Chapter 49: Multiversal Vacation
Here we see you and Amelia teleport into the Batman the Brave and the Bold universe and you both see that you're in Gotham City.
(Y/N): "Wow, gotta say this city looks vibrant."
Amelia: "Yeah, we better find a hotel before something happens."
Random thug: *points a gun at you and Amelia*"Hey, give me your money and no one gets hurt."
(Y/N): "A tiny pistol? How about you surrender my gun?"*pulls out a heavy duty shotgun*"My heavy duty shotgun. Never leave home without a weapon."
Amelia: "Won't people think you're the one robbing him?"
(Y/N): "Who's gonna think I'm robbing him?"
???(Batman): "Me."
We then see a batarang coming at you and you shoot it out of the air and then you slide-kick the thug and knock him down to the ground.
(Y/N): "I would just like to point out that I did that out of self defense and I would never actually shoot someone unless they shoot me first."
We then see the Batman of the universe you and Amelia are in come out of the shadows of an alley and he sees you and Amelia.
(Y/N): "Batman?"
Batman: "That's right, and I assume you two are from an organization that operates in the shadows that has the sole purpose of containing anomalies?"
Amelia: "How did you know that?"
(Y/N): "He's Batman."
Batman: "As a detective I have to be able to solve any crime by looking for evidence and you have the power to travel between universes if I'm not mistaken."
(Y/N): "How did you know we're from another universe?"
Batman: "I have experience in dealing with other universes."
(Y/N): "You traveled to another universe too? I made a map of universes just to know where to go if I want to go to another universe. My powers work like this, I know where I am by knowing where I've been."
Batman: "So you've been here before?"
(Y/N): "Well yes and no, yes I've been to another Gotham City in a different universe and no I've not been to this Gotham."
Batman: "I see, why have you come to my universe?"
(Y/N): "We're on vacation."
Amelia: " And we decided to go to your universe to look around."
Batman: "I see, perhaps the Watchtower should take a look at you."
(Y/N): "(Y/N) Cranston and this is Dr. Amelia Buck."
Amelia: "Nice to meet you."
Later, in the Watchtower, we see Batman using a scanner to scan your body as we see some members of Justice League International like Blue Beetle, Green Lantern(Guy Gardener), and Booster Gold.
B. Beetle: "Who are they?"
B. Gold: "They're from another place called the PBS Foundry?"
Guy: "You knucklehead, it's SCP Foundation."
Amelia: "You know about the foundation too?"
B. Beetle: "No way, we never even heard about it."
(Y/N): "I think it's just one of those universes that don't have an SCP Foundation."
Amelia: "Oh gotcha."
Guy: "What do you guys even do?"
(Y/N): "We capture and contain anomalies."
Guy: "Yeah what kind?"
(Y/N): "Monsters, people with powers, locations with supernatural events going on, artifacts, dimensions, rampaging deities, supernatural diseases, planets-"
B. Gold: "Wait hold on, how are you supposed to contain a planet? They're big."
(Y/N): "We use disinformation campaigns and we block out the planets from star maps."
Guy: "Okay let's say if you want to contain Aquaman, what would you do?"
(Y/N): "Reinforce a containment cell with reinforced steel, have high intensity heaters at the ready, and make sure he has a pool that has pipes that don't lead into the ocean."
Batman: "Amazing."
Guy: "What about his power to talk to fish?"
(Y/N): "We lined his cell with a telekill alloy."
Batman: "Seems like your anatomy is normal and I am detecting some foreign magic in your system."
(Y/N): "Must be leftover magic from the Scarlet King."
Guy: "Scarlet who?"
Amelia: "The Scarlet king is an Eldritch Deity bent on the destruction of all existence."
B. Beetle: "Huh, kinda like Darkseid."
(Y/N): "Well unlike him, the Scarlet King banged his 7 daughters and I have met 4 of them which is a giant rampaging lizard, a girl that makes plants grow everywhere, 7 giants that inhabit a death planet, and I don't know who I met is the 4th child I met."
B. Gold: "Wait, he did what to kids?!"
Guy: "That is just sick and wrong!"
B. Beetle: "And yet I'm not surprised, Wonder Woman told me a lot about the Greek Gods from Olympus for a project at college."
(Y/N): "Oh cool."
We then see Ice and Fire walk by and they see you.
Ice: "Are we getting new members?"
Fire: "They look like they're visitors."
(Y/N): "Well thanks for the check up, now we need to go back to our vacation."
Batman: "Alright, you need to check in at a hotel?"
B. Beetle: "Wait, can't they stay here? I bet they have a lot of crazy stories."
Amelia: "Well it wouldn't hurt to look around a little."
(Y/N): "You guys have a guest bedroom?"
Ice: "There's an empty room next to mine."
(Y/N): "Thanks."
You and Amelia head out of the room as Guy and Blue Beetle realize something.
Guy and B. Beetle: "There's an empty room next to Ice's room?!"
B. Gold: "What's wrong with that?"
Guy: "That guy is gonna stay in a room next to one of the two rooms that the only girls on our team own."
B.Gold: "Wait..."*thinks for a moment**Realizes*" "What?!"
Meanwhile we see you and Amelia settle in the room and you turn to Ice.
(Y/N): "Thanks again for lending us this room."
Ice: "No problem, it's nice to have neighbors."
(Y/N): "Yeah, it does."
Ice: "Well it's nice meeting you, see ya."
We then see Ice leave the room and you then pull out weapons and place them next to your bed.
(Y/N): "Always keep a weapon within arms reach just in case."
Amelia: "If an anomaly ever got here?"
(Y/N): "Yep."
Later on, we see you at the mess hall and you are telling the story about your time in Site-13.
(Y/N): "Then boom, the floor collapsed and so we had to open fire at the leech monster but nothings working, things aren't looking good."
Justice League International: "Ooooo."
(Y/N): "This thing was invincible, it was like nothing was gonna stop it, it had the strength of 10 men, no 10 Godzillas."
Ice: "What did you do?"
(Y/N): "Huh? Oh we opened up two containment cells that contained a Deer from space and a giant guy with a whole bunch of wings and a giant sword and made them fight the leech monster and then we activated the Thresher to send the whole site somewhere else in the Multiverse."
B. Gold: *In awe* "That is the coolest thing I have ever heard."
(Y/N): "So you see we went with building Site-19 and we were fine, if we had built Site-13. We might get bought off by the GOC and turn the Site into a meat grinder for Anomalies. So the moral of the story is never be a kiss ass and Emerson had to pay for his crimes because he was a kiss ass."
Amelia: *comes in*"(Y/N) what are you doing?"
(Y/N): "Just telling these guys about how I saved our universe from Site-13."
Amelia: "Why?"
Fire: "Is it true that the Leech child was hidden in the pit?"
Ice: "And did he really eat all the remains of dead anomalies? And had the strength of 10 godzillas?"
Amelia: "I... uh, well according to the files we gathered form Site-13, it is confirmed that the Leech child has to feed off of the remains in the pit and as for its power it could have strength of 30 Godzillas."
Ice: "Wow."
Fire: "Amazing."
(Y/N): "That is why."
Amelia: "I think you were imprinted from one of the Reds and Blues."
Meanwhile in the Reds vs. Blue universe we see Tucker sneeze.
Tucker: "Was someone talking about me?"
Back to you.
Guy: "Man, you have a lot of crazy stories."
B. Beetle: "A lot crazier than our stories."
Ice: "Especially about the time you went into a world that was destroyed by their own religious beliefs made by some guy from another universe."
(Y/N): "Yeah and the time I met Ms. Sweetie."
B. Gold: "Who?"
(Y/N): "She's a Little Mister from the Little Mister series of toys from Dr. Wondertainment, she can repel men and or put them into a diabetic coma and when a guy eats her candy they turn into a giant candy monster or a candy unicorn. But her effects don't work on me."
B. Gold: "Oh."
Ice: "She must be made for girls and keep boys away so that they won't break them."
