|One Year Time Jump|
"What do you want me to say?" I ask mom when she finds me in her two story mountain lodge in this similar universe as the last.
The theory of the multiverse is real, Valhalla aka Olympus is connected between the universes so yeah. Some gods spend time in different universes and some don't, they spend it in Valhalla. I went to one where mom owns her own house.
This home is made of stone and wood, like a lodge. It's two stories with a basement and a wine cellar. Outside you have a pool and hot tub with a fire pit and barbecue. There's even a greenhouse that I tend to.
(Combination of the two)
"You could have" mom sat next to me "warned me you were leaving or told someone"
"I told Jen" my cousin who people know as Hephaestus "she told me she'd tell you"
Mom rolls her eyes "These are good" eating the marshmallows I ordered online "where did you get them?"
"From this place here" leaning back in the tub "you were right about the billion dollars, I've got an account set up filled with all the money"
She smiles nodding her head "Are you going to school?"
"Why do I need to do that?" I ask "everything history related is the same in this universe as in the other one, you know I was in the same classes as Hope since I skipped a couple grades"
"I know" she nods her head taking another marshmallow "but I just want you to have a degree, get a degree then do whatever the fuck you want. I want you to get the college experience with parties and fun"
"And I can only do that with a diploma" rolling my eyes not looking at her "fine" she claps her hands happily "why do I feel like you've already signed me up for school?"
"Muggle school" she exclaims
One horrible thing about this universe, no Harry Potter. I'm in the process of fixing that immediately. Just like I'm in the process of fixing no Game of Thrones. In this universe GRRM and JK Rowling? Both dead, don't know how but both are dead.
"Muggle school?" I ask
Nodding her head "Yup! You'll be going to Forks High-school"
"Mom" she hums "your old"
"I beg your pardon?" She demands
Rolling my eyes "Your over a million years old, don't get offended by what I'm saying please. Now, why was Forks named Forks?"
"Because of the three rivers" she explains swirling the wine in her glass "you know baby, I could always curse them"
"Don't" shaking my head begging her "don't curse anyone, they have a right to be upset"
"They had no right taking that anger out on you" she growls "it was Hope's decision to be a coward and turn off her emotions" getting up from her spot on the couch before the fireplace "now, I've got to go. School starts tomorrow at eight, be there by seven forty five" kissing me on the cheek "I love you Olivia, I know I'm an absentee mom but I do love you and care so much for you"
"I love you too" truth be told, since this whole Malivore thing—mom and I have been much closer. The only thing I'm grateful for.
|Forks High|
People look my way as my Chevrolet Corvette convertible comes riding in and I park the car facing out that in the parking space. I like parking this way, easier than backing out and worrying about hitting someone.
It takes me a moment to grab my Night Court backpack since I don't want to go to school. Also if you haven't noticed, I am a huge book nerd. Turned one of the rooms into my own personal library filled with different things. I'm just glad this universe has a Sarah J Maas who is alive and publishing.
People gasp when I get out of my car, everyone around me whispers as I pass by after closing the door to my car. God I hate school.
"Is she related to the Cullens?"
"Is that Isabella Swan?"
"Wow she's really fucking hot"
"She's got to be the most beautiful woman ever!"
"Look at how hot she is"
"She's hotter than Rosalie Cullen"
Who are the Cullens? Why do people keep bringing them up? Are they supernaturals? I'll find out soon enough but to be on the safe side, I place a spell over myself protecting my body and mind.
Entering the office, the two people here look my way. It's a human in their late forties and a teenager in a brown trench coat. They both have pale skin, well the old woman has some color while the teenager is just pale with chocolate brown eyes while the old woman has grey eyes to match with her going grey hair. The other teenager who has bland brown hair looked at me with shock and now with bitter jealousy.
"Olivia" telling the receptionist my name "Olivia Frost" yeah, I'm using my mom's fake last name.
The receptionist nods her head and grabs a few papers "This...this is your locker number and the lock to your" I've got my own dial padlock "this is your class schedule" briefly looking over my schedule I see I'm only skipping one grade level "and this is a form all your teachers need to sign"
Looking around "Do you have anything to volunteer for? Soup kitchens? Food drives? Hospital work?"
"As a matter of fact" she nods her head confirming "at our local hospital Dr. Cullen needs a PA, if your interested?"
"Sure" she nods her head pulling out a form "just need you to" taking it, I fill it out before leaving since I need to get ready for my classes.
Once at my locker, taking off my black hooded leather jacket I find my books at the bottom of the locker. I can smell people's lust as they look my way, I'm probably going to cause a stir since I'm not wearing a bra. I have on a black rune bodysuit with a rune covering my nipples, black skinny jeans and black high knee heeled boots. My hair is down straight while wearing dark smokey eye and red lipstick.
Once I've got my things I head to my first class, using a spell where only I can see the trail. "Hi" looking over to an Asian looking teenage boy who has a welcoming smile, he is also very into me "your Olivia Frost? Right?"
"Yes" nodding my head holding my hand out "and you are?"
"Eric" shaking my hand "Welcome to Forks High, I am the eyes and ears of this place. Anything you need? Tour guide? Lunch date? Shoulder to cry on?"
"I'm...uh" stopping to look over at that girl from the front office "am more of uh...suffer in silence type of girl"
"Your Isabella Swan" Eric realizes "hello...your both amazing headlines for the paper"
That Isabella makes a face "No! No! No! I'm not" she behind to get all upset "you..."
"I'll gladly" he looks at me "be on your paper. So eyes and ears, tell me about the different clubs and sports this school has"
He smiles "Yeah" thinking for a moment "so we have currently our football team" that Isabella looks bitter as the attention is off of her. I'd say she's like Hope but this human seems way more selfish than my cousin.
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