Chapter 4
~Chapter 4: First day struggles~
Present in Ozpin's office was Y/n, who stood in front of Ozpin as he sat behind his desk with Glynda by his side.
Ozpin: "I'm sure you're aware of the position you will fulfill starting this semester"
Y/n: "Yes, I do"
Glynda: "Your antics during the initiation say otherwise"
Y/n: "Come're still mad at that?"
Glynda glares at Y/n, prompting him to whimper as he scratches his cheek awkwardly.
Glynda: "To reiterate, you're taken into Beacon as a trainee to become the next Headmaster of Beacon should Professor Ozpin step down from his position"
Y/n: "And that part still confuses me. Considering how I grew up and all"
Ozpin: "Being a Headmaster isn't just about intelligence and education. It's how you facilitate and deal with problems should they arrive. It is about ACTION. You show potential Mr. Y/n, and I believe with the right teachings you can have what it takes to be a Headmaster one day"
Ozpin then reached into his drawer, taking out a separate scroll before placing it on his desk. Glynda then casts a purple glow from her riding crop that encapsulates the scroll before it floats over to Y/n.
Ozpin: "Here are your errands, we'll add more once you've grown more accustomed to your new lifestyle"
Y/n begins to read the long list of tasks he has for his agenda.
That same list remained present as Y/n walked through the dorm hallway, having crossed out the majority of his errands.
Y/n: "And that should be all the students"
Just as he was about to cross out another one of his tasks, Y/n heard a commotion from inside one of the doors.
Y/n: "Weird. I could've sworn I've knocked on this door already"
Walking up to the said door, Y/n knocks before hearing shuffling on the other side of the door before the doorknob clicks as the door opens to reveal Ruby along with Yang and Blake on the other side.
Y/n: "Team RWBY..."
Ruby: "Oh, it's you again. Hello!"
Blake: "The guy from the initiation"
Yang: "Heyya!"
Y/n: "Yes, hello. Why are you all still here?"
Ruby: "We're still redecorating our dorm room. Why?"
Y/n looks at his scroll to check the time.
Y/n: "I'm here to remind you that class is about to start"
???: "Class!?"
Y/n turned around as Jaune, Ren, and Nora collapsed outside of their door.
Y/n: "I'm pretty sure I've knocked on your door too"
Ruby bursts into a pile of rose petals, speeding through the hallway followed by her teammates along with Jaune, Ren, and Nora.
Y/n: "Jeez...some first day"
Pyrrha; "Yes, it is"
Y/n looked back to Team JNPR's dorm to see Pyrrha walk out, wearing the school's black uniform that's similar to the one Nora wore.
Y/n: "I'm surprised to see YOU up late. You look good"
Pyrrha: "Thank you. I was about to head to class first, but I wanted my first impression to be with my team"
Y/n: "Keeps the spotlight off of you, nice"
Pyrrha: *giggles* "Not just because of that, silly..."
Pyrrha took a quick once-over at Y/n's attire, wearing a purple variant of the school's clothing, and opted to not wear the necktie as he finished off the look with black leather gloves.
Pyrrha: "That color suits you"
Y/n: "Oh, this? Yeah, it was Ozpin's idea, they ran out of black uniforms. Glynda said to look as professional as possible, and that's where the gloves come in"
Pyrrha: "You call other teachers by their first name?"
Y/n: *shrugs* "Perks of having a few months headstart"
Pyrrha: "Oh yes. That reminds me"
Pyrrha took out her scroll and sent something to Y/n's scroll. Taking it out, he sees that Pyrrha had sent him an article about Vale's shopping district.
Y/n: "What's this?"
Pyrrha: "You promised to see me before the initiation. But you were never there"
Y/n: "Ah- I saw the end"
Pyrrha: "But that's not what we agreed on, isn't it"
Y/n chuckled lightly as he looked to the side dejected.
Y/n: "Guess you're right"
Pyrrha: "Just think of this as making it up to me"
Pyrrha walked over and placed a hand on Y/n's cheek as the two stared into each other's eyes.
Pyrrha: "Do we have a deal?"
Y/n: "Deal"
Pyrrha: "Good..."
The two stayed in their position for a short while.
Y/n: "...You got 2 minutes left"
Pyrrha's eyes widened in shock, before quickly pulling away.
Pyrrha: "I better go!"
Pyrrha then breaks into a sprint, leaving Y/n standing in the hallway.
Pyrrha: *distant* "I'm sorry!"
Y/n: "You're good!"
