Chapter 27
"I've never told anybody this before" admitted the boy who had introduced himself as Evan to Louis.
"You can tell me anything" assured Louis him.
"I have this dream and it's very personal and I've always been scared of how people respond to it," said Evan shyly.
"I'm telling you when it comes to your dreams I'm the one you can tell" offered Louis him an open smile.
"I wanna be a sherpa" confessed Evan to Louis.
"Oh no don't do that" joked Louis.
"Man, I'm glad I told you" snorted Evan jokingly.
"They're the people who take you up to Mount Everest, right?" hooked Louis interested.
"And that's what I wanna be. But not just some regular 'Hi, I'm Evan, your friendly Mountain Guide'. I wanna help people find the way to places they never thought they could reach" explained Evan thoughtfully, making Louis smile.
"What's that chirper?" asked Louis suddenly as he heard something chirping in the background.
"That's morning," said Evan simply.
"What are you talking about? It's the middle of the..." started Louis to say but then saw how the sun was starting to rise. "Are you crazy? Get back down. Shut your chirp hole. Have we been talking all night?".
"I had a wonderful time. Can we do it again?" answered Evan sweetly.
"No. No, we can't even do this the first time. My teachers are going to kill me. They can never now" started Louis to panic.
"They can never know" mimicked Evan his words and looked over to the living area.
There on the couch were sitting Mr. Matthews and his wife, now turning around to them. "You've been up all night" were Cory's first words.
"He gets that from you" rolled Topanga her eyes at Cory.
"How long have you guys been there?" wanted Louis to know.
"We've been staying up all night talking too, wanting to see what the big deal was" replied Topanga.
"Was it a big deal?" was Louis not sure what was happening.
"Yeah, I like him now" smiled Topanga at her husband.
"What about you, Louis? Was it a big deal?" questioned Mr. Matthews.
Louis had no answer to this. He only knew that he was up all night talking to a stranger and his friends would probably freak out as soon as they noticed he wasn't in his bed. That's why he quickly stood up and stumbled over to the staircase but Evan followed him.
"It was really nice talking to you, Evan, but I have to go upstairs right now before...". Louis fell silent as he felt a presence behind him on the stairs. As he turned around he saw Niall and Harry standing there.
"He's wearing the same clothes," noticed Nial smugly.
"Who's that?" pointed Harry at Evan.
"While we're wearing new different clothes" added Niall grinningly.
"Who's that?" asked Harry again.
"He looks sleepy to me" smirked Niall.
"That right there. Who's that?" pointed Harry still at Evan.
"Mr. Matthews" called Louis for his teacher, who was standing nearby.
"You got caught, kid" shrugged Mr. Matthews.
"You know what helps there though?" said Topanga.
"Um yeah," she agreed with Cory and just left. Wow, great grown-ups.
"Okay, this is really ridiculous. Are you really going to make me explain myself?" had Louis enough of this already.
"What do you think?" asked Niall a very tense Harry.
"Yes," said Harry coldly.
"Yes," repeated Niall.
"Okay, then fine" groaned Louis. "I have this boot on. I am hobbled. As a person who is hobbled all I can do is talk. I can't run". He started running on the place he was standing. "I can't hike". Now he was making big steps like he was hiking. "And you know what? This boot is fantastic. What do you wanna do today, Niall?" asked Louis and hugged Niall.
"It's not about today. It's about last night" pointed Harry out.
"All we did was talk" clarified Louis simply.
"Okay". And with that Harry started to walk away.
"Wait, Harry. I'm not allowed to talk?" held Louis him back.
"Sure you can. Talk with whoever you want, Louis" faked Harry a smile and left the room.
"I'll go and take care of it" padded Niall Louis' shoulder and followed Harry for some strange reason.
"I'm really sorry, Louis, but I really liked staying up with you all night" apologized Evan awkwardly.
"Thank you, Evan, but maybe we shouldn't say that out loud".
"You're wearing the same clothes," pointed Eleanor out who appeared on the staircase with Zayn and Liam.
"You look sleepy to me" grinned Zayn.
"Who's that? That one there. Who's that?" pointed Liam at Evan and oh boy, Louis wanted to disappear.
Ignoring his friends Louis went upstairs to take a shower and change his clothes. After he was done he went back downstairs and a few minutes later they all went off for another hike. This time with Louis, who could walk almost normally again. He could definitely feel the tension in the air but he didn't exactly know what he did wrong. Wasn't he allowed to talk to someone anymore? Why did Harry react like that when they were just friends?
