Chapter 7
Anna's POV
Quidditch tryouts were finally over, and of course, I made the team, was granted with the position of Keeper. Harry took the position of Seeker (of course), with the twins being Beaters, and Angelina Johnson (who was also captain), Katie Bell, and Alicia Spinnet being Chasers. Ron was my backup if I couldn't play, Ashlee Bradly (A/N refer back to the fourth book, she's the girl who was going to go out with George, she's a fanmade character by @rawr101800 I'm so sorry I haven't included her much...) was a chaser backup, and Gaby Riddle (also in the fourth book, oh Merlin, I'm so sorry about all these fanmade characters I keep forgetting to mention...) as a beater backup.
"Ugh, I wish Angelina could have just changed the tryout date... That was pure torture, you know, with the storming and all," I groaned as Harry and I made our way back to the Common Room. He nodded grimly.
"Well, at least we made the team. Good job on getting the position of Keeper by the way, I was expecting you to get chaser."
"It was no big deal, but thanks. And good job to you too."
"Hem hem," we heard a high pitch voice behind us. Harry and I both groaned and rolled our eyes before turning around to face Umbridge. She asked in her sickly sweet voice, "What are you two doing roaming the halls after curfew?"
"We were at Quidditch tryouts, meaning we have permission to be out after curfew, we're just going back to the Common Room," I said in a strained, polite voice. It's been two weeks since the detention, and I've been doing everything I could to avoid Umbridge. But when I did have to talk to her, I would do everything I could to stay calm, and force politeness.
"Well, I see you've left quite a mess on your way in... Tut tut, Filch will not be happy about this," she said with a sigh.
"It's not like we meant to-" I gave Harry a hard look that said, You better shut up before I force you to. He just sighed and changed his tone of voice, "We're sorry...Professor..." I nodded in agreement, and waved my hand, causing the water and mud trail to disappear. She raised an eyebrow, as if questioning my ability to use wandless magic, and I instantly regretted it.
"Happy now?" I said through gritted teeth. She shook her head and gave a small, high-pitched laugh.
"You two still have detention for being out after curfew... If the rest of the team was here, then I might let you off the hook," she said, obviously just trying to find a reason to punish us.
"Oh come on! You've got to be kidding me!" Harry and I said in unison, but still had to follow her to her pink, kitten crazed office.
"Okay, I want you to write, 'I will not stay out after curfew'-"
"But we weren't-"
"Don't argue otherwise I'll give you the more powerful quill like last time," she snarled, and I clenched my jaw. She handed us each a small, plain brown quill, and parchment. The detention was nowhere near as bad for me as it was last time, but it still hurt. But my hand was still so bad from last time, the quill started carving up along my arm. I just grit my teeth, and wrote as fast as I could. Finally, after about an hour, Umbridge released us, and we left, clutching our hands.
"Bloody hell, I didn't know I could hate that lady even more..." Harry grumbled, and I nodded in agreement.
"Let's just hope Hermione and Ron don't find out..." I trailed off. We entered the common room, and of course, Ron and Hermione were waiting for us.
"What took you two so long?" Hermione asked worriedly. I made sure my hand was covered, and I could tell Harry did the same.
"We just stayed back to help clean up the supplies," I lied. Well, it wasn't really a lie... I mean, we did clean up, that's just not what took us so long.
"It took you two that long-"
"I'm heading up to my dorm, goodnight guys," I muttered, but Ron grabbed my arm, causing me to wince in pain. He pulled me close to him (a little closer than necessary) and rolled up my sleeve. Him and Hermione gasped.
"You two got detention with Umbridge again, didn't you?!"
"Yes, but it's no big deal-"
"Yes it is! You need to report this-"
"We're not reporting it Hermione!" Harry and I said in unison. She just rolled her eyes.
"Well she should be reported! She's giving probably illegal detentions, and not even teaching us any useful spells. If nobody's going to report her, we should at least have a proper teacher," Hermione stated, and looked at Harry, as if suggesting he should be the teacher. Ron was giving me the same look.
"You're joking, there's no way I could be a teacher!" Harry exclaimed, and Hermione changed her glance over to me. I laughed and shook my head.
"You think I could be a teacher? I'm the most irresponsible, and awkward person you'll ever meet-"
"That's Neville-"
"Wow, you're so nice Ron... But honestly, there's no way I could teach everyone by myself. I still suggest that Harry is the teacher," I said, earning a "shut up otherwise I'll hex you" glare from Harry.
"No thanks, you'd be better Anna-"
"If we're actually going to teach everyone, I'm not doing it by myself... We're doing it together," I said, but he still shook his head.
"I couldn't-"
"Yes, you can. We both can. and besides, everyone else needs to learn these spells... All four of us know there's a war coming..." I said, and the deathly silent tension in the room was strangling me alive. After a while, everyone nodded in agreement.
"Well, erm, I'm going to my dorm," Harry and Hermione accidentally said at the same time.
"Alright, goodnight."
"Ron, are you coming?"
"I'll just stay down here for a while," Ron answered, and Harry just gave him a warning look before he gave me a hug along with a kiss on the cheek, and went to his dorm. I swear, out of the corner of my eye, I could see Ron's face turn red with...jealousy? I just ignored my suspicions, and turned to Ron.
"So..." I trailed off awkwardly. I realized this was one of the very few times I've ever been with him completely alone. He just gave a sheepish smile.
