34: Farewell
The death of Albus Dumbledore was something that nobody in the castle was prepared for. Although there was a whole week left of term, all classes were cancelled. The halls were as close to empty and still as possible. The few students that roamed for occasional yet necessary meals were all glassy-eyes and quiet. A few gossip girls talked in hushed whispers, spreading rumors about how the man died.
Professors kept to themselves. Snape fled with the Death Eaters, but nobody except for Harry Anna and Draco knew.
Speak of the platinum-haired boy, he had been whisked away to Malfoy Manor. Anna worried every day while Harry fumed. Luckily Draco had saved the girl otherwise she would have been held captive once again.
Now, onto the two Chosen Ones.
The roles were more reversed than ever before. Since Anna found out about their impending doom, she was more mature and prepared than she could have imagined. The death of Dumbledore held heavy in her heart. It wasn't easy, but she was learning to cope.
Harry on the other hand...well, he hadn't left his room the whole week. Maybe occasionally for necessities, but nobody had been around to see it.
The boy was devastated. His heart had been shattered into a million pieces before him. The death of Dumbledore broke him. He was deeply depressed and he couldn't stop crying, even when there were no tears left.
It wasn't just the man dying, but the betrayal from not one, but three different people. Draco was obvious, but he was still angry at the boy. Snape...yes, it was shocking, but Harry had always hated him. He had never thought him evil enough to kill the headmaster.
The one that really angered Harry, though, was Anna.
She knew that Draco was a Death Eater on a mission yet she blatantly lied to Harry's face and defended her cousin. Harry was betrayed and angry, yet still sad beyond belief.
Anna had just returned from lunch with Ron and Hermione. The two of them were holding up decently well. Ron didn't shed many tears, but he was in sheer disbelief, consistently saying that Dumbledore was too strong to die.
Hermione was tearful most of the time, but she tried to stay rational. She was very kind to Anna and said there was nothing else she could have done. She suggested that the Dark Army would've gotten to Dumbledore eventually.
"Ron," started Anna softly. The ginger looked at her. "I think it's time I speak to Harry."
He quickly shook his head. "No...are you bloody mad? He said that you're the last person he wants to see right now. I've told you this already."
"Ronald, he doesn't hate her! I'm sure he'd rather see her than Snape or Malfoy."
Anna chuckled. "Thanks Hermione...but really, I'm going to see him. it's time."
"Not my funeral," muttered Ron with a shrug, receiving a smack from Hermione.
"It's Dumbledore's funeral today, don't be so insensitive!"
The girl couldn't help but smile at the two of them before heading up to the boys' dorm. With everything falling apart, she tried to find positivity in the little things. She loved her friends' budding romance. Despite it all, at least they had each other.
Anna pushed the door open to the dorm. Neville, Seamus and Dean were gathered on the far side of the room all donned in black and it looked as if they were about to leave. They turned to look at her, their hushed conversation ending abruptly.
Her eyes skimmed the room and caught onto Harry's bed. He was curled under a blanket facing her. His eyes were shut and his breaths were soft and rhythmic.
"Is he sleeping?" asked Anna quietly. The boys nodded. "Could you excuse us? I need to talk to him privately."
"Sure Anna," said Dean with a kind smile, patting her on the shoulder as he walked by. Seamus just gave her a nod.
Neville, though, went up to her. "Hey, Anna, I heard you were there that night. How are you?"
"Just managing," she chuckled weakly, "I just need to help Harry is all."
The boy engulfed her an a tight, warm embrace. Anna was surprised but she quickly fell into it. "Anna, just make sure you take care of yourself. If you need anything I'm here for you."
Tears pricked at Anna's eyes. She pursed her lips and swallowed the lump in her throat. "Thank you Neville. You are one of the kindest people I know."
He just gave her another pat on the back and caring gaze before turning to leave, softly closing the door behind him.
Anna slowly walked over to Harry's bed. Her grey eyes first fell upon his face. It was red and splotchy and swollen. He had to have been crying endlessly, she assumed. The lack of glasses upon his face made this even more obvious. She looked to his body, half covered by the blanket. He was still wearing the still clothes since that day. His worn-out grey hoodie, red t-shirt, and old blue jeans.
She felt a pang in her chest...she was reliving the same scene that happened at the end of the previous year. She was even wearing the same hoodie as she sat for days in front of the fireplace.
Only now, the roles were reversed.
She remembered how broken she was when her father died. She had no concept of time, she cared about nothing other than getting him back. His voice echoed in her head and while it was haunting, she held onto whatever she could to relive him.