B. Gold: "And I can't believe you were shipwrecked on a death planet filled with monsters and who knows what's there with a whole bunch of people who have no survival skills."
Guy: "And I can't believe that Jonesy guy just told the ship to leave cause he thought the ship that crashed on the planet was perfectly intact and not destroyed."
(Y/N): "Yeah we all beat him up for that."
Fire: "That seems reasonable, anyone that dumb deserves a beating."
(Y/N): "And I'm sure Booster Gold would be dumb enough to make that mistake himself."
Everyone then turns their attention to Booster Gold and looks at him.
B. Gold: "Hey now even I'm not that dumb to do that."
Skeets: "Yes you are sir."
B. Gold: "Et tu Skeets!?"
Skeets: " Sorry sir, it is a 95% chance that you would do the same."
We then see Guy construct a boxing glove and punch Booster Gold in the face.
Guy: "Just to fill in my quota in case it happens."
(Y/N): "That seems reasonable."
Ice: "You are the most interesting person I've ever met."
(Y/N): "Thanks."
Fire: "Well you really have some interesting stories and deal with unusual missions."
(Y/N): "What you guys deal with on a daily basis is just small stuff in comparison."
B. Gold: "Really?"
(Y/N): "Yeah, the Foundation has been doing their job since the American Frontier, I think. To be honest I don't know what SCP-001 started the whole thing because we have to keep the real SCP-001 a secret."
B. Gold: "Wow."
B. Beetle: "Now that's insane."
(Y/N): "Yep."
Ice: *whispers to Fire*"I like him, he is a hero that doesn't let the moral gray area cloud his life."
Fire: *Whispers back* "True, but it looks like he has a girlfriend."
Ice: *whispers back*"Yeah, but I think she might share, if she wants to or not."
Fire: *whispers back* "I hope so."
Later on, we see you and Amelia with Martian Manhunter where he was giving you both a tour of the Watchtower.
(Y/N): "Man, this place is nice."*sees a shooting range*"Huh, can I get a crack at it?"
M. Manhunter: " Be my guest."
You then pulled out your pistol and there were moving targets and you fired a bullet that ricochets off of walls and then hit all the bullseyes all at once and both Fire and Ice saw that.
(Y/N): "And that is how you take down 500 targets with one bullet."
Ice: "That was amazing!!"
M. Manhunter: "Impressive, your aim is just as good as Batman's, although he doesn't use a firearm."
(Y/N): "I was trained to use guns and he was trained to use batarangs, it's the same thing. My firearm weapons training is more efficient than batarangs."
M. Manhunter: "How's your hand to hand training?"
(Y/N): "Let's see and find out."
Later, in the training room, we see you sparring against Aquaman, Batman, and Nightwing.
Aquaman: "Outrageous! Batman old chum, where did you find this guy?"
Batman: "He found us."
We then see Nightwing charge at you with a punch and you use a leg swipe to knock him down and punch him in the face and then you kick him into the air and then launch him at Batman as you then went for Aquaman and while Aquaman is stronger you use his own strength and against his team by making him punch Batman in the face and you then jump kick at Aquaman as he then fall onto both Nightwing and Batman and you put a foot on Aquaman's back.
(Y/N): "Round 10 goes to me."
Nightwing: *Gets up* "Ughh, man that was amazing, where did you learn to fight like that?"
(Y/N): "I've been trained by the best of the best at the SCP Foundation and had some pointers from an ex GOC operative."
Aquaman: *gets up*"Outrageous! You beat us and Batman in 10 rounds!? I barely won one round against Batman."
Nightwing: "No one wins a round against Batman, not even Superman."
(Y/N): "I'm gonna guess that Batman has a gadget for every possible person he's fighting and I'm assuming one of them is something for Superman right?"
Batman: *Gets up* "Of course, I only made gadgets for specific opponents both hero and villain. I made gadgets that counter heroes in case anyone goes rogue."
(Y/N): "...What if you go rogue?"
Batman: "Easy, what can counter me is the Justice League."
(Y/N): "How?"
Batman: "Even with all of my gadgets and plans I am still one man against a team of heroes."
(Y/N): "Oh I get it now, being outnumbered right?"
Batman: "Precisely."
(Y/N): "Impressive, it's always nice to have a contingency plan, especially if it's for yourself."
Batman: "Indeed."
(Y/N): "Hey how about I assist you in some crime fighting while I'm in your neighborhood? I enlisted myself into a lot of MTF teams so I pretty much learned a thing or two."
Batman: "That would be helpful."
Nightwing: "How are you supposed to help?"
(Y/N): "My training with the MTF team codenamed the Front Runners taught me how to be a good spy."
Nightwing: "Hm alright, prove it."
3 months later, we see the Black Manta is about to execute his plan by creating a chain of volcanoes to destroy Atlantis.
B. Manta: "Finally, the destruction of Atlantis is at hand!"
???: "Not so fast Black Manta!"
Both Black Manta and his crew then see Aquaman and Batman ready to fight.
B. Manta: "What!? How?! I planned this very carefully!"
Batman: "We had some assistance in knowing about your plan, right (Y/N)?"
(Y/N): "Right!"
You then beat up some of the grunts as Black Manta was shocked to see that you're a spy.
B. Manta: "I can't believe this! I trusted you! I was your friend!"
(Y/N): "Yeah, sorry but I'm friends with Lady Justice pal!"
You then punch Black Manta as we see both Aquaman and Batman punch Black Manta in the face at the same time. Sometime later, we see Black Manta and his crew captured and all tied up as you take off your scuba gear.
(Y/N): "Front Runners and Deep Feeders training at the same time with the same guy, sweet."
Aquaman: "Haha! Another day saved thanks to (Y/N) and his skills as a spy!"
Batman: "You are a capable fighter (Y/N), even underwater."
(Y/N): "I've been trained to contain anomalies that live in the water thanks to the Deep Feeders and we have mandatory drills on a weekly basis."
Aquaman: "Weekly drills? And what are these Deep Feeders?"
(Y/N): "Those guys are trained to contain aquatic anomalies like sea monsters, haunted ships, oceanic phenomenon, or aquatic creatures that merged themselves into wrecked ships."
Aquaman: "Outrageous, you have a whole team who deals with those kinds of anomalies?"
(Y/N): "We have a MTF for every situation, and right now we are gonna have an entire MTF that is composed of SCPs soon."
Batman: "Interesting."
(Y/N): "And if the first one doesn't go well, we can learn what went wrong and make another one."
Batman: "Sounds like you thought the whole thing through."
(Y/N): "Yep."
Meanwhile, at Gotham, we see Huntress and Black Canary at a coffee shop and they hear about your arrival.
Huntress: "I can't believe Batman of all people lost to some guy from another universe."
B. Canary: "Yeah, like 10 times in a row in hand to hand."
Huntress: "You know the more I hear about him the more I like him."
B. Canary: "We barely even know him."
We then see you walk by the two girls.
(Y/N): "Hey girls."
B. Canary: *sees you walk by*"Hey."
Huntress: "Was that him?"
B. Canary: "Yep, that's him, Ice sent me a picture of him to me. He and his girlfriend are in the guest bunk that is next to her's."
Huntress: "Lucky."
B. Canary: "Yeah, you don't think they're gonna-"
Huntress: "Gonna do what?"
B. Canary: "Have an open relationship with him, well if his girlfriend allows it that is."
Huntress: "I don't think Ice is that smooth with guys, she's the kind of girl who is nice and pretty and doesn't really think too much."
Meanwhile with you and Amelia, we see you both at a pizza shop and you both are eating pizza.
Amelia: "I wouldn't find eating pizza romantic."
(Y/N): "I don't want to go somewhere that is too ritzy, it's expensive and people try too hard to impress someone."
Amelia: "I see."
(Y/N): "Yeah if you try too hard then you will just mess it up, that's what my dad taught me."
