Annabeth's POV:
When we were just outside of the palace Rachel ran towards us.
" Percy, you are alright. What happened" Rachel asked not caring that I was here too.
" It was nothing, Annabeth helped me defeat some mo- uhh rebels" Percy said. I noticed that he was trying to keep the greek world a secret.
" Percy, I can tell when you are lying to me. I heard some strange noises that sounded like monsters and I saw glimpses of them and they were definitely not rebels. Come on you can trust me"
" Ok fine you know about Greek-"
" Umm Percy I don't think thats a good idea."
" And why not princess?" Rachel asked
" Can I please have a second with Percy?"
" Whatever you want to say you can say in front of me too, right Percy?"
" Well.. ya Annabeth. We can trust Rachel"
" You two act like you already know each other. You aren't going by the formal names that you should go by. Do you already know each other?"
Rachel opened her mouth to speak but Percy cut her
" No I just met her while I was um..taking a stroll in the forest and we err..agreed to be friends and not go by the formal names." Percy said nervously
" Ok I guess?" I knew that he was lying. But I didn't want to talk about it in front of Rachel.
" So are you going to tell me whats happening?" Rachel asked Percy. I knew she was ignoring me. I just don't know why she hates me so much.
" Ok but in somewhere more private. Meet us in the garden in 10minutes. I just have togo clean up."
" Yeah so do I" I added
I made it look like I was going the opposite way that Percy was so that Rachel would leave. When she left I ran back to Percy.
" Percy, are you really going to tell her?" I asked
" I think that either one of her parents is a god or those are not her original parents because she must be a demigod. She saw and heard the monsters, if she was a mortal the mist would have covered it up for her." He replied
" She might be clear sighted"
" What?"
" It means that she could be a mortal that can see through the mist. They are very rare but real."
" Oh. Well then I am still going to tell her."
" or.. she could be a monster, a sorceress or a god/goddess in disguise."
" WHAT? Of course not. Why would you even think that?"
" Well for starters, she hates me so much, when you guys presumably met monsters came after you, and she can see through the mist."
" Why do you think that she hates you?"
" Are you kidding me Percy? Did you see how she just acted with me?"
" She was probably worried and stressed."
" Well hat wasn't the first time I talked to her and the other two weren't better. She clearly hates me and I don't now why"
" What does this have to do with telling her?"
" I just don't know. If we can trust her with a secret this big right now. If word gets out we could get killed."
" You think that race; would betray us? I am sure that she wouldn't even think about it"
" And there's the again. You talk about her as if you have known her for a long time. Please Percy, don't lie to me. I know that you were lying when you said that you met her in the forest."
" And what if I don't want to tell you. Just because you are the princess doesn't mean that you can tell me who to trust and who not to trust and it doesn't mean that you can boss me around." Percy said raising his voice. I was heartbroken, the Percy I knew would never say something like that.
" You know what? I am sorry. Sorry for saving you and sorry for trying to be cautious. You can go put our lives at stake if you want but I am not going with you. Oh and by the way, I am having an elimination tomorrow. I will decide whether or not to keep you here." I replied with the same tone.
Then I stomped off to my room.
When I arrived to my room I jumped onto my bed and cried softly.
" Oh Annabwth, what's wrong?" Hazel asked me
" Percy and I got into a fight." I said. We had found out that Calypso was a daughter of a Titan so she knew about the Greek world and mom decided I could tell Lucy just in case she had to call for help in an emergency.
I explained what happened to Hazel, Calypso and Lucy. I had known them since I was a young so they are like my sisters.
" Oh Annabeth. I think I know whats going on. You like Percy don't you?" Hazel asked
" Well yeah but maybe not anymore. We just got into a huge fight."
" Annabeth, you are going through something I have experienced before. You see around a year ago,I liked a man. He was funny, sweet and kind. He told me he like me. But then a day later, he met aother woman. He said that hey were just friends but I thought otherwise. I started to fight with him about her until he left me forever. I realized that jealousy had overcome me." Calypso sadly said
" Aww Calypso I am so sorry" I said
" I just don't want you to go through what I did. Fight your jealousy and show him that there is so much more to you than a princess."
" I don't even know why I am jealous. If he lives I can just pick another man out of the other ones." I said. But I knew deep down that I was bluffing
" Annabeth, you are trying to convince yourself that you don't need him. But I can see it in your eyes. I have known you since you were young and I know that you care for him."
" I think I am going to go read for a while" I said
" Ok, whatever you want. Do you need anything?"
" No and can yo please leave me to have time for myself. "
All 3 of them started to walk away
" Oh and thank you, all of you. You have been there for me since I was young and I really appreciate it."
They all came and hugged me then they left.
I sat outside on my balcony and I grabbed my book. But as soon as I opened it I knew that I couldn't open it. I have to think about what I was going to do now. Everything was so confusing, the selection and the quest with the Greek world was frustrating.
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