Chapter 10
The boys had officially lost their minds. They were addicted to that freaking show. They spent the whole weekend binge watching all seasons of Shadowhunters until they reached the end of season 3A. It was an emotinal rollercoaster for all of them. Sadness, Happines, Tension, Love, Pain, Friendship. It was absolutely amazing.
They barely slept and ate a lot of of Popcorn and Pizza mixed with chocolate and ice cream. The curtains were closed all day like they were some kind of vampires. Maria was close to the edge. She had to literally drag them out of bed by their feets to make them take a small walk through the park to get some fresh air. They didn't even change their clothes once. That's why no one noticed Louis' change in clothes. They wore simple t-shirts and sweatpants all day long.
Again Harry had called Liam and even Zayn and wanted them to join him for some party but they said they were busy. Harry knew directly what that meant. The boys didn't care. They preferred watching their show over partying with strangers drunk off their asses, watching Harry snogg the hell out of some girl or boy and hook up with them in the end, not caring about Liam or Zayn any more. This was how it always went down and they didn't feel the need for it at all.
Due to all that chilling they almost completely forgot to do their homework. Sunday evening Liam almost had a heart attack because of that. Niall fell laughing loudly to floor. In the end they all did it together had managed to get it done somehow.
Monday was a weird day. It was silent. Harry talked normally with Liam and also with Zayn like nothing ever happened, but Zayn was very sceptical. Not one nasty comment or remark about anything Louis or Niall did or said. It was as if Harry completely ignored their existence. Maybe it was for the better.
By now the boys had noticed a difference in Louis' appearance. Instead of his colourful pants and stripped shirts he wore dark jeans and dull shirts with check shirts or jeansjackets. A beanie or snapback to round it all up and his skateboard under his arm. That's how he got to school today. So practically he changed from a flamboyant happy Louis to a cool skaterboy Louis. Harry saw that too and didn't say a word. Louis had no idea if that was good or bad.
Tuesday Louis wore black jeans, a white tank top with a jeans jacket over it and a dark red beanie. He drove on his skateboard to school and was pretty late what wasn't normal for him. On his way to the school entrance he passed Harry, who looked very strangely at him but said nothing. Louis shrugged it off, walked fastly to his locker to get his things and headed to class.
Liam, Zayn and Niall also Eleanor were very worried about Louis by now but he assured them everything was perfect and he liked his new clothes and just needed a change. He had no idea if they believed him but he just fucking hoped so.
"Now, that the two weeks are over I have to say I'm very proud of you guys" beamed Mr. Cordon in their Music Class. "The most of you worked pretty well together and the songs you created are amazing. I listened to all of them various times to find the perfect groups for step two of this task".
Zayn and Louis looked at Niall and Liam. They all hoped the same. It would be ace to be a group for this task. It would be hella easy to work together and stuff like that. They all crossed their fingers and hoped for the best. They trusted Mr. Cordon to do the right thing.
"I will put always two of the original pairs together for a group and you choose one of your songs and turn it into a group song for the final performance. But some of you will also get a fifth person because some pairs didn't work out at all" continued Mr. Cordong and glanced at Harry and Eleanor. That pair really didn't work out at all. Eleanor did everything alone and not just because Harry got suspended. He only tried to hit on her but she kicked him in the balls and worked alone since then. That was Louis' girl over there.
"Well, let' start with the first group and boys please don't hate me" said Mr. Cordon a little bit nervous and turned around to Louis and the boys.
"You four, Zayn, Louis, Niall and Liam will work together as a group. Your songs had a similar style and I thought for a second you already worked togehter as four" he gave them a knowing look.
"Thank you, Sir. We will do our best" thanked Liam him happily.
"I know that, Liam. That's why you're the only one who can handle to work with Harry. I'm very sorry" smiled Mr. Cordon apologeticly at them.
Louis groaned at that and slammed his head on the table. Of course Harry would be in his group. Life loved Louis very much like always. Well, at least he wasn't alone with him. And if Harry again wouldn't do anyting it would even be better for them in the end.
"What???" exlcaimed Harry in horror. "But why? I could work with... um...".
"With? Sorry to tell you that, but nobody wants to work with you because you never do anything. Ms. Calder did everything alone and don't tell me I'm wrong. It was hella obvious, she didn't need to say anything. You have to live with that now. Maybe you will learn something through this" interupted Mr. Cordon Harry and gave him an unreadable look.
"He so did that on purpose. Did you see his face?" asked Niall in a whisper.
"Oh yeah I did. Nice shit" rollled Louis his eyes annoyed.
"Maybe it won't be that bad" remarked Liam unsure.
"Tzz, as if" snorted Zayn. "Ey, Harry, move your ass over here" called Zayn over to Harry, who didn't made a move to come on his own.
"Gosh, chill, mate". Harry stood up and walked over to them. He flopped down in a seat next to Liam.
"Okay, I would say we should choose the song first" tried Liam to start the work unproblematic.