Amelia: "Excellent wisdom."
(Y/N): "Yeah, hey I know the Foundation has a bad track record of keeping couples alive or not turning them into SCPs, but I feel bad for them, especially when it comes to having open relationships."
Amelia: "Yeah, but (Y/N) you know how dangerous it is to have a relationship with someone. We are walking on eggshells as it is."
(Y/N): "You're right."*remembered something*"Hey remember that Civil War statue the Foundation contained a while back?"
Amelia: "SCP-011? Why did you bring him up?"
(Y/N): "That guy is in a relationship with the SCP researcher, I read it's going well."
Amelia: "Well, that would prove that SCPs and Foundation personnel can have a relationship."
(Y/N): "I guess having a relationship with an SCP is possible, I'm just worried about something happening if we did have an open relationship, it's not that I wanna break anyone's heart, I just want them to be safe."
Amelia: "Your heart is in the right place, but if it means risking our lives and or sanity to be happy with those you love then so be it."
(Y/N): "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
Amelia: "I think it's time for an open relationship."
(Y/N): *grabs your soda*"Well cheers to hoping it works out."
You and Amelia clink your sodas together and then drink them and you both burp at the same time.
(Y/N): *Chuckles* "Nice one."
Amelia: *clears her throat*"Thank you."
(Y/N): "Anytime."
???: "Sounds like you two took your relationship to the next level."
You both looked to see it was Catwoman and you see she's wearing a very expensive pearl necklace.
(Y/N): "Catwoman?"*sees her necklace*"Did you really steal that really expensive necklace?"
Catwoman: "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. So anyways, word on the street you beat Batman 10x in a row."
(Y/N): "Sure did, the SCP Foundation can really push a man to the very limit."
Catwoman: "Even you?"
(Y/N): "Even me, and I signed up for every MTF teams"
Catwoman: "All their teams?"
(Y/N): "Reliability is key, that's what my mom taught me."
Catwoman: "She sounds like a smart woman."
(Y/N): "Yeah too bad my brother shot both my mom and my dad without a second thought."
Catwoman: "Oh... I... I'm sorry for your loss."
???: "I feel your pain."
You and the others then see Batman come out of the shadows.
(Y/N): "Hey Bats."
Batman: "My parents were killed by a common criminal when I was young."
(Y/N): "Man that sucks, guess that's the one thing we both have in common, losing the people we care about."
Batman: "Indeed."
(Y/N): "My own brother was a kingpin of crime under the guise of a police chief and we tried to expose him for the man he is until he killed mom and dad and he tried to kill me and my sister."
Batman: "Losing your parents is bad enough but having your own flesh and blood kill your own parents is even worse."
(Y/N): "Yeah... it haunts me that my brother was trying to finish what he started even if it means lifting the veil that the Anomalous World worked so hard to maintain and destroy the anomalous world in the process."
Batman: "I see, it is your job to know secrets that the world isn't ready to know yet and some secrets are meant to remain in the shadows."
(Y/N): "That's the plan, well anyways we should get going and continue our vacation into another universe."
Batman: "It was nice teaming up with you."
(Y/N): "You too, we should do this again someday."
Batman: "Yeah we should."
Sometime later, we see you and Amelia packed up and ready to leave as Ice and Fire hug both of you as a goodbye.
Ice: "Please come and visit us again when you can."
Fire: "We'd like to team with you someday."
(Y/N): "It'd be an honor."
Ice: *pecks your cheek*"Safe travels (Y/N)."
(Y/N): "No problem, alright Amelia. Let's go."
You then place a hand on Amelia and you both teleport into another universe. You and Amelia then teleport into the Red vs. Blue universe and you both are at Sammie Raphaellos.
Amelia: "Sammie Raphaellos? But didn't we already eat?"
(Y/N): "I still have pizza on the brain."
Amelia: "Of course, let's go to a hotel before we have another pizza date."
Sometime later, we see the Reds and Blues at Sammies and just when Grif was about to eat another slice of pizza he sees you and Amelia.
Girf: "Huh? Have I met that guy?"
Simmons: "What are you talking about?"
Grif: "Dude look." *Points to you* "Does he look familiar to you?"
Simmons: *Sees you* "Huh, kind of."
Tucker: "Do we owe him money?"
Grif: "I'm gonna ask."*gets up and walk up to you and Amelia*"Hey uh do me and my friends owe you money?"
(Y/N): *Sees Grif and the others* "You do actually, 600 bucks from each of you."
Frenchie: "One financial exchange later."
Simmons: "Great, each of us lost 600 bucks, way to go asshole."
Grif: "Hey how was I supposed to know we owed him 600 bucks, you said we owe him money."
Tucker: "That was a guess dude!"
Caboose: "I lost my lunch money."
Sarge: "Grif for us losing money you get to pay the check."
Grif: *sees the bill*"Fuck."
Tucker: "Wait, was that guy in the shared dream we had?"
The Reds and Blues then look at each other in realization except for Lopez since he's the only person who knows cause no one understands him and Grif is too lazy to translate.
Lopez: *in spanish*"Oh wow, it's (Y/N) Cranston, the guy from your dreams and the guy who saved us from that death planet, if only I could tell you about him but I didn't because Grif is too lazy to translate what the heck I'm saying."
Grif: "Shut up Lopez, we're trying to process the realization here."
Lopez: *in spanish*"See what I mean."
Tucker: "I can't believe that guy is the same guy from our dreams."
Grif: "Yeah, you think it would be impossible to not remember this guy."
Tucker: "Let's go talk to this guy."
We then see the Reds and Blues walk up to you and Amelia.
(Y/N): *Sees the Reds and Blues* "Can I help you guys?"
Tucker: "First of all, give us back our money."
(Y/N): "No take backs."
Sarge: "It's hopeless men, everyone knows the No Take Backs Accords."
Grif: "Fuck!"
Amelia: "Wait, that's a thing?"
Simmons: "Shut up, we're asking the questions, are you (Y/N) Cranston?"
(Y/N): "No, I'm Ted Walters and this is my girlfriend, Mandy Limestone."
Lopez: *in Spanish* "No you're not, you are (Y/N) Cranston and Dr. Amelia Buck."
Grif: "Shut up Lopez, we're in the middle of something here."
Lopez: *In Spanish* "Seriously? Can't anyone see it's the same people from our near death experience on a death planet?"
Sarge: "No more of your ridiculous stories Lopez, now put a lid on it."
Lopez: *in Spanish* "Whatever, none of you understand me and one of you is too lazy to translate."
(Y/N): "You guys must've mistaken us for someone else."
Lopez: *In Spanish* "I remember you two quite well."
Donut: "Lopez come on, you know you're not his type. He has a girlfriend."
Lopez: *in Spanish*"You suck at speaking Spanish."
Carolina: " Anyways, sorry about the confusion."
(Y/N): "It's fine."
We then see Kakaina come out of the bathroom and she sees you and Amelia.
Kakaina: "Hey it's that guy from your dreams guys, and he's hotter in person."
You and Amelia were confused from what Kakaina said.
(Y/N): "Dream?"
Amelia: "We don't know what you're talking about."
Kakaina: "Hey I know all the guys that I want to make out with and I'm pretty sure the description of (Y/N) Cranston is vivid enough to give me an idea. You're that guy who saved my bro from a Death Planet."
(Y/N): "Okay you got us, I'm (Y/N) Cranston and this is my girlfriend Dr. Amelia Buck."
Grif: "Wait does that mean our dream was-"
(Y/N): "Real? Oh yeah, that's the side effect of the amnestics, you still have the memories in your subconscious in the form of nightmares."
Amelia: "We just didn't realize some of you might know us."
(Y/N): "Especially the robot, since I didn't erase his memory cause none of you understand you or are too lazy to translate what he's saying."
Grif: "What!?"*to Lopez*"Lopez, why didn't you say anything!?"
Lopez: *in spanish*"I did, but you're too lazy to translate."
