thanked Zayn him.
"What are friends for?!" ended Louis the call and that was the moment he turned around and caught Harry standing there. "Did you listen to our call?".
"Wasn't much listening on my side. It was on speaker" replied Harry unbothered.
"That doesn't matter. You could have made yourself noticeable. This was a private conversation, only meant for me to hear" countered Louis madly.
"A private conversation on speaker, huh?" Harry didn't take him seriously.
"It's my room and my house. Just cough or something" was Louis close to losing it.
"You're being ridiculous. Just don't talk over the speaker when it's private" snorted Harry.
"I can do whatever I want in MY house, Harold. This is about trust. You don't just listen on someone else's conversation" snapped Louis at him.
"You're seriously mad about this now?" asked Harry in disbelief.
"Yes, Harry. I am. Have a problem with that?" huffed Louis angrily.
"I do actually. I don't need this stupid Drama. It was a call. Yaay, Zayn is scared of his first time. What's the big deal? It's just sex. You just did it too without much Drama around it. By the way, why was Zayn sad about you fucking someone? Is he jealous or something?" Harry didn't quite catch the serious mood.
"Did you seriously just ask that? Unbelievable. You're impossible. So ignorant" shook Louis his head, grabbed his phone and walked out of his room.
"Don't walk out on me like this, Tomlinson. You can't just call me ignorant and leave. Don't always leave when it gets rocky. Guess you're good at this by now" ran Harry after him, completely ignoring that Maria was somewhere in the house.
"Excuse me?" he whirled around to Harry.
"Oh come on. Since I know you you always leave or run away when it gets hard. I really don't get why though. Just stay for once and accept that this is stupid" demanded Harry from him.
"You're stupid, Harold. This whole conversation wouldn't happen if you weren't so ignorant and insensitive all the time. Damn it, this was a private call about Zayn's struggles. You could have just left the room again" snapped Louis furiously at him.
"Is this really about Zayn's struggles or about what he said about you? Wasn't I supposed to hear that? Should I not know?" countered Harry now.
"You don't know what you're talking about, like always" shook Louis his head and left the house.
"Oh, I do know that. What are those toilet adventures that make Zayn so sad? Is that why you have that word slut sprayed on your wall now? Did you become a slut while I chose Max and a faithful life?" followed Harry him outside onto the street.
"Shut the fuck up, Harry. That's none of your business" shouted Louis at him.
"So, you're slutting around now, huh? Wow, maybe Max was right in his text and I shouldn't ...".
"He texted you? I thought you wanted to kick him out of your life? I thought you're better than this. Guess I was wrong. And you really dare to judge me when you're the one that fucked around for years? That's so hypocritical of you, Harry. You really want me to trust you again? After this? No way. I'm tired of giving you chances just for you to break my trust in you again. Or my hopes. I'm not here to make you change. You should want that for yourself and not because of me. I don't wanna change you. I wanna help you be better and have faith in you. You're smarter than you think but you fuck up your own life and...".
Suddenly Harry sprinted over to him and pushed him aside so that he fell down onto the side of the street he was standing on. As fast as it happened Louis could not react and register what was happening. All he heard were squeaking tires and a loud crash. Next thing he knew he heard people talking loudly and Maria being somewhere in between, calling someone on her phone but it all went unnoticed for Louis as soon as he saw him lying there. In front of a black car, Harry was lying on the street with a bleeding head and his eyes closed. With all his willpower Louis crawled over to Harry and broke down. He started sobbing so much that he was hiccuping and gasping for air. The sirens of the ambulance were heard in the background but all Louis could hear was Harry's slowly beating heart. This was all his fault. Just because he was angrily rambling at Harry he had to push him away to save him from that car. It should be him and not Harry.
The way to the hospital was short and very quick but for Louis, it felt like forever. He wasn't allowed in the room with Harry so he waited outside. For hours. Harry's Mom Anne accompanied him at some point and both cried together. Louis felt so bad to be the reason that Harry was in the hospital now.
After an eternity Anne and Louis were allowed to go into Harry's room. He was in a coma now and the doctor wasn't sure about his condition. As soon as Harry would wake up he'll make some more test to check his brain for any damage.
But he didn't wake up for another two hours. Louis felt himself falling asleep while having his head on Harry's bed. Sleep came over him for a while until someone shook him awake. He blinked and looked up at Anne, who had a frown on her face.
"What's wrong?" asked Louis alarmed.
"This is all your fault" glared Anne at him.
"What? Anne, I...".
"Mom, who is that?" sounded Harry's voice unsurely.
Shocked Louis' head snapped up and he stared at Harry who looked confusedly at him. That big fat fear crept into Louis' veins and he just hoped this wasn't true but turned out it was.
"I'm Louis" croaked Louis out.
"I don't know a Louis. Where am I? Where's Jake?".
