The Fight
I added a part in the last chapter when Percy tells Rachel to run
Percy's POV:
2 chimeras and 1 manticore , all surrounding me.
I did a few new tricks that I learned. Sidestep, lunge then attack. I did that on one of the chimeras and it was gone.
The other one didn't take that much work either. But the Manticore was difficult. I had never battled anything like it. It was fierce and strong. I could tell that it was one of the best in its pack.
It knew my bottle strategy and used it against me. He hit riptide out of my hand and it was too far way for me to reach.
He was standing above me, ready to kill me and get his prey.
Annabeth's POV:
I was walking outside in the garden. Then suddenly I see Rachel running away from the forest and breathing heavily. I ran to her and put my hand on her shoulder.
" Calm down, what's wrong?" I asked her
" hh ...None" she said breathing heavily
" Actually, we are in my castle so it is. Please tell me, or else I will tell your father where you've been." I threatened. I knew that her father would not accept of this and I knew that she wouldn't want him to know
" Ok fine if you must know. Percy is in the woods surrounded by some sort of monsters. He told me to get Jason, one of the boys or the queen. Though I don't know why he would want the queen. So it is none of your business now please let me go." Rachel said
I let her go. I was surprised and worried for Percy.
I ran to my room and changed faster than I have ever changed
I grabbed my dagger and a rope that I kept whenever I wanted to sneak out. I tied one end of the rope to my bed. I used the rope to climb down my balcony.
I know Percy told me not to come but he could be in great danger. I can't just stand and wait around. My mom is in a meeting along with my father. The boys are all inside the boys room. The guards won't let her or any girl in without the king's permission, so she won't be able to get them for help. I am Percy's only chance and I have to go help him.
I ran to the stables, and got on my horse Porkpie. But mom showed me that a few of the horses were actually pegasi such as Porkpie and others.
"Porkpie, Percy is in danger, we need to go help."
Then Porkpie shot into the forest.
Percy's POV:
The manticore was about to kill me. I won't be able to see ANnabeth or mom or Tyson again. I closed my eyes so that I can have a quick death.
I expected to fell pain, instead after seconds I looked up and saw golden pieces of dust floating in the air. Instead of the manticore I saw Annabeth and next to her was a pegasus. Annabeth was looking at me with a worried face, for that reason she didn't see the two laistrygonians sneaking up on her.
" Look out"I screamed while I swung my sword just as Annabeth was going to get killed. Both monsters turned into dust.
Then more laistrygonians attacked us. Around half a dozen. I was scared that we were both not going to get out of here alive and it would be my fault if Annabeth got killed.
" Why did you come? It is too dangerous" I told her as the monsters started to get closer
" Rachel wouldn't be able to get the boys because they were in the mens room and the only way for her to enter would be to have my fathers permission but he is in a meeting with my mother. I couldn't let you just sit there and die so I decided to come. Besides you know I can take care of myself why are you mad? I just saved your life"
" You're right-" I was cut off
" I always am" she interrupted
" And I am sorry. Thank you for saving me but I am worried that we won't get out of this alive and if you die then it would be all my fault, and I would blame myself for you getting killed. You are very important Annabeth. You are the future queen of Ogygia and the people need you. I need you" I said
" Aww, thank you Percy. I think together we can beat these monsters and make them sorry they were ever born. What do you think Mr.Jackson"
" Well, Your Highness I think that is one heck of a plan." I replied in a mocking voice.
" Now, lets beat these losers."
We charged into battle, back to back.I would defend Annabeth from her back and she would dot he same. We were like a killing machine. Nothing could get through us as long as we were together.
I could hear Annabeth's heart beating and the sound of her breathing. The very sound of her breath and heart made me more determined to defeat these monsters. Who were they to come and ruin my life?
After a while we escaped with a few scars and bruises, but let just say the monsters weren't very lucky. The monsters were now in a different place, a place that is best for those monsters. A place called Tartar sauce.
" So long suckers. I hope you have fun in tartar sauce." I yelled
" Umm Percy... I am pretty sure it is called Tartarus. Even when talking about hell you have a way to slip food into it."
" Haha ver funny" I said sarcastically
" Come on, lets go back to the palace." she added
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