CHAPTER ONE: Carbon Copy
"Okay, again...Why did you drag me out of the comfort...the safety...of my nice, warm bed at fuck o'clock in the morning..?"
Beside Sebastian, Sam's enthusiastic skipping made his own gait seem to belong to a crippled old man.
"Dude, it's eight! You're making it sound like I abducted you." He snorted, thumb tucked loosely in one of his belt loops. "I told you, I gotta pick up my super bestest awesomest summer camp friend from the station! She's moving here, to that old farm near your place!"
Sebastian had completely forgotten that Sam used to go to band camp every summer, from middle school to graduation, then up until a year ago, as a camp counselor. Upon each return, without fail, he had raved on and on about some girl. Through the years, Sebastian had learned that she was cool, awesome, fantastic, amazing and fully sick. Those were at least some of the things he recalled being told. There was probably more, but he didn't really care.
"Yeah, am I involved?" The ravonet was exhausted. He had stayed up well past four in the morning finishing up some coding for a client, so not even the complimentary coffee his friend had provided was going to help.
"Well, she'll be hanging out with us, and I know how awkward you are around the human race, so I thought that you should come with me and meet her! Y'know, get the awkwardness out early!" Sam was inhumanly chipper, and it had already started giving Sebastian a headache.
"Oh, joy. I'm here to make you look good. Finally, a purpose in life."
Their contrasted back and forth continued as they made their way North, past the bath house up to the quaint little station. It had been a long time since Sam had been so excited. He could barely keep himself still, bouncing on the spot as the approaching train chugged in the distance.
"You're gonna love her, man. Abbz, too. We're basically the same person! Well, except that she has an innie and I have an outie...But totally the same besides that!" Sebastian wasn't sure if he could cope with a second Sam. Actually, he was positive he couldn't. He really wasn't even sure how he and Sam had gotten so close in the first place.
"So, why the farm? It's pretty, well, fucked up. At least since old man (L/N) kicked the bucket." The ravonet was curious. If this girl was like his friend, why did she want to be a farmer? Just the thought of hard physical work made his back ache.
"Totally didn't find this out until, like, yesterday, but apparently he was her grandpa! Weird, huh? She said something about wanting a change of scenery or something deep like that. I dunno, I was kinda busy sorting through my poggermon cards."
From the West, the train appeared from the tunnel, and Sebastian was nearly knocked flying when Sam began to excitedly whack him in the chest.
"Man, chill out...What are you? Five?" Sebastian groaned, taking a large step back to avoid both the steam of the locomotive and his friend's flailing arms.
Squealing loudy as it stopped, the train hissed, and one of the doors down the platform opened. A small grunt sounded, followed by a small, (H/C) haired girl dragging a large suitcase over the gap.
"(Y/N)! OVER HERE! HEY!" Sam somehow lit up even more as he began sprinting towards her. (Y/N) looked up, a wide grin spreading across her face as she abandoned her suitcase, spreading her arms out.
Sebastian stayed put, watching with borderline disgust as his friend crashed into the girl, lifting her into the air and spinning her around and around in a bearhug. It was like one of those corny reunion scenes in the hallmark romcoms his mother always gushed over.
"Did'ya miss me, you beautiful son of a bitch?!" (Y/N) giggled, her legs wrapped around Sam's middle as she leaned back, trusting his hold on her completely so she could squish his cheeks between her hands.
"I bet you missed me more! How long has it been?! A year?!"
Their energies matched perfectly, much to Sebastian's dismay. He considered just slipping away, unnoticed, but the shout of his name killed that thought dead.
"Great…" He muttered under his breath, straightening up a little as the pair approached.
"So, you're the famous Sebastian I've heard so much about."
She was a lot shorter up close. Shorter than any of the other girls in Pelican Town, even Abigail, who stood at a measly five foot. Still, she definitely had a presence, and Sebastian wasn't sure about how to take it.
"Uh, yeah...Hi…" He had hoped that would be it, but Sam slung his arm over his shoulder, nearly flooring him.
"This is my main man right here! In the flesh! Not much of a talker, but I'm sure he'll warm right up one of these days!" The blond chuckled, quickly stepping away and taking hold of the girl's luggage. "What say we blow this traincicle stand and get you all set up, huh? Seb, be a gentleman and take her backpack, would ya?"
Deflating like an aged balloon, Sebastian lazily held his hand out towards the girl, and she waved him off awkwardly.
"Oh, no, don't worry about it! I can manage!" It was obvious she was just trying to be polite, because from where Sebastian was standing he could tell it was stupidly heavy.
"Nah, give it here. He won't shut up until I carry it." He sighed, glancing over to his friend who nodded cheerfully.
"He's right! Come on, (Y/N), let us give you the royal treatment!" Blowing a raspberry into the air, she complied, mouthing a genuine apology when the ravonet grunted, having miscalculated just how heavy the backpack was.
"What the hell do you even have in here..?" Sebastian grumbled, mostly to himself, as they started off, slinging it over his shoulder.
"Between that and the suitcase, my entire life. Packed it all up and shipped out into the unknown!" (Y/N) explained, seeming to be walking on her toes between the two men to not seem as short.
Why the hell would you give up the city for a place like this..?
Sebastian noted just how closely Sam and (Y/N) were walking together. They made a cute couple. Oozing with chaotic potential, but cute nontheless.
"You're still coming over for dinner, right? Ma's ordering pizza from the Stardrop! You too, Seb!"
(Y/N) hummed in thought, clasping her hands behind her back as she walked along.