Now she was the one trying to save Harry from the same deep depression.
Anna put her hand on his shoulder, slowly shaking him. "Hey, Harry."
The boy groaned and rubbed his green eyes. He looked at her and his expression immediately became pinched. He turned over, murmuring, "Go away."
"Get out."
"No," she said firmly. "I-I know you're upset. I get it, what happened was awful-"
Harry sat up quickly, his glassy eyes connecting with hers. His voice held venom as he began to speak. "You know what makes it so awful? The fact that it didn't have to happen. You could have stopped this, but no, you wanted to keep your idiot cousin safe-"
"He's not an idiot!" exclaimed Anna. "He had no choice, yet he still didn't follow through-"
"But Snape did! Snape killed him, because you were too much of a coward to say anything!"
Anna scoffed. "I'm a coward? You heard Dumbledore, I told him!"
"You don't deserve to say his name!" yelled Harry, jabbing a finger at her. "You're the reason he's dead!"
The girl just closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Anger tapped at her but she pushed it away and composed herself. She knew Harry needed to get this out. "Harry, I get it, you blame me for this and I deserve it to an extent. I told Dumbledore that Draco was out to get him and he told me to not worry. He said that whatever happens, happens. I couldn't even change his mind about trusting Snape."
Harry just looked at her with disgust and confusion. He wanted to badly to get a reaction out of her. He was angry and mourning...why was she not?
But upon looking closer, she noticed her grey eyes were glassy as well, her cheeks lightly splotched with pink from past tears shed. Her voice was a bit tight as well. His heart couldn't help but feel a tinge of hurt.
"Anna, I have a question," he asked coldly. She nodded. "Did you know anything else? Besides Draco's task?"
Her expression didn't falter as she lied, "No, Harry, I didn't. We tell each other everything, right?"
Harry just gave a nod, laying back down. Tears soundlessly escaped from his eyes as she laid behind him, holding him and softly kissing his cheek. The two just appreciated each other's presence and silent understanding.
"The funeral is today," whispered Anna, stroking his hair. "I understand if you can't go, though."
"Why do people even have funerals? They're dreadful and make everything worse."
"It's an attempt to cope and remember the person. I get it, I hated my father's funeral. It helps some people, though."
Harry groaned as he sat up, rubbing his eyes before putting his glasses on. "Maybe it'll help me."
"It's better than wallowing. We don't have to stay for the whole time," she said softly, sitting up with him. "Would you like me to wait for you until you are ready? Or do you want some space and I can just meet you at the Black Lake?"
"Wait, please."
Anna gave a nod, ruffling Harry's hair and smiling slightly before leaving. She went to her dormitory and went through her trunk. She put out a pristine black dress robe. The girl had purchased it after her father's passing. She knew there would be many funerals to come with the passings of the war.
She wondered if she would be wearing them at her own funeral.
The robes were fitted to her, a lacing down the back and front pulled the fabric tight to her silhouette. She looked in the mirror and quickly wrapped thick sections of hair around her wand. They fell into bouncy curls. Her eyes were a smoky color and her lips were tinted with red.
The girl felt beautiful as she looked in the mirror. The occasion was sad, but she could see the fierceness in herself. Her face and neck scars contrasted greatly with her pale skin. A smile tugged at her lips as Dumbledore's compliments to her strength came to mind.
One last look and she headed down the stairs. A few minutes later, Harry joined her. No words were spoken as they left. Their fingers were intertwined as they tightly held hands.
Anna could feel the pain radiating off of Harry. He was trying to stay hard but occasional sniffles and hiccups escaped him. She just gave his hand a squeeze every time.
The walk to the Black Lake seemed longer than ever. Anna gasped upon seeing the funeral arrangements. "Oh, Harry, look!"
Their eyes scanned the scene. Hundreds of golden chairs lined in many rows faced the view of the lake. Before them was a golden table, flowers and notes around it. People were coming and taking a seat and mingling. Everyone imaginable was there. Students were crying and in black clothes. Ministry workers were in business casual while fellow Professors kept amongst themselves. Professor Sprout was holding a crying Professor Flitwick.
Most of the Order of the Phoenix stood to the side of the table. Tonks had a head of flaming pink hair while Kingsley had a soothing hand on her back. The Weasley's, including Ron and the twins, were hugging each other.
At the front of the scene, Dumbledore laid on a marble table. Anna turned to Harry, "Are you okay to go see him? Say a last goodbye?"
The boy sniffed and nodded, quickly wiping away tears. They slowly walked up to the resting headmaster.
