Chapter 20
"Just to make that clear again, you're not going to drive us into the woods to kill us there?" questioned Niall again from the backseat of Louis' car.
"Where is the fun for me there?" countered Louis from the driver's seat. They were driving for half an hour now and all Niall kept doing was asking if he was going to kill them.
"Maybe you like killing innocent people" pieped Zayn in now.
"You're far from innocent, Zaynie boy" winked Louis at him.
While Niall was laughing his ass of at that like the dirty minded bubblehead he was, Liam and Harry both had a deep frown on their faces. Louis knew why Liam was looking like that, it was kinda obvious to him, but what was Harry's problem?
"You're neither, Tommo" smirked Zayn at him.
"Never said differently" shrugged Louis, focusing on the road.
"Can you two keep it in your pants until the rest of us isn't there any more?" snickered Niall dirtily.
"Nialler, I didn't raise you like that" scolded Louis him playfully.
"You didn't raise me at all" pouted Niall.
"He did. He's the best Daddy" said Zayn smugly.
"You heard that? Call me Daddy from now on" laughed Louis amused.
"Never in my entire life. Stop living out your kinks with me" hit Niall Louis against the back of his head.
"Don't hit the driver while driving. I could kill you all" remarked Louis sassily.
"So you really wanna kill us, huh?" raised Niall an eyebrow at him.
"Shut it, Nialler".
"Can you at least turn the music louder or switch the station?" whined Niall like a baby.
"My car, my radio, my music, my decision. I'm driving so no wailing from back there. Deal with it" said Louis stubbornly.
"You're no fun" crossed Niall his arms over his chest.
"I think it's hot when he is that demanding and I bet I'm not the only one" smirked Zayn with a knowing look on his face. Louis had no idea what he meant or who.
"Can you shut the fuck up? You're distracting me. If you have a problem you're free to leave any time you want. I can open the doors for you and you can get out but don't expect me to stop the car for that" said Louis jokingly.
"If I jump out of the car now I'll probably die" deadpanned Niall.
"Well then I can only say it was nice to know you" sassed Louis.
"You ARE trying to kill us. I knew it" exclaimed Niall.
Louis only shook his head at that and focused back on the road. He didn't wanted them to end in a car accident because of him. He hadn't driven this car in so long and it felt good to be this free again. It was a good idea to suggest this trip with the boys. Even though Harry's shock when he saw the car was written on his face clearly. To say he was impressed was an understatement. His eyes practically bulged out of his face at the sight of Louis' black Range Rover. In that moment Louis remembered that Harry didn't even knew he had a car. Only Zayn and Niall knew about that. Well, now it was too late. They were on their way with Liam, Zayn and Niall in the back and Harry on the front seat next to Louis. He could do this more often definitely.
After a total of two hours they had reached their determination. A small house near the woods by a big beautiful lake outside of the city of Doncaster. His family had owned that house for a while even before they became rich. It belonged to his father's parents and they gave it to them before they passed away years ago. They had been here many times before his mother had died. It felt good to be back now. Felt like coming home.
They got out of the car with their back packs filled with some clothes and stuff they needed for this weekend and went inside. The house was lovely. The house had a normal size and was breathtaking. It was a wooden brown colour and had a porch with stairs leading to the dock at the lake. Downstairs was a kitchen, a little bathroom and a huge living room parted in two parts. One with the firecplace and one with the big TV. Upstairs were one big bathroom and four bedrooms with double beds and a balcony but one of them was locked. It was his mothers old room. No one ever went in there. All in all it was really beautiful.
(Similar to this but the brown is a little lighter and the windows are different. A bit more old looking)
( The living room part with the fireplace. Just imagine the windows a bit different here too)
When they had left their things on the floor of the living room and had looked around everything they decided to drive down to the small village that was ten minutes away to do some grocery shopping because they needed food for the two days they were here. Of course there was no food in the house. Nobody has been there for over a year.
"What exactly do we need?" asked Liam once they entered a supermarket.
"Who cares? Let's get what we want" said Niall and was gone within a second.
"Could have guessed that" chuckled Liam amused.
"Let's split and meet at the chocolate thingy in 10 minutes" suggested Louis.
