Chapter 29
"No Niall! God, stay away or you're gonna burn the kitchen down" swatted Liam Niall's hands away as he was trying to help to prepare the breakfast.
"But you're doing it wrong" insisted Niall like a child.
"Where's Maria when you need her?!" sighed Zayn dramatically.
"Dying at Uni" grinned Louis, still a bit tired but definitely amused.
"She should come over now," said Niall while Liam was still trying to keep him away from the food.
"So she can die here? Yeah sure" snorted Louis and sat down on the counter.
"I'm not that bad" huffed Niall offended.
"No, you're worse" laughed Zayn and Louis joined in.
"Can someone take my side?" pouted Niall.
"You mean Liam, whose food you're ruining?" smirked Louis at him.
"No, more like your boyf...".
"Haha, how about you take your food now, huh Nialler? Liam needs a break. He's almost dying in here" cut Louis him off awkwardly. Niall got the hint and kept his mouth shut.
"Haven't talked about it yet?" leaned Zayn closer to Louis.
"No, didn't have much time for it" whispered Louis back. That was very true. After their friends had caught up to them in the park, all of them headed back to Louis' and just crashed down there. After watching a movie they all fell asleep. There was no time to talk about anything and now Louis wasn't sure about what to do. They kissed so it had to mean something, right?
"Morning" came Harry finally into the kitchen to them, letting out a yawn.
"Morning" Liam, Zayn and Niall greeted him back.
"Morning, Haz," said Louis quietly, but it went unnoticed apparently.
"What's for breakfast?" checked Harry, leaning over Liam's shoulder.
"Scrambled eggs and bacon if Niall stops stealing it out of the pan" answered Liam, giving Niall the death glare. "Just sit down already".
"Okay, sounds good," said Harry and went with Niall over to the table, not even looking at Louis once.
Louis, who was still sitting on the counter, let out a sad sigh and started playing with his fingers. Zayn and Liam noticed the mood change and both turned to face their friend, but Louis didn't look up.
"He probably just doesn't know how to act around you this morning. That's all" broke Liam the silence.
"Yeah. I mean you kissed but haven't talked about any kind of feelings yet, right?" agreed Zayn weakly with his boyfriend.
"You're right. I'm overthinking again. It's gonna be okay" jumped Louis off the counter and helped Liam to carry the food over to the table.
When they had reached the table the doorbell rang. Confused the boys looked at each other. Liam motioned with his head to the door and then over to the kitchen, hoping Zayn and Niall would get the hint. Luckily they did.
"I go" jumped Niall up and ran over to the front door, expecting the postman.
"We need glasses".
"I help you".
And with that Louis and Harry were along in the room. A weird silence fell over them. Harry's gaze was focused on the plate in front of him while Louis was tapping his foot nervously on the floor. He just really wanted to say something.
"Harry" broke Louis the silence, making him look up. "I think we sh...".
"Tommo, there's someone for you" called Niall into the room, cutting Louis off, which caused Harry to let out a sigh of relief what made Louis frown a bit.
Before Louis could even register what was happening, someone came running into the room and over to him, screaming his name. Right before they jumped into his arms Louis realised it was his baby twin sisters Daisy and Phoebe. Joyfully he lifted them up one after another and hugged them tightly.
"What are you doing here, loves?" wondered Louis utterly confused.
"Well, we thought we could surprise you during our break and here we are" appeared his sister Fizzy in the doorframe, leaning on it.
"But we can leave if you don't want us here" added his sister Lottie sassily.
"Yeah, the Sass still runs in the family" chuckled Niall amused.
"Niall, shut up" poked Louis his tongue at Niall. "Of course I want you here. I'm so happy to see you" addressed Louis now his sisters.
"Thought so" grinned Fizzy and walked over to Louis to hug him finally.
"What about me?" whined Lottie playfully.
"Come here, Lots" opened Louis his arms widely for his oldest younger sister.
"What did we miss?" came Zayn and Liam back into the room.
"Oh right. You don't know each other" remembered Louis and slapped his forehead. "Girls, those are Liam and Zayn. Two of my best friends. And guys, these are my lovely sisters Lottie, Fizzy and the twins Daisy and Phoebe".
"Pleasure to finally meet you. Tommo had talked so much about you" greeted Zayn them happily.
"So you're my brother's new best friend, huh?" eyed Lottie him jokingly. "Did you replace Niall now?".
"Hell No! I levelled up to brother status" exclaimed Niall, making them all laugh.
"Good to know we have two brothers now" shook Fizzy her head.
"Don't wanna be rude but I think you forgot someone. Who's that?" pointed Lottie at Harry, who was still sitting at the table just watching the whole scene with an emotionless face.
"Oh yeah right. Girls, that's Harry" coughed Louis, embarrassed that this even happened.
"I'm his friend too. We attend the same school, same class" stood Harry up now. Deep down Louis felt weird hearing those words.
"And how did this all happened?" wanted Fizzy to know.
"Let's talk over breakfast" clapped Louis into his hands.
