Chapter 14
Saturday around 5 pm Louis and Maria were setting everything up for the day. She had prepared a lot of food, especially for Niall, and cleaned the living room. Zayn came five minutes earlier to see if he could help but they were done already. Liam and Niall showed up at almost the same time. Liam greeted Maria first and offered his help too while Niall just sprinted into the kitchen for his food he knew was there like always. Only Harry was missing now.
"Turn the music on. Let's have some fun" giggled Zayn happily.
"The magic words please" grinned Louis.
"You get dick afterwards?" questioned Zayn cheekily.
"I had something different in mind but I'll take it" shrugged Louis indifferent.
"Two minutes. Just two minutes alone and you're already planning the dirty again" came Niall into the room.
"Harry's at the door. I let him in" informed Liam them with his phone in hand.
Now Louis wasn't so relaxed any more. Yes, it was his idea but who said his ideas were good? Why did they listen to him? What was he thinking anyway? When he saw Harry walking in the room Louis really wanted to turn back time. This was a bad idea.
When their eyes met Louis felt kinda judged. He felt suddenly uncomfortable in his clothes. He wore a tight red t-shirt, showing off his collarbones a bit, black skinny jeans and a check shirt wrapped arouns his waist, hiding his curves and bum a bit. He had a watch on his one wrist with some dark bracelets and a black bandana wrapped around his other one to cover everything up. Louis felt like shit.
"You must be Harry. I'm Maria" greeted Maria Harry politely. She didn't knew what Harry had done in the past.
"Sorry, who are you exactly?" asked Harry with a raised eyebrow.
"I'm Louis' maid" said Maria casually and walked away from a confused looking Harry.
"Urgh, I hate that word and you know it" groaned Louis dramatically.
"But it's true. You pay me so that's about it" held Maria a finger in Louis' face.
"Actually my father does" corrected Louis her.
"Not since you're eighteen, sweetheart. Forgot already? You're my boss now" reminded Maria him.
"And why aren't you nice to your boss then?" raised Louis cheekily an eyebrow.
"Shut up. I cooked your food. You would starve without me" grinned Maria as she walked into the kitchen.
"That's the only reason you're still here" called Louis after her with a laugh, making her laugh too.
"Lovely you two" chuckled Zayn amused.
"She's a pain in my bum" rolled Louis his eyes.
"I heard that" screamed Maria out of the kitchen.
"Good" shouted Louis back.
"So, you have a maid, rich boy huh?" said Harry overly cool.
"Yeah, have a problem with that, Jerk?" faced Louis him confidently.
"I smell more food. I hope it's for me" jumped Niall up from the couch and ran into the kitchen.
"It's always just for you. You're the only one I love, Nialler" laughed Maria.
"Ey, you said you loved me. You're a big ass liar" protested Zayn insulted.
"Can you stop fighting over Maria's love? She only loves me. You should know that" snorted Louis, turning away from Harry.
"Only because I have too. Actually I only love Liam because he is unproblematic" stated Maria, carrying the food into the room with Niall following close behind her.
The three boys gaped at her in shock and betrayal while Liam smiled satisfied at her and sat down on the couch. "You're definitely fired" huffed Louis.
"Well good Luck with the cooking then. Let's see how fast you want me back after you burned the kitchen trying to make a simple pizza" replied Maria sassily.
"Sometimes I wonder who's more sassy. Maria or Louis" snickered Zayn next to Louis.
"Me of course" said both at the same time.
"Just share the Sass, you two. Be kind" grinned Liam, wanting to eat.
"And that's why you are my favourite. Guys, be more like Liam" were Maria's last words before she left them alone.
"You mean being a Spoilsport?" nudged Niall Liam playfully.
"Didn't you want to eat, Nialler?" hissed Liam at him.
"You want to stay there the whole time or do you not know how to sit down?" questioned Louis Harry sassily, who was still just standing there watching them.
"Being sassy isn't really a good thing, you know?" shot Harry back, but sat down on an armchair a bit away from them.