"So you can get more thingys?" smirked Zayn at him.
"No, more chocolate" winked Louis at Zayn.
Together with Harry he made his way through the market while Zayn and Liam went together. Louis had actually no idea what he was even looking for. What could they possibly make? Zayn, Niall and he couldn't cook for shit and Liam.... well he had no idea. Would probably end in something super healty and no, Louis didn't want that today.
"What about Pizza?" addressed Louis Harry cluelessly.
"Didn't we had Pizza yesterday?" countered Harry.
"I could eat Pizza everyday" stated Louis. Harry just shook his head smilingly at him.
"Even though my tummy says otherwise" added Louis under his breath.
"What was that?" checked Harry but he had heard it clearly.
"Nothing. Just um... choose something. I don't care" answered Louis way too fast.
Harry cocked an eyebrow at him in worry but didn't say anything. He walked along the isles and picked out some basic things. Louis wondered what Harry had in mind with that. Harry seemed to sense his confusion and turned around to him with a package of noodles in his hand.
"I thought about making some noodles and meat balls with a simple sauce for Lunch. And later for dinner in the evening we can make your beloved Pizza. But not that frozen one. Self made Pizza for a change. What do you say?".
"I... That sounds great. I um... You can cook? Or are you going to kill us and burn the house down?" questioned Louis overwhelmed.
"That's your job, little one. I can cook and I really love it to be honest" said Harry with a laugh.
Louis didn't really knew what to say to this so he stayed silent. He ignored that fuzzy feeling in his stomach at that new nickname. If somebody else called him that they would be dead but hearing Harry say that in his deep raspy voice sounded just so right. He also ignored how freaking domestic they sounded at the moment. Like some old married couple planning their weekly grocery shopping trip. This should scare you off and you should think that you're too young for that but Louis kinda liked that idea. A lot actually.
While Harry put things for breakfast in their basket that Louis was carrying he tried to control his thoughts but failed miserably. He pictured Harry in the kitchen cooking that meal he had planned. He saw himself watching Harry and kinda distracting him here and there. In that scenario that sounded so innocent and cute Harry was only wearing an apron. Nothing else. Louis was sitting on the counter in only his boxers when Harry turned around showing off his bum shamelessly. The food was forgotten as Louis jumped up, grabbed Harry by the waist and turned him around.
"Lou, you're okay? You look um...out of it?" asked Harry and brought Louis back to reality.
He looked at Harry's face and felt his cheeks heat up. He wasn't allowed to have thoughts like this about Harry who was barely his friend. Louis looked away from Harry's eyes and cleared his throat. "Yeah. Just um distracted by thoughts. S'nothing".
Harry just shrugged and moved on. The basket was filled by now and Louis hadn't even noticed that before. They met up with Liam and Zayn at their spot and Louis put some or a lot of chocolate in the basket. He really needed that now. Zayn seemed to notice something and grinned smugly at Louis, who just glared back at him. Stupid best friends senses.
"Wow Niall, that's um... er.... a lot of " was Liam at a loss for words, looking at Niall's full basket.
"A lot of crap. Are you planning on getting high on sugar or something?" asked Zayn amused.
"Don't judge me. I looooovvvee food" giggled Niall.
"You're paying for this. I'm not doing it" stated Louis with a grin.
"Fine" groaned Niall and went over to the cash register lady.
"I actually didn't thought about that. It's a lot. We should put some things back" said Harry as he looked at their things.
"Don't worry about that, Haz. It's my house and the trip was my idea so I'm paying for all of this. Well except for Niall's crap over there" told Louis him.
"For all of this? That's too much. You don't have to....".
"It's okay, Hazza. Really, I got this. Just enjoy your time" cut Louis him off, offering him a smile that Harry replied.
"Whipped" chuckled Niall.
"Sugar Daddy" sing-songed Zayn, high fiving Niall. Liam just was totally lost.
"Excuse me for a second" said Louis sweetly to Harry before he turned around to his cackling friends.
His gaze turned from sweet to intimidating in less than a second. Zayn and Niall stopped laughing but it was too late. Louis slapped both of them against the head playfully and glared at them. "Now you can pay for your shit alone, Zaynie boy. You were a really bad boy today".
