I woke up in bed I look around it was my room. But it was different. The empty shrine was not there. My manga book shelf was missing and my posters where not on my wall. I get up and walk to my closet but to my surprise there are men's cloths, I pull out a outfit that is together to see it looked like inf- Hikari's uniform, it was a white shirt and bright red tie with a bright red-lined black blazer and black slacks there was a pair of brown shoes by the door out of the room
'I cant go out in boy's cloths what am I meant to do?' I walked out of my room. I saw photos on the wall they where of my parents but instead of me there was a boy. He had short dark gray hair. His eyes are gray as well. He had on a white high collared button-down shirt and black slacks with black shoes. He was holding an acceptance letter to Akademi High. I continue to walk around noticing little things different here and there. I noticed my bag by the front door. I walk over and grab it, I sit in the living room and dump out the contents nothing was missing, and in fact my phone was there, I pick it up and see there is a message.
'Who are you?' I send back
'You can call me Info-kun.
my sister sent you here.
I wanted to explain a few
things to you before you
get to into the day."
'Where am I? Why does
Everything look the same
But different who is this
Boy with my parents?'
'First I will have to
explain where here is.
you see many years
ago a boy discovered
alternate universes
last year, his first
year at Akademi High
he built a meshing into
one of those alternate
universe. Long story
short my sister went
through, into your universe
and was unable to come
back for reasons I do not
want to get into, we are the
only ones to be able to
communicate with each
other from what we can
tell it turners out the timing
is different about 13 weeks.
So when you where near the
middle of the school year ours
Is starting tomorrow.
In our world you where born as
Ayato Aishi, the boy. Lucky for
you the entire Aishi family in our
universe died last week in a plane
crash on the way to America they
used fake IDs and passports so no
one knows. Ayato Aishi was
homeschooled so no one
knows anything about him. What
you will be doing is pack up the
male uniforms in the box in the
basement and take it with you
to the school tomorrow, you can
tell them that there was a
miscommunication somewhere
they will ask you for your Id and
will see that your name is Ayano
and will just assume that there was
a mistake over the phone. They will
trade out the male uniforms for
female ones. I bought a few cheep
meals the other day for your home
as there wasn't anything there.
It would be best for you to take today
to pack the cloths and then go get
food and new cloths as all you have
is what you have on. Just a thought.'
I put my phone down and thought about what I just learned. I am in an alternate universe where I was born a male and "me" and both my parents are dead. I would be living alone for the rest of my days 'not that there was a difference of what I was doing before.' tomorrow I would be starting the school year over again. I still had emotions somewhat from Taro they were a little doll but they were there. I could make friends, real friends and maybe find a boy who would be with me. One who can keep our children safe in his own special way. I could actually join a club that I wish to not that I need to. I didn't need Taro I could find someone else 'oh dad if you could see me now, I'm normal just like you wished.' I walk around the house collecting the pictures off the wall there weren't many I separated them into two groups one of just my parents and one with "me" in them. There were many of just mom and dad. It seems like other me went through a "camera shy" faze because there were only a few where you can tell the toddler in the pictures was a boy most could be confused as a little girl with short hair. Then the pictures start again around the time he looked to be 16 which would be last year, and the one with his acceptance letter. I looked at the picture of my mother and bran new baby "me". In the other world my mother had a at home birth with her mom her dad and my father it seems this one did as well. The only indicating feacher of the baby's gender was the blue baby blanket it could be explained as they thought I would be a boy so they bought a blue blanket. I pulled out the picture I took form my parents room and put it to the side. I pull out my phone and go back to Info-Kun
'Is there a way I can send you
A picture of a pretend picture
And you make copies I can
hang them up on the wall?'
'Yes I can do that. Send me
A full picture of the pictures
Out of the frame And the size
you wish. I can have it dropped
off at your door as you are
I take the pictures from my world out of the frame and take pictures of them send them both to Info-Kun and tell him I would like both to be 8X10. I then pull out the couple pictures that there was no denying the son. I then pick up the pictures and re hung them on the wall keeping the empty frames on the table. I walk to the basement and see its butch like mine only many more boxes. I see a box with the Akademi flower on it grab it and box tape before heading back to my room to repack up all the uniforms. Once that was complete, I brought the box to the table I see a purse by the door and empty it out. I take out my wallet. I knew the house was owned completely by me as the house had been in the family for generations, so I put $3000 in my wallet knowing I needed to get a full wardrobe and groceries for the house. I went back to the basement and grabbed one of the bigger boxes and walked back to my room and packed up all the cloths bar the underwear and socks witch I threw away in the thrash. I pick up the three pairs of shoes and also place them in the box. I will try to sell them to a secondhand shop and if not, I will donate them. Ayato only had a handful of outfits I did decide to keep a par of PJs that were still in the packaging because they were in good quality and would be warm even with it being big on me the pants had pull strings to keep them up. The rest I put in the box. I was hopeful that in this world my family took the uber to go to the airport like they did in my world. I go to the garage and to my luck they had. My father's car was there so I returned to grab the box of cloths and the purse with my wallet and put them in the car. Soon I was Off.
Would you all like a chapter of buying everything or just skip to the next day for the first day of school?
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