Chapter 42
"Is that his kind of 'being faithful'?" raised Louis an eyebrow at Liam and made quotation marks with his fingers while he tried to ignore Harry's existence.
"I guess he's just too used to not being faithful and can't shake it off that easily" mused Liam out loud, watching Harry being flirty with some girl on the dancefloor.
"I wonder if Max would like this" snorted Louis, rolling his eyes.
"What is this really about, Louis?" faced Liam him with that knowing look on his face.
"Nothing" claimed Louis unconvincingly.
"Listen, I know it might seem to you that I'm always siding with Harry because I've known him for so long, but that's not true. I'm your friend too and I have your back. Always" said Liam intensively.
"I know. I just don't really feel like talking about him even more. I just wanna forget" admitted Louis.
"Maybe forgetting isn't the right way" noted Liam.
"But what am I supposed to do then, Liam? He fucking dropped me after we kissed and fucked that stupid bitch like it meant nothing. He played me and used me and broke my heart without caring at all. Why should I wanna remember that? I want to forget him and get over this silly crush" lost Louis it now.
"I hate what he did to you, Louis. I don't understand him. I really thought there was something between you two and I stupidly believed Harry had realised that but seems like I was wrong. I know you wanna get over him and you should but forcing yourself to forget everything won't work. Try to draw a line and simply step over it and leave it behind. Not forgetting but forgiving and moving on" advised Liam him a bit helpless.
"Sounds logical. Don't know if my mind works logical anymore but I can try. Forgiving is gonna be hard though. He knew I was already broken and he just made it worse. I don't wanna lose him completely so I need to destroy those feelings. I have to" looked Louis desperately at Liam.
"I'm gonna help you find a way. A better way" referred Liam to his repression method.
"Thanks, Li" smiled Louis at him.
"Aww, are you having a moment?" cooed Niall at them as he came back out of the kitchen with Zayn.
"Yes, and you've ruined it" pouted Louis cutely.
"Sorry, but his BOYFRIEND really wanted him back" cackled Niall and handed Louis a beer.
"I'm the boyfriend" pointed Zayn at himself.
"How drunk are you already?" cocked Liam an eyebrow at the boys.
"Not drunk. Only had one beer. We're just happy" giggled Niall.
Louis and Liam shared an amused look. "Oh really?" grinned Louis.
"Yes, and now dance with me, boyfriend" dragged Zayn Liam onto the dancefloor.
"They are adorable, don't you think?" looked Louis lovingly at them with a bit of longing.
"They are and you're gonna have this too one day" knew Niall exactly what Louis was thinking.
"Get out of my head, Horan" pushed Louis him slightly aside.
"Nah, it's the only way to know how you're really feeling" shook Niall his head.
"I'm sorry for blocking you out and keeping to myself. I just really wanted to spare you any more drama" apologised Louis.
"You're a Drama Student. That's impossible" joked Niall, meaning everything was okay between them.
"Remember the time when we avoided parties like this?" changed Louis the subject.
"Yeah, and we avoided those idiots over there too and the cafeteria in school and clubs and trouble but now here we are on a party at the Grimshaw's house with two former bullies, that are just some weird idiots, partying through the night with alcohol. Things changed a lot for us" summed Niall up the past few months differences.
"Don't know if it's always a good thing but I'm happy we had that group project. Zayn and Liam are great" pointed Louis out.
"And annoyingly cute" added Niall with a laugh.
"Are you talking about us, Babe?" threw Eleanor one arm around each of their shoulders from behind, startling them.
"Always, Honey" grinned Niall dopey.
"Never scare me like this again" glared Louis playfully at her.
"Weren't you the tough one? What happened to you, you wimp?" slapped Eleanor Louis' head.
"I got used to you" slapped Louis her back.
"Shouldn't you be used to my attacks then?" challenged Eleanor him.
"I hate you" grumbled Louis.
"Love you too" kissed Eleanor his cheek.
"Ey!" protested Niall.
"Don't be jealous, Babe. You're my number one" kissed Eleanor him sweetly.
"Can you be couply somewhere else? It's ruining my mood" said Louis sassily.
"You're such a grumpy grandpa" snorted Eleanor.
"Am Not" crossed Louis his arms over his chest.
"Yes, you are" patted Eleanor his shoulder.
"Tommo, Nialler, Calder. So nice to see you" approached Nick them tipsily.
"Nicholas" nodded Louis at him.
"Where are... Oh, there you are! Payno, Zen, Styles. Come over here" spotted Nick the rest of the gang.
"What do you want, Grimshit?" groaned Zayn.
"Always so nice to me, Malik. You enjoying the party so far?" Nick wanted to know.
"It's pretty nice. Yeah, proper nice" licked Harry his lips.
"Oh yeah, and what does your boyfriend says about that?" Louis couldn't hold himself back.
"He trusts me, obviously" threw Harry him a dirty look.
"Oh well, his fault then" shrugged Louis indifferent.
