2: Seven More Potters
This is part 1 of 2 for the Battle of the 7 Potters. The chapter was insanely long, so I split it up! The next part will be out soon.
Happy reading :)
"We move tonight, but some final decisions must be made," said Alastor Moody as he sat at the head of the table.
The Order of the Phoenix was meeting the night before Harry's seventeenth birthday at the Burrow. While smaller than before, everyone in the Order was included in this last vote and the finalization of plans to move Harry.
The original plan was very simple. Floo Network, Apparate, or use a Portkey from Privet Drive to the Burrow...until the Ministry deemed it illegal to the highest offense to do so from Harry's current location.
Thanks, corruptive Death Eaters.
So, they decided cloning with the Polyjuice Potion would make much more sense. It was untraceable. But, with less time than before, last-minute decisions were being made and that was the reason for the Order meeting on the night of.
Remus and Kate sat beside each other while Anna and Tonks were catching up, more glad than ever to be cousins. The Weasleys were all together, except for Ron and Hermione along with Bill and Fleur, whose infatuations rolled off of them in waves.
"We had some...disagreements...last meeting, especially 'bout who was coming with."
Molly spoke up, "Hermione, Fleur, Anna, I think you should stay behind."
"No!" they all exclaimed.
"Anna definitely should, though. It's out of the question for her to come, it's far too dangerous," insisted Remus.
The girl rolled her eyes while many muttered in agreement with him.
Moody noticed her discomfort spoke up, "It looks like you have something to say, lass."
Throughout her short time in the Order, Alastor Moody had been one of Anna's only advocates. He saw her strength and bravery as valuable to the group. Her age did not matter. Since they first met at Grimmauld Place two years ago, they always had an internal bond. The girl reminded Moody of himself back in the old days. Always angry, always ready to fight, and always wanting to serve justice no matter the cost.
Anna's grey eyes held storms of fierceness as took the man's cue, speaking up for herself. "Look, I get it, you think I'll be in danger. But I'm going to be involved in this whether you like it or not. I'm the most powerful and I care for Harry the most."
"What are we, chopped liver?" muttered Ron in disbelief, receiving a smack from Hermione.
"I think she can handle herself," said Tonks with a wink.
"Look, Anna, if we lost both of you-"
"You won't. I've fought him and his army many times. I'm not ready to die," she said darkly. Nobody could quite pinpoint what felt so sinister about her tone...nobody knew the time would come sooner than they thought.
Moody just nodded, deep in thought. "Well, as a member of The Order, you're to do your part just as much as anyone else. If you think you can handle it, I'm not gonna stop yeh."
Everyone started bickering, Remus and Arthur especially against the kids for wanting to be involved. Moody banged his staff on the ground loudly. "All right, enough from all of yeh! Now, That leaves one more thing...we have the Polyjuice Potions...are we clonin' Anna, Harry, or both?"
"Harry," Anna said quickly. "I'm too easy to distinguish. Besides, it makes no sense to clone me if we're transporting Harry, right?"
Moody didn't even allow for comment. "Well, it's settled then. We will leave soon for Privet Drive. Anna, Ron, Hermione, Fleur, George, Fred and Mundungus, you'll be the ones taking the potion. You'll each need someone to escort yeh. Hagrid will be taking Harry in the motorbike and he'll be meeting us there."
Chatter rose in the room following the man's dismissal with the pound of his walking stick. Remus and Kate immediately ambushed Anna to try to escort her.
The girl shook her head. "No, I'm going with Moody. It makes sense. He's the most trained Auror and they think we have no affiliation."
Mundungus spoke gruffly from down the table. "I'm already going with Moody. I don't want to go, but if I hafta, it's gonna be with someone who'll save my arse."
"No, you're not," she said bitterly. She always hated the man, especially after she found out he was stealing valuables from her late father's house and selling them. The man was a known thief throughout his whole life, only getting into the Order because Dumbledore helped him out of trouble. "I don't trust you, Dung."