Grif: "Curse my laziness!"
Donut: "Oh, I thought Lopez was questioning his sexuality the whole time, and I thought his loose screws were a big enough problem but it was me who was in a sticky situation in this translation."
(Y/N): "...Did he just say two innuendos?"
Simmons: "Yeah, you'll get used to it."
Washington: "So what are you two doing here?"
(Y/N): "We're on vacation cause in our universe we're "dead" to convince a friend of ours to offer his services to our colleagues."
Grif: "So you guys faked your deaths just to get a vacation?"
Amelia: "Pretty much."
(Y/N): "It was my idea and our superiors were into the idea."
Grif: "Really?"
(Y/N): "Yeah, if we stay "dead" long enough, then we have a new MTF team."
Kakaina: "Who's this guy that you want him to believe you're dead."
(Y/N): "His name is Able."
Tucker: "Wait, as in the guy from Abel and Cain?"
(Y/N): "Yeah, he's a blood thirsty immortal warrior with years of sword fighting and is covered in sumerian tattoos."
Kakaina: "Wow, he sounds hot, wait is it like eternal youth immortal or Yoda immortal?"
(Y/N): "He appears in his late 20s."
Kakaina: "That's so hot! Finally a sword fighter with a sword that can pierce my pussy."
Tucker: "What about me?!"
Kakaina: "Able is more like 'oh fuck yeah you have an awesome sword'! You're more like meh."
(Y/N): "No kidding, I fought that guy enough times to know he has big swords."
Kakaina: "Wait, you fought Able?"
Amelia: "His autistic mindset makes him a challenge for SCP-076-2>."
Kakaina: "Wait seriously, now I want to bang your boyfriend right here and now cause forget swords, autism is the new hot!"
Grif: "Oh hell no!"
Amelia: *to Grif* "Is she always like this?"
Grif: "Unfortunately, yes."
Amelia: "Alright."
Simmons: "Anyways, does anyone else that's been on that death planet remember what happened? Or do they just think it was all a bad dream?"
(Y/N): "They all think it was a bad dream, although we kept some of them as our new operatives of the Foundation."
Grif: "But what if they actually remember what really happened? Like Lopez."
(Y/N): "He's a robot and I would have gone through his brain and deleted his memories manually but I didn't because his language setting is stuck in Spanish and one of you understands him poorly and the other is too lazy to translate what he's saying."
Grif: "He's right."
Amelia: "One thing I don't understand though, how come none of you haven't changed his language settings to English?"
Carolina: "It's stuck on Spanish."
Sarge: "Indeed it is."
Washington: "So what is the point of convincing Able to offer his services to the Foundation by making him think you're dead?"
(Y/N): "To make a MTF team out of SCPs."
Simmons: "So you faked your death just so this guy can work for your bosses?"
(Y/N): "Heck no, that's Alpha-1's job. And that's working for the O5 Council."
Washington: "Well if you ask me, you guys are working for a shady organization cause I speak from experience."
(Y/N): "Yeah but I don't let their shady stuff get in the way of my job, cause the Foundation is where all of my friends are. I'm just loyal to the Foundation but I'm also loyal to my friends."
Carolina: "Seems fair."
Tucker: "Hey you're not gonna erase our memories again right?"
(Y/N): "Nope, we're off duty, and besides the Foundation is in our universe and not yours so what's the point?"
Tucker: "Oh yeah, good point."
Simmons: "Wait, you're from another universe!?"
Grif: "Prove it, use a gizmo or something to take us to a different universe."
(Y/N): "Alright."
You then teleport yourself and everyone into another universe and Grif sees Sammies not as a pizzeria but rather an Italian place serving calzones and strombolis.
Grif: "......Mother.....fucker....."
Tucker: "Wait, we didn't leave at all."
Simmons: "Hold on."*to a random guy*"Hey, what kind of toppings do you put on your pizza?"
Random guy: "What the hell is pizza?"
Grif: "No... no... NOOOOOOO!!!!"
Tucker: "Uh what's with Grif?"
(Y/N): "Go outside and check the sign."
The Reds and Blues go outside and look at the sign, only it was different.
Tucker: *Reads the sign* "Sammie Raphaellos, Stromboli and Calzones?"*stops reading* " Wait, didn't this used to be a pizza place?"
Amelia: "It is in your universe, here pizza doesn't exist so people had never invented pizza."
Grif: *to you*"You bastard! You took me back to a world without pizza! This is even worse than a giant stepping on a large supply of pizza!"
(Y/N): "It could be worse."
Grif: "How can it be worse?!"
Kakaina: *sees a different version of herself and Grif with a baby*"Uh bro, are you seeing this? Cause those guys look like us and they had an incest baby."
Grif: "..................What?!"
Tucker: "Take us back to our world now!"
You then teleport everyone back to their original universe as we see Grif run to the bathroom and you all hear vomiting noises.
Carolina: "That was.... Haunting."
Washington: "Yeah..."
Kakaina: "I can't believe I would want to have a baby with my bro, I love Grif but not that way cause I draw the line at incest."
Amelia: "Good to know some people know where to draw the line, no offense."
Kakaina: "None taken."
Carolina: "Just so you know, romance and shady secret organizations don't mix well. I know that because I threw my chance at love down an elevator shaft."
(Y/N): "We know, but we won't let that get in the way of having a relationship let alone an open one."
Washington: "You two have an open relationship now?"
Amelia: "Yeah we weren't really sure because either we end up as SCPs or dead but we won't let anything bad happen to each other."
(Y/N): "We'll make sure of it, with my skills and Amelia's intelligence we can make it work."
Carolina: "I hope so, cause having a relationship is one thing but an open one might be a death trap."
Amelia: "Sounds like someone went through a lot of hardships."
Carolina: "That's because I broke up with my boyfriend because I thought he betrayed me and everyone else but I betrayed him and threw him down an elevator shaft."
(Y/N): "Yeesh, you have a very complicated love life."
Carolina: "I know, and all just to beat someone who was my mother."
(Y/N): "Yikes, you must've regretted all of your decisions by now."
Carolina: "Believe me, I regret them everyday."
Amelia: "Well, that is normal for a lot of the employees of the Foundation. They regret their employment at the Foundation but not (Y/N) he's proud of what he does."
(Y/N): "It's true."
Tucker: "Man that's so awesome, I can't believe you enjoy working with Lovecraftian monsters and whatever God is throwing at you guys everyday."
(Y/N): "Gotta enjoy your job and besides not all SCPs are bad, just misunderstood sometimes."
Tucker: "Which ones?"
(Y/N): "Well there's SCP-999, SCP-053, and SCP-682."
Amelia: *Confused* "682?"
(Y/N): "Whenever I visit him, he finds me tolerable and his only friend was a computer AI."
Amelia: "But you might be assigned to 682 termination testing soon."
(Y/N): "True, but I'm not gonna try to kill him, just test the limits of his powers and he's pretty cool with the idea of me being in charge of his tests. I told him that I want to test his capabilities and not find ways to destroy him."
Amelia: "That seems reasonable."
(Y/N): "Now let's head to another universe."
We then see you and Amelia then teleport to another universe and you look around and see it was a school in Japan, but not just any school, you see it was way bigger than an average school.
Amelia: "Where are we now?"
(Y/N): "I think we're in a mansion or a school, I'm going with school and this place is a lot bigger than a school."
Amelia then noticed a woman with blue hair standing right behind you coping your every move and every word your saying.
Amelia: "Who's that?"
(Y/N): "Huh?"*turns around and see the woman*"Were you copying me?"
???: "Indeed I was, my name is Medaka and I'm the President of the Student Council of Sandbox Academy."
(Y/N): "This is a school? It's freaking huge!"
Medaka: "Well it is a campus, you act as if you never went here before."
Amelia: "That's because we're not from here."
(Y/N): "We're from another universe."*sees Medaka's hair twitching around*"Are you doing that on purpose?"