"You know, you're going to make a great teacher-"
"Oh don't even start, I'm going to be the worst teacher ever," I said with a laugh, and he just slung an arm around my shoulder.
"You're going to be great. Hell, you would even be better than Hermione if she was a teacher. But, erm, don't tell her I said that..."
"Of course not... Hey, can I ask a question?"
"Mhm, sure."
"Do you like Hermione?" I asked, and he jumped at the question, let go of me, and stared at me wide-eyed.
"What?! Bloody hell no!!!"
"I ship it too hard... Come on, you can tell me, I promise I won't let it slip, I'll keep it a secret," I said with a hopeful smile, nudging him. He shook his head.
"No, I don't like her in that way... I mean, I like someone but it's not her-"
"Who is it?! Tell me! Please?!" I begged, and he facepalmed.
"Ugh, I shouldn't have said anything-"
"Please tell me? I swear I won't tell anyone!"
"Nope. It's for me to know, and for you to never find out," he said simply, and crossing his arms. I groaned, I HAD to know! I mean, I'm one of those people who has to know everything about everyone. I'm not exactly one to gossip, I just like hearing gossip...
"Please? I'll do anything!" I said, and he smirked.
"Yes! ANYTHING!!!"
"No, you won't, trust me..." he said with a sad sigh.
"Oh, you want me to get you, and the person you like together, don't you?"
" a way...but you couldn't...oh forget it, will you?" he snapped, pissed off.
"I could, if you just told me-"
"It's impossible. And besides, she's with someone already," he said with a sigh.
"I'm two steps closer to finding out now."
"Well, I know it's a girl. That narrows down all the possibilities down by about half. And then the fact that she's with someone helps too."
"Wait, you thought I liked a guy?! What the hell, do you think I'm a gay faggot or something?!"
"First, I never said that, and second, bloody hell, you sure are homophobic. You know, everyone isn't straight," I said through gritted teeth. Then, he asked the dreaded question...
"Are you even straight?" he asked in a sharp tone, and I bit my lip. I wasn't planning on coming out yet... Especially not him...
"What if I said I was?"
"Are you speaking hypothetically, or-"
"Would you hate me, or look at me differently if I said I was pansexual?" I asked quickly, and avoided his presistant gaze.
"I...I don't know... Ugh, I sounded like such a judgmental arse earlier... Sorry, I didn't know that you were-"
"Forget it. But if you tell ANYONE, you're dead, you know that, right?" I asked with a glare, and he shrugged.
"Does anyone else know?"
"Only my father... That's it... But he's completely fine with it, and supports it... I mean, I'm afraid if I tell Harry he's going to either say I'm lying, or break up with me..." I trailed off sadly, and Ron gave me a tight hug. I could feel his heart beat quicken, and for some reason, I could feel mine do the same.
"Don't worry, I won't tell him... But you know you're going to have to come out sooner or later-"
"Yeah yeah, I know... I'll hold off for now though... I mean, he can get mad pretty easily, especially with Voldemort making him angry all the time," I said, and I could feel him nod, understanding. I put my head on his shoulder, and resisted the urge to fall asleep right there, in his arms. It was just an innocent, friendly embrace, and I thought nothing more of it. Of course if Harry saw us, he would probably beat the crap out of Ron, or just yell for him to get the hell away from me. But I stayed there anyways, not caring. I mean, I felt like Ron was my brother, nothing more...right? I just took a deep breath, but caught the faint smell of cinnamon, probably from Ron that caused me to smile slightly. He started talking, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"I get it, it's fine. I mean, you might never have to. I mean, if you guys last-"
"If?" I asked with a nervous laugh. He let go of me, and looked me in the eyes.
"No, I mean, he could screw up you know-"
"And you think I'm perfect?"
"Yes-" he cut himself off and sighed. "I mean...well, you know how much of an arse he can be. And I mean, in general, guys are usually bad, so...yeah... And besides, you're loyal-"
"Oh, so I'm a Hufflepuff now?"
"Hufflepuffs are so lucky, you know, being by the kitchens and all."
"You're right, ha I remember one time when Cedric snuck me into the kitchens," I said with a laugh, and he couldn't help but crack a smile.
"That sounds fun, you should have taken me."
"You know, we should just transfer into Hufflepuff, that would be the best. Free food 24/7, and the house isn't full of arrogant gits."
"Yeah, to hell with bravery and chivalry, food and loyalty is life!" he said, and I laughed, nodding in agreement. My eyes flitted to the clock, and I saw it was really late.
"I completely agree. But I'm going to sleep, it's really late. I'll see you tomorrow," I said with a smile. Ron opened his mouth to say something, but quickly stopped himself, and just nodded instead. I wondered what he was going to say...
Hey readers! Um, sorry if that chapter was really weird and thrown together. I have a lot going on... And I'm going to be honest, I didn't put barely any effort into this chapter, so sorry if there are mistakes. Also, I'm probably lose a bunch of readers because of Anna's character being pansexual, but if you're homophobic, you can just leave, for real, I don't care anymore. Sorry if I seem really straightforward and rude, but I'm just really depressed and pissed off because of...well, just about everything...mainly school drama... Sorry, you probably don't care, so I'll just stop. I'll try to get another update out in the next week. Well, I guess that's all... Bye...
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