Chapter 28
Friday morning, Louis woke up with the sun shining into his face. In the distance, he could hear light chatter and he felt something on his chest. Carefully and still tired, he blinked a few times and then opened his eyes completely. Looking down on his chest, he was met with a mop of brown curls. Harry was still sleeping peacefully on his chest and Louis couldn't be happier. He could get used to this.
Gently, Louis played with a strand of Harry's hair. With his thumb, he caressed Harry's cheek, trying to wake him up. And really, Harry steered in his sleep and a few seconds later he opened his eyes. Still unfocused, Harry looked around and in the end focused his gaze on Louis with a dopey smile on his face.
"Morning, Lou" yawned Harry in a deep morning voice.
"Morning, Love. Slept well?" let Louis his hands wander over Harry's arm.
Harry nodded sleepily. "You're comfy" mumbled Harry against Louis' chest.
"Thanks, I try" chuckled Louis fondly.
"Oh great, you're awake. They want us downstairs in ten for breakfast. The bus is here in an hour so get your lazy asses up" appeared Zayn in front of Harry's bed, not questioning anything.
"Oi, Zayn shut up and annoy your boyfriend. It's too early" groaned Louis but sat up anyway.
"At least I have a boyfriend to annoy" shot Zayn back and walked over to Liam.
"Petty" snorted Louis and stood up, causing Harry to protest cutely.
"No, stay" made Harry grabby hands at Louis.
"Hazzy, we have to stand up. I'm sorry. Don't you wanna eat before we leave?" knelt Louis down in front of the bed, facing Harry.
"No" pouted Harry.
"If you stand up you'll get a kiss. How about that?" smirked Louis at him and wanted to slap himself. Why the fuck did he say that?
"Fine, but I want it now," said Harry still sleepy and not completely awake.
Without thinking twice about it, Louis leaned forward and pressed a light kiss onto the tip of Harry's nose. Harry wrinkled his noses and just looked at Louis. "Didn't say where I'll kiss you" winked Louis at him and then went away, too ashamed to look back.
All of the boys got ready for breakfast and went downstairs. The whole class ate together and no one was really awake. After they finished they were sent back upstairs to pack their last stuff and meet at the bus. Louis couldn't wait to drive back home. It was a short holiday now.
"I guess this means goodbye now, huh?" smiled Evan sadly, who was standing next to the front door saying goodbye to everyone.
"For now. I'm sure we see each other again" assured Louis him hopefully.
"Text me when you need me or just want to talk. You have my number".
"I will. Definitely" told Louis him surely.
The two of them hugged shortly and then broke apart again. Evan glanced over Louis' shoulder and just sighed. "Promise me, you'll talk to Harry and tell him the truth".
"I promise. I'm positive now he won't laugh at me for my feelings" promised Louis him.
"I'm sure you're right. You're meant to be together" patted Evan his shoulder.
"I'm glad we came here this weekend. I had a really good time. We can come here any time you want" heard Louis Topanga say to Cory, who just smiled at her lovingly.
"Mr. Matthews?" turned Evan now to them.
"My mother says hello" informed Evan him.
Automatically Cory's face paled and Topanga's gaze turned eyes cold. "I'm never coming here again". With that, she was out.
"Me neither" grumbled Harry and pushed past Louis and Evan. Louis hadn't even seen that Harry was there before. Where did he come from?
"Nature" cursed Cory defeated.
Later that day in the afternoon after the boys had brought their stuff back home, they all met up in the bowling alley to have a good time. Louis had invited Perrie and Jade from his Drama course too because he really liked them and Eleanor was good friends with them and like this, she wasn't the only girl this time. Because they were so many they decided to play in pairs and that's how Harry and Louis ended up together because everyone else around them was literally a couple. Damn it.
"Zayn, how did you do that? That's impossible" was Niall speechless.
"It's called Talent" bragged Zayn after he just hit a strike in the weirdest way ever.
"Someone has a big head" sing-songed Niall.
"Shut up and throw your ball" hissed Zayn playfully at him.
"Are they always like this?" asked Perrie amused.
"Always. It's annoying" laughed Eleanor light-hearted.
"I think it's cute. They're like brothers" smiled Jade openly.
"I agree with little Jadey" spoke Louis up.
"No joining forces. You're with me and she's the enemy" was Harry practically clinging to Louis' arm.
"Don't worry, Hazza. I'm all yours" padded Louis Harry's head, making the girls coo at them.