They all sat down together and started to eat. The boys told Louis' sisters how they connected over the music project of Mr. Cordon, leaving out some small bits, and how they all became good friends. They told them funny stories from the Lake House, in class or he Ski Lodge and how Liam and Zayn got together after half an eternity. All in all, they all had an amazing time together.
Later they moved into the living room and all watched a Disney movie with the twins. They joked they laughed, they cried and all bonded in this short amount of time. Louis was incredibly happy that his sisters were home for a few days. He had missed them so much and now he felt his inner loneliness fade away a bit.
Later, Louis and Zayn played with the twins while Lottie helped Liam in the kitchen with the dinner. Niall was talking to Fizzy and Harry was just watching Zouis and the twins absently. The whole day Louis felt like Harry wasn't really there. Yes, they all bonded but it was like Harry was on the outside the whole time and no one except for Harry caused this. It was like he didn't want to be part of it for some reason. Louis thought that was really sad because he had hoped Harry would get along with his sisters instead of just being there and doing nothing.
When it was about time for the boys to leave the girls didn't want the boys to leave and tried to keep them in the house. After promising they'd come back very soon they gave in with a whine. Louis just loved the connection they already had but it reminded him that he needed to do something before the day ended.
"Harry" touched Louis Harry's wrist gently while the boys were getting ready to leave.
"Yeah?" turned Harry around to him and for the first time today Harry smiled at him.
"Can I maybe text you later or tomorrow or whenever you're free?" asked Louis timidly.
"Maybe even all of those times" replied Harry surprisingly, making Louis immensely happy.
"Yeah sure. So maybe we could talk a bit about stuff or whatever" stumbled Louis over his words and mentally cursed himself.
"Whenever you want but for now just enjoy your time with your sisters. I know how much you've missed them" assured Harry him.
"A lot" admitted Louis shortly.
"Be there for them for now. Enjoy it" smiled Harry down at him.
"I will".
"Bye Louis" hugged Harry him shortly.
"Bye Harry" inhaled Louis Harry's scent a bit without being creepy. "See you soon?".
"Sure" looked Harry back at him before he closed the door behind him.
As Louis leaned against the front door with his back and exhaled deeply he had the feeling everything was gonna be okay soon. Everything was good for now.
Eight days with his sisters were way too less in Louis' opinion but sadly their spring mid-term breaks only lasted ten days in a total. Every day was spent with laughter and fun and moments Louis would never forget. Every now and then, Liam, Zayn or Niall joined them and they spent the day together. Everything was great except the part that Harry not once had time to come by. Louis had texted him a few times but only got the short answer 'I'm busy' and that was about it.
Staring at his phone on Sunday around midday, Louis was brought back to the kiss they shared. Even though his sisters were here and the boys were over very often all he could do was think about that kiss. Just thinking about it made him feel all giddy, warm and excited. The thought made him smile bridely and if the boys would be here they would tease him again like they did all the time since he told them about the kiss.
The kiss! Now he was thinking about it again. Louis was overly happy since then. Yes, he was nervous the day after cause he wasn't sure how things would be between them after not talking about anything. But Harry wasn't acting strange or distant so Louis went back to being all happy. He had made up that plan to talk to Harry about his feelings because they still needed to do that. He wanted them to be official. He wanted Harry for himself and just hoped Harry felt the same way. But then again, Harry did kiss him so why would this be a problem? Yes, Louis was very hopefull and very very happy.
"Stop grinning like a freak and just call him" leaned his sister Fizzy against the wall and smirked at him.
"I don't know what you mean" cleared Louis his throat.
"Let me spell it out for you. H-A-R-R-Y !!!" said Fizzy and made fitting hand gestures with an amused smile.
"Suddenly I can't spell" claimed Louis kinda embarrassed he was that obvious.
"God damn it, Louis. Just freaking call Harry" screamed Lottie out of the room next door.
"Don't you have a life?" screamed Louis back.
"We're about to leave in a few minutes and we just want you to do the right thing" sighed Fizzy defeated.
"I will" replied Louis.
"But when? In a couple of years?" groaned Fizzy.
"Where are the twins? I should look after them. They're not that annoying yet" tried Louis to walk past his sister.
"They're with Maria upstairs. They're okay. More than you are" held Fizzy him back.
"They are not okay when they're with Maria," said Louis sassily.
"She looks after you, duh" rolled Fizzy her eyes. Louis just looked at her with a certain look. "Good point. We should check on them. Lots?!".
"What did Louis do now?" stepped Lottie into the room with a groan.
"I love you too" huffed Louis offended.
"Shush it. What's the matter, Fiz?" shushed Lottie her brother.
"Can you help Maria get the twins ready? We have to leave in five minutes and I need to have a serious talk with our dear brother" asked Fizzy her sister.
"Fine but get him to get his shit together or I'm gonna sue both of you" threatened Lottie both of them jokingly before she left the room to go upstairs.
"You heard her. Get your shit together" turned Fizzy around to Louis again.
"This is not how it works, Fiz" grinned Louis amused.
"Oh yeah? How about this?" stepped Fizzy closer to him. "Talk to Harry instead of staring at your phone. You're gonna regret it if you don't".
"I just don't know what to say and by the way, he doesn't answer me. I'm not gonna make a fool out of myself" tried Louis to explain himself. He had already planned on talking to Harry anyway.