After a while, they stopped and sat down on some rocks. As he was opening his water bottle, Josh came over to him. "Hey Louis, how are you? I heard about what happened?".
"Wow, that was fast. Do they not have a life or anything better to do?" snarled Louis annoyed.
"Apparently not. I just wanted to see if you're okay and tell you that I think you did nothing wrong" sat Josh down next to him.
"Thanks, but seems like everybody else does" sighed Louis defeated.
"I don't think so" nudged Josh his shoulder.
"What do you know?" raised Louis an eyebrow at him.
"I talked with some of your friends and they just think it's funny. Mostly because of Harry's reaction. They don't think talking with Evan all night was a bad thing and it really wasn't" let Josh him know.
"Really? But why is nobody talking with me?" asked Louis kinda hurt.
"I'm not sure but as far as I can see they all deal with some stuff, am I right?" smiled Josh knowingly at him.
Louis took a look around. First, he spotted Liam and Zayn being all cute together, which made Louis smile to himself. Took them long enough to get there. Then he looked over at Niall, who was talking with Eleanor and couldn't stop smiling. For a second Louis had forgotten that Niall had a crush on her. Maybe this trip was the perfect opportunity to get them together. Louis needed a plan. Tomorrow morning they would leave again.
Lastly, he looked over at Harry and caught him looking over as well. Instead of acting as surprised as he was, Louis simply smiled at him. A bit shocked Harry smiled back but stopped when he spotted Josh close to Louis again. That made Louis frown. What was his problem with Josh? He couldn't be jealous, right?
"Yeah, we all have some stuff going on" sighed Louis as he turned back around to Josh.
When they got back from the hike Louis went upstairs into their eight beds bedroom and changed his shirt. He was sweaty from the hike and really needed to change. After this, he went to look for Eleanor. He wanted to talk to her about Niall and try to find out if this crush maybe wasn't as one-sided as Niall thought like with Zayn and Liam. But no matter where he went he couldn't find her. Lastly, he ended up in the living area and spotted Harry sitting by the fireplace with Josh and Evan. That was a sight Louis thought he would never see. He'd love to know what had led to this but right now he was looking for Eleanor.
"Guys, have you seen Eleanor? I really need to talk to her" approached Louis the three boys.
"She went outside a few minutes ago," told Harry him with a beaming smile on his face. Huh, that was new.
"Thanks, Haz" smiled Louis at him and ran outside.
And he really finally found her outside. She was sitting on a bench, reading a book. "Hey El, here you are. I was looking for you".
She jumped up a bit startled and let out a heavy breath. "Damn it, Louis. You scared me".
"Sorry" grinned Louis sheepishly.
"Yeah as if" punched Eleanor his arm. "So, you were looking for me, huh? Why?".
"I just wanted to talk to you, see how you are. We haven't seen each other in a while" sat Louis down next to her.
"True and I'm sorry for that. I feel so bad for always being busy with my stuff even though you probably need me right now" apologized Eleanor ashamed.
"Don't be sorry. You're doing what you always wanted to and this takes a lot of your time. We understand that. You love to be a cheerleader but you also want to be good at school. Nothing's wrong with that" assured Louis her understandingly.
"Still, I wanna step back a bit to have more free time. I really miss you guys a lot. I miss you and Niall. You're good friends with Harry now and I wasn't part of it. That's weird" frowned Eleanor sadly.
"What? That we're friends or that you haven't been there?" grinned Louis at her.
"Both" laughed Eleanor.
"True but he's a really nice person inside. You'd be surprised" smiled Louis fondly, thinking of Harry.
"I see" smirked Eleanor at him.
"Don't look at me like that. It's bad enough without your teasing. Better tell me what's going on with you and Niall" changed Louis the subject.
"I don't know what you mean" blushed Eleanor a deep shade of red.
"Damn, I knew it. You like him" exclaimed Louis excitedly.
"Shut up, Lewis, or I swear I'm gonna go talk to Harry right now" hissed Eleanor at him.
"Okay, okay" held Louis his hands up in surrender.
"Wanna go inside?".
"Gladly" took Louis her hand and together they walked back into the lodge.
"What's that?" was the first thing Louis heard when he came in. It was Harry talking to Evan.
"That? That's a game we're gonna play. It's called who belongs with who" told Evan him.
"The books gonna tell us?" stopped Louis with Eleanor next to Evan.