"I think it's great. There are so many ways of being sassy. So many different ways. Good sassy, bad sassy" said Liam with a weird look at Harry that nobody understood apart from him, who chose to ignore it.
"Well, What now?" asked Niall as an awkward silence fell over them.
"Liam?" turned Zayn expectingly at Liam.
"Um.. we could play 20 Questions while we eat. I mean we wanted to get to know each other better. I still don't know a lot about you two and you not really about me. I don't know how much Zayn showed you already" came Liam up with an okay idea.
"He definitely showed more than you think but not exactly me" snickered Niall under his breath, causing Louis to slap his shoulder.
"Anyway, first Question: What do most people think about you that is absolutely not true?" asked Louis.
"Many people think I'm all jokes and fun and can't be serious but that's not true. I just try to live life the best I can" answered Niall first.
"I know you can be serious too when it's needed, Nialler" smiled Louis at him.
"For me it's the exact opposite. People think I'm too mature and boring to have fun but that's bullshit" answered Liam next, a little bit upset.
"We know, Li".
"Well, people think I actually like school and study all day long. Guess what? I don't. I hate school so much and studying sucks. But hey, High School was always like that. A lot of false reputation's go around there but no one really cares to find out the truth" was it now Louis' part to answer.
"I know that way too well. People think I'm a Bad Boy because I like black clothes. I am really not" agreed Zayn with him.
"True. In reality you're a soft cupcake" grinned Louis at him.
"You're really the only one allowed to say that, Tommo Baby" winked Zayn at him.
"Wow, you needed just one Question to get back there? I'm impressed" laughed Niall amused.
"Harry, what about you?" faced Liam Harry now.
"People think I'm a good Hook Up but I'm an amazing Hook Up" shrugged Harry. Dirty Bastard.
"I so expected something like that" rolled Louis his eyes annoyed.
"That's some deep shit. So no 'People think I'm cold hearted but I'm acutally not'?" challenged Zayn him. Harry glared at him for that.
"Next one. Birthday's guys, I dont know your birthday's" went Liam on to the next Question.
"September 13th".
"Hey, I'm on August 29".
"January 12th".
"First of February".
"December 24th".
"Aww, so you're really an angel. A Christmas Angel send from heaven" cooed Zayn at Louis.
"You need help" shook Louis his head.
"Going on. How useful would you be in a zombie apocalypse? What skills do you have that would help you and others survive?" asked Harry suprisingly.
"Huh, I would be the one pretending to be busy to help but actually doing nothing and just saying 'Looking good lads'. I'm useless but you already knew that" cracked Louis a joke directed at Harry.
"Who would you most like to sit next to on a 10 hour flight and why?" threw Niall in to ease the tension.
"Louis of course. We could join the Mile High Club, huh?" nudged Zayn Louis smirkingly.
"Now I'm traumatised".
"You asked, Nialler" shrugged Zayn unbothered.
"Which movie or book do you think is ridiculously overrated?" asked Louis the next Question.
"Fifthy Shades of Grey".
"And there I was thinking you're smart but you're not" cackled Niall like a dying animal.
"What should they teach in high school but don't?" Liam wanted to know next.
"Anything really important maybe?!" answered Louis smugly.
"What is something that can't be taught and can only be learned with age?" was Zayn's next Question.
"Maturity" replied Niall honestly.
"What makes you say "What was I thinking?" when you look back on your life?" was it Harry's turn now.
"Probably my whole life. I actually think that a lot, just a few minutes ago" anwered Louis without thinking twice.
"Oh me too, Tommo" agreed Niall with him, making it less worse.
"You have $100 to burn, all your friends are busy and you have the whole day to yourself, what do you do?" asked Harry another Question, looking at Zayn.
"Go to a strip club" answered Zayn bluntly.
"I'm not busy any more suddenly" threw Louis in.
"Thought so" winked Zayn at him.
"What is something you've done that you wish you could undo?" asked Liam with a weird undertone in his voice.
That Question made them think for a while. Louis had the feeling Liam asked that Question for a reason but according to his face it didn't work out the way he wanted it.