Medaka: "What?"
(Y/N): "Never mind."
Medaka: "So you two are from America in your... universe?"
Amelia: "Yeah, we are."
(Y/N): "Also not to sound offensive but it feels like you're talking down at us."
Medaka: *holds up your toy gun*"I can't help it, also who makes a toy gun that fires real bullets?"
(Y/N): *checks gun holster*"The hell?! How did you get my gun!? I didn't see you move."
Amelia: "She must have either moved to a speed so fast we couldn't see her or was so quiet we couldn't hear her."
Medaka: *looking at all of your weapons*"There shouldn't be weapons at this campus sir, we do not want to cause a school shooting now could we?"
(Y/N): "What the fuck?! That's all of my weapons!"
Amelia: "I... you... how?!"
Medaka: "I just took them when you're not looking."
(Y/N): "But-but we were talking to you h-how...."
Amelia: "This universe is a lot more anomalous than we thought, did you intend to bring us here?"
(Y/N): "No, my dimension hopping abilities only cover parts of the multiverse I've been to and I've never been here before."
Medaka: "Oh that would have been one of our freshmen."
(Y/N): "Come again?"
Medaka: "Our Not Equal freshman to be exact, I'll take you to her right now."
(Y/N): "Huh?"
Sometime later, we see you and Amelia in a room where Medaka took you and you both see two people in the room.
Amelia: "I've dabbled in pataphysics but this is a bit much."
You then see TVs that show real time events of your missions and adventures you went through.
(Y/N): "It's... me, but wait, do you know who I am?"
Najimi: "Of course, I've been watching you and I have to say for someone like you, you could've died in 75% of these situations but you didn't."
(Y/N): "Did you bring me and Amelia here?
Najimi: "Indeed I did."
Amelia: "This is bizarre."
(Y/N): "Even for us."
Najimi: "I've been watching you two catch anomalies and go on missions, is that bizarre?"
Amelia: "I mean, it's not that bizarre for us to go on missions. I'm more of a researcher while (Y/N) does most of the heavy lifting."
(Y/N): "So what's up with Medaka?"
Najimi: "Oh she's abnormal, she has incredible abilities and talents that are beyond human capability and she's above humanity."
(Y/N): "That explains why she was talking down at us."
Amelia: "And how she took our weapons without us even knowing."
Najimi: "Indeed, that's abnormals for ya, they think they're above humanity. Now you should start going to school here."
(Y/N): "But I already went through highschool."
Amelia: "And I have a degree in science from college."
Najimi: "Sorry but I already did the paperwork."*holds up the papers*"See?"
(Y/N): "Huh?"*sees that you're wearing the school uniform*"What the heck!? When did I start wearing this?!"
Amelia: "We're on vacation! And we already graduated highschool."
Najimi: "Sorry everyone, but my world, my rules."
Najimi then snaps her fingers and both of you are teleported to your desks.
(Y/N): "We have to get out of here."
Amelia: "Use your Dimension Hopping to get us home."
???: "And play hookie?"
You and Amelia then see Medaka sitting next to you.
(Y/N): "Seriously? We already graduated highschool, and again, we're on vacation."
Amelia: "Indeed."
Medaka: "Sorry I don't make the rules, I enforce them."
(Y/N): "Would you stop talking down to us!?"
Amelia: "And tell that freshman student, she's not permitted to force us to go to high school."
???: "Who? Najimi?"
You then turn to a much smaller girl with blue hair named Hansode and you see her licking a lollipop.
Hansode: "She does whatever she wants cause she's a Not equal."
Amelia: "What does that mean?"
Hansode: "It means that there's no one who can beat her or stand up to her, not even Medaka. She's essentially a god."
Amelia: "Everyone has a weakness, even gods."
Hansode: "Not her, if she wanted you two to go through school here then you have no choice but to repeat highschool again."
(Y/N): "But we already graduated, doesn't she know that?"
Hansode: "Yeah normally she would just ignore that fact, in fact she doesn't really care about you until she started watching your adventures nonstop ever since your first SCP."
(Y/N): "The Sculpture?"
Amelia: "What does that SCP have to do with Medaka?"
Hansode: "It's not just SCP-173, it's all the SCPs he has encountered during his time at the Foundation, it's like she's obsessed about you."
(Y/N): "So that's why we have enrolled here even though we already graduated?"
Hansode: "Yep."*eats a candy bar*"
Amelia: "And I'm guessing there's no way to graduate early?"
Hansode: "Hmmm......nope."*eats another candy bar*"You're stuck here."
Amelia: "Well this is just great, all we wanted was a vacation."
(Y/N): "You know what, I'll go talk to her myself. Where's her class?"
Medaka: "Allow me to guide you."
(Y/N): *Sees Medaka* "How long were you there?"
Medaka: "Not important, right now I'll take you to her."
Amelia: "Her who?"
Medaka: "Namiji of course."
Later, we see you and Amelia following Medaka and you see a whole bunch of clubs that is too much even for a conventional school.
(Y/N): *Whispers to Amelia*"I think we came across an anomalous school on our vacation."
Amelia: *Whispers back* "What makes you think it's an anomalous school?"
With a deadpan expression you then point to the school's sign up board and it has dozens upon dozens of clubs, mostly normal clubs but all of them are unconventional clubs.
Amelia: "Oh goodness, and I thought Salvation High was strange but this is ridiculous."
(Y/N): "Right? And isn't it unusual that most of the students look like they would be in college by now? I mean take a look at Medaka, why would she waste her 20s in high school when she can get a college degree."*gets hit in the face by Medaka's fan*"Ow! Hey!"
Medaka: "Just because I have a mature body doesn't mean I'm in my 20s, I'm still in my teens."
(Y/N): "Speaking of your body, why aren't you wearing a shirt that covers your whole chest?"
Medaka: "I happen to have a large chest size and besides-"*takes off all of her clothes*"I'm not afraid to show the beauty of my body, the human body is a beautiful thing!"
(Y/N): *covers his eyes and Amelia's eyes*"Put on some clothes please! We're in public, everyone can see you!"
Amelia: "Put your clothes back on! You're not Gray from Fairy Tale!"
(Y/N): *to Amelia*"Wait who?"
Amelia: "It's an anime, and he's a guy who can use ice magic but has a habit of stripping."
(Y/N): "Oh."
Medaka: "Chubby or skinny, stacked or have a large backside, the body is a beautiful thing."
(Y/N): *keeps covering eyes*"Medaka! Clothes!"
Medaka: "Oh alright if you insist."*puts her clothes on like they're magic*"You know, despite having a girlfriend yourself, you should really appreciate both her body and mind. Most women put a lot of effort into their bodies."
Amelia: "Well (Y/N) isn't like other guys."
Medaka: "Of course he's not like other guys, he's a workaholic who really cares about the well being of the people around him."*points her fan at Amelia*"And for someone who spends a lot of work hours taking notes from different science experiments, you are swimsuit ready."*fondles Amelia's breasts*"Small yet supple breasts."*spanks Amelia's butt*"And a caboose that is a bit large and perky at the same time."
Amelia: *After being fondled and spanked* "Gah! Would you stop that!?"
Medaka: "You are the lover of this man aren't you? You have to please him both physically and emotionally."
(Y/N): "Wait, what do you mean by physically?"
Amelia: *blushes bright red*"I am a woman of science, not some nymphomaniac in a lab coat!"
Medaka: "Could have fooled me, Dr. Buck. Your body says otherwise, your heart is racing, your forehead is sweating, and your hands are clammy. You're restraining yourself from making a move on (Y/N)."
(Y/N): "Come again?"
Amelia: *Blushes* "This is not the time or the place for things like........that. Plus, me and my boyfriend were on vacation, not on a honeymoon."
Medaka: "Can't hold back those primal instincts forever, someday they might get the best of you and you might even have a child before marriage."
Amelia: *blushes harder* "Can we please just see Najimi?!"
