Pressing the red stop button on the treadmill, the speed slows down until it comes to a stop. Close my eyes focusing on my breathing, how my lungs are burning, sweat covering my entire body.
"You" Jen hands me a taco filled with beef "are like a ticking time bomb Liv, you need to learn to let out some of that rage, those negative emotions. Especially when you feel your powers rise"
"What do you do?" I ask
She waves around her workshop "I create, put my skills to good use"
When I feel my emotions rise I run, dance, yoga or create something new. I'm not like Hope who puts her feelings onto a canvas. The only similarities between us is that we have terrible people skills, we're damn powerful witches and have a very terrifying history like all Mikaelsons.
"Done?" Looking over at Hope
Pulling out my earbuds "Why?"
"Headmaster Saltzman got a tip about a teenage werewolf being brought to a church for an exorcism" how many times have I had to deal with exorcisms when there aren't any real threats. Too many "do you want to come with?"
"Yeah" grabbing my towel and water bottle "I need like...ten minutes" my lungs and burning and begging me to stop walking, that we've moved enough for the day. My body all tired out that each joint and muscle wants me to rest. We'll rest in the car.
Grabbing my purse after changing into a two piece, blue tie dye summer outfit with brown ankle boots I make sure I've got my phone, earbuds and cash in case if I need to bribe anyone. Sometimes bribery works, you don't need to use magic for everything.
"Five hours" Headmaster Saltzman breaks the silence that was around us, he and Hope are in the front while I'm in the back "of know Liv? If you want to join me and Hope for training sometime you are always welcome"
"Thanks for the offer" closing my eyes lying back, letting my body finally relax "I'm going to have to take you up on it one of these days" lies, I hate training with Hope. I love my cousin but it is hard to look at her some days while others it's not. One day I'll learn to train with her when I'm angry, but that is not now. I'm more inclined to kill her instead of train.
When I got up from my nap, I see we are outside of the church. Getting out of the jeep, Hope stopped to see a teenage boy. Who's this? "Hope?" I ask "do you know this muggle?"
"Muggle?" The boy asks. He has black curly head of hair, olive skin and brown eyes. His face is all serious and cold while looking a tad bit innocent, he looks like someone who is curious and can't be trusted at the same time.
"Do you three know each other?" Headmaster Saltzman asks
"Long story" so Hope does know him "Liv has never met Landon before today" she looks back at Landon offering a smile and...oh my god. A crush, Hope has a crush. I have seen it all now.
We hear the werewolf screaming, this must be his first shift given the location and his screaming. Werewolves who have gone through this before mentally prepare themselves before they feel the curse take over. That's what Aunt Hayley told me before dying.
"Headmaster" reminding everyone about why we are here, not about two lovers reconnecting.
"Right" He goes up to the door only for them to be locked "girls"
Hope opens her arms saying "Dissera Portus!" The chains on the door break.
"You keep lover boy occupied" ordering Hope as I storm into the church with Headmaster Satlzman.
The priest holds his cross towards the boy speaking in Latin, trying to force the "demon" that is inside of him to go back to hell.
"Shit down the exorcist" Headmaster Saltzman asks "would you?" He has a crossbow and equipment ready to keep the werewolf from running out of here and killing everyone.
Waving my hand, the exorcist flies back and through the stained glass window. The humans try to stop us but with one good punch, they are knocked out.
"Help me" the boy cries
Kneeling down before him "Give into the pain" tears run down his face. He has cropped black hair, honey colored skin and dark eyes. Now he looks more innocent than that Landon. I don't know why, it's their faces. Landon's is just more...guilty looking while this guy? Then again the boy is suffering so it may naturally be guilty looking like everyone else's.
"What?" He grunts
"Give into the pain" repeating as Headmaster Saltzman chains up his neck "it'll hurt for hours if you don't" pulling away from him, the werewolf is now in his werewolf form and grows and barks at us.
"Dios mio" looking over at the exorcist who is standing with blood running down his forehead.
"I thought you took care of him?" Hope demands, turning my head a bit I see she and Landon are in here. Landon just stares wide eyed with so many emotions going through him.
He's going to think this is all a bad dream, he's got a head wound. Just say he hallucinated this "He's got a head wound, a doctor will tell him he's crazy if he says there was a wolf here. Also compulsion"
"Liv is right" Headmaster Saltzman looks down at me "good job"
Looking at Landon "What about lover boy?"
Headmaster Salztman looks at him, lover boy realizes we are talking about him and gulps. He's ready to piss his pants, how adorable.
"Bring him with" Headmaster Salztman orders "once he is human"
"What's his name?" I ask lover boy
"Huh?" He asks
Jabbing my finger to the werewolf that snarls "This guy? His name"
|Mystic Falls|
"How do you two know each other?" Million dollar question Headmaster Saltzman just asked after hours of driving and waiting for that Rafael to shift.
Because I don't want to sit in the back with either boy, I shifted into my white fluffy cat form and am on Hope's lap.
When I dig my claw into Hope's leg, she looks down at me "What?" She asks. Letting out a meow, rubbing my head against her arm she rolls her eyes scratching my head "Landon use to serve me milkshakes at the Mystic Grill"
"Peanut butter blast" Landon recites Hope's favorite milkshake, she must have gone to see him a lot for him to know her order or she made a good impression on him that he likes her too "whipped cream on the bottom...we danced once"
Letting out another meow nipping her fingers "What? I don't speak cat" looking at Landon giving him a smile remembering the memory of their dance "we tried to dance" letting out a laugh before getting all serious "then you moved away. Ow!" Hope looks down at me when I dug one of my nails onto her leg "Liv!"
"You made a door blow off its hinges with your brain, the made a priest go flying through the air... do you feel like explaining that?" Pulling my nail out, I jump into Landon's lap having him stiffen. I just stare up at him "She isn't going to" Landon gulps "hurt me...right?"
Headmaster Saltzman and Hope don't say anything, his heartbeat begins to race even more and he looks more afraid. So I do what any cat does, I rub my body against his chest having my tail in the air hitting his face purring "She wants you to stroke her fur" Headmaster Saltzman tells him when I kept walking back and forth doing this. When Landon does, I curl up into a ball purring "we'll explain everything, we're almost there"
"Where are we going?" Landon asks.
The Salvatore Boarding School. Created for supernatural to learn, grow and make new friends. It's for everyone who was either born or forced into this life. Well supernatural really, there are a few humans here and those humans is a teacher and Headmaster Saltzman. We mostly stick to a supernatural faculty just like a student body. This place is a safe haven...for the most part.
"Somewhere safe" Headmaster Saltzman assured him. His friend wakes up then looking around confused, especially when he sees me.
"Dude?" Rafael asks "why do you have a cat on your lap?"
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