"Sorry Daddy, I didn't meant to. I'm sorry" made Zayn a sad puppy face.
"That's not working on me. Have fun paying now" was Louis unimpressed.
"Lou, it's our turn now. You're um.. done here?" asked Harry a little bit confused.
"Very done" grumbled Louis cutely.
"Awww, don't look like that, Lou. Where's that famous Louis smile? Can you show it to me?" cooed Harry at Louis, poking his cheek and literally shocking everyone, the world, God, Jesus and himself with that.
Louis couldn't help himself and smile at that with a blush creeping onto his face. Harry was simply adorable. This side of him was the cutest thing in the world to Louis and he couldn't understand how someone wanted to destroy that. Louis' heart melted at the sight of Harry and everything was forgotten.
"Put your things on there now or do you want to pay yourself?" said Louis to his friends without turning his gaze away from Harry. Niall, Zayn and Liam were shaken off of their state of shock by this and put wordlessly their things on that register thing.
Harry smiled happily and skipped to the end of that cash register with the basket and started putting the things back in. Zayn, Liam and Niall passed Louis too and took their stuff. Still no one said a word all the time and Louis tried to ignore the stares. Liam, Zayn and Niall stood a bit away from them as Louis paid for everything with his credit card, even Niall's things in the end. He was in a good mood now.
On their way back to the house everything was back to normal. Kind of. Niall, Liam and Zayn were talking in the back and Louis and Harry were singing along with the radio, something Louis never thought he would ever do in his whole life with Harry. In the back thoughts and looks were exchanged and they all agreed without a doubt. They all loved it even though nobody saw it coming.
Back at the house Liam helped Harry putting the groceries away and setting everything up for the cooking while Zayn, Louis and Niall fell down on one of the big couches in the TV part of the living room. Liam told them to stay away from the kitchen because he wants to survive this weekend and have all his body parts. So they just left the two boys alone with a cheeky grin in Liam's direction even though this was not what Liam meant in the first place. Well, it's his own fault.
Liam got kicked out of the kitchen too because Harry didn't want him to run around all excited all the time. He needed peace to cook. So Liam plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV to keep those three little kids from hurting themselves. Because that's all they were doing. Wresling around on the couch and occasiconally falling down and jumping back up. As soon as the TV was on Niall stopped his every move and stared at the screen. He climbed on Liam's lap like a little baby animal and Liam just let him. Zayn and Louis laughed at that sight but sat down next to them, calmin down a little. Louis didn't pay attention to the screen at all. He watched Zayn admiring Liam and Liam being his oblivious self. It was to tear your hair out.
At one point when Zayn was way too focused on Liam, who was occupied with Niall, Louis sneaked away from the couch and back into the open kitchen that was connected to the part with the fireplace. Harry was walking around concentrated, making everything ready. The smell of the noodles floated through the air and Louis felt his stomach growl at that. He was really hungry. He tip toed into the kitchen as Harry wasn't looking and pocked with his finger into the red sauce to taste it.
"Louis" said Harry tried sternly.
"I haven't done anything" claimed Louis, still with his finger in his mouth licking the sauce away.
Harry watched him for a few seconds before steppng a little bit closer. "Oh really?" asked Harry in a low voice. Louis just nodded. He wasn't able to speak any more. "Why are you lying, corazon? You're sucking on your finger for fun?".
"Maybe I like sucking on things" countered Louis breathy. His heart beating fast in his chest.
"Do you now?" smirked Harry at him, looking down at Louis.
"That's what he said" sassed Louis back, suddenly being confident again.
"I see". Harry had a mischievous glint in his eyes. Louis got lost in them.
"And I see that your food is ready, Harold. Shouldn't you pay more attention?" brought Louis them back to the present.
"Right. Then stop distracting me, sexy" winked Harry flirtily at him and turned back to his cooking.
"Maybe I wanted to seduce you to get better food then the other boys" replied Louis and wanted to slap himself.
"I'll keep that in mind. Now can you do me a favour and set the table?" asked Harry him way too casually.
"Only because it's you" grumbled Louis quietly.