"Getting pissed at a person even though they were right" said Louis quietly but everybody heard him.
"Don't even start with that, Tommo. That's bullshit and you know that" addressed Zayn him with a worried expression on his face.
"Harry?" looked Liam at Harry with an expecting look on his face.
"Nothing" was all Harry said. Liam sighed in defeat.
"If you could live your life again knowing what you do now, what would you change?" rephrased Niall literally the same Question.
"I wouldn't change anything because I love my life" stated Zayn in a forced happy tone.
"And I love you" lay Louis his head on Zayn's shoulder.
"I love you too" smiled Zayn down at him.
"Does someone has another Question? Anyone?" cleared Liam his throat awkwardly.
"How much do you change when you know no one is around?" looked Louis directly at Harry, not knowing where this came from.
"Because me myself, I change completely" added Louis barely audible.
"I never change. I am just who I am, always and everywhere" clarified Harry . This answer really made Louis sad for a certain reason.
"Okay, let's change it up a bit. Football or Basketball, Louis?" tried Liam to rescue the situation as good as possible.
"Ask him something not sports related. Or did you forget he doesn't....".
"Football. I love Football. Life without football is boring" cut Louis Harry off harshly.
"Horror or Comedy Movie, Zaynie Darling?".
"Comedy. I like having a laugh, especially with you, babe" answered Zayn with a wink.
"Winter or Summer, Nialler?".
"Um Summer. Beach Time, baby" sing-songed Niall. "TV or Books, Lima Bean?".
"Mh books, I guess" was Liam unsure. "Most important thing in a partner: Intelligent or Funny Harry?". This Question made Zayn, Louis and Niall snort.
"IF then Funny. If you can't laugh with each other where's the point in being smart then?" answered Harry, wich made Liam smile to himself for whatever reason.
"Sex or Chocolate, Louis?" smirked Harry evilly at him.
"Easy" said Louis, fixing his gaze on Harry. He waited until Harry had taken a sip from his drink before he answered dryly while looking at Harry.
As expected Harry choked on his water hearing that answer so bluntly coming from Louis. He coughed violently but Louis just grinned satisfied to himself. That's what you get, Harold.
"Is someone dying in here?" asked Maria, coming into the room.
"I'm not sure. Maybe. Harry?" Louis couldn't stop himself.
"I'm good" coughed Harry, catching his breath.
"Louis, your father called and wanted to know how everything is going. He said he had the feeling something was wrong" informed Maria Louis.
"What did you tell him?" asked Louis fearfully and stood up. He wanted to go to the kitchen anyway.
"That everything is fine. You just had a cold and stayed home for some days. That's all" answered Maria honestly.
"Thanks, Maria" was Louis really relieved.
"You're old enough to decide what your father should know. It's not on me to decide that. I don't get paid to expose you to your dad. I'm here for you" lay Maria her hands on his shoulders.
"You know you could leave if you want to. Do something else with your life" became Louis insecure again.
"And just leave you behind? Never. Someone has to look after you. I love you like a brother, Louis" confessed Maria to him warmly.
"Love you too. Thanks for everything" hugged Louis her closely, completely ignoring that the other boys were still there watching them.
"Did Dad say .... um... you know... anything about....?" stumbled Louis over his words.
"No, but I'm sure they're fine. You will see".
"I just haven't seen them in a while or heard anything" sighed Louis sadly.
"You will. I'm sure. Well, now let me take the dishes away and then I'm off. If you decide that you want to go to a party just call me later and I pick you up. I'm just one call away" changed Maria the topic and picked up their dirty dishes.
"We probably won't, even though Perrie is having one today, but I'll remember that" replied Louis and walked into the kitchen.
"Niall, move your lazy ass over here if you want your beloved beer" shouted Louis from the kitchen over to Niall.
"Damn it. I'm on my way, my lovely beer" sing-songed Niall and helped Louis with it.
"Don't overdo it, boys" said Maria sternly.
"Never" grinned Louis innocently.