Y/n followed shortly after, catching Pyrrha in time to see her hurriedly greet Ozpin, who stood by with a mug and a cane, before resuming her sprint to her first class.
Ozpin looked to the distance, seeing Team RWBY and JNPR hurriedly making their way to the lecture hall before facing Y/n who had just walked up to him.
Y/n: "Hey, I knocked on their doors approximately 3 times already"
Ozpin merely raised a brow to Y/n, prompting a sigh to come out of the male.
Y/n: "I guess I'll try knocking harder next time"
Ozpin: *smiles* "It's a start"
Ozpin then begins to walk with Y/n following right beside him.
Y/n: "So when do I handle the educating part of your work?"
Ozpin: "Patience, Mr. Y/n. In due time you will partake in more activities that are connected to Beacon, but only when you are ready"
Their walk had led them to the lecture halls, where different teachers were teaching future huntsmen under their specialized subjects.
Ozpin: "Here in Beacon Academy, students are not just thrown into the world without proper knowledge. Which is why they are accompanied by educators who are passionate and dedicated to their expertise"
Ozpin led Y/n to one classroom, having him peek through the doors to inspect the class.
Inside was a Professor with long, unkept, green hair with large round glasses wearing semi-formal attire. That same professor holds a large green thermos as he gives a lecture at rapid speeds while roaming around his class.
Ozpin: "Such is the case for Doctor Oobleck"
Y/n: "Is he always this...hyper?"
Ozpin: *chuckles* "I'm afraid so. Doctor Oobleck can be quite enthusiastic when it comes to his history, a lot of students seemed to have trouble keeping up with"
Ozpin then took a sip from the mug in his hand before proposing a question.
Ozpin: "So tell me, what valuable skill can a huntsmen acquire in this environment?"
Y/n: "Skill?"
Y/n peeks back into the class, seeing the quick doctor darting from the front of his class before suddenly appearing beside a sleeping student, then back to the front, all the while speaking at a rapid-fire pace.
Y/n: "He's fast....I'll say, Quick thinking and Attentiveness"
Ozpin: "Good eye. As Huntsmen, it is important to take in as much information in quick succession to make quick and logical solutions in the heat of battle"
Y/n: "Interesting..."
Ozpin: "Though Attentiveness is not the primary skill that can be gained in this classroom. That is saved for Port"
Y/n: "Port?"
Ozpin and Y/n then moved to a different class where, upon taking a peek, looked to have been the polar opposite of Doctor Oobleck's class. In the doctor's class students fight to keep up due to the quick nature of the information, and students fight to stay awake due to the drawn-out session of the lecture.
Ozpin: "Port is another one of my unique professors, his take on Grimm studies provides valuable insight into the Grimm"
Y/n: "Really? You'd think they'd pay more attention in that case, looks like the majority of them aren't even paying attention"
Ozpin: "That's where the attentiveness comes into play. Currently Port is reliving one of his tales from his youth. What do you hear?"
Y/n took another peek, paying close attention to the ongoing lecture.
Port: "...Despite smelling of cabbages, my grandfather was a wise man. 'Peter', he told me..."
Y/n: "Something about cabbages, and his grandfather"
Ozpin: "Ah! One of my favorite anecdotes. Did you know that some Beowolves are susceptible to sonic based attacks?"
Y/n: "What? Like, whistling?"
Ozpin: "Indeed"
Y/n: "Huh...I didn't know that..."
Ozpin: "And neither will most of the students"
Y/n looked back to the class, now paying attention as Port had closed his story.
Port: "In the end, the Beowolf was no match for my SHEER tenacity, and I returned to my village with the beast in captivity and my head held high, celebrated as a hero!"
Port then finishes with a bow as the class remains silent throughout.
Y/n: "So how does Glynda fit in all of this?"
Ozpin: "Ms. Goodwitch handles combat training for the students"
Ozpin then led Y/n to another classroom, just in time as Weiss exited Port's class soon after.
Having a peek into Glynda's class, Y/n sees that the professor is facilitating a combat duel between two students.
Ozpin: "Of course combat is inevitable in the world of Grimm hunting, which is why combat drills train the student's body, making them fit for the world they'll protect"
A loud explosion then pulled Y/n's attention back to the fight. Seeing that a student had created a crater as they knocked their opponent off their feet.
With Glynda declaring the winner, she sends the two students back to their desks before calling out the next fighters.
As they prepared, Glynda used her riding crop and began to glow her signature purple glow along with the multiple debris made during the battle, seemingly putting the fighting grounds in pristine condition.