While setting the table Louis tried to calm himself down. Moments like this weren't allowed to happen. He needed to keep his cool in Harry's presence. Louis knew Harry's ways. He knew how Harry was. Harry was a little cheeky flirt. He flirts with everything and everyone just for fun without meaning behind it. Louis knew that and tried to ignore his feelings torwards Harry, that were growing by the second. He didn't wanted to be Harry's possible next Fuck or even Fuckbuddy like some friends with benefits shit. Louis wasn't a guy for something like that but he knew Harry was. He didn't wanted to be a part of Harry's game so he needed to seperate those flirting moments from his feelings from now on. After all he was the sense part.
A few moments later they were all seated at the table and started to eat. The meal was absolutely amazing. Harry was an excellent cook, no question. They had a light smalltalk and had a really good time. Zayn and Niall washed the dishes afterewards while Harry, Liam and Louis set everything up for a movie because it started raining outside. Louis just hoped it wouldn't turn into a thunderstorm.
"So boys, get it clean. Which movies did you bring?" rubbed Zayn his hands in excitement.
"I only brought Love, Simon" told Harry them.
"Really?" gasped Louis at him. Harry nodded in confirmation. "I wanted to see that movie for so long but we neve actually got to the point. Never thought you would have that. Uhh wow, that's great. I really wanna watch it".
"I know" said Harry softly to himself.
"Let us watch it then. I wanted to watch it too. So I'm up for it" commented Niall on it excitedly.
"Louis, can you help me in the kitchen with the snacks? You guys get the movie ready" asked Liam Louis with a weird undertone.
Louis followed him in the kitchen and they really put some snacks in bowls and got something to drink for everyone but Louis could sense there was something Liam was about to say and it would probably shock Louis in some way. He just knew it.
"Just say it, Liam" Louis couldn't take it any more.
Liam faced Louis and put a bowl down. Now Louis was nervous seeing that look on Liam's face. "He chose that movie because of you, Louis".
"What do you mean?".
"Harry. He knew you wanted to watch it so badly so he bought it and took it with him. Actually planned on watching it yesterday but then we watched that Hangover series" told Liam him.
"So, he bought it just for me?" checked Louis shocked. Liam nodded at him. "But why does he know I wanted to watch it?".
"He um asked me if there was a movie you would love to watch when he was choosing films for his birthday and I told him about that one" admitted Liam sheepishly.
"Why would he do that?" was Louis utterly confused.
"He wanted to see you smile, to make you happy. Harry just wanted to do something for you, simple but affective. He is really serious with proofing to you that he really wants to change. He really wants you to like him" revealed Liam to him.
Louis was baffled hearing all that. He would've never expected that from Harry. But what did Liam mean with making him like Harry? "I already like Harry. It's not that I still hate him".
"I know that but well it's a bit complicated between you too, or am I wrong? You can't trust him yet or be sure what he does next. You still see him as that flirty womanizer, right?" asked Liam knowingly.
"Yeah but he said himself he doesn't want to change that. Just his mean behaviour not everything. It's nothing wrong with being a ... f- flirt" choked Louis on that last word because he hated it so much.
"I know. He said that, but didn't you said once you would never find true love for you and now you see it differently?".
"Well maybe. I still think I don't desereve anyone and won't find it but... yeah kinda" fell Louis silent.
"First of all, you will find it and you deserve it, Louis. And second, you know sometimes people say things to protect themselves. We should find out if the new or more like old Harry still likes to flirt so much" said Liam calmy.
"Oh he does" remembered Louis their moment in the kitchen. Liam raised an eyebrow at him. "Don't ask".
They went back to the boys with the snacks and ploppedd down on the couch. Louis sat between Niall and Harry and Liam next to Zayn. They started the movie and Louis was really excited and into it. The movie was great. It was lighthearted but still very serious at some points. He really loved it.
"Ouch that probably hurt a lot" commented Niall on a scene where the main character walks in on someone he thought he liked.
"Well, at least it's clear now he's not Blue" noted Zayn.
"You sure? What if he just tries to figure himself out in the wrong way?" remarked Harry thoughtfully.
"I'm with Harry on this one. How many times does it happen that actual gay people make out with girls, huh?" sided Louis with Harry.
"Good point" meant Liam.
"We could bet" grinned Niall smugly.
"For what?" looked Louis weirdly at him.