(Y/N): "And for the record, we are not that far into our relationship to have a baby."
Medaka: "What if I want a child from you (Y/N)?"
(Y/N): "What are you talking about?"
Medaka: *Hugs your arm* "Well as someone with gifts of rendering mind based attacks useless and my talents, our children might become the best of both of our worlds. It's our duty as the current generation to set the future for our succeeding progeny."
(Y/N): "What?"
Amelia: *Blushes* *Pulls you back* "That's my boyfriend you're talking to!"
Medaka: "Oh, I thought you two were okay with having an open relationship?"
(Y/N): "How did you even know that?"
Medaka: "Well you two talked about it at an italian restaurant, it's not one of the big brands of pizza like Dominoes or Pizza Hut but rather a family own establishment that makes authentic italian cuisine and judging by the placement of the marina sauce stains on your clothes you both agreed to have an open relationship despite the fact that the SCP Foundation's track record of in romance."
Amelia: "We do have an open relationship, but we have rules too, which is why you can't just pop a baby out just because you wanted to."*sees Medaka taking care of a plastic baby*"What is that?"
Medaka: "Practicing taking care of a baby."
(Y/N): "Why?"
Medaka: "Women always have maternal instincts whenever there's a child in their presence. Most of the workforce are made out of single mothers."
Amelia: "Well, she's not wrong on that part but has anyone ever graduated from here?"
Medaka: "Well some have, but they just stick around for the highschool experience."*to you*"Experience like becoming a teen mom."
(Y/N): "Why are you looking at me when you say that?"
Amelia: *stammers a bit*"You're in highschool!"
Medaka: "And yet a lot of highschool girls end up becoming teen moms from circumstances that were beyond their control, that's why a teen mom of our school put a suggestion about making a Teen Motherhood Club into my suggestion box."
Amelia: "Why would anyone suggest such a thing?"
Medaka: "Well if you ask me, if you're gonna become a teen mother then you should at least learn how to be a proper mother figure."
Amelia: "When was this?"
Medaka: "Last month, which is the last month when she was due and I helped her deliver the baby."
Amelia: "Oh, well can we see Najimi now?"
Medaka: "Of course, just let me call the babysitter."
(Y/N): "Isn't your baby made out of plastic?"
Medaka: *covers the fake baby's ears*"How dare you say that about our child!?"
(Y/N): "Wait what?"
Medaka: "You're the father of our child and you should respect her as your own flesh and blood."
(Y/N): "But she's made of-"
Amelia: "Just go with it for now."
Medaka: "And I found a babysitter for the job."
Medaka then focuses for a bit and then you see Jessica Cruz of all people teleport in the room and you were shocked that Medaka used your dimension hopping power.
Amelia: "What the?!"
Jessica: "Where am I?!"
Medaka: *hands Jessica the fake baby*"I have some Student Council work to do and I know you're the best babysitter my husband (Y/N) knows."
(Y/N): "Huh?"
Medaka: "Make sure you change her once in a while, don't forget to feed and burp her, and make sure she's in bed by 9pm, got it?"
Jessica: "I... what? Okay can someone tell me what is going on?"
(Y/N): "Long story short, she used my powers to bring you from your world to here to babysit the pla- err uh our... baby."
Jessica: "Oh...uh...okay."
Amelia: *Sigh* "Look I'm so sorry you were roped into this, just go with it for now okay?"
Jessica: "Okay then...."
Medaka: *hugs your arm*"Come on sweetie, we have a meeting with Najimi."
(Y/N): "Uh right... honey." *To Amelia* *mouths* "I am so sorry."
Amelia: "It's okay, as long as she doesn't try to have an actual baby with you, I'm okay with it."
Medaka: *to Jessica* "By the way, don't hide that giant butt of yours, be large and in charge."
Jessica: "What?"
Later, at Najimi's office, we see you and the others talking to Najimi.
(Y/N): "Ma'am we need to talk, you can't keep us here forever."
Amelia: "My boyfriend is right, and while we are on vacation we have important business to do in our world."
Medaka: "And I need to get home, I forgot to tell the babysitter to tell our child a bedtime story before bed."
Amelia: "It's a plastic-" *sighs* "nevermind."
Najimi: "Nope, sorry but I like you too much to let you leave."
(Y/N): "Either you let us leave or you get a big time out missy, do you want a time out?"
Najimi: *starts to cry* "No...."
Amelia: "How did you do that?"
(Y/N): "Kendyl is like Najimi, she wants to do whatever she wants but she can't because her big brother is always the boss." *To Najimi* "So what did we learn?"
Najimi: "Never keep anyone in one place because that is called kidnapping and it's wrong."
(Y/N): "Good, now you should make new friends that are around your age."
Najimi: "But I'm 3,402,193,822,311 years old."
(Y/N): "Well, it's never too late to make friends no matter how old you are."
Najimi: "Okay."
Amelia: "Thank you, now can you please help us get home?"
Najimi: "Okay."*snaps her fingers*"You are now free to go home."
(Y/N): "Thank you, and remember, you can always make friends without having to trap them."
Najimi: "Okay."
Medaka: "Before we go, I want to check on the baby."
Sometime later, we see Medaka pay Jessica handsomely for babysitting her plastic baby.
Jessica: "Woah, you really pay well."
Medaka: "Thank you, I trust there wasn't too much trouble?"
Jessica: "Um, no, not really."
(Y/N): "Medaka, how did you use my power?"
Medaka: "Oh, easy, I watched your adventures and saw you use it."
Amelia: "So you mimic and perfect anomalous properties from others correct?"
Medaka: "Of course I want to tag along with you at the last stop of your vacation."
Medaka then teleports you and the others to Jessica's universe which is the DC Superhero Girls universe in Metropolis.
Amelia: "Um where are we now?"
Jessica: "Back home, Metropolis."
(Y/N): "Hey I've been here."
Jessica: "You've been here? Wait, are you that maniac who was riding on that giant rampaging lizard?"
Medaka: "I think SCP-682, the Hard to Destroy Reptile is what you're looking for."
Jessica: "Yeah I remember that, that thing almost killed us and-"*realizes*"You brought that thing to my universe?!"
Medaka: "It was the first time he used his Dimension Hopping abilities which means it was an accident."
(Y/N): "Yeah, sorry about that."
Jessica: "It's fine."
(Y/N): "682 really hates humans, but he hates me the least for some reason."
Jessica: "Why?"
(Y/N): "I don't know."
Medaka: "Speaking of things larger than life, why do you hide that big beautiful butt of yours?"
Jessica: *Blushes a bit* "W-what? My butt is not that big!"
Medaka: "Really?"*lifts up Jessica's skirt and measures Jessica's butt*"Cause for someone who doesn't eat anything with a face you really have a big butt, probably a mixture of diet and genetics."
Amelia: "I didn't want to say anything, but my guess was mostly from the diet."
Medaka: "Whole diet is a large part, but I think parts of the human body can be resulted from genetics, if I have to guess her large butt is a dominant gene she got from her mother Siobhan Cruz."
Jessica: "How did you know my mother's name?!"
Medaka: "She stitched her name on your panties, it says: Be safe Jessica, love mama Siobhan."
Jessica: *Looks at her panties* "Oh."
(Y/N): "Anyways, Jessica what were you doing before you were brought to Medaka's world?"
Jessica: *Remembers* "Oh I was protesting."
Medaka: "Kind of a waste of time if you ask me."
Jessica: "What do you mean?"
Medaka: "Judging by the smell of burritos served at a place called Burrito Buckets, you are not aware that they don't have the budget to buy real meat for their food. They only have enough in the budget to buy a substitute for their burritos."
Jessica: "Wait, you can tell just by smelling me?"*smells herself*"How did you even know where I was?"
Medaka: "I am excellent at deduction, like I can tell you have a large butt even though you wear a long skirt to hide it. You have fooled a lot of people, but not me. You shouldn't be afraid of showing your beautiful body."
