Chapter 5
~Chapter 5: Difference in Perspective~
Despite Ozpin's suggestion, Y/n sat on the ledge of Beacon's rooftop, overlooking the sunset on the horizon.
Y/n: "The day is ending already. Time flies by so fast..."
As Y/n does a quick survey around, he sees Weiss standing by a balcony just below him, bearing a solemn and distant expression as she too watches the sunset in the distance.
Having not much else in need of your attention, Y/n drops down to Weiss's balcony, taking her by surprise as he lands on the railing.
Y/n: "Hello, Weiss"
Weiss: "You again!"
Y/n steps down from the railing before leaning against it.
Y/n: "Something on your mind?"
Weiss: "It's nothing"
Y/n: "From what I've learned: when a woman says it's nothing, it's usually something"
Weiss: *scoffs* "And who exactly are YOU to tell me what something IS and ISN'T? Matter of fact, why are you even here? The initiation is over and you're still here"
Y/n: "Right...we haven't formally met. My name is Y/n, and currently, I'm training under Ozpin to become a Headmaster"
Weiss: "Wait...Y/n? As in 'Dancing Iron Fist' Y/n? The same fighter that went back to back with Pyrrha Nikos?"
Y/n: "Back-to-back losses is what it feels to me. But I'll take it"
Weiss: "I am so sorry for being rude! I didn't think I would meet you, oh jeez...some first impression this is"
Y/n: *chuckles* "It's fine. Though, I have 1 way for you to make it up to me"
Weiss: "Anything!"
Y/n turned around, opting to lean forward to the railing, and propped his chin with his hand.
Y/n: "You can open up to me"
Weiss: *hesitant* "I..."
Y/n: "Don't worry, anything shared will be just between us"
Weiss: *sigh* "I suppose..."
Weiss walked further into the balcony as Y/n kept his eyes on Weiss.
Weiss: "Well...I think I should've been the leader of team RWBY"
Y/n: "Interesting...tell me more"
Weiss: "I've trained all my life to get to where I am. Studied all my life, and then SHE comes along, no experience, acts like a child, and Ozpin thinks I'M not a good fit to be leader!?"
Y/n: "Hmm...that is a compelling argument"
Weiss: "Right!? Wow, I'm so relieved that you could see it the way I see"
Y/n: "I'm thankful for that. But now that you've calmed down...Would you care for a shift in perspective?"
Weiss: "What do you mean?"
Y/n shifts his body, having himself face Weiss directly as he remains leaned against the railing.
Y/n: "It's not really a shift, but more of a hypothetical. Imagine this, it is 2 years prior. You, a younger Weiss Schnee, get pulled out of your combat school and immediately join Atlas Academy"
Weiss: "Doesn't sound so bad so far"
Y/n: "You'd think at first. But keep in mind, that you're beginning the year with less experience and knowledge than you have currently. You're ill-equipped, and you have no one to rely on as a friend amongst your peers, at most you'll have a sister accompanying you"
With all the prerequisites laid out, Y/n then posed his question to Weiss.
Y/n: "Now, with everything I've said, how would you think you'd be fair in this situation?"
Weiss: "Gosh...terribly, I think. I mean, with little prior training? It'll be a nightmare!"
Y/n: "Then what if I tell you that Ruby Rose is currently living that exact nightmare?"
Weiss: "You mean-!?"
Y/n nods. Having sent his point across, he shifts around again to look back into the sunset.
Weiss: "There must be some sort of mistake!"
Y/n: *shrugs* "Beats me. Till this day I've yet to figure out how Ozpin thinks, but do you know the underlying point in all of this?"
Weiss: "What?"
Y/n: "Ruby is trying her best. Nothing proves it more than back at your performance in Port's class. To her, she sees that her teammate is in trouble and need of help, and when she offers a solution..."
Weiss: "I shunned her..."
Weiss looked down, feeling remorseful for her actions toward the young leader. Y/n looked over at Weiss before he looked out once more. From below, Y/n sees Ruby carrying books from Beacon's library through one of the windows of the hallway.
Y/n: "Perhaps it is unfair as you say for snubbing you of your role as a leader, but isn't it equally as unfair to deny someone's opportunity to prove themselves to the responsibility given to them?"
Weiss: "...Then what should I do?"
Y/n: "My suggestion...consider being supportive. You don't have to go extravagant with the notion, but providing support can go a long way"
Y/n then felt his scroll vibrate, upon opening it, he saw that he was receiving a call from Glynda.
Y/n: "It appears that duty calls. I enjoy our chat, Weiss. I do hope you put what we've discussed into consideration"
He then walks off before answering the call.