"No!" said Mr. Matthews with a panicked face. "I remember that book. That book is evil". They all just looked weirdly at him. "The first question is if you could change your mate into one animal what would it be and the only answer is the falcon".
"How do you know that?" asked Eleanor irritated.
"Because I am the falcon" pointed Cory at himself and made arms like it were wings but it looked strange.
"Of course you are," said Louis but just wanted this to end.
"Let's play" clapped Eleanor into her hands.
"Let's find out who belongs with who".
"Don't do it. Nobody do it" warned Cory them but they didn't listen. They just sat down on the couch. "No one ever listens to the falcon" sighed Cory. Zayn, Liam and Niall came running into the room now too and sat down by the fireplace. "You all deserve what you get". And with that Cory was gone.
Now, Niall, Liam and Zayn were sitting by the fire, Louis sat next to Eleanor and Harry sat next to Josh and Evan, who opened the book to read the first question. "Question Number one".
"If you could change your mate into one animal" started Eleanor but Evan stopped her.
"It's not even the same question".
"Why not?" wondered Louis.
"Because this is who belongs with who. The next generation. This question is for you guys" told Evan them. "The most important part of any meaningful relationship is A: romance".
"Yes, romance. Isn't that the whole point of a relationship?" answered Eleanor.
"It says any relationship. Not just you and some random dude" threw Liam in.
"Yeah, it also means relationships with your friends" agreed Josh wisely.
"If the answer isn't romance then what else you got?" addressed Eleanor Evan confused.
"B: Adventure" read Evan out loud.
"Yes, adventure. Breaking the rules" said Harry in a cool way.
"You don't have to break the rules to have an adventure" pointed Liam out.
"What do you have against breaking the rules, Lima Bean?" was Harry seriously curious.
"He isn't so wrong. Pure adventure doesn't keep a relationship alive" agreed Louis timidly with Liam. That shut Harry up.
"Read the other choice" spoke Zayn up now.
"How do you know there is one?" asked Evan back.
"In multiple-choice, there are always the answers that are close but then there's the correct answer and as soon as you hear it you know it's right" explained Liam.
"And I don't think we've heard the right answer yet so I know the most meaningful part of any relationship is C" added Zayn.
"One for us. Next question" grinned Liam.
"Can we please hear what C is?" grew Harry impatient.
"C: Conversation" revealed Evan to them.
"Ding Ding" made Zayn and Liam hugged him.
"So the most meaningful part of any relationship is talking to each other?" checked Louis carefully.
"And with the right person sometimes you can talk all night". Now it went dead silent.
"Yup, maybe so" cleared Harry his throat. "Well, if you all excuse me I'll go over there and I don't know maybe kick a tree"grumbled Harry and stood up.
"If you all excuse me I'll go over there and I don't know maybe save a tree" followed Niall Harry outside.
"Question number two: How do you know if you love someone?" Evan continued.
"You know what? I'm done playing games, I wanna talk to you" stood Louis up to.
"Who?" asked all of them at the same time. Without a word, Louis grabbed Josh by the wrist and dragged him over to the bay window.
"I just need to think" mumbled Eleanor and left the room.
"May I please see this book?" furrowed Liam his eyebrows together.
"This book? What do you need to see this book for?" was Evan confused.
"Zayn, distract him". With that Zayn stood up and made some weird moves with his hands and arms, successfully distracting Evan so Liam could grab the book and take a look inside.
"If you could change your mate into one animal. This is the same book for one Mr. and Mrs. Matthews were here last. You made up the questions. Why?" realized Liam shocked.
"Hi, I'm Evan, your friendly Mountain Guide and I wanna help people get to places they never thought they could reach before".
"How did you know so much about us?" wondered Zayn.
"I was talking with Louis all night. You would think that for one second we would take about him and me but you guys were all he wanted to talk about" revealed Evan to them, leaving them with a lot of thoughts in their minds.
"Tell me what you know right now" demanded Louis as soon as he and Josh sat down by the window.
"I'd say I'm pretty good at observing people for some strange reason and what I noticed about you is that you're the best friend anyone can ever have and I never want you not being in my life. You're special. I don't know what it is but people trust you immediately" told Josh him honestly.
"Thanks but you're wrong. Anyway, I was talking about Harry" tried Louis to stay collected.
"You sure you're ready to hear this?" checked Josh carefully.
"I am" was Louis not really sure but he didn't care anymore.
