Chapter 4*
"So you're telling me you're friends now?" checked Niall suprised as Louis told him about yesterday.
"I'm not sure but we had a good time" answered Louis unsurely.
"I hope he means good".
"I'm sure he does, Nialler. Give him a chance" threw Eleanor in.
"Not until he bought me food" said Niall stubbornly.
"That can be done" walked Zayn over to them.
"Hey Tommo" greeted Zayn Louis with a fist bump and sat down in the seat behind him instead of in the back.
"Hey Z, where's Liam?" wondered Louis.
"Waiting for Harry, but most likely in vain" answered Zayn.
"Likeable" snorted Niall.
"Not really" shrugged Zayn indifferent.
"Zayn, where have you been? Harry will loose his shit" came Liam into the classroom.
"And this matters why exactly?" asked Zayn monoton.
"Zayn, wha...".
"Li, you know better than anyone else that I'm not his biggest fan. I just can't stand it any more. I can't keep watching him bully people and not do aynthing. That's over. I will stay your friend if you still want that but Harry can kiss my ass" cut Zayn him off to state his point.
"I thought you don't want me to get near your ass" appeared Harry in the room.
"Wow, you're early. What happened? Did Taylor run away?" mocked Louis him.
"Uh burned" gave Niall him a High Five.
"Her sucking got faster, but thanks for asking" winked Harry at them. Niall and Louis made gagging noises.
"Zayn, you're coming?" asked Harry as he went over to his seat.
"I'm staying with Tommo" said Zayn without looking at him.
"Tommo?" was Harry confused but in that moment the teacher came in.
"Styles on time. I'm impressed. What gives me the honour?" addressed the teacher Harry.
"You know, just walked a little faster" answered Harry smugly.
"Pfft. Oh nothing. Just his bitch learned to suck faster" snickered Louis under his breath, making Niall, Eleanor and Zayn laugh. Harry glared at his back.
"What did you say?" asked the teacher Louis.
"We just wondered if we could start faster" answered Zayn for him, making the giggles worse.
"Well then, let's start" said the teacher oblivious to the joke and started his thing.
"We can keep him" whispered Niall to Louis so that Zayn and Eleanor heard only.
During Chemistry and English Louis focused only on the lesson. He wrote everything down and answered a lot of the teacher's questions, of course not without nasty comments from Harry from the back. Louis ignored it as good as possible and counted down the minutes until the break.
"Let's get out of here, Z" said Louis quietly to Zayn when the lesson was over. He hated Wednesdays.
"Gladly, Tommo" Zayn speeded up out of the room with Eleanor and Niall.
"Zayn, wait. What's gotten into you?" held Harry him back in the middle of the hallway.
"Some common sense and bravery. Something you're not familiar with. Let's go, Tommo" growled Zayn at Harry and wanted to go.
"Tommo huh? You already have nicknames for each other. How cute. Did you suck yourself into Zayn's life, fag? I knew you were a dirty slut right from the start" turned Harry to Louis.
"Are you talking about yourself, love? Who did you screw yesterday again? What was her name? Oh right, Taylor" shot Louis back.
"Obvioulsy Zayn didn't choke you enough. You can still talk with that annoying voice of yours" spat Harry disgusted.
"Shut the fuck up. Not everyone is as horny as you, Harry" glared Zayn at him.
"So no sucking dicks? How boring, but what else did I expect from that nerd? Such an innocent baby. You probably never saw another dick or even touched yourself. I bet you're a bloody virgin, am I right?" mocked Harry Louis.
"And this would be bad why?" groaned Zayn pissed.
"Just because I don't fuck around I'm a virgin now? You should really get your brain tested. That's sick" grew Louis louder now.
"This just proofs that I'm right. You're a bloody virgin. No one ever fucked you. Well, I'm not suprised. Let's assume you're really a gay nerd and I would be freaking horny, I would never be desperate enough to fuck you in the ass. You're just too unlovable and pretty ugly. Why would I let my dick get anywhere near your ass. Even though it's big enough and screams bottom bitch" came Harry closer torwards Louis with a breathy voice.
Louis smirked evilly and leaned closer to Harry's ear but didn't whisper at all. "Well maybe my dick will get near your ass than, Princess. Blunt of you to assume I would bottom for you. You would scream my name, bottom princess". And with that Louis walked away.
"As if I would want you and your tiny dick, you bloody virgin" screamed Harry after him desperately.
Louis just kept walking without looking back and flipped Harry off.
"Watch the Tommo. He just burned you. Damn, he's good" cheered Zayn proudly.
"On who's side are you?" glared Harry at him.
"Tommo's. Not even a Question. What you just did was the lowest level" clarified Zayn.
"I have to agree with that, Harry. Insulting someone for maybe being a virgin in front of everyone wasn't the smartest thing to do. It's nothing bad about being a virgin with seventeen" agreed Liam hesitantly.
