Chapter Summaries
Because of my large gap in updating, here are some key points if you wish to continue on with my story (or if you're regularly reading and want some reminders?). These aren't meant to be substitutes for reading the story. Also, if you're a long time reader and are continuing on, I suggest some skimming on top of reading these, as my chapters can contain a lot of info not seen here.
It would mean so much if you decided to continue with my series, forgive me for the gap, my life has been unbelievably hectic in the past year!
Hope this wasn't a waste of time! :)
Chapter 1
Anna goes to Privet Drive for two reasons. The first being to tell Violet to let the Kendricks know that Sirius is dead, and the second being to fetch Harry to take him to Sirius' funeral. It's obvious Anna's not doing so great, but she does a good job of keeping her composure.
The funeral is sad but simple and reminiscent. A few key notes: there's a mystery woman in the woods, the speeches, and Lupin gives Anna a picture of her parents then reveals that he's her godfather.
Chapter 2
Anna tries committing suicide and Harry finds her. With some help from Kreacher, he gets her to St. Mungo's, where she's treated and released.
Some key notes: Anna's crap at taking care of herself, Dumbledore comes to visit, and Harry vows to take care of Anna.
Chapter 3
Harry brings Anna back to Grimmauld Place. This chapter skips through time a bit, showing some of her recovery processes. Harry's patient and Anna's almost trying. Later in the chapter, the (non-canon and modified) Black family history is explained
*this chapter will be important later on! reading it (at least the second half on the family history) would be a good idea*
Chapter 4
The chapter starts off with Remus reminiscing in memories of him and Leah (Anna's mother). He decides that it's time to step up and be there for Anna. He visits Grimmauld Place and confronts Anna. After a bit of arguing, they have a tender moment and somewhat make up.
Some key notes: Lupin admits that he and Leah dated, Anna keeps pushing him away, Harry overhears the whole conversation.
Chapter 5
In the beginning, a new teacher is convinced by Dumbledore to teach History of Magic: Professor Mavis. She's bitter, arrogant, and holds much hatred for the headmaster. Later, Harry and Anna have some cute moments together while preparing to go to Hogwarts.
Some key notes: they find a picture of Sirius and Leah, and they reminisce on their love. Harry mentions their lack of knowledge of Leah, this will be important later on.
Chapter 6
Harry and Anna go to King's Cross and board the Hogwarts Express. They almost get together until Remus (Cockblocking) Lupin accidentally ruins their moment. They board the train and meet up with Hermione and Ron. Harry admits to the two about his negative feelings on Anna, but she overhears it. She meets a new student, Caspar Mundy.
Some key notes: Caspar is hot, Anna likes him, and Harry is jealous.
Chapter 7
Caspar reveals he was born to a pureblooded Slytherin and a Pukwudgie (like a Hufflepuff) half-blooded American. They arrive at Hogwarts, Harry gets kicked by Malfoy, and Anna cleans him up. They snog, but are interrupted again and Harry denies his love. They go to the feast.
Some key notes: Dumbledore introduces the new changes of staff, especially Mavis and she tells him to "screw off". Caspar is sorted into Ravenclaw.
Chapter 8
McGonagall catches Ron, Harry and Anna with vacant schedules and changes them. They end up being forced to take potions and Slughorn introduces the love and luck potion. Harry wins it, Anna comes in close second.
Some key notes: Ron apologized to Anna the night before for their past relationship troubles. Anna switches her schedule to match Caspar's somewhat. Harry smells Anna in the love potion. Anna gets Sirius' potions book, and Harry gets Snape's.
Chapter 9
Anna and Harry discuss who the Half-Blood Prince may be, and reconcile...almost. They have a heartfelt conversation, only to be interrupted by Caspar. Harry finds out about Anna's schedule switch, and how she smelled Caspar in the love potion (even though she smelled Harry too) and gets angry, denying any chance of a relationship. Caspar and Anna go to Care of Magical Creatures, then History of Magic. Mavis insults Sirius and Anna storms out after attacking her.
Some key points: Anna gets asked out by Jack Sloper. After Harry breaks her heart, she goes to Casper, finding his presence fun and calming, distracting her from life. Anna suspects the Half-Blood Prince is her mother since Sirius mentions the same instructions he saw Leah doing. Anna HATES Mavis and even stupefy-s her. She also skips her class every day after.
Chapter 10
Anna goes to Hogsmeade, landing a date with Dean and forgetting about Jack. She ends up going on both, and it ends bitterly. She runs into Caspar and they go to the Three Broomsticks, running into the trio and Slughorn.
Some Key Notes: Harry is jealous AF. Jack kills Anna's brain cells, Dean brings up the bitter past. Caspar and her definitely have budding feelings. Slughorn invited Anna and Harry to the Slug Club. They learn that Caspar is in the Nott family (dark and pure-blooded), but has lived away from them for a while.
Chapter 11
The four discuss Caspar's ties, then Harry and Anna visit Dumbledore. They see the memory of Tom as a child. Anna leaves and Harry and Dumbledore talk about Slughorn, and Dumbles emphasizes that Anna is the tool needed to extract info from Slughorn.
Some key notes: Dumbles ships #Hanna hard AF. Anna and Harry talk after the meeting, agreeing that their friendship is important above all else.
Chapter 12
Quidditch tryouts happen. Anna follows in her parent's footsteps and becomes a Beater...that's about it.
Chapter 13
Anna and Harry sneak into Slughorn's room after class, stealing a binder labelled "special students". Professor Mavis catches them and black(heh)mails Anna, saying she'll keep it a secret if Anna returns to her History of Magic class that she's been skipping for over a month, and makes up the work she's missed. Caspar also covers for them. Harry and Anna go to the Common Room after and decide to wait to look through the files, Harry realizes he's in love with Anna and vows to tell her that night after supper.
Some key notes: Caspar asks Anna to meet him at the Ravenclaw Tower at midnight for a surprise. Anna mentally promises herself to not go back to Harry, and Harry does the opposite, realizing he has been in the wrong.
Chapter 14
The chapter continues from the same night, and Anna meets up with Caspar, oblivious to Harry's need to confess. She steals his invisibility cloak and her and Caspar sneak out to the forbidden forest for the surprise. It ends up being a beautiful, decorated clearing perfect for stargazing and romance *please re-read this chapter, it really sets up their relationship!*, and the two kiss under a shooting star. Harry sees their close proximity from the Marauder's Map and flips once Anna returns. They fight and Harry doesn't confess his feelings.
Some key notes: Caspar wants to keep the relationship lowkey for reasons mentioned later. Anna feels confliction but suppresses it, and she also explains that she believes Sirius is still alive. A bit is mentioned about Caspar's mysterious self, he's a softie with a love of astronomy and magical creatures, but avoids talking about his family.
Chapter 15
Anna returns to Mavis' class, after completing all the homework in one night. She learns from Reeve that the professor is crazy, most likely a drunk, and especially darkly secretive. Soon after she goes to potions and Slughorn confronts them about the missing binder. Harry and Anna look at it after, shocked by their findings.
Slughorn kept very detailed records of successful students of the Slug Club, ESPECIALLY Anna's mother, Leah. *GO BACK AND READ!!!*, even starting a biography on her. Anna gets angry over Sirius never informing her of Leah's accomplishments, and goes to the Owlery, only to be faced by Sirius' owl. With anger, she writes a frantic letter to him and forces the confused owl to leave.
Some key notes: Man, just go back and read this, that's all I've gotta say.
NOW that you're hopefully caught up, the rest of the story will be clear? Chapter 16 will be posted shortly, once my editor is done working her magic :)
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