Albus looked more peaceful than ever, donned in white robes that matched his long white mane of hair. His eyes were gently closed and his half-moon spectacles were repaired and resting upon his bridged nose. The years of wisdom in his blue oceans for eyes were closed forever, and the two were both wishing he could give them one last caring, wise glance. Just an indicator that everything would be okay.
"I made something for him," said Anna softly, pulling something out of her satchel.
In her hands she held a pair of socks, bright with strips of maroon and yellow. Within the yellow, there were golden tinsel strips weaved within, making the fabric shimmer majestically. There was an initial in each, one H and the other A.
Still, the socks were a bit rough. They were somewhat hole-y and uneven, yet the thought was definitely there.
"Why?" asked Harry.
Anna smiled. "Remember our first year when we saw our families in the Mirror of Erised? Remember what he saw?"
The boy just laughed and shook his head. "Him holding socks...I don't believe him, y'know."
"I do, so I wanted his final gift ever to be what he most desired. If someone could want socks more than anything else, that means he accomplished everything he needed to. I put our initials on them so he knows it's from both of us."
They stepped forward, each putting a sock in his robe pocket, vividly remembering the man's first interactions with them. He always seemed so odd yet so wise. They never thought this is where they would be, giving the man something instead of him giving to them.
Suddenly, gurgled singing echoed from the lake. The two turned to see the merpeople, heads slightly above ground, singing in unison. It was oddly enchanting and many were entranced, but Harry and Anna were brought back to the horrors of fourth year.
"I think it's starting, we should sit," said Anna. They looked for open seats. Remus and Kate waved them over, his jacket covering two seats next to them. They were a few rows back as Ministry officials took up the first few rows.
Harry sat beside Remus, who engulfed him into an embrace, patting his back. Anna sat between Harry and Tonks. Her pink-haired cousin put an arm around her and gave a sad smile.
Before they could converse, the service started. A short tufty-haired man stood before them at the podium. He began to speak of Dumbledore's life and accomplishments. Harry watched with disdain, annoyed that the man spoke in a robotic way, bringing no joy or justice to the beloved headmaster.
He only allowed a handful of people to come up and speak. Harry squeezed Anna's hand. She nodded and walked up to the podium before the crowd.
She was brought back to her father's funeral where the roles were reversed. She wanted so badly for someone to voice her thoughts about Sirius. Harry took over since she was too weak.
Now she was speaking since Harry was too weak. This death was the turning point for them. Anna was now the strong one. She was now in charge. She was Dumbledore's legacy, keeping the secrets he trusted her and Snape with.
"Hello everyone," she began, voice firm and eyes making contact with those in the audience. "Many of you know me, but not many know my relationship with Albus Dumbledore. A headmaster is not the best way to describe him...he was much more.
"As many of you know, I have had anger issues in the past. Albus and I have had falling outs, yet he was always there when I was ready to come back. No matter what happened, whether it be a minor inconvenience like house points to a major event such as my father's disappearance, Dumbledore was always there to pick up the pieces."
Some murmured at the mention of Sirius - that she said disappearance instead of death - but the whispers ceased almost as quickly as they arrived at the mere notice of her glare.
"Harry and I were with Dumbledore the night he died. Specifics are not necessary, but there's one thing I need to say. He was by far the kindest, wisest, and best mentor I have ever had. He has given me some tough love and lack of answers at times, but he always made things right. Without Dumbledore, I would not be the woman I am today nor would I know the value of brave wisdom.
"Today, let's not be sad and mourn too much. I believe he would have liked us to smile in remembrance. But after today, we need to do him justice. He was murdered at the hands of Death Eaters. The mastermind behind this all is Voldemort. We need to bind together and defeat him. We need to carry on Dumbledore's legacy. We need to be brave in order to win this war. If you can't do it for yourself, do it for him. Thank you."
Many people clapped as Anna stepped away from the podium and took her seat next to Harry.
Before anyone else could speak, the man went back to the front. "Thank you, everyone, for your kind words of remembrance. Now we will finish the ceremony with the encasing."
He turned to the table, holding out a wand and muttering a spell. Suddenly, bright white flames ignited around the headmaster's body. White smoke swirled high around the scene. The merpeople started singing louder and from the sky cawed a bird.
Fawkes the Phoenix swooped down from high in the sky. He rose his wings above the scene, and with one last cry, the bird disappeared along with the flames and smoke. Where the table was, a thick marble casket stood.
The merpeople became quieter and a stampede came from the forest. Centaurs ran from the trees. One said, "For Albus Dumbledore!"