(Y/N): "Like you can take off your clothes in public and still have a straight face about it?"
Jessica: "Wait what?"*sees Medaka now naked*"Ahh!"
Medaka: "Indeed, the human body is a beautiful thing. Don't hide it, own it."
Jessica: ".........Oookay then......"
Medaka: "But there's an advantage of having a large butt, you can have the strength to hold up large amounts of weight when you bear your own child."
Jessica: *blushes bright red*"Wait what?!"
Amelia: "Okay Medaka, remember we're in public everyone can see you."
(Y/N): "Everyone is seeing you naked right now."
Medaka then sees everyone looking at her and they see her naked.
Medaka: "And your point is?"
(Y/N): "Nevermind."
Jessica: "Let's just go somewhere before we cause a scene."
Sometime later, at the lair, the hero girls were shocked to see you, Jessica, Amelia, and Medaka, now wearing clothes, in their lair because Medaka found the entrance on her own.
Zee: "So you were the one that took Jessica?"
Jessica: "She needed a babysitter."
Kara: "She's a teen mom?"
Medaka: "Not yet, but I am planning on it soon."*to you*"Right honey?"
(Y/N): "Uh...."
Medaka: "And why are you asking me about breeding when the Kryptonian's breeding habits are a lot worse than any creature on Earth?"
Kara: "........How did you know that?"
Medaka: "I've been researching."*hands Kara a Kryptonain crystal to Kara*"Here you go."
Kara: "Huh, how did you-"
(Y/N): "She's Medaka, don't question it."
Zee: "We'll take your word for it, and it's nice to see our friend back."
Babs: "Yeah."
(Y/N): "Yeah sorry about that."
Medaka: "Well I do need a babysitter on short notice."
(Y/N): "Yeah she does and also I am nowhere near ready to be a dad yet."
Medaka: "I see, I apologize for that."*takes your hands and place them on her chest*"You need to learn how to please a woman physically first."
Hero girls: "What?!"
Zee: "Woah, woah, isn't that taking it too fast?"
Kara: "Yeah, what makes you think he's the right guy for you?"
(Y/N): "Can someone help me pull my hands off, I don't know what's going on with her breasts but I can't pull my hands off of it!"
Medaka: "Well (Y/N) can please a woman emotionally considering he has taken care of protecting Amelia."
Amelia: "Which is true, but we haven't taken our relationship... there yet."
Medaka: "Which is why I'll be assisting (Y/N) in that."*sees that your hands are still on her chest*"Just let your hands enjoy themselves (Y/N)."
(Y/N): "Uh, okay."
You then begin to fondle Medaka's breasts as the hero girls were surprised to see how calm Medaka is while you are weirded out by what you're doing.
(Y/N): "This is so weird..."
Jessica: "How can you be calm about someone groping you?"
Medaka: "Well he is autistic."
Hero Girls (Except Diana): "Ohhhhhh..."
Diana: "I do not understand, what is autistic mean?"
Jessica: "It means that anything that's weird to us is normal to him."
Amelia: "Which is why he's a perfect candidate for the Foundation, his mental condition made him the perfect asset to the Foundation, providing SCP and staff alike both support and comfort. His autism plays a major role in his line of work while his other abilities such as his Dimension Hopping and immunity to dangerous mind affecting abilities, cognitohazards, deadly memetics, and infectious infohazards made him suitable as an operative to the Foundation. And he came up with a solution to make SCP-076-2 comply with the Foundation and form the first Mobile Task Force composed of SCPs."
Kara: "Uh what?"
(Y/N): "It means I have what it takes to be their best operative."
Kara: "Oh."
Medaka: *takes your hands off of her chest*"And that's enough, for the chest and now for the butt. Jessica Cruz, if you please?"
Jessica: "Why?"
Medaka: *to the hero girls*"Should I tell her or should I?"
The hero girls then get what she means and then they turn to Jessica.
Hero girls(except Jessica): "You have the biggest butt here Jessica."
Jessica: *blushes*"You all think my butt is huge?!"
Karen: "You shake the couch every time you sit down, so it's pretty obvious."
Jessica: "And none of you said anything?"
Diana: "We thought it was a sensitive topic."
Zee: "I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, no pun intended."
Medaka: *while looking at Zee*"At least you're not the only big butt Miss Cruz."
Zee: "Why are you looking at me when you say that?" *realizes* "Wait, you're about my rear too?!"
Medaka: "Yes but it's second compared to Jessica's. Anyways-"*push Jessica to you*"Jess if you please."
Jessica: "Um..."
Amelia: "Medaka you can't force someone to do something they don't want to."
Jessica: "Is he even around our age?"
Medaka: "He is 18 and a top of his class in high school and he's the best of all of his teams, I know a prodigy when I see one."
Zee: "Well she has a point."
Jessica: "Okay, okay but some of us are 16, 17, and 317."
Amelia: "Which one of you is 317?"
Diana: "I am."
Medaka: "At such a young age too, your mother must be so proud of you considering you're the Princess of the Amazons."
Diana: *shocked*"How did you know?"
Medaka: "I had a hunch and Amazons can't live without men forever."*points to you*"And I think (Y/N) here would make a lovely groom for your wedding day."
(Y/N): "What?"
Diana: *Blushes*"We just met!"
Medaka: "I know, but like I said, Amazons can't live without men forever. (Y/N) trained women to be a Mobile Task Force comprised of women just to contained Ms. Sweetie and he was in it."
Hero girls: "He was in an all girl team?"
Amelia: "Yep."
(Y/N): "After coming up with a way to keep men from turning into candy monsters, the MTF team was disbanded and was reassigned to other positions of the Foundations like guards, researchers, field agents, and containment specialists."
Amelia: "Indeed, he mentored a woman named Kim Possible."
Jessica: "Wait, you have a Kim Possible in your universe?"
(Y/N): "Yep and she's my protege."
Kara: "Sounds cool."
(Y/N): "And I even captured Shego and forced her to join a MTF team made out of captured troops and cultists from other groups of interests."
Kara: "That sounds messed up."
(Y/N): "I don't exactly enjoy it, but on the plus side free cake when you work with your target long enough."
Jessica: *to Amelia*"Is he evil or what?"
Amelia: "Just loyal to his friends and the Foundation."
Jessica: "Okay then, that makes sense."
Medaka: "Well if you all love him just say so."
The hero girls blushed and stammered in shock.
Jessica: "What gave you the idea we like him!?"
Medaka: "You all are sweating like you're all nervous and you have been staring at (Y/N) for the entire time he's been here."
Kara: "What no!"*sees Medaka is not convinced*"Okay we've been looking at him for 1 minute."*sees she still not convinced*"Okay 10 minutes I-"*sees she's still unconvinced*"The whole time...."
Zee: "Well he is nice to look at."
Medaka: "We do have an open relationship."
(Y/N): "Now a bunch of high school girls too, great."
Medaka: "Of course, age is only a barrier that cannot hold true love."
Zee: "True, unless we're in Canada because 16 is the legal age of consent."
Jessica: "How do you know that?"
Zee: "It was on the calendar."
Everyone looked to see it was on the calendar.
Medaka: "Well different universes mean different rules."
Zee: "Well she has a point."
Diana: "Indeed."
Medaka: "So what would you say?"
Zee: "Well I'm in."
You and the others then hear the alarms go off and the hero girls see it's the villain girls.
Kara: "Trouble!"
Diana: "Sisters! Our enemy awaits!"
The hero girls then change into their hero outfits and they head out of their lair as you then turn to Amelia.
Amelia: "Go ahead."
(Y/N): "On it!"
Later, we see the hero girls struggling to take down the villain girls as we see you watching them fight.
(Y/N): "This is kind of entertaining."*sees the hero girls down*"Okay, now's my turn."*sees Carol's ring*"Starting with the pink one."
You then jump onto Carol Ferris from behind and then she throws you off of her.