"Funny. I don't know your songs. How should I choose then?" snorted Harry.
"Here. I have the instrumental versions on my phone and the lyrics are right here" handed Liam Harry his phone and the lyrics.
He took it and put the earphones in to listen to both songs. Zayn, Niall and Louis gave each other an annoyed look. No one wanted to do that. But Louis was happy Liam chose the instrumental version without their voices and due to the look he threw Louis Liam did it for him. Bad enough that Harry had to hear his singing at one point, but better not in class. He was also nervous to hear what Harry thought. In the end Louis had written both songs.
Harry gave Liam the phone back and read over the lyrics again. "They're both okay. I don't care wich one we take" shrugged Harry indifferent.
"Thought so" mumbled Zayn with an eyeroll.
"We should take your song. It's amazing and maybe even better for a group" addressed Liam Zayn and Louis, wich made Louis smile to himself.
"I agree. You wrote an amazing song, Tommo" agreed Niall with Liam.
"Zayn worked on it, too" blushed Louis nervously.
"Maybe, but the lyrics are yours. Take the credit, love" put Zayn his arm around Louis' shoulders.
"After school we should start working on the rest. Who sings what and stuff" said Liam with a deep frown on his face.
"Why not after Lunch? I have a life, you know?" groaned Harry bored.
"Well, some of us have Courses, you know?" imitated Louis his voice from before.
"You mean your little Drama class? Is that why you wear those clothes? Do you play a wannabe Hipster or are you serious with.... that?" looked Harry him up and down.
"Can you annoy someone else?" rolled Louis his eyes at him.
"That's all? No slick comeback? Are you too cool for that now? New clothes can't hide the fact that you're still an annoying brat. Have fun acting ice cool but you will always remain pathetic and obnoxious, Lewis" Harry didn't stop insulting him, crashing Louis' heart with every single word.
"Wow, you learned new words. I'm impressed" played Louis it off cool.
"Harry, shut up. Louis, ignore him. We need to focus on the project. So after school. Zayn, maybe at yours?" intervened Liam now.
"Luck is on our side today. I'm home alone for the day" presented Zayn smugly to them.
"Uhhh Zayn" cooed Niall laughingly.
Harry huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. The rest of the lesson was over soon and they went for Lunch. For a change they had a chance to talk with Eleanor again. She told them about the Cheerleader Championship and how she has training now almost every day and was thinking about cancelling at least one course to have more time for her school work. Louis couldn't imagine how stressfull this must be for her.
At the end of the Lunch Break they crossed paths with Harry coming out of some empty classroom. His hair was everywhere and his lips swollen and he had a smug look on his face. You needed nothing more and just knew what had happened. Liam just sighed heavily at that sight while Zayn shook his head in disgust. Louis' stomach scrunched together at that sight and he felt sick but tried to not think about it.
During Drama Eleanor and Louis mostly talked while the teacher presented their new play and talked about the main roles. Louis wouldn't audition and Eleanor neither because she had no time for it. They decided to do the backstage work, nothing new for Louis though. When it got nearer to the end of the class he grew nervous. As soon as class was over he would have to see Harry again and even work with him on a song he wrote for God knows how long. This was a pure nightmare.
As the bell rang and he walked out of the room he was met with his friends and Harry waiting for him outside of the room. To say he was suprised wouldn't quiet describe it at all. They said goodbye to Eleanor and left the school. Louis knew Zayn lived a bit farther away so he wondered how they would get there.
"My car is over there. I can drive us" informed Liam them, earning confused looks from everyone.
"You're seventeen".
"Yes, but Im allowed to. Just don't ask" told Liam a dumbfounded Niall.
"I have my bike so I'll meet you there" walked Zayn over to his motorcycle.
"Don't tell me you're skating your way there on that cheap thing?" pointed Harry at Louis' old skateboard.
Before he could say anything Zayn grabbed his wrist and pulled him torwards his bike. "No, he's riding with me" handed Zayn him a helmet with a grin.
"Or you could ride me" smirked Louis at Zayn as he climbed on the bike.
"Gladly, but Later, darling" winked Zayn at him and put the helmet on.
"Wow, that was dirty. When did that happen, mh?" nudged Niall Liam.
"I have no idea" sighed Liam, obviously not getting Niall's joke. Niall frowned at him and saw Harry frowing too.
The boys got in Liam's car and started driving to Zayn's home while Louis wrapped his arms around Zayn's waist and they drove off. They almost contemporaneously arrived at Zayn's flat. It was a beautiful flat with five small bedrooms, a nice kitchen and big living room. Louis loved it. It looked homey.
Zayn grabbed some food for Niall on the way to his room and then they all sat down on the floor of Zayn's room. It looked similar to Louis', just without the keyboard and smaller and in black with graffiti arts on the walls. Looked like Zayn.
"Okay, first things first. Who sings what?" clapped Liam in his hands with an expectant look on his face.
