Chapter 10
~A Plan Foiled~
Amidst the chirping of crickets and darkness of night, Blake lays flat on her stomach on the rooftop overlooking the shipment of Schnee Dust containers.
Sun: "Did I miss anything?"
Blake looks away from her point of interest to see Sun drop beside her on the right.
Blake: "Not really. They've offloaded the crates from the boat. Now they're just sitting there"
Sun: "Cool"
Sun then holds out one of the green apples that is in his arms.
Sun: "Stole you some food!"
This gesture prompts a questioning look from Blake.
Blake: "Do you always break the law without giving a second thought?"
Sun: "Hey, weren't you in a cult or something?"
Blake delivers a glare at him.
Sun: "Okay, too soon!"
Taking a bite out of his apple, Sun looks around their vantage point as Blake returns to the warehouse.
Sun: "Say...where's that Mr. Y/n guy?"
Blake: "He says that he'll be around"
Sun: "Definitely not vague at all"
Somewhere overlooking the warehouse, Y/n stood atop a tall structure as he was on the scroll with Ozpin.
Ozpin's voice: "Have you rendezvous with Ms. Belladona?"
Y/n: "I did. I also discovered the hideout where they take the stolen dust"
Ozpin's voice: "Have you figured out who's behind all of this?"
Just then, the winds blow Y/n's attire, he looks up to see a Bullhead's searchlights flashing around for a landing spot, descending in the middle of the cargo containers and extending a ramp for a black hooded individual with a metallic fanged mask to come out of.
Y/n: "Just now..."
Y/n looked at the back of one of the hooded individuals, spotting a bloody wolf on the back of their white vests.
Y/n: "It's the White Fang..."
White Fang Soldier: *distant* "All right, grab the tow cables!"
Ozpin's voice: "Can you see who's leading the group?"
???: "Hey! What's the holdup!?"
Y/n looks back to see a man in a white suit accessorized by a small gray scarf, black gloves with buckled sleeves, and a black bowler hat with a small feather tucked into its red band.
Y/n: "That man..."
Minimizing the call, Y/n pulled up the news relating to the multiple dust shop robberies, from there he saw a common occurring name along with the matching description he had just seen.
Y/n: "It's Roman Torchwick"
Roman: "We're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment, so why don't you animals try to pick up the pace?"
Ozpin's voice: "So Roman is working with the White Fang, which explains the amount of dust that has been stolen recently. Alright, I have a new mission for you Mr. Y/n, if you choose to accept"
Y/n: "I suppose I could since I'm already here"
Ozpin's voice: "I appreciate it Y/n..."
As Y/n accepts the task, he sees Blake and Sun sneak their way into the warehouse, possibly filled with White Fang.
Ozpin's voice: "But remember, the safety of the students is the primary objective above all else"
Y/n sees Blake put two of the White Fang soldiers and Rowan at Gunpoint.
Y/n: "Understood"
Y/n ends the call before putting away his scroll, opting in his three-section staff.
Back on the ground, as the White Fang closes in on her, Blake uses her free hand to go for her bow and remove it, causing the ribbon to fall away as her Faunus ears are shown to the world.
Blake: "Brothers of the White Fang! Why are you aiding this scum?"
The White Fang members lower their weapons a little at this development, unsure of what to do when Roman laughs.
Roman: "Oh, kid, didn't you get the memo?"
Blake: "What are you talking about?"
Roman: "The White Fang and I are going in on a joint business venture together!"
Blake: "Tell me what it is or I'll put an end to your little operation"
Suddenly, the air is filled with more turbines blowing the wind wildly around the holdup.
Roman: "I wouldn't exactly call it a LITTLE operation..."
Two more Bullheads are hovering above the heist, and as Blake watches in horror, Roman smiles and manages to fire his cane at Blake's feet, resulting in a large explosion.
Dazed but relatively unhurt on the ground, she quickly rolls and runs out of the way of Roman's continued attacks, flaming missiles destroying cargo behind her as she flips and uses her semblance to dodge then retreats behind more containers.
Roman: "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty..."
As Roman slowly approaches, his taunt is interrupted when a banana peel lands on his head, causing him to toss it aside then look up and growl.
Sun: "Woohoo!"
Sun leaps from the container above Roman and drops down on the criminal's face feet-first, rolling up and readying himself to fight.