"Eighteen, but that's beside the point. This will bite you in the ass pretty hard and you deserve it" corrected Zayn.
"You're both wrong. Now only more people will see how worthless he is. He will get it bad now" Harry didn't saw his mistake.
"He is not worthless. Nobody is. I'm done here" shook Zayn his head and left too, following Louis' path to the bathroom.
"Oh and before I forget. Me too, bitch" said Zayn before he entered the school's bathroom. Harry had no clue what he meant.
Meanwhile as soon as the door closed behind him and he was sure no one was in here too, Louis broke down on the bathroom floor. He stumbled in one of the stalls with teary eyes and sunk down against the well. He ripped off his band aid and scratched over his scars with his nails.
It was so hard to keep it in in front of Harry but now he let everything stream out. Louis hated Harry for being right again but mostly he hated himself for being so pathetic. It was true. Yes, Louis was a bloody virgin. Hell, he never even kissed anyone and that with fucking eighteen. Harry was damn right. Louis was unlovable and a joke. No one would ever touch him or kiss him or even be near him more than necessary and Louis knew that.
He heard the door to the school's bathroom open and tried to fastly close the door to his stall but Zayn already saw him sitting on the floor and rushed over to him.
"Louis, what's wrong? What.... Oh Louis" asked Zayn worriedly but stopped when he saw Louis' bloody wrist.
"Oh, that's nothing. Just umm..." tried Louis to cover it up but he was at a loss for words, choking on his tears.
"You don't have to hide it from me, Louis. I kinda figured it yesterday" revealed Zayn to him.
Louis stared at him in shock. "But how?" he hiccuped.
"I know the signs because I did it myself a while ago. I'm good now but I saw that immediately. It's obvious to me" confessed Zayn honestly and kneeled down next to Louis.
"You can't tell anyone, please Zayn" pleaded Louis scared.
"I won't, I promise. This wouldn't change a thing. But you can't keep doing that, Louis" voiced Zayn concern.
"But I deserve it, Zayn. I deserve the pain and the reminder of my failure. I'm useless and worthless" sobbed Louis.
"Louis, look at me. You are not worthless. You don't deserve any of it. You're a good person with a heart of gold. You are amazing. Everbody who says different isn't worth your time, okay?" looked Zayn him deeply into the eyes.
"But Harry was right. I am a bloody virgin. I never even kissed anyone. No one could ever love me" let Louis the tears stream down his face.
"Don't listen to Harry. A lot of people love you. Your father loves you, your sisters love you. Niall and Eleanor love you. I love you now. You're important to us. And someday there will be the perfect person who sees how special you are. To wait until then is not a shame, you hear me?" made Zayn crystal clear. Louis nodded timidly.
"Where are Niall and Eleanor by the way?" asked Louis through his tears.
"They went to get your things from your locker like they knew you would spend the rest of the break in here" told Zayn him. Louis looked down at this.
"So this isn't the first time? Do they know about this?" Zayn realised.
"Kind of. They knew I started before my Mom's death but they think I stopped over six months ago. I don't want to see the disappointment in their eyes when they find out" confessed Louis.
"But they need to know. They need to be there for you instead of leaving you here alone" contradicted Zayn.
"This was my idea" he defended his friends.
"What do you mean?" was Zayn confused.
"Everybody would know something is wrong when they would follow me here directly and I can't let Harry find out how broken I am. It's bad enough already. So Niall and Eleanor keep the image up that everything is fine even if they would prefer being there for me right now. Later they would if I let them" explained Louis what he meant.
"I'm here now. C'mon, up" stood Zayn up and waited for Louis to follow his move.
Pained Louis tried to stand up but failed due to the open cuts on his arm. Zayn helped him up and moved them over to the sink. Carefully he cleaned Louis' cuts and put a new band aid over them. Then he ruffled Louis' hair to get a little smile from him.
"Now we'll go out there and nobody will know, deal?" offered Zayn Louis a hand. Hesitantly Louis took it and nodded.
"Oh and just so you know. I'm a virgin too".
During the whole Biology lesson Louis felt Harry burn holes in the back of his head with his eyes. He knew that meant something bad but he shrugged it off. Instead he focused on Zayn. He had really suprised Louis. It felt like he knew him for ages already but it was just two days. Not even complete days. And in that short time Zayn found out so much about him. Like literally everything there was to know and for some reason Louis had no problem with it.
On their way to the cafeteria a lot of people looked at Louis with impressed expressions on their faces. He had no clue what this was all about. At some point someone walked past him and just said " Me too". That happened a few more times. Louis was hella confused, but Zayn seemed to be pretty impressed by it for whatever reason.
"What's that all about, Zayn?" asked Louis in a whisper as they sat down at their table near the wall.
"They're siding with you, Tommo" answered Zayn as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"And in normal english please?" looked Louis weirdly at him.