Y/n: "Go for Y/n..."
As Y/n departs, so does Weiss. Taking a stroll around the campus to further meditate on their interaction.
The full moon shines over the green lights of Beacon, and in the room of Team RWBY, the door opens and Weiss' shadow is seen against the hall's light. Blake is sleeping under the covers, Yang is spread out on her bed and snoring, and when Weiss lifts the blanket of Ruby's tent, she finds the occupant with her head resting on notes, a pencil in her hand, and open books all around her. Weiss, looking amazed at Ruby's determination, clears her throat and gently shakes the other girl awake, who takes a second to regain consciousness and starts flailing in surprise.
Ruby: "Weiss! I-I was studying, and then I fell asleep! I'm sorry..."
Weiss places a hand over Ruby's mouth and puts a finger on her own so Ruby understands the need to lower her voice. Weiss looks near Ruby's pillow and spots an empty Beacon coffee mug.
Weiss: "How do you take your coffee?"
Ruby: "I... I don't..."
Weiss: "Answer the question!"
Ruby: "Uhh, cream and five sugars!"
Weiss: *sighs* "Don't move"
She ducks under her own bed and comes up a moment later with a fresh cup, offering it to Ruby.
Weiss: "Here"
Ruby: "Um... Thanks, Weiss."
Weiss felt a smile creep up to her lips before it slowly turned to an apologetic look.
Weiss: "Ruby, I think you have what it takes to be a good leader. Just know that I am going to be the best teammate you'll EVER have!"
Ruby smiles appreciatingly as the two share a smile.
Weiss: "Good luck studying!"
She ducks back under, only to come up and point at one of Ruby's papers.
Weiss: "That's wrong, by the way"
She then goes back down before calling back out to Ruby, this time her voice comes from the doorway.
Weiss: *distant* "Hey, Ruby?"
Ruby: "Uh-huh?"
Weiss stands in front of the door with her hand on the knob.
Weiss: "I always wanted bunk beds as a kid"
Weiss then takes her leave as Ruby, who grins at the progress with her friend, goes back to her notes.
As she steps out of the hallway, Weiss sees Y/n leaning against the wall, exhausted as he remains on his call with Glynda.
Glynda's voice: "...We're also going to need you to partake in the quarterly report as part of Beacon's staff"
Y/n: *sigh* "There's so much to do..."
Glynda's voice: "Not only that, but you'll also have to-"
Y/n then mutes the microphone on his scroll before pulling the scroll out of his ear as he sighs.
Weiss: "Excuse me"
Y/n looks over and sees Weiss walking up to him.
Y/n: "Oh, Weiss. How may I help you this time?"
Weiss: "I came to thank you. I've decided that it's best to look at things differently"
Y/n: "And? What did you see?"
Weiss: "I saw that I need to be supportive, and I've taken it upon myself to be a better teammate"
Y/n: "That's a promising start"
Glynda's voice: "Mr. Y/n?"
Hearing Glynda address him, Y/n hurriedly unmutes before placing the scroll back over his ear.
Y/n: "Yeah? I'm here"
Weiss: "I better get going then, it looks as though you have your hands full"
Y/n mouths a 'thank you' as Weiss departs further into the halls.
Eventually, Glynda's voice begins to zone out, prompting Y/n to mute his scroll once again before leaning further into the wall and looking out the window, seeing the fragmented moon adorning the night sky.
Pyrrha: "Doing a bit of stargazing?"
Y/n looked behind him and saw Pyrrha walk up to him before standing by his side.
Y/n: "Not really, just staring at the moon"
Pyrrha: "...I hadn't seen you since your appearance with Professor Ozpin. Where have you been?"
Y/n: "Around. I've been working like a dog around Beacon"
Y/n and Pyrrha both looked away from the moon as they now set their sights on each other.
Y/n: "Sometimes I just want to take a break for a while, you know?"
Pyrrha: "About that...maybe you and I could-"
Glynda's voice: "MR. Y/N!!!"
Hearing Glynda's loud voice from his scroll, Y/n quickly unmutes before hurriedly explaining himself.
Y/n: "Yes! Yes! I'm here...No, no I don't have you on mute...Well, it was just..."
Seeing Y/n be immediately preoccupied, Pyrrha sighed before opting to retire back into her dorm room as Y/n was berated on the other line by Glynda Goodwitch.
A bit philosophical in this chapter if I do say so myself.
Gonna be honest, it's a bit difficult getting the Spider-man out of my dialogue writing, but I think so far I'm doing good. What do you guys think? There's the comment section right there so no need to hesitate.
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Bye Bye
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