Moody couldn't help but crack a smile at the name. "Oh, Black, just like yer father. 'Dung', you'll go with Kinglsey, he'll keep yeh in check, make sure you don't screw us."
The man gave a cruel, cold glare to Anna before sauntering over to his partner. When passing Anna, he muttered, "Better watch your back, Black."
Anna smirked, silently tapping into his mind, 'If you step one toe out of line, I'll hunt you down and you'll regret every damn thing you've ever stole.'
She received a grunt in return but knew she won the argument. Turning to Moody, she said, "Look, thanks for letting me be a part of this. I know the others don't get it-"
"Oh, Black, I'm not one for formalities," murmured Moody. Upon seeing her dejected look, he quickly gave a side eye and smirked. "You can handle yourself. You'll make a great Auror someday."
The girl forced a smile and nod. "I hope I'll get to work alongside you."
Moody just grunted in agreement and turned his attention to the rest of the kitchen.
"It's time we go!"
Harry Potter sat in the living room of the Dursley's, except the horrid family wasn't there. They had left a few minutes prior, piling into a cab and driving off, never to be seen again.
Tonight was a bittersweet moment for Harry. The boy would finally be free from his abusive muggle family, something he had wished for years. The day had finally come, yet he was more nervous than excited. He had no idea what the Order's plan was.
Hopefully something simple. Maybe Anna and him flying through the night like they had done two years ago? Or perhaps Remus catching up with him before apparating to the Burrow? Possibly even using the Floo Network for a quick and safe travel?
Hedwig squawked from inside the cage to his left, her head under her wing. Harry felt nostalgic, his eyes finding the cupboard under the stairs in which he used to live, then moving to the kitchen where he would always make breakfast for the Dursley's, and to the front door, where Anna would always greet him when they were kids. She was the only bright part of his childhood.
His heart bubbled at the prospect of seeing his love come through that door for the last time, engulfing him in the hug he needed more than anything.
He and Anna were talking less and less frequently over the past two months. She was very vague and didn't even clarify whether or not she would be coming tonight. Harry wanted her to, but also knew it was probably safer if she didn't.
Yet he was sure she was putting herself at risk. She was in the Order now, something that Harry never thought she would manage without him.
Harry figured it would only be two or three members that would get him. Maybe apparation? He was unsure of what means of travel they would use.
As he was starting to get lost in his thoughts, the door banged open at once. The boy shot up from the couch to greet the members...but it wasn't just a few, it was the whole Order.
His eyes immediately caught onto his best blonde companion. He ran to her, hugging her as tight as he possibly could. Anna's eyes widened and she lightly brought her arms around him, patting him on the back. Her face flushed with embarrassment.
"Anna, I've missed you so much."
"Harry," started the girl, awkwardly clearing her throat and pulling away. "we can save the reunion for later. We're short on time."
His emerald eyes met her grey ones and she knew it wasn't just a time limit she was worried about. She looked tired beyond belief, and a tinge of depression glinted in her eyes...but she tried masking it as a stoic expression. She seemed like she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders...but what could it be?
Ron and Hermione came to him next, both giving him a tight hug as Anna watched with a weak smile. They started talking with him until Moody groaned.
"We'll have time for cozy conversation later! For now, Harry, do you know the plan?"
All eyes were on the raven-haired boy and he immediately felt pressure. "Erm, no."
"Great, I'll explain it again," grumbled the man, his glass eye whirring madly with annoyance. "Long story short, the Ministry is after you, they're siding with the Death Eaters. We can't simply disapparate out of here, so we have to be smart about it. You can't use any magic either, all kids under seventeen can be traced.
"We decided to go about it one way...we have different safe houses, twelve, to be exact. You'll be at Tonks' parents, Ted and Adromedea. You'll then be taking a Portkey to the Burrow, which is where you'll actually be staying. Does that make sense, lad?"
Harry shook his head. "I...I see what you're saying, but won't it be obvious if sixteen of us are flying to Tonks'?"
"Not if there's eight Potters."
The man pulled out a very large flask that gave Harry and Anna vivid, traumatic flashbacks of their fourth year. "I'm sure you remember this, right? From my imposter-"
"No, NO! Absolutely not!"