"What I've seen from an objective and neutral point of view is that Harry likes you a lot, Louis. The way he looks at you and how he smiles when you're around. This is not friendly in any way. Also, he is pretty dam jealous of anyone who talks to you. Remember how we first met and he directly snapped at me after we both talked and got along? This is happening again. If looks could kill Evan would have died at least three times by now and me too. Harry really does like you" revealed Josh to him in a calm voice.
Louis just blinked at him and tried to wrap his head around everything Josh had just said. "This can't be true. Harry doesn't like me like that. He doesn't do feelings. He only flirts and has fun".
"I'm pretty sure that's over. The look in his eyes is no fun. That's pure emotions" told Josh him seriously.
"Lust is an emotion too" mumbled Louis weakly.
"Louis, he really likes you. Anyone can see it but I can also see a lot of fear. Maybe you should take the first step now. He won't do it" advised Josh him.
"Thank you, Josh. I'll think about it. I'm gonna find a way" smiled Louis thankfully at Josh.
"No problem, Louis" took Josh Louis' hand and squeezed it gently.
"Um sorry, I didn't want to interrupt anything" coughed Harry awkwardly.
Immediately Louis pulled his hand away and Josh stood up. He avoided Harry's eyes and just left. Louis looked after him and then up at Harry. "Do you need something?".
"Have you seen Niall? Eleanor was looking for him" scratched Harry his neck.
Louis' eyes grew big and he jumped up. "He's upstairs. Are you gonna... or should I?".
"I'm gonna go. You shouldn't hurt yourself even more. Eleanor is outside by the way" offered Harry him a smile before he went upstairs.
Louis looked after him until he couldn't see him anymore and then he decided to walk over to the door. From here he could see Eleanor pacing up and down, nerves written on her face. Before he could go over to her he heard footsteps on the stairs and the next second Niall ran past him over to Eleanor. Louis just watched him with an amused smile.
"Didn't know he fancied her" spoke Harry up.
"Was a surprise for me too when I found out but I think they're cute" said Louis while watching his friends.
"You think they really gonna admit it right now?" mused Harry and leaned against the doorframe.
"I fucking hope so or else I'm gonna kill Niall" laughed Louis happily.
"Louis, I... HOLY SHIT! I didn't think they were going to kiss" gasped Harry and his eyes grew wide.
At that Louis looked back at Niall and Eleanor who indeed were kissing. This sight made Louis unbelievably happy but it was over as soon as he spotted the dark clouds covering the sky. He just knew this meant a thunderstorm was on its way and almost there. He was screwed.
"You can stay with me tonight if you want to" offered Harry him and Louis just knew he had seen the clouds too and remembered Louis' fear. That made his heart beat faster.
"We share the room anyway" replied Louis cheekily.
"But with six other boys. I meant you can stay in my bed if you umm..." trailed Harry off.
"Okay" smiled Louis at him.
Together they walked upstairs and towards their room. Shortly before they entered Josh came out of the bathroom shirtless and grinned at the two of them. "Night, Tommo, and don't dream to dirty of me".
"No promises" winked Louis at him and then opened their door.
"I don't like him" grumbled Harry.
"He's nice," said Louis as he closed the door.
"He's cocky" contradicted Harry and started changing into his nightwear.
"You're no better" shot Louis back, throwing on his nightshirt.
"You're coming or what?" held Harry his covers up for Louis.
As the first thunder was heard, Louis crawled scared into Harry's bed. Immediately Harry wrapped his arms around him and pulled him closer to his chest. Right now Louis didn't quite know what he was more afraid of. The thunder or the situation.
"You're okay?" checked Harry worriedly as the thunder increased.
"Kinda" gulped Louis and buried his face in Harry's chest.
"Lou, look at me," said Harry softly. Still slightly shaking, Louis looked up at Harry and was directly lost in big green eyes. "I'm gonna protect you".
"Thanks, Haz" croaked Louis out.
They held their gaze for a long time and just stared at each other. In this moment, Louis really just wanted to kiss Harry and be even closer to him. The way Harry was looking at him made him feel all warm inside. But before he could do anything the next thunder startled him and he broke the eye contact and curled into Harry's side.
"It's gonna be okay" whispered Harry against Louis' hair and Louis knew he was right.
And the second part of the Ski Lodge. What did you think? It turned out different than I planned to be honest. Josh was supposed to be more important but well.
Question of the Chapter: Is Josh right?
Tell me what you think my loves :) <3
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