Oh Boy Here We go again
Amelia:*she cooking in the kitchen as her sister's helping her*
Kris:*he sitting with the others as he look at the door* well this is a normal day is it?
Ren:*he fixed his glasses* I don't think so... Felt something might happened in about.....
Someone knocked the door
Kris:oh? Who could it be? *he stood up as he went to the front door*
Yu:*he look at Ren* you and your predictions is scary....
Ren:*he look at Yu as he shrugged* I can argue with it... Had a rough time....
Kris:*he opened the door as he saw a well dressed boy and he raised an eyebrow* uhh... Hi.... Can I help?
????: Hello, is Amelia Suzugamori here?
Kris:umm... Yeah, she is... Come in... *he went back inside with the boy*
????:*he went to the livingroom as he saw Ren and smiles* well, well... Small world is it?
Ren:*he look at the boy and widened his eyes* Akechi?
Yu:*he look at Akechi and glance at Ren* you know eachother?
Akechi:*he look at Yu and smiles* we partners some point....
Kris:*he look at Akechi* wait here, I call her.... *then he went to the kitchen*
Akechi:*he look at Ren* so, this is where you ran off to?
Ren:*he just crossed his arm* I got a called by the host....
Akechi:well.... I hope you don't mind....
Meanwhile in the kitchen.
Kris:*he look at the sisters as he went to Amelia* Amy.... Someone want to meet you....
Amelia:*she look at Kris* Someone? Who?
Kris:Ren somehow knew him...
Amelia:*she look at the living room and wiped her hand* sis, I leave this to you...
Sora:*she look at Amelia and nods as she smiles* sure!
Amelia went to the livingroom
Akechi:*he look at Amelia and smiles* oh, so this is the host?
Ren:*he look at Amelia*
Amelia:*she saw Akechi and sighed* right, I should have known.... Oh well.... At least you did come....
Akechi:*he smiles * well don't want to miss the party....
Amelia:well... *she look at Ren* he will be here so... I hope you don't mind....
Ren:*he just shrugged* yeah, is fine....
Amelia:well then, this is a short one. So, let's get back to work.... *then, she went back to the kitchen*
Leave comments down below of what should we do next! See ya!
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