"If you die, tell me tomorrow. I want a peaceful evening, yeah?" joked Maria on her way to the door.
"Just leave. You're annoying" waved Louis her off. She flipped him off and left the house.
All five boys took a beer and just stayed silent for a while. Music was playing in the background and it was peaceful. Louis almost forgot that Harry was there because he was so silent the whole time. Probably wouldn't last for long though.
"Who is in for Never Have I Ever?" wiggled Niall his eyebrows weirdly at his friends.
"This game can ruin friendships" warned Liam.
"So no danger for me" shrugged Harry bored.
"I don't have any secrets left to share so bring it on" said Zayn a little bit tipsy already.
"Let's start slow. Never Have I Ever cheated on a test" started Harry, making eye contact with Louis.
Keeping the eye contact Louis took a sip from his second beer as did everyone else. Actually a little shocked they looked at Liam who just looked at the floor.
"You cheated on a test?" asked Niall suprised.
"Why are you so spurised?" questioned Liam.
"You serious?" raised Niall an eyebrow at him.
"Let's go on. We all cheated, what a suprise. Next one: Never Have I Ever woken up and couldn't move" continued Louis and took a sip from his beer alongside Harry.
"Why couldn't you move?" was Liam confused.
"Sure you want details, Liam?" nudged Harry him.
"A few days ago I woke up and was literally trapped between these two bubbleheads. I couldn't move one bit. Be happy you weren't there too as you wanted to" told Louis Liam.
"Yeah sorry for practically crushing you underneath me. Well, next one" scratched Zayn his neck.
"Never Have I Ever accidently sent someone to the hospital" looked Zayn at Harry and added quietly. "Or on purpose".
"Do I want to know the story behind this?" checked Liam carefully, ignoring how Harry took a big sip from his third beer.
"Not really. I'm not proud of it and it was an accident. I made up for it as you always should do" was everything Zayn said to this matter.
They played on like that for a while with some weird stories here and there until they had reached their fifth beer and Niall his sixth. They had said some embarrassing and a lot of funny things during that time. It wasn't too bad in the end.
"Never Have I Ever ... worked with someone I hated with the burning passion of a thousand suns" was Zayn's next Question, being tipsy as hell.
"Cheers to that" held Harry his beer up with a nasty wink into their direction.
"The feeling is mututal, Harold" flipped Louis him off, sipping from his beer.
"Never Have I Ever had a crush on a friend's parent" giggled Niall drunkenly.
Louis threw him an annoyed but playfull look while the other boys just stared at him confused. "What? You knew that" was all Niall said. No details needed.
"Never Have I Ever fallen in love at first sight" continued Liam. No one drank anything.
"Well, that's tough. I think you can be infatuated by someone the first time you see them and fall in love later. If you believe in love that's it" mused Louis out loud.
"You don't?" hooked Liam interested.
"Not for me at least" shrugged Louis, not caring any more.
"Never Have I ever taken food out of a trash can and eaten it" giggled Niall more to himself.
"Eww Niall. That's disgusting" grimaced Liam.
"Just ignore him. He's drunk off his ass" adviced Louis him.
"I'm not, Tommo. I just have some fun" protested Niall cutely.
"Well then, Never Have I Ever ridden an animal" asked Liam way too innocent, making the rest chuckle to themselves.
"Not necessarily an animal, but does animal in bed count, too?" snickered Zayn dirtily, causing Liam to blush deeply.
"While we're at it. Never Have I Ever had...." wanted Harry to ask but decided to change the wording of the Question. "... done anything sexual".
"I know where you're going with that but let me tell you, you would be suprised, Harold" took Louis a sip from his beer, really suprising Harry, who took one too and Zayn after them.
"You too Zayn? Now I'm curious" wanted Harry details.
"I don't kiss and tell" locked Zayn his lips with an invisible key and threw Louis a look that made him giggle.
"Enough of that dirty talk. Never Have I Ever had a crush on a friend" asked Liam with slightly red cheeks.
