Chapter 15
Sirius paced in the kitchen, thinking about Anna. What had happened to her? Who did this? No, that wasn't even a question, he knew that Voldemort was the culprit.
"Sirius, you need to stop thinking about this. It's taking a toll on your health, stress isn't good-"
"Molly, this is my daughter. My only child. My only real family. You wouldn't understand," he said, doing his best to keep his tone from turning cold.
"Of course I do! Family is important, regardless of how much there is."
"I'm going to kill that bastard-"
"Enough! I've had enough of this, Sirius! For the past few days, all you've been doing is pacing and talking about Voldemort. I don't want to hear it, it's driving me crazy."
"What else am I supposed to do!" He yelled. Molly smirked.
"Make yourself useful and help me with dinner." Sirius rolled his eyes and shook his head. Nobody understood his pain and anger. They all got to see her, he didn't. They didn't have to watch their daughter slowly go insane, he did. He knew complaining wouldn't do anything, so he refrained from doing so as much as possible.
Complaining, it was all he could do. He was trapped in that damned house with nothing else to do. Every time he tried to leave, he would get caught or realize that he couldn't do anything. But the thing is, he would be content if people just listened to him. He knew more than they did, but no, to them, he was just a crazy, recently escaped prisoner who could snap at any moment.
Of course, they never said that to him, but he knew that was what they thought. The only people who would listen to him were Anna and Harry. But at the moment, he and Harry weren't on the best terms. He was sure Harry had something to do with the attack; the guilty look on his face only supported Sirius' suspicions.
"Sirius, did you hear Remus?" Molly said, snapping fingers in front of his face.
"Wait, when did he get here?"
"When you were zoned out, knucklehead," Remus chuckled and Sirius gave a sheepish smile. "I was saying that Anna's being released from the hospital tonight."
"Really?!" Sirius sounded like a little kid going to a candy store. His wolfish friend gave a smile and nod. "When tonight?!"
"Maybe in the next hour or so."
"Or now," a hoarse voice said from the other room. The two looked and saw Anna smirking at them while leaning on her crutches. "Happy to see me?"
"Of course, how're you feeling?"
"Awful, but I'll be fine." She didn't say anything more as the others, including Arthur, came through the door. As tempted as he was, Sirius didn't bombard Anna with questions. It could wait.
After everyone got settled, the kids set the table and everyone sat down for a meal. It was awkwardly quiet for a bit until the twins spoke up.
"So, what even happened?" they asked in unison, their eyes darting between Arthur, Anna, and Harry.
"Well, I'm pretty sure you two could explain better, as you seem to know more about these things," Mr. Weasley said with a chuckle. Anna knew Harry wouldn't say anything, so she spoke up.
"I still don't know exactly what happened...but I know it had to be Voldemort. I was kind of in a dream, but saw Arthur and Voldemort's snake attacking him," she said, not knowing how to continue.
"I thought I was a goner until Anna showed up. She made this big wall of fire separating us and the snake. It was extremely impressive, she has extraordinary powers! When she told me to run, she made it seem like the fight was nothing," Arthur said excitedly. Anna forced a laugh.
"Oh, it wasn't that dramatic, honestly. After he left..." She was at a loss for words, and glanced at Harry and caught his guilty, worried gaze. She could get her revenge, maybe even ruin his life...but no. Even she wouldn't stoop that low. Time to rescue the idiot. Again. "I used too much magic and collapsed. Harry showed up and scared the snake off for good. Without him, I would be gone. I'm extremely thankful, Harry, I don't even know where to begin," Anna lied all too well, making Harry feel worse than he would have if she would've told the truth.
"A Harry and Anna, for never failing to be brave!" Arthur exclaimed and raised his glass. Everyone agreed, also raising their glasses.
"It's nothing to cheer about, really," Harry said, trying to hide his guilt. Anna gave him a pointed look, causing him to tense.
"Nonsense, you two should be recognized! Without you, my husband wouldn't be here. Now shush and eat," Molly said with a smile. He didn't say another word about it.
The next morning was filled with hugs and smiles, which were somewhat faked by Harry and Anna. It was Christmas morning and a cheery mood seemed to fill the House of Black. Everyone sat at the long table with sweets and gifts. The only sad event was when Molly received a package: Percy's unopened Christmas gift with no note. But she was quickly consoled and brushed it off.
Sirius had a grin plastered on his face. He wasn't used to having family and friends celebrating with him for the holidays. It warmed everyone's hearts seeing him so happy.
After the morning was over, everyone dispersed until lunch. Sirius talked to Anna in an empty room.
"I know there was more to that night than what you said, and Harry looked very guilty...did he have anything to do with the attack?" Sirius asked, his voice low and serious (yes, pun intended). Anna kept a straight face.
"No, it was Voldemort like always-"
"Promise?" he said, making Anna's heart sink. She heard a noise from outside the room; someone was eavesdropping, but she chose to ignore it. Their identical eyes met as she spoke.
"Promise. Is that all you wanted to talk about?"
"No. Actually, there's a lot I want to talk to you about, but it can wait, we have lots of time."
"Are you sure? Because at this rate..." she trailed off with a sad smile.