Carol: "Keep your hands off of me!"*sees her ring is gone*"What!?"
(Y/N): "Sorry."*holds up Carol's ring*"Was this important?"
You then see Carol change back to her civilian clothing and fall to the ground and you caught her in a bridal position. She then looked up and she blushed from the sight of you.
Carol: *Blushing* "Uhh..."
(Y/N): "One down, a few more to go."
You then place Carol on a bench as you then load tranquilizer rounds into a pistol and you shoot it at Doris as she tries to block it as she then passes out onto the ground.
(Y/N): "Man, she's bigger than Fernand the Cannibal."*to the other villain girls*"Now who's next?"
Leslie: "How about you get a bolt from me!?"
You then grab a manhole and block electric shots from Leslie as she sees you are wearing insulated gloves.
Leslie: "Are your gloves insulated!?"
(Y/N): "Yep!"
You then throw the manhole at Leslie and she deflect it and then you pull out a grenade.
(Y/N): "Hey spark plug! Catch!"
You then threw the grenade and Leslie caught it as it was revealed to be an EMP and it went off knocking out Leslie.
(Y/N): "Electrical villian down, now who's next?"
We then see Barbi and Selina charge at you and you then casually dodge both of their attacks as the girls saw how great of a fighter you are and then you quickly snatched Selina's whip from her hand and then use it to snare both Selina and Barbi and tie them to a lamp post and you turn to Pam as she unleash a swarm of plants at you as you see them.
(Y/N): "Good thing I'm part of Theta 4!"*pulls out a laser machete*"Cause I turn plants like these into mulch!"
You then slice through the oncoming plants and then you throw a weed killer gas bomb at Pam and then when it went off the gas killed the plants as Pam was knocked out. The hero girls were amazed at how well you beat the villain girls as we see Harleen showed up late and saw what happened.
Harleen: "Hey, what did I miss?"
Babs: "The new guy taking down the villains."
Harleen: "By himself?"*sees you place Pam onto a bench and sees what you did to the others*"Woah."*sees Doris**laughs out loud*"Look at Meathead! Ahahah! I know you want a guy's attention but you don't have to put your giant caboose in the air! Hahah!"
Jessica: "Her butt is not that big!"
Harleen: "At least it's that size when she's Giganta, but you already got a giant tushy greenie. Haha!"
Jessica: "Oh come on, you too? Did everyone not want to say anything about my butt?"*gets spanked by you*"Eep!"
(Y/N): "You have a huge butt."
Harleen: "Why thank you for noticing that, uhh what's your name?"
(Y/N): "(Y/N) Cranston, I work for the SCP Foundation."
Harleen: "You're a space cop?"
(Y/N): "More like Jailer for Anomalies but space is not the only thing in my resume."
Sometime later, we see the villain girls wake up and they see they're all tied up and they see you and the hero girls.
(Y/N): "Let's wait until the authorities arrive, have Leslie in an analog cell system, put Pam into a plant free environment, put Barbi in an animal cage made for cheetahs, as for Doris, keep her sedated and off the chemicals that made her Giganta."
Doris: "Hey who are you?!"
Carol: "And why are you so dreamy~?"
The villain girls were weirded out from what Carol said.
(Y/N): "Let me guess, your ex dumped you over text, on Valentine's day?"
Carol: "Yeah..."
Doris: "How did you know that?"
(Y/N): "I had a hunch."
Jessica: "How did you beat all of them?"
(Y/N): "These girls are small stuff compared to rampaging omnicidal lizards, rampaging demigods, and a defunct site that has gone to heck."
Diana: "Test your skills against me, I want to see if what you say is true."
(Y/N): "Alright, ladies first."
Diana then throws the first punch and then you dodged it and then knock her off of her feet and grab her arm and restrain her on the ground.
(Y/N): "You're good at Amazon training, but that's basic training compared to Mobile Task Force training."
Barbi: "There's someone even better than Diana!?"
Kara: "No way!"
(Y/N): "Want to go another round Princess?"
Diana: "No...."
(Y/N): *gets off of Diana*" Okay then."
You then untie the villain girls as they look at you in confusion.
Carol: "Why are you letting us go?"
(Y/N): "You seem like nice girls who are a bit confused in life, unlike my brother Gary. If he was here instead of me, he would serve you and the hero girls' heads on a platter without a second thought just because you're different from everyone."
Leslie: "Yeah I prefer to have an EMP blown up in my face than 6 feet under."
Pam: "Same here."
(Y/N): "Well you girls stay out of trouble okay."
Carol: "Before you go?"*leans on your shoulder*"Can you stay a bit longer~?"
Selina: "Carol why are you flirting with someone who took your ring?"
Carol: *to Selina*"I've been on a bad luck streak with Hal so let me have this!"
(Y/N): "Speaking of your ring."*holds up your ring*"I bet this runs on concentration, and the reason why it was so easy to snatch from you is because you weren't concentrating."
Carol: *takes her ring*"Thanks for the advice."
Doris: "So what now?"
Medaka: *come out from behind Doris*"Just forget your obsession of being the strongest and be yourself."
Everyone(except you): "Aahh!"
Leslie: "Where did you come from!?!"
Carol: "Who are you?!"
Medaka: "Medaka nice to meet you and your friends too. Carol has the right idea, you all are lonely aren't you?"
Leslie: "Well you're not wrong?"
Doris: "Some of the guys at school are too scared because I might beat them up."
Pam: "I don't talk to a lot of people."
Selina: "Well I've been busy being a jewel thief."
Barbi: "Daddy says I'm not allowed to date anyone until I graduate."
Kara: "Figures."
Medaka: "Well I have a solution that will solve all of your problems."*points at you*"He should be your boyfriend."
Carol: "Eh, I don't mind sharing."
Medaka: "Then it's settled, you are all sharing a boyfriend."
Amelia: "This would be interesting."
(Y/N): "Well it was your idea to have an open relationship, Amelia."
Amelia: "I see."
Sometime later, we see you and Amelia return back to your universe which is back to your apartment.
(Y/N): "Home at last."*sees Medaka come out of your bathroom*"What the!? Why did you come out of the bathroom!?"
Medaka: "Oh I set up a portal in the bathroom, it's easier for all the girls in your relationship."*pecks your lips*
Amelia: "Why? The bathroom is a private place."
Medaka: "Exactly, which is why I turn the bathroom closet into a portal to wherever you want to go and the best part is that no one will find out cause the facilities are private."
We then see the hero and villain girls come out of the bathroom and look and see your home.
Kara: "Nice place."
Jessica: "Pretty small and eco friendly."
Medaka: "Ladies, let's make this place a nice second home for us to live in."
Jessica: *turns on the tv*"Huh, you watch a lot of cartoons and movies."
(Y/N): "Well it is nice to have something to watch to pass the time."
Jessica: *sees a show called Laugh is Fun*"What's Laugh Is Fun?"
(Y/N): "Oh I love that show!"
Amelia: "That's an SCP, wait you watched that show?"
(Y/N): "Oh yeah me and my family watch that show all the time, why?"
Amelia: "You'll find out when your next assignment comes."
You then get voicemail from the O5 and you play it.
O5-1: *voicemail**in a distorted voice*"(Y/N) if you get this message, your plan worked and now you are assigned to MTF Omega-7 codenamed Pandora's Box. You are now assigned to SCP-2030."
(Y/N): "Cool, back in time for work."
Jessica: "What about us?"
Amelia: "Oh uh, just don't watch that show and try not to make too much of a mess."
Harleen: "Yeah and watch where you're parking that tush of yours, greenie."
Jessica: *Blushes* *waving her hands "It's not that big, it's average!"
Zee: "Jess, it's okay to have a big butt."
Medaka: "Speaking of butts, (Y/N) you need to learn how to please women on their butts."
(Y/N): "Uh..."
Amelia: "After work."
(Y/N): "Right."
Next: Chapter 50: SCP-2030 "Laugh is Fun"
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