"I knew he wouldn't take it well," sighed Hermione from beside Ron.
"You can't all risk your lives for me-"
Ron snickered, "Yeah, that'll be a first, mate."
"But this is different, you're pretending to be me-"
"Harry, if you think we all fancy you so much that we want to be you, you're mad," said Anna with a chuckle. "What if something goes wrong and I look like you forever? That'd be disturbing!"
"Right! We don't want to be scrawny blind gits, right Georgie?"
"Of course, Freddie!"
The raven-haired boy's eyes widened and he payed no attention to the twins. He looked at Anna's attire...just now realizing that it was identical to his own. "Anna, no, you're not doing this. Nobody is, but especially not you."
The girl stepped forward, cupping his cheeks and saying softly, "You have to understand, there's no other way...I'm sorry."
With that, she siftly grabbed a few strands of hair and pulled quickly, causing the boy to yelp, "What the hell?!"
"I knew you wouldn't do it yourself," she said with a shrug of her shoulders, the sweetness in her tone and expression gone at once. She walked over to Moody, who was holding out the open flask. "Here you go."
"Bold one, aren't you?"
"Sirius...I guess you could say I learned from the best," she said with a grin.
Fred gave a chuckle, "You think fifteen of us couldn't win against one bloke who can't use magic? Shows how highly you think of us."
"Very funny," grumbled Harry. "Really amusing."
"Apparently that's all we're here for," retorted George with a smirk.
"Oh, enough whining. As we decided, Anna, Ron, Hermione, the twins, Fleur, and Dung, you're all gonna take a swig of this. Bottoms up."
They passed the flask around, grimacing slightly with each sip. Suddely, their features began to change. Hermione, Fleur and Mundungus started stretching with height while many of the guys shrunk. Anna stayed the same height, much to her amusement.
Within a minute, everyone became Harry James Potter, with gleaming emerald eyes, jet black hair, and a short but decent build.
Yet there was an issue. Many of their clothes were either ripping at the seams or hanging off of them. Moody dropped down two big sacks. "Alright, here's clothes for everyone. Take an outfit then drop your old one in the empty sack. Grab an owl while you're at it."
Anna reached over and pulled out a stuffed white owl with a scarily similar resemblance to Hedwig before heading over to the real Harry. Her eyesight was terribly hindered and she appreciated the clarity from the round-rimmed glasses as she placed them upon the bridge of her nose.
"Thanks, Anna," he said bitterly, "this is an awful plan, not to mention embarrassing."
Behind them Fleur was changing, crying out to Bill, "Oh, don't look at me, I'm hideous!"
Anna gave a weak smile and shrugged. "Well, at least I wore the outfit ahead of time. Tried to respect you as much as possible...besides, it'd be weird if this is the first time I stripped you down."
Harry's cheeks burned with embarrassment. He decided to ignore the statement. "Anna, what if someone dies tonight...as me? This is way too risky, there's too many-"
"It's not. Look, we really tried to find another way-"
"And I didn't get a say?" he ask increduously . "I play a huge role in this and I'm the only one not in the Order! And you didn't even think about what I wanted?!"
She simply shook her head and gave a frown. "Just have faith in us, we'll get you home safely. It's because we love and care about you."
Before he could retort, Moody got everyone's attention. "Alright, we have five brooms, two Threstals, and the bike for the real boy. Let's go outside and assemble."
Anna held Harry's hands, saying, "Don't worry, nobody's going to die tonight."
"You better be right, Anna," he responded with the shake of his head.
"When am I ever not?"
To be continued...
Hello all! Thanks so much for reading! Sorry about the abrupt ending, I promise the wait for the next chapter will be entirely worth it!
It will definitely be out by the end of this week, Sunday AT THE LATEST!
You're going to love it, I worked super hard. It's a mix of canon and my own plot.
Question of the chapter...
~What do you think will happen in the Battle of the Seven Potters? What would you like to see?~
Please vote, comment, and follow.
I love you all so much,
Lumos <3
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