Chapter 2
~Chapter 2: Beacon's Initiation~
It is now the day of the initiation. Every first-year was now in their lockers, prepping their weapons and equipment for the challenges that would befall them today.
The same can be said for Pyrrha, now donning her armor as she prepares her spear and shield. Once she was prepped, a girl in white approached her, a daughter of an esteemed company, Weiss Schnee.
Weiss: "So, Pyrrha, have you given any thought to whose team you'd like to be on? I'm sure everyone must be eager to unite with such a strong, well-known individual such as yourself!"
Pyrrha: "Hmm... I'm not quite sure. I was planning on letting the chips fall where they may"
Weiss: "Well... I was thinking maybe we could be on a team together"
Pyrrha: "Well, that sounds grand!"
Weiss: "Great!"
Weiss then turns away, cackling under her breath, causing a mild sweatdrop from Pyrrha.
???: "You know what else is great?"
Out of the blue, a boy with blonde hair in knightly armor leans in between Pyrrha and Weiss, his body facing towards the latter.
???: "Me. Jaune Arc. Nice to meet you"
Weiss: "You again?"
Pyrrha leans over behind Jaune to insert herself into the conversation.
Pyrrha: "Nice to meet you, Jaune!"
Jaune: "Yeah, yeah"
Jaune then dismisses Pyrrha, much to her surprise, and redirects his attention back to Weiss, posing heroically as he does so.
Jaune: "So, Weiss, couldn't help but overhear your fondness for me the other day"
Weiss: "Oh, you've GOT to be kidding me!"
Jaune: "Don't worry! No need to be embarrassed! So, been hearing rumors about teams! I was thinking you and I would make a good one! What do you say?"
Pyrrha then chimes in, trying to insert herself back into the conversation.
Pyrrha: "Actually, I think the teams are comprised of four students each, so-"
Jaune: "You don't say!"
Jaune then swiftly turns around, now setting his attention to Pyrrha.
Jaune: "Well, hot stuff, play your cards right, and maybe you could join up with the winning team"
Just as Jaune advances towards Pyrrha, Weiss steps in and intercepts him before he can get too close.
Weiss: "Jaune, is it? Do you have any idea who you're talking to?"
Jaune: "Not in the slightest, snow angel"
Weiss: "THIS is Pyrrha"
Pyrrha: "Hello again!"
Weiss: "Pyrrha graduated top of her class at Sanctum!"
Jaune: "Never heard of it"
Weiss: *scoffs* "She's won the Mistral Region Tournaments four years in a row! A new record!"
Jaune: "The what?"
Weiss then begins to wave her arms rapidly in annoyance.
Weiss: "She's on the front of every Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flakes box!"
Jaune: *gasp* "That's YOU!? But they only do that for star athletes and cartoon characters!"
Pyrrha: *giddy* "Yeah, it was pretty cool. Sadly, the cereal isn't very good for you"
Weiss: "So, after hearing all of this, do you really think you're in a position to ask her to be on your team?"
Jaune: "I guess not...Sorry..."
Dejected, Jaune hung his head low.
Pyrrha: "Actually, Jaune, I think you'd make a great leader!"
Jaune:*bashful* "D'oh, stop it!"
Weiss: "Seriously, please stop it. This kind of behavior should not be encouraged!"
With renewed vigor, Jaune continued to radiate his confidence.
Jaune: "Sounds like Pyrrha's on board for Team Jaune. Spots are filling up quick! Now, I'm not supposed to do this, but maybe I could pull some strings, and find a place for you. What do you say?"
Jaune leaned close to Weiss in an attempt to persuade her into his team.
Weiss: "All right, that's a bit too close! Pyrrha, a little help, please?!"
In response, Pyrrha hurls her spear at Jaune, managing to hit him directly on the hood that was exposed over his armor, sending him forward before being pinned to a pillar.
Pyrrha: "I'm sorry!"
The intercom then chimed open as Glynda's voice was transmitted through the speakers.
Glynda (voice): "Would all first-year students please report to Beacon Cliff for initiation? Again, all first-year students report to Beacon Cliff immediately"
Weiss passes Jaune as he hangs from the wall of a locker on her way out. Pyrrha follows her, grabbing her spear and dropping Jaune to the ground.
Pyrrha: "It was nice meeting you!"
Jaune: "Likewise..."
Beacon Cliff, overlooking a forest, where several students, some old, some new, and some unseen, are standing on silver tiles in front of a mug-holding Professor Ozpin and Glynda with her tablet.
Ozpin: "For years, you have trained to become warriors, and today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest"
Glynda: "Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of "teams." Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates...TODAY"
A student suddenly exclaims in worry.
Ozpin: "These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well. That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years"
???: "Whaaaat?!"
???: "See? I told you!"
Ozpin: "After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path...or you WILL die"
Jaune laughs nervously and then gulps loudly.