Sun: "Leave her alone!"
The Bullheads open to let more White Fang members descend on the scene, standing by Roman as he gets up and surrounding Sun.
Roman: "You are not the brightest banana in the bunch, are you, kid?"
Suddenly, one of the white Fang soldiers sees a cudgel hanging around him. Before he could question the appearance of the object, the cudgel wrapped around the soldier's neck before being tossed into a shipping container.
Roman: "What the!?"
Before the rest of the White Fang could react, Y/n jumped as high as he could from behind the squad of White Fang soldiers. Grabbing the closest cudgel of his staff, Y/n spins in the air to build momentum before slamming his staff to the ground, causing a large portion of the White Fang soldiers to be blown back by the emitted shockwave.
Once he made an entrance to the fight, Y/n twirls his three section staff before holding the staff across his body as he now stood back to back with Sun.
Sun: "Nice of you to finally show up"
Y/n: "I was in the middle of a call. Do you think you can keep up?"
Sun scoffs before reaching behind him and unraveling his weapon, twirling around before getting into a stance with his Red staff.
Sun: "Let's do this!"
The two break off, dashing straight into the fight. Using his staff, Sun quickly uses this to beat down each opponent that nears him, felling each one in a single flaming blow when he twirls it around, even creating a scorching shockwave to beat the last of them.
Blake peers around the corner of the container to watch Sun jump around and beat another White Fang soldier, landing on his back and causing him to fly over toward Roman's head. The crime boss ducks then growls in annoyance and aims his cane at Sun
Before he could take the shot, Y/n smacked the cane to the side before retracting his weapon.
Y/n: "Your dance is with me"
Roman: "Hey, I know you...You're that 2nd-rate fighter kid back at Mystral"
Y/n: "Then you know what's about to happen to you"
Roman: " all those things you do isn't just script-"
With the blink of his eyes, Roman saw Y/n was in point-blank range instantly.
Roman: "Shit!"
Startled, Roman swings his cane wildly, allowing Y/n to precisely deflect the swing before delivering a chop to Roman's neck, causing him to stumble back as he holds his neck in pain.
Roman: *gags* "Right in the jugular"
Y/n: "I can make quick work of you, but first I need answers"
Grabbing Roman by the collar of his suit, Y/n pulled Roman close and prevented him from running away.
Y/n: "What is The White Fang planning with all the Dust shipment?"
Roman: "Heh...Well, that plan's not really for me to say"
Y/n: "Then tell me who can"
Blake: "He's mine!"
Jumping out of her hiding space, Blake unsheathes her katana and cuts in between Y/n and Roman, prompting Y/n to shove him away as Blake tunnels to Roman.
Y/n: "Damnit Blake!"
Sun runs past Y/n with his staff in hand.
Sun: "Try and keep up! Haha!"
With a groan, Y/n shook his head in annoyance before running after the two.
Blake goes in close and becomes a blur of afterimages as she slashes both blades at Roman, who backs away and deflects each would-be blow with his cane at unbelievable speeds. Blake continues to dash, hop over, and slide around Roman to try and find a weak spot.
Finally landing a blow after using her Semblance but he quickly recovers, deflecting several more attacks before attempting to punch her in the face. Only to hit a clone as she flips away. The two clash weapons again, and then Torchwick jabs her in the side.
Roman: "Hahaha!"
He lands a few more hits on Blake until one final beating to the head with his cane causes her to go down.
Just as Roman deals with one opponent, Sun appears right behind her. Vaulting over Blake he kicks Roman in the chest and disconnects his staff into two spinning circles of flame-firing shotgun nunchucks.
Sun swings each gun at Roman while firing everything he has at him, but even with the rapid series of shots and flying bullets, Roman manages to defend himself against every bullet and hit until a millisecond-long pause allows Y/n to slide in and trip Roman.
Once he's suspended, Y/n quickly reorients himself on the ground before pushing himself off, performing rapid kicks to Roman's chest as he does so to juggle him further into the air for Blake to get a slash in and knock him back.
On his back, Roman notices a container hanging by a crane right above the three warriors and gets up to fire his cane at its supports. Blake leaps behind it, as Y/n sees the threat, managing to grab Sun by his weapon as the two move out of the way.
