Chapter 5
Anna's POV
Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I walked into the common room. After an hour or so of Hermione rambling about the Ministry trying to take over Hogwarts, I was happy the feast was over, and that I would be able to talk to fellow Gryffindors, in which I had missed over the summer. My happiness was crushed once everyone fell silent, and avoided us. Seamus was hunched over, reading a paper, and whispering to Dean. Harry stepped towards them, and that's when I knew it was about to go down...
"Dean, Seamus, have a nice summer?" Harry asked through gritted teeth, and I wanted more than anything to just pull him aside, and calm him down, but I knew I would be causing a scene.
"Mine's been alright, better than Seamus's," Dean said with a slight nod, and I could tell he didn't want to argue. Seamus threw the paper aside, and I quickly caught it, and read it over... Now I knew what was wrong... Everyone believe what the Prophet said, which was calling Harry and I liars, and accusing us of making up lies about Voldemort... I opened my mouth to speak, but Seamus cut me off, and glared at Harry.
"You know, my mum didn't want me coming back to Hogwarts this year," Seamus growled.
"And why's that?"
"Let me see, um, because of you-"
"Guys, stop-"
"Oh shut it Anna-"
"So Potter, are you going to be an arse to your girlfriend, or let her speak?" Seamus challenged him, and Harry just clenched his jaw.
"What I was going to say was that there's no point in fighting, the Prophet is full of lies you know..." I trailed off, crossing my arms.
"I was giving you a chance to speak, I'm not saying that I believe you."
"Well you should believe her instead of your stupid mother who gets all of her knowledge from the Prophet-"
"Harry, stop it!"
"Don't you dare call my mother stupid Potter, at least I have a mother!" Seamus yelled, and I knew that was the final straw for Harry. He was about going to attack him then Ron came over.
"Erm, what's going on?"
"Do you believe Harry and Anna? Do you actually believe that Voldemort is back?"
"Yes, I do Seamus. Is there anyone else here that has a problem with Harry and Anna?" Ron growled, straightening his posture. I just then noticed how big and even terrifying he could be when he tried, and nobody here was stupid enough to challenge him. Harry just rolled his eyes and stormed up to the boys dorm, Ron following. Everyone just stared at me.
"Look, Harry and I are not making up lies about Voldemort coming back-"
"Well how do we believe you?" Lavender squeaked, and I calmly walked over to her, narrowing my eyes.
"Why the bloody hell would I make up a lie about the guy who killed thousands, that was so close to ruling the world, that killed my mother?!" I exclaimed.
"Um I don't know-"
"Right, now stop believing the lies and gossip, and have some common sense knocked into you," I said with a sweet smile, and went up to the girls dorm, dreading what was going to come tomorrow.
"Hey, wake up psycho!" Lavender yelled, throwing a pillow at my face, and making me come out of the short rest since Voldemort's torture late in the night. I groaned and sat up.
"Was that really necessary?"
"Was it necessary to attack Professor Moody last year?" She asked with a smirk, and left. I wanted more than anything to slap her as the anger boiled up inside me. No, Anna, stop, block him out...
I quickly got ready, and met Harry in the common room.
"Hey Anna," he said gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"Hey Harry. So, did you have a nice sleep, or did Voldemort torment you too?"
"No, he didn't bother me too much actually..."
"Lucky... Ugh he's such a pain in the arse," I said, and we both laughed.
"So, what class do we have first?"
"I'm not sure, let me check...ugh, Defense Against The Dark Arts with Umbridge..."
"Well, at least we don't have a crazy death eater in disguise teaching us again? Right?"
"Right, I don't think any death eater would wear that much pink. Honestly, it looks like a flamingo exploded on her," I said snickering as we walked into the room, and sat at an empty table. For about five minutes, the class talked loudly, and someone even made a flying paper bird using a charm. It flew around the class until it came near me, burst into flames, and floated onto the desk. Some of the kids glared at me.
"I didn't do it-"
"Because I did. Hello everyone, my name is Professor Umbridge, and I'm happy to see all of your friendly, smiling faces," she said in a sickly sweet voice as we all glared at her.
"I can't stand her already-"
"What was that Miss Black?"
"Um, nothing!" I said quickly and she gave me pointed look of disapproval, but quickly forced a smile. She waved her wand, and a piece of chalk started writing on the board.
"Ordinary wizarding level examinations. Also known as O.W.L.'s!" she said slowly in a really annoying, high-pitched, sickly sweet voice. She flicked her wand, and books levitated, passing themselves out to us students. I looked at the cover, and my face twisted with confusion. I flipped through it... What the hell?!
"Hey, um...there aren't any spells in here?"
"No, we won't be learning spells. This course is distributed by the Ministry, it is safe and well constructed-"
"So we won't be using magic? What's the point then?" Ron asked, giving the best "bitch please" look. I put my head down, shaking with silent laughter.
"Well why would you need to be using spells?"
"Oh, I don't know, maybe because Voldemort is back, and more powerful than ever?" Harry said sarcastically, making it even harder to not laugh out loud.
"What are you talking about, there is so such thing going on-" and that's when I lost it. I laughed so loud, and my face was burning.
"You're hilarious lady. Come on, you actually believe the Prophet's lies?!" I exclaimed between laughs, and she gave me a death glare.
"Students will raise their hand before speaking," she said simply. I took a deep breath. Come on, compose yourself... I raised my hand, and she gave me an expectant look.
