Chapter 1
"Road diary day 12. This will probably be the last entry. It was a long way here, but I finally feel like home. They accepted my entrance, and I'm enrolled in Goiky High, and also got a place in the dorm. I feels like a dream, I never imagined that one day, I'll learn there."
I'll move in this afternoon. I'll be in a room with 2 other girls, who are in the same year as me.
I put my tablet in my backpack, and started walking towards the dorm. It's around 12 o'clock, so it would be good if I started packing early. The city centre is huge, and lively at this part of the day (let's face it, when it is not like this?)
I arrived to the dorm's huge main entrance. I overheard 2 kids talking about the new student when they looked at me. I just gave them a smile, but they immediatly turned around. It felt a little bad, but nothing can bring me down today. I step in the building. It's gigantic. There are big windows, which provide a lot of light. Paintings, drawings, and photographs all over the wall. Stairs on both of the sides, and an elevator in the middle. Doors on the sides. On the left, bathrooms and rooms of the maintain service workers. On the right, a two-wing door to the dining canteen. In front of the elevator, there is a small, circle-shaped place, in which always sits a person who works there. You need to tell them if you're going home, arrived, or if you have any problems or questions. I see a lot of workers here, because they mostly do their work when the students are in school.
There is a sweet, old lady sitting at the desk. She has greyish-redish hair with a little beam connected to it. She wears a red dress with green decorations. There is a little nametag on it. Mrs. Apple. She asked if I am the new student, and guides says that I should ask one of the students that is here to guide me.
-No need to do that, I'll explore it myself. I love exploring!
-Than make yourself at home, dear!-she says with a big smile.
What a nice lady.
I walk up the stairs to the second floor, and look through the names on the doors. It's funny, that in this world, everyone has an object name. Like, what would happen, if someone meets two people, with the same name? We don't have surnames. Whatever.
I found my room. Number 221. It's on the middle, right next to the elevator. My two roommates are Match and Pencil. I'm sure they are nice people. I step in, and everything is tidy, clean, and on place. It seems kinda, perfect?
I start unpacking into my wardrobe. I don't have many stuff but I always do side jobs in the afternoon, so I will be able to pay for the most important things.
I sit down on my bed after I finished, when I suddenly hear knocking.
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