It was like Louis' whole world was crumbling down on him. Anne kept shouting at him while Harry asked more and more questions but Louis blocked them all out. In a daze he walked out of the room and just sank down to the floor, leaning against the wall. Harry couldn't remember him. He forgot about him.
Everything that happened afterwards went by unnoticed by Louis. Days went by, probably weeks but he didn't care. Harry was gone for a while until he was allowed to go back to his normal life. After he had accepted that years had passed by, Jake was gone and he had new friends he couldn't remember. Nothing triggered any memory. No school, no teacher, no picture. Nothing. That's when Zayn had the idea to drive to that specific park. When they arrived and walked over to the playground Louis felt sick. Harry's face showed no sign of recognition. Everything that had happened between them was gone forever.
"I can't remember anything. Not you or anything that you told me. Why are we here? What happened here? Nevermind, don't tell me. It just makes me more confused" said Harry absently and wanted to leave.
"No, don't leave me!" called Louis after him, making Harry freeze. "I mean us. Don't leave us".
"Yes, we can start anew, right? Let's spend the weekend together. Yours?" suggested Zayn to rescue Louis.
"Why not. You seem pretty okay. Most of you" shrugged Harry.
The drive to the Lake House was kinda tense. The boys realised that Harry also didn't remember anything that had happened there but Louis did. Every detail and it hurt like hell. When Louis stepped out of the car and looked at the Lake House he felt the need to cry but someone else was first.
"Harry, what's wrong?" asked Zayn worriedly.
"I know this house" whispered Harry shocked.
"Really?" listened Zayn.
"Yes, can we go inside?" gulped Harry.
Hesitantly and very carefully they walked inside and gave Harry time to take a look around. Louis sat down at the fireplace and memories rushed through his brain. Tears were already prickling in his eyes but he fought against them. Suddenly he heard Harry gasp and looked up at him. It was only the two of them left in the room.
"What's wrong, Haz?" jumped Louis up and walked over to him.
"I..- I remember. That's where we talked that night. Where we made that promise. Oh, Lou. I can remember you" hugged Harry him emotionally, causing Louis to let his tears fall.
"Don't cry, Love. This is a happy moment" wiped Harry his tears away.
"I know. I'm just so relieved you remember us... I mean me" hiccuped Louis.
"I do remember us, Lou. And I'm sorry I was so blind" cupped Harry his face with his big hands.
"What do you mean?" sniffed Louis.
"I remember that I noticed my feelings for you back then and when we kissed I was the happiest person in the whole world. I'm sorry I fucked up and hurt you but, Louis, I love you" confessed Harry to him.
"I love you too" leaned Louis closer to him and closed his eyes but nothing happened.
"Lou, wake up" shook someone his shoulder.
Tiredly and utterly confused Louis lifted his head from the hospital bed and blinked into the bright light. He rubbed his eyes and noticed someone was looking at him. He needed a second to realise it was Harry. Harry was awake and he knew who he was. It was just a horrible nightmare.
"Harry" exclaimed Louis and fell into his arms. "God, you're awake".
"Sh, it's okay. I'm good. Why are you shaking so badly, Lou?" stroked Harry over his back.
"I'm just so happy you're awake. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault" sobbed Louis into his chest.
"It's not your fault. Now it was my time to finally save you in return. If then it was my fault you were even standing on that street. I pissed you off with my ignorance and that for a reason. I have to be sorry for breaking your trust again" said Harry sadly.
"I trust you with my life, Haz. You just saved it" caressed Louis Harry's cheek with his thumb.
"You still look so shaken. What did you dream about? You were mumbling things in your sleep" frowned Harry worriedly.
"Just a nightmare of my Mom. I hate hospitals" mumbled Louis and it wasn't completely untrue.
"And still you're here with me in a hospital for the second time. I really need to appreciate you more" realised Harry.
"Don't say that. This is not true" pouted Louis at him.
"Okay but just because you look like a cute little kitten when you pout" grinned Harry at him.
"I'm not a kitten" pouted Louis even more.
"Yes, you are" tapped Harry Louis' nose.
"Fine" grumbled Louis.
"Everyone else would be dead by now. You're special, Harry" snickered Zayn, who was standing by the door, startling both of them.
"Naw, Zayn. Now you scared them and ruined the moment" slapped Niall him.
"Sorry" grinned Zayn unashamed.
"What are you doing here boys?" asked Harry with a cough, making Louis drop his hand.
"Checking on you. Man, your lives are dramatic" sat Niall down next to him.
"We're okay" assured Harry them, taking Louis' hand.
"Man, you always do crazy things".
... You didn't really think I'd do that, right? I'm not THAT evil ;)
Question of the Chapter: Why did he have that dream?
Please vote and comment on what you think. Love you<3 <3 <3
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