"Louis, the whole school is talking about what happened between Harry and you earlier and the most people, those with common sense, are on your side and show that since then" said Eleanor excitedly as she sat down.
"Did you mean that?" asked Louis Zayn, who just nodded smugly.
"But why are they doing that?" was Louis still a little bit confused.
"They loved your comeback at Harry and how you stood up to him. They also like how Zayn fought for you and even Liam disagreed with Harry. The Me Too idea developed after Zayn said that to Harry. Karma is coming back at him now" explained Eleanor to him, totally excited.
"You did that?" was Louis overwhelmed by Zayn's actions.
"I told you you're never getting rid of me again" grinned Zayn at him.
"Seems like your friends noticed that too" pointed Niall with his head over to Harry and his crew, who glared at them. Only Liam looked like a sad lost puppy.
"I feel bad for leaving Liam like that" sighed Zayn sadly.
"It's him, right?". Louis knew it was Liam Zayn had talked about when he mentioned his crush, he just haven't told him yet.
Zayn nodded and glanced over to where Liam was sitting next to some girl. "He looks so lost".
"You shouldn't abandon him like that. Them in general. You can be our friend and still over there. It's okay" offered Louis to him.
"But I don't want to. Yes, I miss Liam but I will keep in touch with him. I don't care about the rest. Nick and Aidan are just some idiots who do everything to please Harry because he's so popular even if they would normally never do that. And I can't figure out Harry. Sometimes he really seems to be a nice guy but most of the time he acts like a total dickhead. He told me I was boring and would loose my popularity if people found find out after I rejected him just because I don't fuck anyone. Too bad I never wanted to be popular in the first place" declinded Zayn the offer.
"Wow, I never heard you talk that much" marvelled Niall.
"Around them I had nothing to say and nobody to listen. Now it's different" shrugged Zayn but you could see the hurt in his eyes.
"Now you have us, right guys?" turned Louis to Eleanor and Niall.
"How was that? You never get rid of us again" grinned Eleanor cheekily.
"I like her" chuckled Zayn.
"Stay in line. I was here first" joked Niall.
"No need to worry. I play for the other team" winked Zayn at them.
"Well, looks like I do too" admitted Louis sheepishly.
"What?" exclaimed Niall way too loud, causing many people to look at them, including Harry. "You're gay?".
"Niall, shut up" hissed Louis at him.
"Finally you admitted it to yourself" was Eleanor overly happy.
"Wait, you knew?" asked Louis suprised.
"You serious?".
"I mean, I kinda guessed that too, but I never thought you would say it so randomly by the way like it were nothing" tried Niall to calm down.
"It's not a big deal" shrugged Louis.
"Depends on the dick that made you realise" deadpanned Niall.
"Niall" exclaimed Louis and hit his best friend against the head.
The four of them couldn't stop laughing after that. It was refreshing to be that light hearted for a while. But nothing lasts forever.
"So, you're really a fag, huh?" appeared Harry next to their table with Liam.
"Pollute the air elsewhere, Styles" grimaced Louis.
"I'm not polluting the air with my gayness. That's you, fag" shot Harry back.
"First of all, stop using that word. Second, we were talking about me. Did you already forgot that I'm gay too and how you wanted me to fuck you senseless but I dropped your ass? Use your head before you speak, Harry. You're not a bad person yet. Stop it before you are. And don't forget that you're insulting yourself by using that word" faced Zayn Harry totally pissed.
"Preach Zayn" said Eleanor impressed.
"I was talking to that ugly fag next to you. I don't talk with traitors" glared Harry at im.
"Harry, c'mon. You don't mean that. Please" begged Liam desperately.
"Leave it, Liam. He will never understand how good it feels to do the right thing and have real friends" looked Zayn sadly at his crush.
"Real friends? Those losers are your friends now? Well, how low you can sink in less then two days. Don't come back begging me to take you back when you realise how useless they are" snorted Harry arrogantly.
"Guys, stop it, please" pleaded Liam.
"Liam is right. Stop it. Zayn, don't ruin everything because of me, of us. It's not worth it" stood Louis up and wanted to leave.
"For once I agree with that fat bastard".
"Harry, I swear" growled Zayn at him. His gaze fell on Louis and how he was scratching over his covered arm and immediately he softened.
"Louis, I will not stop talking with you because of him. You're definitely worth it. It's the right thing to do" faced Zayn Louis now, who tried hard to keep his walls up.
"Eww, now I want to puke. Be happy with that fatass. Just make this stupid Me Too Thing stop. It's pathetic" choked Harry.
"You mean like you?" appeared a very pretty girl next to them and faced Harry bravely.
I should really stop that and focus back on my other story but I have that one scene in my head. The one that literally started this story for me but it will take a while until we get there and it's not a nice scene. But I want to write it before I forget it..... Struggles of a writer :DDDD
Question of the Chapter: What do you think about Zayn?
I really love you guys a lot <3
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