"Your turn now, Hazza" mocked Niall the pet name.
"Oi, only I call him Hazza" protested Louis defensive.
"Okay, Lou" smiled Niall evilly.
"Only I can call him Lou" glared Harry at Niall.
"Chill boys" held Niall his hands up in defence.
"Don't tell me to chill, Leprechaun" shot Louis dagger at Niall with his eyes.
"Lou?". That voice tore Louis directly out of his murder plans for Niall and he turned around to Harry, who was looking kinda unsure on what to do.
"What's the matter, Honey?" asked Louis in a whisper.
"I'm not really good at this and I don't want you to fail because of me but I don't know what to do and....".
"Sh, it's okay, Haz. It's about fun. We won't fail as long as you have fun. But I can still help you if you want me too" touched Louis gently Harry's waist and had no idea why.
"O-okay" stuttered Harry shakily.
Louis stepped even closer to Harry and laid his hands on top of Harry's in which he was holding the ball. He directed both of them and helped Harry throwing the ball, hitting 8 out of 9, while practically breathing onto his neck.
Like this, they played on for a while and when it wasn't Louis' turn he simply stared at Harry, who over and over again glanced back at him. The butterflies were going crazy in his stomach and he had no idea what to do about it. He really needed to talk to Harry but was this a good idea?
Right from the bowling alley, they went directly over to a diner and ordered some food, not caring who actually won but for the record, it was Louis and Harry. They were having a great time all together and cracked a lot of jokes. Carefree moments like this were rare and special and Louis wanted to make the best out of them and remember those days forever.
After he caught Harry's eye for the thousands time that night he decided to do something about it. The next time it happened Louis stood up and motioned for Harry to follow him outside. A bit confused, Harry followed him outside and into Louis' car. Louis sent a quick text to Zayn, telling him where they were off to so he wouldn't worry about them before he drove off with Harry.
"Oh, what I wanted to ask, did you get a role for the play?" asked Harry after a few minutes.
"I don't know. They'll tell us after the break" let Louis him know and turned on the radio.
On their way to their destination, both boys sang along to the music on the radio. Harry had taken out his phone and started filming them, mostly Louis. "Haz, what are you doing? I look awful".
"First of all, you don't. And second, I love to capture everything and this moment needs to be captured" answered Harry and cheekily kept filming Louis.
"You're such a freak" laughed Louis but let him do his thing anyway.
"Where are we heading to by the way?" wanted Harry to know curiously.
"We're actually already there," said Louis as he stopped the car.
Looking around, they found themselves at the park with the lake, in which people would swim in the summer. There was a playground nearby. With the stars in the sky and the moon rising it looked magical.
"You do realise that's the park where I fell off my bike?" raised Harry an eyebrow at Louis.
"I do actually. Isn't that still over there?" pointed Louis over to the place where he had placed the bike a while ago.
"I was too lazy to pick it up" grinned Harry ashamed.
"Good for you I wasn't too lazy to pick you up" winked Louis at Harry.
"Always such a cheeky bastard" chuckled Harry with a blush on his face. "Oh, look the playground!".
Grinning bridely, they both ran over to the playground and giggled like happy little kids. First, they jumped on the seesaw and teetered like crazy. So much that Harry even fell off. After Louis had helped him up, they went over to the climbing frame and tried to catch each other without falling off and breaking a leg. On the carousel, Louis got a little bit dizzy and even after they were off the world was spinning around him a bit.
When they had reached the swings they sat down and slowly started to swing. "Lou, can I ask you something?" asked Harry somehow unsurely.
"Sure Haz. Whatever you want" smiled Louis at him.
"Do you really think I can not only not fail this year but really pass it like in a good way?" sounded Harry suddenly very small.
Immediately Louis stopped his swing and stared at Harry, who just looked at the ground. "Hazza, I don't think that. I'm sure. I know how smart you really are even if you don't know that yourself yet. Don't put yourself down that much".
"Funny that you're the one saying that. Normally I tell you that" mumbled Harry barely audible.
"Yeah" sighed Louis and turned his gaze to the ground now too.
"C' mon, Lou" jumped Harry off his swing and held his hand out for Louis to take.
"Should I be scared?" raised Louis an eyebrow at him.
"Lou, do you trust me?" wanted Harry to know while looking directly into Louis' eyes.
"More than anyone in the world" answered Louis way too fast before even thinking about it, taking both boys by surprise.
