"Thanks for giving me a ride to school" thanking Lucas as he drives me to school since my car is still at school. I know it's there since I've had a spell placed on it to incinerate anyone who tries to steal it. Just like the house is cloaked with a barrier spell that keeps unwanted supernaturals out.
"Of course" he nods his head "how are you feeling since...the reveal?"
"I want whoever released my video dead" my arms are crossed "it was an invasion and complete violation of my privacy. My mom is finding out who did it so she can deal with them" when mom found out she apologized profoundly to me and promised to destroy the person who did this. Getting out of the car, I ask "what is going on?" We see a bunch of people running out of the school.
"Guys" Nathan is beside us "what's going on?"
"We just arrived" Lucas stops Brooke "Brooke! What's going on?"
"Someone has a gun" she points "I can't find Peyton"
Lucas and Nathan run inside, I go after them since I doubt either has ever been in a shooting before. "You both" they look at me as we are in an office "are idiots"
"And you aren't?" Nathan asks as he grabs a metal baseball ball "I'm not leaving without Hayley in my arms"
"Same with Peyton" Lucas grabs a bat "she's unguarded and if she's in the library, those doors don't lock"
"Let's go" yanking their arms as we leave the office
"Where's Lucas?" I ask Nathan when I looked down a hall making sure things are clear.
"Went to get Peyton" he whispers "let's go"
We find Mouth who is confused "Mouth?" He sees us and I cover his mouth "whisper: what are you doing here?"
"I was" he whispers "in the AV room and I come out and it's like 'Dawn of the Dead'"
"Someone has a gun" his eyes widen "we're going to get Hayley since lover boy over here, no offense" holding my hand out "needs to get Hayley out of here"
"I'll stay with you both" Mouth says
We walk towards the tutor center, Nathan slides his ID under the door as I look around not having a good feeling. When the door opens, Hayley hugs Nathan.
"Come on" Nathan motions "let's get out of here"
"No one" we see Jimmy Edward with a gun, ever since the time capsule opened things have gotten worse for him "is going anywhere. Get away from the door"
"Jimmy?" Mouth asks
"Do it Mouth!" He yells. We get away from the door, Nathan keeps Hayley behind him "Everyone back, you too Skills"
"Or what" he asks "your gonna shoot me? We use to be friends"
"Yeah" he agrees "use to be" he looks at me "aren't you scared?"
"I haven't been scared in a long time" shaking my head no "and I doubt you'll shoot any of us, I mean" letting out a laugh "I doubt you have killed the same amount of people as me"
"Your bluffing" he tries to be all badass "you've never killed anyone"
I cover my mouth laughing "Are you seriously laughing?" Marcus demands
"I am" tilting my head "because unlike Jimmy here I know what it's like for a person to die by my hands. How the life leaves their eyes—are you prepared to shoot us Jimmy?"
"Stay away from the door" he goes to grab duck tape and I run at him, he shoots the gun hitting my shoulder but he doesn't know me. So I shoved him into the wall having him drop the gun.
Flipping him over onto the desk having him be knocked out by the force. Everyone stares at me "This isn't my first gun to my head"
Grabbing the gun, I check and it's a full case "What" Rachel asks "what if there are others? With guns?"
"All of you turn around and cover your ears" I order
"Why?" Nathan asks
"Just do it" they turn around and cover their ears and I wake up Jimmy by breaking his finger. He screams having everyone look mg way "wakey wakey"
"What are you doing?" Mouth demands
"Are you the only one with a gun?" I demand from Jimmy who is crying.
"No" he is lying
"Are you lying to me?" I demand
"No" breaking another finger "I'm not" breaking another "fine! Fine!"
"Stop" Skills is by my side "your torturing him"
"He wouldn't give us the answer otherwise—which reminds me" holding the gun out to Rachel.
"Woah!" Nathan holds onto Hayley again "what are you doing?"
"Why did you post to the whole world me being tortured?" I demand
Shaking her head "I didn't" shooting behind her having someone scream.
"Tell the truth" I order
"Rachel?" Hayley asks "did you...did you—was it you?"
"You have no record!" She yells "and I wanted to show people who people really are, I'm sorry—I didn't know, I'm sorry. Just please, don't kill me"
"I won't kill you" shaking my head "death will be too easy for you, no...I'm going to make sure your whole world crumbles" grabbing my phone I call the police putting the gun down.
|Time Skip|
"Hey Liv?" Looking up at Angela as she is before me and the girls. It's been a week since what happened, how Jimmy brought a gun to school including Rachel leaking the video. She is facing criminal charges for what she did and is a pariah now. Jimmy, he unfortunately killed himself while in the hospital unable to deal with this. Also someone killed Keith Scott, the authorities are looking into it.
"Hey Angela" I smile "girls you remember Angela?"
Nodding their heads "Sit down" Brooke pats to the seat beside her.
"No thanks, I came to see if you'd be interested in going down to La Push this Saturday" she asks us "there's this swell coming in if you want to go surfing but also there's whale watching and tide pools"
"Sure" nodding my head "that sounds like fun, girls?"
"Yeah" nodding their heads "thanks for the invitation" Peyton smiles to her, like me she has a gun shot wound. Thankfully nothing too bad.
"I'll be back" I say "lunch"
When I'm at the salad bar, I'm near done with making the fruit salad when Edward Cullen is next to me asking "Edible art?" Bella who was also here knocks the apple she had off the table, she picked it up and set it down.
"You know" She says "your mood swings are giving me whiplash"
What is she talking about? Better not be trying to tell him anything "I only said it was better that we weren't friends" looking at me "my family was wondering if you'd join us for lunch Liv?"
"No" looking at him "I made it very clear, I want nothing to do with you or your family"
He grabs my arm "We just want to talk"
"And I said no" yanking my arm away, we glare at one another.
"Edward" his siblings Rosalie and Emmett are next to him, pulling him away from me. I walk away noticing how people are looking between us.
"Is something" Skills asks "going on between you and Edward Cullen?"
"No" shaking my head "and there won't ever bel
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