"Just the honour".
"Boring" sing-songed Louis.
"We could say the loser has to shave his head" countered Niall.
"Well, honour it is then" decided Louis. He loved his hair and wouldn't shave it.
"OH HELL YES. I would never cut my hair" exclaimed Zayn indignantly.
"And Liam, which side are you on? Larry or Ziall?" addressed Niall the silent Liam.
"What the hell are those?" asked Liam confused.
"Our ship names like Zouis, get it?" explained Niall.
"I think I am just abstaining to um... be the judge" shook Liam his head at Niall.
"Good, Ziall vs Larry it is then" clapped Niall into his hands.
"At least our name sounds good" chuckled Louis.
"At least our ship has real moments" shot Niall back.
"Uhhhhh" made Zayn amused.
"We have those too" pouted Louis not really convinced.
"Oh yeah?" quirked Niall an eyebrow at them.
"Yes and now watch the damn movie" hissed Louis at him.
They poked their tongues out at each other but turned back to the movie. Niall and Louis kept poking each other in the rips during the movie or Zayn and Louis threw popcorn at each other while Niall annoyed Liam and begged for more food. When Zayn threw one popcorn piece too far Louis crashed into Harry's lap and couldn't stop himself from laughing his ass off at that. Zayn laughed at him and threw more popcorn at them. Harry shielded Louis' face as good as possible and actually held him in place so he wouldn't fall down and hit his head. As he came down from his laughter Louis didn't know what to do next so he just stayed like this, waiting for the perfect moment to change his position. But it didn't came.
"It feels good to be a winner" bragged Louis playfully as they walked into the kitchen.
"You just agreed with Harry. It wasn't your idea. You didn't win" huffed Niall cutely.
"He understood my point, supported it against you two dickheads and then continued it. Of course he won. Obviously" defended Harry Louis.
"Woah, better not mess with Louis or dark Harry rises" snickered Zayn under his breath.
"I hate both of you" crossed Niall his arms over his chest.
"Guys, focus on your Pizza, please. Get it done" intervened Liam sternly.
The boys turned back to their Pizzas and put the sauce and the toppings on it. Niall had one for his own while Ziam and Larry shared. Niall just was a food monster. It went down pretty good and without problems or incidents. Louis sometimes was distracted by Zayn and Liam being cute in their own little world.
He also was very focused on Harry. He had watched him over the day and had noticed some things. The most obvious thing was that Harry was still holding himself back in everything he was doing or saying. Louis really didn't like that. He wanted to get Harry out of his shell, to break down those strong walls he had built around himself over the years, something Louis was familiar with. Sometimes Louis saw a side of Harry he would almost describe as bubbly and happy and cupcake princess like. But it was seen way too less times. He wanted to change that but didn't know how.
When the Pizzas were ready they started another movie. Louis actually had no idea wich one it was but Disney was on top of it and Liam chose it. He was more focused on the weather getting stormier and windier and the rain pouring down hard against the windows. He hid more under the blanket for obvious reasond and because he was cold. Next to him Harry's eyes were closing sleepily over and over again and Louis wanted nothing more than to cuddle Harry closely.
"You can um.... rest on my shoulder.... if you want to" offered Louis Harry in a whisper.
"You sure" checked Harry sleepily.
Louis nodded at Harry and lifted the blanket up. Harry moved closer to him so Louis could lay the blanket over the both of them. Then Harry rested his head on Louis' shoulder and kinda hugged himself and his eyes closed. Louis got goosebumps everywhere and his heartbeat picked up immediately. He really needed to calm down but it was useless.
After a while Harry was fast asleep on Louis. His one hand clutched Louis' shirt tightly. That made Louis nervous against his will. He still wasn't used to Harry being gentle with him and memories came back that he tried to forget. But at the same time he loved Harry's touch so much and wanted him even closer. That's why he carefully snacked his arm around Harry and rested it on his waist. He felt so coupely but he couldn't get used to this. Something like this would never happen again and he knew that.
"The end. We should....".
"Shhh" cut Louis him off to silence Zayn. He pointed with his head at the sleeping Harry.
"Okay. We should go upstairs and go to bed. We're all pretty tired. Obviously" said Zayn in a whisper. Louis nodded at that.