"Okay" clapped Nick into his hands. "Wanna come upstairs? They're playing Truth or Dare and Never Have I ever".
"Why not" stood Louis up. "Zayn?".
"Always with you, Tommo" winked Zayn at him.
"I'm guessing you're in, Styles. What about you two?" addressed Nick now Niall and Liam.
"You know I would but I got that big game with... sports yeah" coughed Liam weirdly.
"Yeah, and I would too but I got, you know, the big science fair with... I don't know" winced Niall.
"Why did you two switch characters?" asked Louis perplexed.
"You're about to play freaking Truth or Dare drunk at a house party with way too many people. We would do anything to get out of here" said Liam like they were idiots.
"Exactly. Are you freaking kidding me? Should I remind you what happened last time?" agreed Niall with him.
"That was fun" smirked Zayn at Louis, who just wiggled his eyebrows at him.
"Boyfriend" coughed Liam loudly.
"Let's have some more fun".
They found themselves a few minutes later in a circle around a bottle with Nick and Aidan, Perrie and Jade, Michael, Ashton, Luke and Callum, Eleanor and Ellie. A bit further apart from them was another circle of people playing simply spin the bottle to snog random people. When Louis spotted Ellie his eyes widened and a big smile spread across his face.
"Ellie Baby, come over" patted Louis his lap and Ellie happily sat down on it.
"Aww, look at Donny and Sally being all cute and loved up" cooed Jade at them.
"That just isn't very in character, guys. Be more rebellious" remarked Callum.
"Fuck off" flipped Ellie and Louis him both off.
"Haha, that's what you get" laughed Zayn at him.
"Louis' influence I swear" shook Callum his head. "Back to the Game".
"Perrie, I dare you to call your Dad and tell him you're pregnant" grinned Ashton evilly at her.
"What is it with boys and daring girls to pretend to be pregnant? You do know I have a girlfriend and it's impossible and my Dad knows that?" replied Perrie sassily.
"Just do it, Edwards".
"Be nice to my wife" glared Jade at him.
"Uhhh" made Aidan amused.
"Hi, Dad" started Perrie the call. "No, I'm not in the hospital. Yes, I'm okay... mostly. No, it's just... I think I'm pregnant. It just happened. I'm sorry. What? No, I... yeah see you later at home" ended Perrie the call. "Told you he wouldn't buy it".
"Damn, your Dad trusts you" was Ashton impressed.
"I know why yours doesn't trust you" snorted Perrie and spun the bottle. It landed on Nick. "Truth or Dare, Nicholas?".
"Dare" called Nick out.
"I dare you to make out with the hottest person in this circle" dared Perrie him.
"Easy" stood Nick up, looked at everyone with a smirk and then plopped down on Louis' lap, taking him by surprise. "Hey there, handsome".
"Wow, I feel flattered" pretended Louis to be touched.
"Shut up and kiss me".
"Come and get it" growled Louis hotly at him.
The next second Nick was attacking his lips and Louis immediately kissed back. They were hotly making out and Louis blocked out everyone else. He would have never thought this could ever happen but life changes. From bullying him to making out with him. Nick really changed his ways with Louis.
"Damn, that was hot and definitely didn't leave you unaffected" cackled Aidan.
"Well, what should I say? I'm only human" Nick didn't even try to hide his boner.
"Or I'm just good" slapped Louis Nick's ass as he stood up.
"Oh, you can say that".
"Sounds like Nick wants round two" wolf-whistled Callum.
"Not with you guys around" smirked Nick.
"Sorry to disappoint you but that's not Louis' style" threw Harry in with his arms crossed.
"That looked different" stared Nick him down.
"Yes, Styles. Haven't you watched us? You really think I didn't like it?" challenged Louis him.
"You're not like this" was Harry sure of it.
"People change," said Louis dryly. "Nick, spin the bottle or I'm gonna switch over to their circle".
"Yes, Sir" saluted Nick and spun the bottle which landed on Michael.
"Dare" shouted Michael before Nick could even ask.
"Play Seven Minutes in Heaven with my brother" snickered Nick.
"You're gonna regret this" glared Michael at him but stood up nonetheless with Aidan and walked into the closet.
"We forgot to make him spin the bottle first" realised Jade.
"Then we have to talk" suggested Eleanor.
"Yeah, drunk talking is wonderful" snorted Nick.
"Break is near again" spoke Liam up to throw in a topic that was harmless.
"We have so many short breaks. Why not have a longer one instead?" questioned Perrie.
"A good question".
"I can't believe the Drama Play is so close now" threw Ellie in.
"Me neither and we haven't even practised that kiss yet" laughed Louis drunkenly.
"What? Why not? It's a great excuse to randomly kiss" gasped Nick.
"Maybe but her girlfriend would probably kill me" slurred Louis out. "Whoops".
"It's okay, Tommo. And you're right. She would kill you" winked Ellie at him.
"Didn't know you had a girlfriend" frowned Zayn.
"You never asked" countered Ellie.
"Good point".