With that, they all shot arrows into the sky and cried with triumph. The people in the chairs where clapping, yet many had tears streaming down their cheeks.
The service ended yet many people stayed behind. The tears slowly faded away from people's eyes with conversation and kind words remembering Dumbledore.
Harry and Anna were with the Order, who was recounting on memories of the beloved man. Remus discreetly came up to Anna, asking, "Hey, can I speak to just you for a moment?"
She nodded and they walked off to the side. Before the man could speak, Anna threw her arms around him, hugging the thin man tightly.
He was initially taken aback but quickly hugged her and smiled. He was happy she seemed to trust him.
"How have you been?" asked Anna as she let go.
The man just shrugged and shook his head. "I've been better but I've been worse, too. Dumbledore led a great life, it was only a matter of time before it came to an end."
"He was 116 years old, after all."
They just shared a smile and a moment's silence before Remus changed the topic. "Kate and I are sorry for not being there for you all of the time. We know you've had it rough these past few years."
"It's okay-"
"We want you to live with us," he blurted out. "At least for the summer."
Anna quirked an eyebrow but quickly shook her head. "I appreciate the offer but I couldn't. Harry and I are going the Grimmauld Place."
"No, Anna, you can't. We all know the Dark Army is after you, you can't stay somewhere so obvious. Also Harry and you can't stay together, he's going back to the Dursley's-"
"No, no!" exclaimed Anna. "H-He can't. Do you know how depressed he is? He needs me right now."
"Dumbledore said he needs to stay there until he is 17. There's a protective charm over the house. He needs to stay safe and so do you," said Remus solemnly. "You said it yourself, you trust Dumbledore. It was one of his final requests, he told the Order."
"I'll live on Privet Drive with my Aunt Iris and Uncle Logan...they'll have me back, they even said so-"
"You can't you don't consider it home anymore."
The girl crossed her arms. "I'll go to the Burrow then."
"After what happened on Christmas? When they ambushed you, nearly killed you and almost destroyed the Burrow?" Silence. "Anna, listen to me, you need to be hidden this summer. Nobody knows where I live and besides, I want to help you, I am your godfather."
"And Kate? She lives with you now?"
Remus chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. "Erm, yes, she is. We just got together not too long ago, it wasn't the best time to tell you though in light of recent events. She's staying with me until school resumes, just like you will."
"I'm not going back to school, neither is Harry."
"Yes you are, Hogwarts is safer than Gringotts-"
"Yeah, when Dumbledore was headmaster," muttered Anna with a frown. "We can't go back. We need to win the war first. We need to destroy Voldemort as soon as possible."
"And where do you plan on starting? Where are you going to stay? How are you going to be safe?"
"I-I..." Anna trailed off. She just shook her head and shrugged tiredly. Stress immediately grew within her. She hated to admit it, but her godfather was right. She was clueless.
Remus gave a soft smile and put a hand on her shoulder. "I just want what's best for you, Anna. I remember what it was like to be young and reckless and think you have it figured out when you still have so much more to plan. You're so brave, strong and smart. Let us help you, just until you're ready to take him on."
Anna took a deep breath and nodded. "Fine, okay. But just until Harry is able to leave the Dursley's. I have one question, though. What about your cycle?"
"Oh, um," murmured Remus, his cheeks tinted with red. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, okay? Don't worry about me."
The girl gave him a hug and muttered thanks. Tears welled in her eyes as the last true marauder held her. She felt so alone in the world yet so loved. Part of her wanted to push away what she had left.
She loved the people around her but every day she felt crippled with fear that her loved ones would be taken by the Dark Army. After the strong and wise headmaster passed, she could never feel safe...especially since she knew her and Harry's ends were inevitable.
Yet she had to live every day acting as if she was determined to make it out alive. Nobody knew but her and Snape, yet the man was now a bitter enemy, an assassin.
"Remus," started Anna. The man looked at her expectantly, and she wanted so badly to tell him everything. But she couldn't, and the temptation went away quickly. She simply said, "Thank you. Even though you weren't there in the beginning I really appreciate how much you care. I know Sirius would be thanking you too if he were here."
The scarred man's eyes welled a bit too with tears. "I wish it were more. You deserved so much better."
"So did you, Remus."
And just like that, book six has ended...but check out the next "chapter" for information on the next book.
To everyone who has made it this far...THANK YOU! From the bottom of my heart, I am beyond grateful for your support and patience. You will never know how much I appreciate it!
Question of the chapter...
~How did you like Book 6? What would you like to see in the final book?~
Love to all,
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