"But you are making a fool out of yourself right at the moment" countered Fizzy.
"Thank you very much" huffed Louis.
"Louis, I'm serious. You need to talk to him when we're gone. Immediately. Tell him how you feel. I might be younger than you but I know how scary it feels to put yourself out there but I also know that time is precious. Don't waste any more time. It could be too late" advised Fizzy him seriously, making Louis gulp heavily.
Without a word Louis just hugged his sister tightly. "When did you get so wise, baby girl?".
"I've always been this wise, big bro" answered Fizzy but it got muffled by his chest.
"What? No complaining about the petname like usual?" raised Louis an eyebrow at her as he let her go.
"This once I let it slide because you need it and because I love you" smiled Fizzy at him.
"I love you too, Fizzy" smiled Louis back at her.
"So you're gonna talk to him?" asked Fizzy again sweetly.
"Promise?" held Fizzy her pinkie out to Louis.
Louis chuckled softly and hooked his pinkie with the one of his sister. "Promise".
After a kinda heartbreaking and tearful farewell from his sisters, Louis sat down on his couch and stared at his phone. He heard Maria rummaging through the kitchen and singing along to the radio. Smiling at that and thinking about his promise he just blindly texted Harry and hoped he would get an answer this time that considered more than just two words.
From Louis:
"Wanna meet up?".
Almost immediately he got a reply. Surprised he looked at his phone and read the message.
From Hazza:
"On my way in 5".
From Louis:
"Meet you halfway".
With that Louis jumped up, put on his shoes and left the house. He was so excited and also freaking nervous. So much that he was literally shaking all over. But it was just Harry. They talked all the time. They've come a long way so why was he so nervous?
On his way, the kiss popped up in his head again and he couldn't stop the smile from appearing on his face. He could still feel Harry's lips on his and how his whole body was tingling that day and even right now he got chills everywhere. That feeling gave him new courage and he decided to be brave for once and just go for it and tell Harry how he felt without holding anything back.
As he spotted Harry down the road, he felt his heartbeat picking up and his breath got caught in his throat. Harry looked absolutely amazing in those dark skinny jeans and a simple t-shirt. And for once Louis didn't feel like utter shit compared to Harry. Hopefully, that feeling would stay.
"Hi" breathed Louis out.
"So, why did you want us to meet here? We're kinda nowhere" asked Harry without a real greeting.
"I just thought I could save us some time and yeah..." trailed Louis off. He didn't know what to say anymore.
"Sometimes I really don't get you, Louis. Save us time for what? Let's just get straight to the point and go back to yours" said Harry emotionless.
"Why mine?" was Louis confused.
"My Mum's home" shrugged Harry.
"And that is a problem because.... ?" was Louis even more confused now. What the hell did Harry mean with that and why was he acting so overly cool?
"Duh, you're serious?" raised Harry an eyebrow at him. Louis just blinked. "Do I really have to spell it out for you? You're literally living alo...".
Suddenly a car honk cut Harry off and startled Louis a bit. Turning into the direction Louis recognised the car and mentally groaned. Of course, he had to show up right now and ruin everything.
"What's up, H? Wanna have some fun?" leaned Stan a bit out of his car window with an ugly grin on his face.
"I pass. Maybe next time. I'm quite busy" pointed Harry with his head at Louis, making him frown.
"Oh haven't seen you, bugger. How's your life going?" greeted Stan him fakely interested.
"Like always" glared Louis at him. He just couldn't stand this guy one bit.
"Still pathetic. That's tough" snorted Stan amused and turned his attention back to Harry.
"Didn't think you would go for him but hey, maybe he has a wild side underneath that face. Have fun and call me later" winked Stan dirtily at Harry and drove off.
A very awkward and uncomfortable silence fell above them. Harry stared after the car and Louis just couldn't wrap his head around what just happened. Both, Harry and Stan said some weird things that made Louis feel sick to the stomach and he felt like the moment was gone. If it even was there, to begin with.
Luckily for Louis, his phone beeped the moment Harry turned his head back around to him. Quickly Louis took it out and looked at the message. He thanked the Gods for his friends right now.
From Nialler:
"Move your lazy ass over here. We're having a boys night before school starts tomorrow".
"You got the message too?" asked Harry monotonous.
"Yeah. Should we...?" coughed Louis awkwardly.
"Let's just go over there and have some different fun," said Harry and started to walk away.
Louis still stood there like he was rooted to the ground and stared at Harry's disappearing figure. Different fun? That sounded so wrong... Wait, did Harry...? No, that couldn't be true. They simply kissed once. Harry couldn't have thought Louis just wanted him to come over for some 'fun'. Yeah, he was probably just going insane now. Louis shook that thought away and started to walk towards Niall's house too but the giddy feeling from before was gone now.
A kinda filler chapter for you guys because I really wanted to update even though I'm busy. I wanted his sisters to make an appearance during this break now and there's a reason for all of this. But be ready for a lot of emotions next.
Question of the Chapter: Is Louis overthinking Harry's behaviour?
Please vote and comment what you think, my loves <3
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