Ozpin: "Another benefit of Ms. Goodwitch being the facilitator of combat classes is her ability to seemingly repair objects with her telekinesis. But don't tell her that's one of the reasons"
Y/n chuckled at Ozpin's antics, before in the corner of his eye, he spots Weiss walk back into Port's classroom in her battle attire and weapon.
Y/n: "It seems Port's having a demonstration of his own"
Ozpin: "It must be one of his worthy huntsmen traits exercise. Do you want to watch?"
Y/n: "We can observe class activities personally?"
Ozpin: "Of course. It's part of our job after all"
With Ozpin's lead, he and Y/n walk back to Port's classroom and enter its doors, gaining the students and the Professor's attention.
Port: "Oh! Headmaster, and I see you've brought Y/n with you. Do you need anything?"
Ozpin: "There's no need, I'm just getting Mr. Y/n acquainted with his duties. We'll be merely observing today"
Y/n scans around the classroom, his eyes quickly locking on to Pyrrha and her team, with Pyrrha giving a small wave towards him, to which he reciprocates.
Weiss, readied her rapier at the growling creature in the cage that stood beside Port. Her teammates cheer her on from their seats in the front row.
Yang: *raising her fist* "Goooo, Weiss!"
Blake: "Fight well!"
Blake seemed to hold a small flag with their team initials.
Ruby: "Yeah, represent RWBY!"
Weiss: "Ruby! I'm trying to focus!"
Ruby: *sheepishly* "Oh, um... Sorry..."
Port: "Alright!!"
Pulling out his weapon a blunderbuss/battle axe, Port prepares to swing on the cage lock, which prompts Ozpin and Y/n to stand on the sidelines.
Port: "Let the match...begin!"
The professor swings down and breaks the lock, dropping the cage door and revealing the Boarbatusk inside, who immediately charges at Weiss. She uses her weapon to deflect its attack and roll to the side, readying herself for its next move. The stands a distance away from its enemy, studying her.
Port: "Ha-ha! Wasn't expecting THAT, were you?"
Ruby: "Hang in there, Weiss!"
Weiss is now speeding towards the oncoming Boarbatusk, sticking her blade straight at its skull until they meet and Myrtenaster is trapped in the beast's tusks. Weiss is still hanging on to the hilt and is tossed around as she struggles to get the rapier back.
Port: "Bold, new approach. I like it!"
Ruby: "Come on, Weiss, show it who's boss!"
Weiss turns to glare at Ruby, only for the Boarbatusk to turn its head and rip the sword from her grip. Her rapier lands far away from its master, who is knocked back by the creature's tusks.
Port: "Oh-ho! Now what will you do without your weapon?"
Weiss looks up just in time to see the Boarbatusk charge again, rolling out of the way just in time to avoid getting trampled and making it crash into a desk. Weiss rushes at her sword and slides to get it back in her hand.
Ruby: "Weiss! Go for its belly! There's no armor underneath-"
Weiss: "Stop telling me what to do!"
Ruby looks hurt at Weiss' rebuttal. Meanwhile, the Boarbatusk leaps into the air and rolls into a ball, spinning rapidly in the air and landing on the ground, consistently gaining speed until it launches itself at Weiss. It comes closer and closer, but Weiss activates one of her blue-white circles and blocks the roll, leaping up into the now-black snowflake symbol and turning it blue again so she can drive the blade into the Boarbatusk's stomach. It squeals and falls silent while Weiss gasps in relief.
Ozpin: "Shall we leave?"
Y/n: *nods* "Okay"
Once the fight was concluded, Ozpin and Y/n took their leave, with Y/n getting one more look at Pyrrha before walking out of the room.
Not long after, the bell had rung, signalling the end of the classes.
Ozpin: "How about we take a break? I'll call for when we'll resume"
Y/n: "Alright. Thank you, Headmaster"
Ozpin: "Please, call me Ozpin"
Ozpin then makes his exit, but he stops right as he's about to turn the corner.
Ozpin: "Oh. And no more climbing buildings in school grounds. It's a safety hazard"
Y/n was taken aback before chuckling sheepishly.
Ozpin: "Instead, indulge yourself to the balconies of Beacon. It's not the roof of the Auditorium but it can give just a good of a view"
Y/n: "Maybe I'll take you up on that"
With that, Ozpin leaves as Y/n was left to his own devices.
And this is how we set ourselves apart. Not a teacher or a student, but the next headmaster.
Just another day of innovation if I say so myself.
Anyways if you enjoy this change let me know. And if you enjoy the story so far be sure to
Vote, if you wanna
Share with your friends, if you have any
And I'll see you when I see you
Bye Bye
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