This sudden action, combined with Y/n's grip strength, caused Sun to be flung away from his weapon, leaving Y/n with Sun's staff.
Just as Blake was about to go for the final blow, Y/n pulled Blake back by her arm before tapping her on the head with Sun's staff.
Blake: "Ow! What was that for!?"
Y/n: "Do something like that again and I will BENCH you!"
Blake was taken aback by Y/n's sternness, glaring mildly at Blake in a scolding manner.
Y/n: "Find yourself an opening, THEN strike. Do NOT let your emotions cloud you, if you do, your teamwork will suffer"
Blake: "..."
Y/n: "I'm not asking this of you, Blake. Now be patient, wait for an opportunity to strike"
Blake: "...Yes, sir"
Hearing Blake's response, Y/n twirls Sun's staff before assuming a stance of his own. Once he does, he shoots Sun a look.
Y/n: "I hope you don't mind me borrowing this?"
Sun: *winded* "Yeah...whatever..."
With Sun's blessing, Y/n charged forth, thrusting the staff forward as Roman had his sights on Sun. Now that his attention was redirected, Y/n began to tatter the staff around Roman's feet, putting him on the back foot, being mindful of the staff's next point of attack.
Once Roman is fixated on the staff, Y/n flicks it upwards, uppercutting Roman in the chin before twirling the staff around once more.
In retaliation, Roman swings his cane at Y/n, but he manages to parry the cane upwards, leaving him open to a sucker punch in the stomach.
Dazed, Y/n configures the staff into its nunchaku form before unleashing a flurry of coordinated attacks at Roman, before weakening his aura with a combined smack of his nunchaku for Blake to appear to the side and unleash a flurry of slashes, breaking his aura.
Now down on his knees, Roman pants, holding his side as the other aims the cane over to Y/n who reconfigures his weapon back to its staff form.
Ruby: "Hey!"
Ruby appears on the rooftop overlooking them, Crescent Rose extended and ready for action. Seeing Ruby, Roman pushes himself up to his feet as y/n sighs in annoyance.
Y/n: "Seriously...?"
Roman: "Well, hello, Red! Isn't it past your bedtime?"
Behind Ruby, a girl with curly short orange hair that came down to her chin accessorized with a pink bow on the back of her head as she wore an off-white old-fashioned styled off-the-shoulder blouse and off-white old-fashioned styled off-the-shoulder blouse.
???: "Ruby, are these people your friends?"
Ruby: "Penny, get back!"
As Ruby turned to the girl, named Penny, Roman snarled and fired his cane at her, launching the young Huntress-in-training back from the explosion's force and sending her scythe flying away.
Roman gives off a professional-level evil laugh at his attack on the young girl. Penny turns her head toward the criminal and gives her first glare, walking forward while Ruby tries to get back up.
Ruby: "Penny, wait! Stop!"
She raises her hand in a futile attempt to stop her.
Penny: "Don't worry, Ruby. I'm combat-ready!"
Her backpack mechanically opens up, and from its dark depths comes a single sword that extends and multiples into several blades hovering over Penny's back.
Leaping from the rooftop with the weapons acting as wings, she sends three of her swords to knock two White Fang soldiers down before even landing on the ground, where she proceeds to fling the swords at one enemy and impale another to a wall.
Y/n collapses Sun's staff as he regroups with him and Blake.
Y/n: "I think we should pull back now"
Looking back to the fight, Penny creates a barrier of spinning steel against a running attack, leaping over a goon with her swords in tow, and finally making a wheel that she throws to knock multiple Faunus off their feet.
Sun: "Yeah. Wouldn't want to get in her way"
Three Bullheads come from the skies and open fire on the battle, but Penny merely forms a shield and launches two of her swords into the wall behind her, which in turn pull their wielder back with their strings.
When her swords swirl around her again, she commands them to open their points and build up a large glowing ball of green light. With a punching action, several bright lasers crack the pavement when they fire at the transports and slice each one in half, causing several of the White Fang members inside to fall and letting Ruby watch as Bullheads fall in pieces behind her.
Stunned, she turns back to Penny as she aims her swords at the remaining Bullheads holding the crate of Dust and pulls back on their wires, tugging the aircraft with them.
Ruby: "Whoa... How is she doing that?"
Seeing the Bullhead's flight fall under Penny's control, Roman grimaces and turns to run towards the last transport.