Zayn fell silent and looked at the beer in his hand. Hesitantly he took a sip as did Liam and Niall. In this moment Louis was glad Harry wasn't his friend. That Niall took a sip actually suprised him but he didn't ask. He could do this later without the other boys. Seeing Liam and Zayn's faces at the moment was enough torture.
"Maybe we should stop for toni....".
"I have one last one" interupted Niall Liam.
"Shoot" said Zayn with a chuckle.
Niall started laughing before he could even say something. He tried to catch his breath and form a proper sentence. "Never Have I Ever kissed someone in the room".
Harry's face paled immediately and he stared at his beer. Louis didn't even thought about that and looked at Zayn who was already looking at him. The other three boys looked at them as they took a sip of their beer at the same time, looking at each other with a grin. Two confused, one smugly.
"Wait... Zayn you.... Louis... you two kissed?" stumbled Liam over his words.
"What? No, they didn't, right?" asked Harry with a weird voice.
"Did we? Didn't we? Who knows" shrugged Louis with a chuckle.
"Well, I know" snickered Niall drunkenly.
"You really kissed?" Harry couldn't believe it.
"Did we, darling?" faced Zayn Louis jokingly.
"Maybe, maybe not".
"You so kissed. Admit it" exclaimed Niall.
"Yes. Yes we did. There, happy?" admitted Louis the kiss.
"Very" beamed Niall joyfully.
"So, are you two....?" pointed Liam back and forht between them.
"Together? No. Just some goodie good friends sharing needs" cackled Zayn way too tipsy to think clearly.
"How can you say that? Why do you deny our undying love, Zayn? I thought you loved me" exclaimed Louis dramatically.
"I'm sorry. I really do, babe. Please don't leave me" let Zayn himself fall to the floor like he fainted.
"Niall, look at that. You killed my bro laddy lad pal boyfriend lover husband thingy" pointed Louis at Zayn, pretending to be dead.
"You're weird. All together. Eww you really kissed" shuddered Harry at the scene.
"Well, he wasn't the only one, mh?" glared Louis at Harry.
"Enough alcohol for today. Let's just watch a movie, okay boys?" suggested Liam in desperate need to stop this honesty train.
"One last thing" announced Louis, holding back his giggles. He was really tipsy. "Tell me, why aren't we going to Perrie's party again?".
"You think that's a good idea?" checked Liam unsurely.
"Hell Yes. I'm single, looking for a pringle and ready to mingle" cackled Louis.
"You mean ready to rumble?" stood Zayn up, laughingly.
"Ready to rumble" repeated Louis Zayn's words.
"Great. Let's go as long as I get food" was Niall in.
"Nood is alive" sing-songed Louis.
"And hey, I will survive. Lalala jnfvnfdknek" sang Zayn, not knowing the words of the song.
"Bam. Wuhu" made Louis with a little thrusting move and slapped his hands in a dirty manner on his thighs.
"Oh my golly golly gosh" laughed Liam entertained.
"Hold on. Change of plans. We' staying here" said Zayn after seeing this.
"You mean you want all that to yourself?" motioned Louis at his body.
"Hell yes, I do".
"Then maybe we should stay and I'll show you a good tome, sugar doll, huh?" approached Louis him seductively.
"I would love that, Daddy" whispered Zayn.
"Daddy?" questioned Harry kind of yeah..... you know?!
"He might be tiny but he is the toppiest Top I've ever seen" claimed Zayn drunkenly.
"Was that supposed to be a compliment?" raised Louis an eyebrow at him.
"Yes, deep from my heart" lay Zayn his hand on his chest.
"I'd like to be deep somewhere else" said Louis in a low voice.
"Oookaaay, we should leave or they'll never reach the party" dragged Niall out the okay part.
With a distraught Liam and an unreadable Harry Niall dragged Zayn and Louis torwards the front door. They put on their shoes and coats, turned off the music and the lights and headed off to the party. They were hoping for a good time.
I'm not really satisfied with that but well, I can't think of something else. Let's see what the party brings. Maybe some Drama, maybe some clarity.
Question of the Chapter: Any Questions you would have asked the boys?
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