"It doesn't matter to me as long as I can keep my duet part with Tommo. No one beats Zouis" stated Zayn with a grin.
"Zouis?" raised Harry an eyebrow at Zayn.
"Shut up, Harry" hissed Zayn back.
"That's okay with me. Was my favourite part of the song anyway. You're great" was Niall okay with that idea.
"Great. Then Harry could maybe sing the second verse and we share the first one?" suggested Liam to them excitedly.
"Whatever" shrugged Harry uninterested.
"Niall should take the second part of the first verse. It would fit his special voice perfectly" suggested Zayn in a flirty voice.
"Uhh Zayn, you wanna hear my special voice more often" purred Niall jokingly.
"Lovingly" winked Zayn at him.
"Zayn, stop flirting in front of my eyes or I will mark you worse next time" slapped Louis Zayn's shoulder in fake pain.
"Sorry Daddy, I was a Bad Boy. Please don't punish me" exclaimed Zayn over dramatically.
"But how would you learn then, baby boy?" smirked Louis at him.
"Woah, wait a second. Mark him worse? Are we talking about what I think we are?" stopped Niall their sexy joke.
"I don't know what you're talking about" pretended Louis to be innocent.
"What's going on?" was Harry utterly confused.
"Oh nothing. Just that Zayn showed up on Wednesday with a huge Hickey on his neck but he doesn't have a boyfriend right now. That bastard told us nothing but I'm sure I know now who was behind that, or am I wrong Tommo?" crossed Niall his arms over his chest with his stern father face.
"Niall, are you seriously implying the two.... um...." was Liam not able to say it out loud.
"Fucked, Liam. Just say it" said Harry bluntly.
"Well, Mr. Blunt, bold of you to accuse me of fucking my best friend. That didn't happen" pointed Zayn his finger at Harry, but couldn't stop grinnning.
"That grin says something else. So spill it" Niall didn't let up.
"Niall, get a life or should I mark you next"? wiggled Louis his eyebrows at him.
"You said next!!! I knew it!!!" exclaimed Niall.
"Jesus Niall, take a joke right please" cackled Zayn and fell backwards on the floor.
"Still like that view a lot" leaned Louis a bit over Zayn and smirked down at him.
"Are you quiet finished yet? Some people want to work" rolled Harry his eyes annoyed at them.
"I'm with Harry on that. We should get some work done" agreed Liam with Harry, obviously bothered by what happened in front of his eyes.
"You know how to kill the mood" pouted Louis cutely and took his jeans jacket off, he had worn the whole day. Now he was left in his tank top that showed of his chest tattoo no one knew about.
"Oi, since when do you have a tattoo, Tommo?" asked Niall suprised.
"Was my birthday present" shrugged Louis.
"What does it say?" tried Liam to read the words.
"It is what it is" answered Louis and caught Harry's eye, examining Louis closely.
"That's deep" realised Zayn the meaning behind those words for Louis.
"Deep? That's bullshit. What does that even mean?" snorted Harry.
"That you can't change it. Some things are just like they are no matter what you do" explained Louis in a monoton voice, hiding his emotion inside his heart.
"You mean like being a worthless fag?" smirked Harry evilly at him.
"C'mon Harry, was that necessary?" looked Liam at him in disbelief.
"Just try and sing your part. Otherwise shut up" snarled Zayn angrily at him.
Harry rolled his eyes like so many times before and took the lyrics from Liam. Niall pressed play at the right part and Harry started to sing. Louis was captivated from the first second. Harry's voice was so smooth but also the right amount of raspy and he had that look on his face when he sang like everything else was meaningless. He looked so free and different in that moment and Louis couldn't stop himself from staring at Harr in awe. That' when it hit him. The moment he thought to see a light sparkle in Harry's eyes Louis froze completely. This wasn't allowed to happen, not to him, not Harry. But there was no denying it any more.
"Shit, Zayn you were right" blurted Louis out when Harry stopped singing.
"I know I'm amazing, nerd" bragged Harry arrogantly.
"Not everthing is about you, Jerk" glared Louis at him as best as possible in that moment.
"Give us a second. We're back before you noticed we're gone" stood Zayn up and dragged Louis outisde with him by his wrist. Harry, Liam and Niall just looked after them totally confused.
Zayn stopped in the kitchen and let go of Louis' wrist. "Please, tell me that's not true" begged Zayn desperately.
"I'm in some deep shit, Z" buried Louis his face in his hands.
"How do you know?" Zayn wanted to know.
"It kinda hit me back in there. I'm shocked but there is no denying it any more" confessed Louis in a desperate voice, looking up at Zayn with fear in his heart of what he had to confess and admit to himself now.
"I have feelings for Harry".
And we're back on. Louis admitted his feelings for Harry to himself and is not happy about it. Would you?
Question of the Chapter: Why did Louis change his style so drastically?
I thought about bringing back the dedications. So this is for literally my first ever reader on my first story who started this one too. Thanks for everything <3
definegirlfriends11 <3 <3 <3
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