"Okay, look. Voldemort is back, and you're going to just leave everyone defenseless-"
"Let me make this quite clear, Voldemort is NOT back. It is simply all. A. Lie."
"He's back! I saw him! I fought him!" Harry and I both yelled at the exact same time. Umbridge quickly whirled around.
"DETENTION!" she screeched.
"So you're pretty much saying Cedric just dropped dead?!"
"Potter, Cedric's death was a terrible accident-"
"YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT BITCH! SO JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP! VOLDEMORT IS BACK AND MORE POWERFUL THAN EVER! THEY NEED TO LEARN HOW TO FIGHT!" I was now standing up, and probably the whole castle heard me, and the very short, but noticeable string of profanities...
"ENOUGH! You've earned yourself a week's worth of detention-"
"You think I give a damn?! I'm standing up for what's right, the truth! So-"
"DO YOU WANT TO BE EXPELLED?!" she screamed, and I had enough, I wasn't going to keep wasting my time on this incompetent little-
"She's right you know," Hermione squeaked, but her glare in Umbridge was persistent. What?! Hermione, arguing?! Wow, I never thought the day would come. I've taught her well... Well, even though she only said four words, and they weren't that strong, she was at least arguing...
"Oh Miss Granger, would you like to join them-"
"No ma'am! I'm sorry!" she said quickly, and I groaned, facepalming.
"Damnit Hermione, you almost did it-"
"Are you really cursing again Miss Black?!" Umbridge said, and the whole class started laughing. My mouth twitched, as I was trying to hold back a smile.
"Obviously...bitch," I said, and the class laughed even louder. Everyone hated Umbridge already, so making her look like a defenseless idiot probably made everyone happy.
"Okay, ENOUGH!"
"Oooohhhh, going to give me more detentions? See if I care," I muttered, and she just forced a fake smile.
"Miss Black, please, that is quite enough. I want you to write me a whole foot of parchment on why being rude and disruptive is bad, and the punishments I can get-"
"Well that's better than learning this useless Ministry approved shit," I mumbled, and got out an inkwell, quill, and a foot of parchment. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Harry holding back a laugh. "Did I make your day, my love?" I whispered.
"Nobody's ever going to forget this you know," he whispered back, giving a soft laugh.
"I know, and the week's worth of detention is definitely worth it," I said with a wink, and couldn't help but laugh.
Harry's POV
I have to admit, Anna was hilarious, and I could tell how embarrassed Umbridge was. Anna is going to be a good, strong leader if the war comes... Finally, the bell rang, and the torturous lesson was over.
"Mr. Potter, Miss Black, your detentions are tonight, 6:00, my office. Well, Miss Black, for the profanities, you have detention for the rest of the school week," she said, her sickly sweet voice returning, a slight chill went down my spine. I looked over at Anna, her eyes were wide, and Umbridge gave her a death glare with a smile. I quickly grabbed her hand, and led her out of the room.
"Are you okay Anna?" I asked, snapping her out of her trance. She forced a smile.
"Um, yeah... I...I'm fine-"
"Are you worried about the detention?"
"I just have a really bad feeling about it... She's evil, and I know it... I just don't want her hurting you," she said worriedly, and I gave a soft laugh. I lifted her chin up so she would be staring into my eyes.
"Don't worry about me, I'm going to be fine."
"Anna, don't worry. What's the worst that could happen?" I asked with a smile, but her eyes instantly teared up.
"The cruciatus curse..."
"What? Okay, not you're just worrying too much-"
"No, I'm not... It happens... And she's part of the Ministry, she wouldn't get in trouble-"
"Anna, calm down, it's okay," I said, giving her a hug.
"I...I just don't want you to ever be put under that curse... Its worse than death..." she sobbed, and my heart dropped like it always did whenever she cried, or was just sad in general.
"Its going to be okay, I promise... I bet she's probably just going to scold us for an hour or something," I said, making her laugh.
"You better be right. Oh, and can you do something for me?"
"Please don't tell anyone I started crying about a detention," she said, chuckling. I gave her a smile, and couldn't help but laugh.
"Of course, I'm not that terrible of a person-"
"Hey, Anna!" Malfoy called out, running over. He gave me a scowl.
"Draco, here to pick another fight?" I asked coldly, he shook his head.
Anna's POV
"I wanted to apologize, to both of you... I'm sorry for being an arrogant git... Anna, can I talk to you for a second?" he said through gritted teeth, and I nodded.
"Sure... See you later Harry..." I said reluctantly, and with a nod, he left. Draco just started laughing.
"G...good job A...Anna!" Draco said between laughs.
"Um, what-"
"How you made Umbridge look like a fool... Oh Merlin, I heard, someone even recorded it... I...I can't even tell you how awesome you are."
"Well, I got a-"
"Week's worth of detention! It's worth it! You're going to go down as the most badass kid in the school! I don't think anyone else would have the guts to say the cold, hard truth to a teacher," Draco said, and I couldn't help but laugh.
"Well, I'll take that as a compliment..." I said, chuckling. But what I didn't know at the time was how bad the detention was really going to be...
Hey readers! I hope you liked that chapter, even though it was more of a filler... I tried to make it as long as possible, but it didn't work out the way I planned... sorry! Anyways, I would really appreciate it if you could vote, comment, follow, and keep reading!
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