Harry had his hand still out for Louis but now just stared at him. Louis let out a shaky breath and just took Harry's hand, toreing him out of his trance. After a few seconds, Harry squeezed Louis' hand lightly and pulled him closer. The beating of his own heart was so loud that Louis couldn't hear anything else. As he noticed that Harry really wanted to walk somewhere he let out a whine.
"I don't wanna walk anymore. It's too exhausting" was Louis being overdramatic.
Harry just rolled his eyes at him but then let go of Louis' hand, turned around and patted his own back. Shocked Louis blinked like in trance before hesitantly jumping on Harry's back, wrapping his legs around the waist.
"Better, King Louis?" grinned Harry amused.
"Much better" beamed Louis satisfied.
"Well, I'd say hold on tight" winked Harry up at him before he started to run over to the lake nearby.
Louis let out a surprised yelp and tightened his grip on Harry's shoulders. Shortly before the lake Harry stumbled a bit but caught them in time. Laughingly he twirled them around until both boys were dizzy and Louis nearly fell off due to too much laughing. Now they were both bending over, catching their breaths while over them dark clouds came up but nobody cared.
"You're insane" panted Louis heavily, choking on his laughter.
"That's your fault alone" laughed Harry out of breath.
"Yeah of course. Blame it on the tiny one" snorted Louis amused.
"Did you just admit that you're tiny?" smirked Harry at him and held his laughter in.
"Did you say something? I can't hear you" grinned Louis.
"You just freaking admitted that you're tiny! Adorably tiny. I could put you in my pocket" mocked Harry him playfully.
"Are you done now?" huffed Louis cutely.
"Aww, don't be mad at me now, Lou. I'm joking. Don't pout even though I have to admit it's quite adorable" cooed Harry at Louis now.
"Did you just call me adorable for the second time?" smirked Louis now at Harry, successfully shutting him up.
"Me? I didn't say anything" crossed Harry his arms over his chest.
"I heard you loud and clear. You said I'm adorable" stepped Louis closer to Harry and poked his chest. "But you're wrong, Mister. I'm cool and not adorable".
"Whatever you want, Lou" smiled Harry down at him fondly. Louis kind of forgot how to breathe.
"Thank you, Louis," said Harry suddenly.
"What did I do?" asked Louis confusedly, tilting his head side.
"So damn cute" mumbled Harry under his breath, but Louis heard him.
"You believe in me like nobody else ever did. You make me wanna be better in so many things. You're here for me so thank you" told Harry him in a quiet voice.
"Of course I'm here. I'll always be here. You'll never get rid off me again, you know?!" locked Louis eyes with him.
In that very moment, it started to rain. Instead of hiding somewhere or whining, both boys started to laugh and just let the rain fall down on them. Louis watched Harry being so carefree and soaking wet and he loved every second of it. He was so close to him now and all Louis wanted to do was kiss Harry right on the spot.
As Harry looked back at him and just stopped everything he was doing, Louis felt this was the right moment. Carefully he tucked one of Harry's hair strands behind his ear, making Harry blush a little. Literally trembling, Louis stepped even closer what caused Harry to step closer too. Time was frozen as they stared into each other's eyes and both started to lean in.
The moment their lips actually touched, Louis was completely gone. He didn't think this would actually ever happen but here he was now with Harry standing in the pouring rain. He was so overwhelmed that he almost forgot to move his lips as Harry started. Shyly Louis started to kiss back gently and his whole body felt like it was on fire. He felt a tingling everywhere and his tummy felt funny but it was the best feeling in the world.
When they broke apart, both boys opened their eyes and timidly looked at each other. A slight blush crept on both their faces and they just smiled hesitantly. In the far distance Louis could already hear their friends finally showing up or more like stupidly showing up, right in this moment but for some reason, he was also happy about this. Maybe it was because he knew now they needed to talk but something told him that would go completely wrong. Maybe he was just paranoid.
So Louis decided to just live in this moment as long as possible and remember every second of it. Remember how soft Harry's lips felt. How fast his heart was beating. How awkward but at the same time cute and gentle this whole moment was with them just kissing but not touching each other at all. It was gentle and that's what Louis was mostly happy about. It was different from everything he knew about Harry's past. That's why he didn't care that his friends showed up now because in their little moment everything was perfect for once.
And it happened. Finally. Different than I had in mind but also not. That makes no sense but when does it ever?! How did you like it?
Question of the Chapter: Don't really have one. What happens now?
Please vote and comment what you think, my loves <3 <3 3
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