"Stop, we have years. I'll watch you grow up and defeat Voldemort. I'll walk you down the aisle and help you raise your kids. I'll always be there for you," he said warmly and she truly believed it. They talked for a bit longer before they parted ways. She had something she needed to do.
"Harry, can I speak to you for a moment?" Anna asked, interrupting a conversation between him and Hermione. His eyes widened at the sight of her.
"Of course," he said eagerly, getting up and walking a bit too fast, causing him to trip over the table. Anna smirked, rolling her eyes. She led him to the end of the hallway. "What's this about?"
"I was wondering if you enjoyed listening to mine and Sirius' conversation earlier?" his face turned red.
"I...I don't know what you're talking about," he stuttered, but it was no use. Anna's persistent stare made him know he was caught. Harry sighed. ", I didn't actually. Why did you lie to him? And why did you lie to everyone last night?"
"Keep your voice down! And I did it to save your sorry self. What was I supposed to do? Expose you to everyone?!" she said in an exasperated whisper.
"It wasn't me-"
"Yet you just said I lied."
"I meant that I didn't mean to, it just happened. It was Voldemort but somehow-"
"Like I said yesterday at St. Mungo's, apparently it's always Voldemort's fault for your actions. You know, excuses get worn out after a while. The more you blame him, the less believable it seems."
"It's still the truth!" Harry retorted, his green eyes blazing. Anna glared.
"Then learn how to control yourself. Get over him and live up to your title, because at this point, you're pathetic," she said coldly, her eyes locking with his. He felt defeated. No, he was defeated. She was right, he had no excuse. "And I'll let you off this one last time. Don't tell anyone the truth about this."
"So you want me to lie?" he asked and she couldn't hold back a laugh.
"Everyone would know," she said, her tone sending chills up his spine and regret to his heart.
Damn, she's so cold and beautiful, he thought, not being able to avoid her gaze.
Anna took a small box out of her pocket, handed it to him, and said "Merry Christmas" before walking away.
She headed to her room and saw a Ronald sitting on her bed.
"Um...what are you doing in my room?" she asked with a laugh. He jumped up.
"H...hi, I was just waiting for you."
"Are you okay? You seem more skittish than usual."
"Well...I um...need your help," he said with a sigh, sitting back down. Anna joined him.
"Sure, what can I do?"
"There's this girl I, I really like her. I don't know what to do I guess," he rambled and she chuckled at how embarrassed and childish he sounded.
"Aw, who is it? Dude, I've been wondering since last year! Is it the same girl?"
"Yes, but I'm not telling. Well, not until you help me at least."
"Ugh, fine," Anna huffed. There was an awkward silence. "Well, tell me about her and I'll try to help."
"Okay...well she's beautiful. She has flaws, obviously, but they make her even better. And her's contagious." Ron turned redder and grinned. "Not only is she pretty, but she's so selfless and brave. People don't get it sometimes, they see her differently. But she's always there for them regardless. She never expects anything in return. She can fight too, nobody stands a chance against her. Wow, she's just...amazing," he finished.
"Oh. My. Gosh...that was so cute aw!" Anna gushed, making Ron laugh. She didn't even know... "Well, is she friends with you?"
"Just tell her. If she's your real friend, she won't judge you if she doesn't feel the same way. Now...tell me who!" she exclaimed, waiting eagerly.
"Okay, well, she's completely oblivious," he hinted and she still didn't get it, causing him to mentally facepalm. Ron sighed, why couldn't she just understand? It was useless to tell her at this point, she didn't care. "'s you."
Her eyes widened. "Ooohhhh....I see..." he looked at the ground, hoping she wouldn't hate him. "So all of those meant about me?" she asked quietly. Ron nodded, and Anna's heart melted. "You know...I really needed to hear that, after everything that's happened...thank you. But on a different note...what about Harry? You're his best friend, so doesn't that just make this not right?"
"Well, lately it seems like he doesn't know or care about right or wrong anyway," Ron said smoothly, moving closer to Anna. She knew it was wrong, but she didn't care. What did they have to lose? She leaned in and lightly kissed him.
"Merry Christmas," she whispered, smiling. He was at a loss for words, but hugged her, not being able to hold back a smile.
Meanwhile, Harry was in a different room. He looked at the box Anna gave him and wondered what was inside. He untied the ribbon and opened the lid, his eyes widened. It only contained a small, silver, heart shaped ring.
Regret washed over Harry, leaving him feeling more lonely than ever. She really was done.
Okay, so I hope the chapter wasn't too bad. After almost a year long hiatus and many people spamming me, I'm back. Sorry for randomly leaving, I just lost motivation and got very busy with life. I'm hoping to finish this story and update regularly.
I know I've definitely lost readers with such a long break, so I hope I can get those back. Votes and (especially!) comments really do help and make my day as well! Also, I might want to change my covers soon, so if anyone has free time or good cover skills, please let me know and send me a sample (inbox me for more details). Along with that, if you have any ideas, please inbox them to me! I've really lost track of what I wanted to do, so any and all ideas are welcome.
Hope you liked the chapter, and thank you for reading :)
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