Annabeth's POV:
What should I do? Percy was acting really selfless today and I seemed like him and Rachel were keeping something from me. He doesn't trust me, does he? He probably likes Rachel or had something to do with her in the past.
The problem is does he still like her? I have many other men that are very willing to marry me. Not all of them are bad.
Percy's friends are really nice and charming but they aren't really my type of men. However there is someone that I may like. His name is Sir Luke Castellan. I had just finished my date with him when Rachel found me. Should I just let Percy do what he wants? Should I eliminate him?
No. As much as I hate him right now I can't stop thinking of all the magical times we had together. I can't let one fight split us up forever. Besides, today is Wednesday and on Saturday we have to go to camp half blood and we need Percy to help us with the quest.
I have to go find him!
Percy's POV:
On my way to meet Rachel, I started to think. What just happened between Annabeth and I. Oh no, her use of grammar is rubbing of on me! I used to say me and Annabeth! ( or is it. Percy thinks he is smart and that he is right but we all know that what he said is the incorrect use of grammar in the sentence.)
She said she was thinking about eliminating me.
Then my brain and heart started to argue as if they were two different people.
"I don't care. Anyway, I never liked her." My brain said
"But you kissed her, saved her twice risking your own life and you saved her sister. You personally said that you like her a lot." My heart said
" People can change their minds. Besides she has other men such as that Castellan boy. She clearly likes him"
" While that may be true she likes you more. Even she said she likes you too."
" Whats the point. We argued and she probably hates me."
" AH so you do care! I knew it"
" SO what If I care? Its not gonna change the fact that she despises me."
" Why don't you disregard Rachel and go find Annabeth and apologize to her. If she sees how sincere you are then she will forgive you."
That is actually a good idea. Maybe I should listen to my heart more often.
" But what about Rachel, don't you like her?" my Brain said
I do like her a little but I like Annabeth even more.
I can't let one fight split us up.
I have to go find Annabeth.
I ran to go find Annabeth. She would probably be in her room which is on the floor that we aren't allowed to enter.
I will just wait on the entrance to the floor. She will have to go out sometime.
I ran and ran until I bumped into someone near the entrance to the royals floor.
We both fell to the ground.
" Oh, I am so sorry" I said
I saw a mop of blonde hair in front of me.
" Wait, Annabeth?" I said
At that she immediately stood up.
" Oh um, hi Percy" she said
" Look Annabeth, I am really sorry for our fight earlier today. I guess I was just acting stupid and selfless and you were right." I said quickly.
But at the same time, Annabeth said
" I didn't mean what I said about eliminating you, and I am really sorry for the argument. I was acting really silly."
So it sounded like
" Look Anna, I didn't am really what I said sorry for our eliminating you.....etc."
We both stared at each other then started laughing.
We both repeated what we said but slower.
" So do you forgive me?" we both said at the same time
" Of course I do" we both said again
We laughed for a while
" If you still want to tell Rachel then I will support your choice"
" We can tell her some other day"
" You are such a Seaweed Brain"
" And you are such a wise girl"
" Kelp Head"
" Owl Head"
" Water boy"
" Book worm"
" Aquaman"
At his point our noses were centimeters apart from each other. But this time we didn't step back.
I leaned in and kissed Annabeth, and fortunately for me she kissed back, or else it would have been really awkward.
We stayed like that for a long time, until we had to pull away.
" I win" Annabeth said. She kissed me again. This one was shorter but it was still amazing.
After that, we heard the sound of girls giggling.
I am back!
Thank you sooo much for the 1.9 K views. I still remember that when I published the first chapter I was too excited to get 10 views and now I am almost at 2 K@!!!!!1
And this is all happening because of all of you.
It makes me so happy when someone comments, votes and even just simply reads my work.
Thank you all so much.
Today is the first day of 2018.
I hope everyone has a happy new year and that this year(2018) will be a success for us all!!
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