"I'll take care of the dishes. Zayn wanted to go to the bathroom and Niall just be quiet. Louis, can you wake him up?" asked Liam quietly.
"I'll try" whispered Louis back.
Zayn went upstairs and Liam in the kitchen, dragging Niall with him. Louis looked down at Harry who was still sleeping. He looked so peacefull and stunningly beautiful. Like he always did to Louis. With his free hand he brushed a strand of hair out of Harry's face and then caressed his cheek gently. He wanted to wake him in the most gentle way possible.
"Harry? Hazza, wake up, love. Haz?" whispered Louis softly.
Harry stirred in his sleep and a few seconds later he opened his amazing green eyes. He blinked a few times and then focused on Louis' face. He smiled sleepily at Louis, showing of his cute dimples, and then rubbed his face against Louis' shoulder, still holding onto his shirt. Louis wanted to cooe at that sight but suppressed that need. It was simply adorable.
"Welcome back, beautiful. Did you sleep tight?" asked Louis still in a quiet voice.
"Yeah, you're comfy" wrinkled Harry his nose cutely. "Did I miss the whole movie?".
"Yes sweety, but it's okay. I can't remember what happened anyways" smiled Louis down at him.
"Didn't you watch?" asked Harry.
"Believe me I watched" poked Louis Harry's nose out of nowhere. "But maybe the wrong thing".
"Which thing?" Harry wanted to know.
"Um... Liam admiring Zayn like always. They will be the death of me" saved Louis himself. It wasn't even a lie. They were really cute the whole time over.
"Liam needs to do something soon or I will loose my shit" grinned Harry up at him. Their faces now really close.
"Yeah. Would be sad to watch them fuck it up" gulped Louis.
"So Zayn likes him too?" hooked Harry, now a little bit more awake.
"Isn't that the most obvious thing in the world?" countered Louis amused.
"Well, it looks like you two have something going on" replied Harry, looking down now.
"We're joking about it a lot, I know. But we're just friends. We're not a thing and never will be sadly. Just platonic love between us" cleared Louis up.
"But you kissed, right?" tried Harry to understand.
"About that....".
"Oh Harry you're awake. Great. We want to discuss the room question. C'mon" interupted Liam them. Louis was kinda relieved. This could have turned out pretty embarrassing for him.
The three of them went upstairs and were met with Zayn and Niall, who had scared Zayn in the bathroom. Now they all stood in the hallway with their bags and one Question. Who shares with whom. They had three rooms with double beds and five boys. This could be something.
"First things first. No one should share with Niall. He snores badly" cracked Louis a joke.
"Haha very funny, Tommo. But I wouldn't mind to sleep alone. Can't stand you all, dickheads" slapped Niall Louis playfully.
"Well, then I share with Tommo" announced Zayn.
"See, problem solved" shrugged Liam.
"You sure, Liam? You really want to allow those two to share a room? You do want to get a bit of sleep, right? Those walls are pretty thin" laughed Niall jokingly.
Liam's face hardened and he dragged Zayn with him in one of the rooms and closed the door. Niall just grinned satisfied and left for his room, leaving Louis and Harry alone in the hallway. They opened the door to their room and looked at the double bed in the middle of it. Louis could feel himself getting dizzy.
"I could sleep on the couch if you're not comfortable with me in one room.... or bed" offered Harry hesitantely.
"It's okay, Hazza. I don't have a problem with that as long as you're okay with it" lied Louis. Inside he was screaming. Not because he hated it. More because he had no idea how to survive this.
"I'm okay with it, I think" replied Harry and walked over to the right side of the bed.
Louis took the left side, took his stuff and disappeared into the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and his face and changed from his shirt into a big sweater and only his boxers. Then he went back to find Harry in a t-shirt and his boxers. Quickly Louis looked away and crawled under the covers. Harry left the room for a few minutes and after he came back and turned off the light he climbed into the bed too. Louis felt himself shaking out of pure nerves. This could be a hell of a night.
Part 1 of their weekend away from everything. What do you think?
I actually have Part 2 ready but I want to upload it when I' halfway through with my new Mako Story Chapter.
Question of the Chapter: What kind of feelings does Harry have for Louis?
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