"Sure, as long as we can ditch any mushrooms. I don't partake in the ingestion of fungi." She hated mushrooms with a fiery passion. Always had, always will. The texture was unforgivable.
"I'll pass. Got work to do, and sleep to sleep." Sebastian replied, trailing off into a yawn. Normally, he would have been won over by the mention of Gus' grease-heavy pizza, but having been forced to socialise so early in the morning had drained his tank dry.
Still, he couldn't help but be curious about the two of them. Their dynamic was interesting, in a weird way. Light, almost too casual touches, bright smiles, not to mention that gag-inducing embrace they had shared. He couldn't understand it.
He just listened to the two of them yammer on endlessly until they finally passed through beneath the canopy leading to the old farm property, and (Y/N) slowed to a halt to take it all in. To say it was a wreck was an understatement. Weeds overran the place, old coops and sheds barely standing, even the farmhouse looked like it was about to collapse.
"Damn, looks like I'm in for some fun." She puffed a long breath out of her nose before spinning around to face the two of them, a goofy grin on her face. "Well, how about we take a look around and dump my shit, hmm?" Sebastian was more than happy to discard the backpack. It weighed more than he did, he was sure of it.
The inside of the farmhouse was only a little better than the exterior. Water damage to the ceiling, mildewed, peeling wallpaper, and Sam was positive he saw the tail-end of a rat scurrying out of sight.
"You're not seriously considering sleeping here, are you?" Sebastian, surprisingly, was the first to speak, dumping the backpack by the door as he wandered further inside.
"Yeah, you know you can crash at mine until it gets fixed up, right..?" Sam added, having taken on a slightly calmer, more serious demeanor. (Y/N) scoffed, strolling over and opening one of the windows by the musty looking bed.
"Nah, I'm good, my dude. All part of the experience, right?" She laughed, spinning on her heel and giving them a spritely thumbs up. "It kinda reminds me of that old, creepy cabin they used to use to scare the new kids, aye Sammy?"
In a flash, Sam had turned to Sebastian, grabbing him by the shoulders and nearly knocking him on his ass.
"Okay, so! This one time, at band camp, we were dared by the older kids to go into this spooky-ass cabin and bring back a ball that had gone through the window! (Y/N) got locked in and cried like a baby until one of the counselors came and let her out!"
(Y/N) cleared her throat, waltzing over and pulling the boy's hand from Sebastian.
"Excuse me? If I do so recall, you were the crying baby, Sammycakes. You sobbed so loud for your mummy that your voice was too hoarse to do vocal exercises the next day!"
Sebastian couldn't help but snicker at the thought, and again when his friend began to pout and whine.
"I did not! Seb, bro, that's a lie. She's a liar. Don't fall for it, man!" Rolling her eyes and shooing the pair of them towards the door, (Y/N) smiled, wrapping her arms around Sam's middle and giving him a tight squeeze.
"Okay okay, whatever you say. Anyway, I'm gonna get some work done, so come get me before dinner, yeah?" Their hug lasted a lot longer than Sebastian had seen between other friends. Maybe it was just him. Breaking apart from the blond, she turned to him and held out her closed hand, tilting her head to the side. "Something tells me you're not into warm hugs. It was nice to finally meet you, Seb. I hope we can be friends!"
He stared at her hand awkwardly for a moment before bumping it with his own fist, quickly returning it to his hoodie pocket.
"Yeah, sure…" He gave her a small nod and retreated to the porch, waiting patiently for Sam to join him.
"Are you sure you're all good here? I mean, I'd sure as hell not be. Seriously, you can take my room! I can crash with Vinnie, or on the couch!"
Let her suffer the consequences. It was her choice to move out to this shithole…
"Sammy, I'll be fine! I'm a big girl now! I can handle myself, so just worry about making sure no fungi make their way onto an otherwise delicious pizza, okay?" Sebastian heard them hug again, but finally his friend emerged, and they started off towards town.
"You're fidgeting. It's annoying." The ravonet stated, motioning to Sam's twiddling fingers as he pulled a cigarette from his pocket, sparking it up with a flick of his thumb against his lighter. Sam took a moment to glance back towards the way they had came, his usual smile missing.
"She's never been on her own before, is all. Like, yeah, that time in the creepy cabin, I'll admit, I was the baby, but she used to freak out when she was on her own at night. Even in the girls' cabin with the others, she'd get scared. Don't want her to freak out, is all."
He seemed genuinely concerned, but Sebastian didn't really care all that much. Sure, he didn't want the girl to be scared, but it would be her own doing.
"Let her make her own mistakes. Like she said, she's a big girl. Not our problem."
Humming in acknowledgement, Sam eased a little, nudging his companion with his elbow.
"Anyway, what do you think? You like her? She's pretty cool, right?" Shrugging his shoulders, Sebastian blew a stream of smoke into the air, watching it drift and dissipate. He was a little envious.
"She's like a compact version of you." He stated, leaning away as his personal space was invaded.
"I knew you'd like her!"
"I never said that was a good thing…"
***Shitty first chapter, and in third person ugh. The rest of the story will alternate between the POV of (Y/N), Sebastian, and occaisionally Sam.
Yes, I know. Short reader. I'm short, so it's all I know how to write xD.
So, RIP ya'll, in this you're 4'10".
From someone's sprite studies, Seb is 5'8" and Sam is 5'11" so I'll just use those.
Also, yes. The band camp bullshit is gonna be a running gag. Sue me, Universal.
Here's the cover, too. I need to draw the boi more:
Next Time: Flew the Coop***
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