Penny, after her large green pupils dilate for a second, pulls with all her might on the strings, and the aircraft crashes into a stack of crates, causing an explosion as a result.
Roman meanwhile watched from the safety of his bullhead as he made his escape.
Roman: "These kids just keep getting weirder..."
With his observation made, he uses his cane to close the doors, and the jet lifts off, flying away from the lost battle.
Later, a handful of police cars are at the docks, where Ruby, Blake, Sun, and Penny are sitting on boxes in silence. That is until Weiss and Yang appear on the scene.
Ruby: *rapidly* "LookWeiss,it'snotwhatyouthink,sheexplainedthewholething. See,shedoesn'tactuallyhaveabow,shehaskittyearsandthey'reactuallykindofcute..."
Weiss ignores her and squares off with Blake.
Blake: "Weiss, I want you to know that I'm no longer associated with the White Fang. Back when I was with the-"
Weiss:" Stop! Do you have any idea of how long we've been searching for you? (she pauses) Twelve hours. That means I've had twelve hours to think about this. And in that twelve hours, I've decided..."
Yang, Sun, and Ruby look on, worried.
Weiss: "I don't care"
Blake: *surprised* "You don't care?"
Weiss: "You said you're not one of them anymore, right?"
Blake: "No, I-I haven't been since I was younger-"
Weiss: "Ah-bahp-bahp-bahp! I don't want to hear it. All I want to know is that the next time something this big comes up... you'll come to your teammates. And not some..."
Weiss looks at Sun behind her as she catches herself.
Weiss: "...Someone else"
Blake looks at Ruby and Yang grinning at her, she wipes a tear from her eye, nodding.
Blake: "Of course"
Weiss smiles and nods. The moment is serious for a second more until Ruby screams.
Ruby: "Yeah! Team RWBY is back together!"
As the five gather with each other, she points accusingly at Sun.
Weiss: "I'm still not quite sure about how I feel about you!"
Sun laughs nervously.
Ruby: "Hey, wait a minute...Where's Penny?"
Blake: "Now that you mention it...Mr. Y/n was with us too"
Yang: "Maybe he escorted her home?"
Weiss: "He could've. He is a Headmaster-in-training after all"
A few blocks away, Y/n was on his scroll once again with Ozpin, reporting on his current mission.
Ozpin's voice: "So...there's someone else involved in this operation? Someone of higher status?"
Y/n: "That's right...unfortunately, I couldn't get anything else out of him before getting...cut off. I'm sorry"
Ozpin's voice: "This is plenty enough, Mr. Y/n. Do make sure Team RWBY gets back to Beacon safe then we can formally conclude your mission"
Y/n: "I'll see to its end, Headmaster"
As the call ends, Ozpin closes the call and opens up a communication with Qrow, whose team name and other information are left blank, and only a message is present.
Ozpin: "Hmmm..."
The scene cuts to a view of Beacon Academy bathed in the light of the nearly full moon.
In a nondescript location, Roman walks into a large warehouse with a shadowy interior. He goes over to a table and places down a case of mysterious contents, sighing in tiredness.
???: "How very disappointing, Roman"
Roman turns around suddenly when he hears the voice and their noisy entrance.
Roman: "Whoa! Hehe... I wasn't expecting to see you guys so soon..."
Of the three figures before Roman, only her head, containing yellow eyes and flowing dark hair, is seen.
???: "We were expecting... more from you"
Roman laughs hysterically before dropping to a serious demeanor.
Roman: "Hey! You were the ones who suggested working with those stupid mutts from the White Fang"
???: *chuckling darkly* "And you will continue to do so"
The figure summons a fireball in their hand and steps out of the darkness with her two companions, a gray-haired man, and a mint-haired, tanned woman.
???: "We have big plans for you, Roman. All we ask is... a little cooperation"
And with that RWBY Volume 1 comes to a close. Very fast ain't it? Puts a perspective on the runtime of RWBY back then.
Anyways, consider this a nice checkpoint to stop for a while before continuing to the next chapter, if there will be one after this chapter's upload.
But besides that, I hope you guys enjoy this first Volume of "Another RWBY Story" and if you do enjoy it, perhaps consider...
Voting, if you wanna
Share with your friends, if you have any
And I'll see you when I see you
Bye Bye
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