"But how can you go on stage without rehearsing that? Isn't that kinda risky?" Niall wanted to know.
"Nah, it's gonna come naturally" replied Louis.
"Oh yeah sure" snorted Harry sarcastically.
"You have a problem, Harold?" asked Louis harshly.
"Yes, Harold, what's wrong?" jumped Nick on that opportunity.
"Nothing" huffed Harry.
"So you don't think it's gonna come naturally to such a great kisser like Louis? I think it's gonna be mind-blowing" stated Nick.
"You kissed him once. Don't get ahead of yourself" rolled Harry his eyes.
"Naww, you're mad it wasn't you?" mocked Nick him.
"You wish" spat Harry.
"If I didn't know better I'd say you're jealous" looked Louis smugly at him.
"I have a boyfriend if you remember" glared Harry at him.
"Oh, you mean the boyfriend that isn't here?" shot Louis back.
"He has his own life, you genius. But right now I think you might be jealous" Harry didn't back down.
"Jealous of what? You're pathetic try of being a faithful boyfriend? As if" snorted Louis sarcastically.
"You're jealous because he's where you wanted to be since we kissed and you missed your chance to fuck me. You wanna be him because he has me" threw Harry into his face arrogantly.
"Are you fucking serious? You're laughable. I don't need your worn-out asshole, you jerk. Not everybody wants you. Unlike Max, I have some dignity and don't date sluts" countered Louis coldly, making Harry shut up and pale.
"Damn, that was honest" commented Nick on the argument.
"What happened to nice Louis?" asked Aidan, who just came back out of the closet.
"He's gone. What did my Queen of Mean say again? Being nice was my past time cause I've been hurt for the last time. Guess she was right. That's me now" answered Louis unbothered, but looked at a shocked Harry.
"So, you're a Queen, huh?" grinned Niall.
"No way. I'm a King" slapped Louis his own chest jokingly.
"Let's throw in a Never Have I Ever Question to wake everyone up" suggested Luke.
"Great idea. Michael, ask something" urged Aidan him.
He thought for a second before he asked with a big smirk on his face. "Never Have I Ever fucked someone? And before you ask, getting fucked counts too".
"I don't get fucked, sorry to disappoint" took Louis a sip from his drink.
"Me neither, Tommo" clinked Ashton his drink against Louis'.
"Wait a second. Why are you drinking at this?" asked Harry confused and stared at Louis.
"What do you think, Smart Ass?" snorted Louis.
"Yes, Harold. The question was pretty clear" laughed Aidan.
"Yes, I mean No, that's not what I... I thought you haven't... you didn't..." stumbled Harry over his words.
"What did I say before? People change. Maybe I should have taken a bigger sip" took Louis another sip from his drink.
"Yes, Tommo. Get it" cheered Zayn drunkenly.
"A bigger one.... changed... what are you... what is this about, Louis?" was Harry utterly lost.
"You're not the only who has fun. You were just too busy snogging Max to notice that. I had a lot of fun" replied Louis indifferent.
"Oh yeah, he had a lot of fun" giggled Zayn, earning a kick from Louis.
"So, you're fucking around now? When did that happen? Weren't you always against it?" wondered Harry.
"People change people, Harold. You said it's all about the needs and pleasure anyway and you were right. Be happy about it" got Louis frustrated now.
"But you wanted to wait. You wanted to...".
"Waiting for what exactly? Missing out because of a myth that is called Love? No thank you. You knew it all along and opened my eyes. You were right all along, Harold" had Louis enough of it.
"I can be wrong sometimes" mumbled Harry.
"Not this time, young Harold. And now excuse me, I want some different kind of fun right now. I'd say Nick come with me because you're already in the mood but I have to see your face again so nope. You don't have some hot friends that like to be dominated?" stood Louis up, feeling the alcohol in his veins and his brain.
"Actually I have. Everybody bottoms for you. Even I would. Let's go" jumped Nick up and went with Louis towards the door.
On his way he walked past Harry and leaned down to his ear, his drunk mind fucking up his actions. "And maybe you were right twice today. I wanna be in his place just to show you what you're missing because I could fuck you so much better".
Suddenly Zayn jumped up, grabbed Louis' arm and leaned closer to his ear before he could reach the door and process what just happened. "You really want this? What about stopping?".
"Tonight I need this one last time after that ... talk" whispered Louis back.
"Okay, fine. Be safe and take care" said Zayn in a normal voice now.
"I will" assured Louis him, also nodding at Liam and Niall for assurance.
"Louis, w...".
Harry was completely ignored and Louis left the room with Nick to drunkenly find his friends. He wasn't sure if he would really go for it in the end because he really wanted to stop this habit right now but everything involving Harry was too much for him tonight and he wanted to forget again before officially starting the forgiving process.
That was planned different but we're close to something but not it yet.
Lilo, Nouis and Eleanor and an argument... thoughts?
Question of the Chapter: Is Liam right? Is forgiving the next step and is it possible?
Please vote and comment on what you think, my babies <3 <3 <3
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