Ozpin: "You will be monitored and graded through the duration of your initiation, but our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. We will regard that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?"
Jaune: *raising his hand* "Yeah, um, sir?"
Ozpin: "Good! Now, take your positions"
Everyone strikes a pose on their tile.
Jaune: "Uh, sir? I've got, um...a question"
Jaune misses the tile under Weiss rising into a springboard, rocketing into the air and over the forest, as the platforms activate down the line.
Jaune: "So, this landing...strategy thing...Uh, wha-what is it? You're, like, dropping us off or something?"
Ozpin: "No. You will be falling"
Jaune continues to miss more students being thrown.
Jaune: "Oh, uh, I see...So, like, did you hand out parachutes for us?"
Ozpin: "No. You will be using your own 'landing strategy'"
Jaune: "Uh-huh... Yeah"
???: "Woo-hoooooooo!"
Jaune: "So, what exactly is a landing strategYYY!"
Before Jaune could finish his question he finally had to get hurled with the cloud of students now making their way down into the forest below under the eyes of the teachers. Ozpin, for his part, simply takes a sip of his drink.
Glynda: "Unbelievable. Not even the start of the semester and he's already tardy"
Ozpin: "Hmm...I could think of one place where he could be right now"
Glynda: "You don't mean..."
In a secluded part of the forest, Y/n sneezes.
Y/n: "Man...the sweat on my back dried up again"
As he begins to resume training, he pauses.
Y/n: "Wait...I feel like I'm forgetting something important happening right now..."
Then, Y/n hung his head low as he lets out a groan.
Y/n: "Leg day..."
With Pyrrha, her weapon in sword form and armed with a shield, crashes through several trees and rolls on a branch, immediately shifting her blade into a rifle and looking through the scope at Jaune as he continues to scream and fall helplessly. Pyrrha twirls her weapon again to its spear form, takes a moment to evaluate her throw, and rockets the javelin deep into the forest until a "THUNK!" is heard.
Jaune: *distant* "Thank you!"
Pyrrha: *distant* "I'm sorry!"
In the middle of the forest, A girl in a red hood lands in a crouch, then darts off with a single mantra in her mind.
Girl in Red Hood (mind): "Gotta find Yang! Gotta find Yang, gotta find Yang, gotta find..."
Girl in Red Hood: "Yang! Yaaaang!"
Girl in Red Hood (mind): "Oh, this is bad, this is really bad... What if I can't find her? What if someone finds her first?"
The girl then begins to list her options based on the people she had met prior to the initiation.
Girl in Red Hood (mind): "Well, there's always Jaune. He's nice. He's funny! ...I don't think he's very good in a fight, though. Ooh! What about Blake?! So mysterious, so calm... Plus she likes books! Then again, I'm not sure I'd be able to hold a conversation with her... Ugh! "
The girl shook her head in frustration.
Girl in Red Hood (mind): "Okay...Who else do I know in this school? There's Yang, Jaune, Blake, aaaand..."
Time seems to slow down as the girl in red skids to a halt in front of Weiss as she is turning to face her. She stops just in time for their eyes to meet and a pregnant pause follows. This ends when Weiss turns on her heel and walks the other way.
Girl in Red Hood: "Wait! Where are you going?!"
The girl went to follow, only to stop halfway through before kicking the ground dejectedly.
Girl in Red Hood: "We're supposed to be teammates..."
Weiss is seen struggling through the forest, giving an occasional grunt as she pushes plants out of her way. She brushes herself off and sighs in relief when she hears a voice above her.
Jaune: *struggles* "Come on, come on! Stupid...!"
Weiss sees Jaune hanging a few feet in the air by the spear embedded in his hood and the tree behind him. As he gives up trying to pull it out, he looks down and sees Weiss, giving an embarrassed wave.
Weiss simply heads back in the direction she came from and Jaune groans in dejection.
Weiss: "By no means does this make us friends"
Weiss pulled the girl by her red hood.
Girl in Red Hood: "You came back!"
Jaune had no choice but to watch as Weiss and the girl left him hanging by the spear that stuck him to the tree.
Jaune: "Wait! Come back! Who's going to get me down from here?!"
Pyrrha: "Jaune?"
Hearing a voice from below, Jaune looks to see Pyrrha standing idly by the root of the tree.
Pyrrha: "Do you... have any spots left on your team?"
Jaune: *crosses his arms* "Very funny..."
Eventually, he looks down at her and gives a smile, which she returns.
Slowing down for a bit, some characters are mentioned but not named due to not being properly introduced. But they will in due time.
Also not following the upload per episode so we could get 2 episodes in 1 chapter. Saves both of us the space in chapter logs.
Anyways, just the usual that's left.
Vote, if you wanna
Share with your friends, if you have any
And I'll see you when i see you
Bye Bye
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