Chapter 14
"What happened to her?!" Madame Pomfrey exclaimed as Ron set her on the hospital bed. He shook his head.
"I...I don't know... She was just screaming, like she was being attacked..." he tried to hide his fear, but it was obvious he was trembling.
"Well...I don't think I can fix her up if she's this bad... We might have to send her to St. Mungo's."
"But we need to hurry, she'll be okay if we act quickly. Carry her to Dumbledore."
"But Harry's already there-"
"Now!" She exclaimed and Ron quickly obeyed. He ran as fast as possible to the headmaster's office. His heart pounded, both from fear and having Anna pressed against him. Maybe after he saved him, she would fall in love with him? Like in the stories where the sidekick comes to be the best on the end. But no, this was no story (I snickered at this part, I don't know why), this was too real. He was holding a dying girl in his arms as he sprinted to an old man's office, someone who probably couldn't do anything. She would be dead before he could be with her.
He pushed the thoughts out of his head as entered Dumbledore's office. He was trying to console a furious Harry, but was failing. Harry's fists were balled up, but his expression softened when he saw Anna.
"Is she okay?! Why is she-"
"Does she look okay you bloody idiot?!"
"I don't know, that's why I'm asking you," he scowled. Ron clenched his jaw and turned to Dumbledore.
"Madame Pomfrey said Anna needed to be taken to St. Mungo's. There's nothing that could be done here..." Ron trailed off, his eyes watering. Dumbledore said nothing.
"She's dying you old coot! Why aren't you doing anything?!! If you have something against me, don't take it out on her! HELP HER!" Harry yelled, hot tears streaming down his face. Dumbledore didn't glare at him but instead took Anna out of Ron's arms and apparated away. It was just Harry and Ron, leaving an awkward silence.
"Do you think she'll make it?" Harry whispered, glancing up at the ginger. He shook his head.
"I don't know...why do you even care?"
"I and care about her..."
"It sure as hell doesn't seem like it," Ron said bitterly, giving Harry the coldest glare to ever exist.
"I know I screwed up, but it wasn't really me, it was-"
"Voldemort, yeah, like every time you screw up. I almost have pity for Voldemort because you've blamed him so many times. Why don't you just own up to it? And it's not just that you cheated on her, you also pushed her away all the time. You were so rude to her, and to everyone else... You didn't even bother to apologize..."
"She won't listen to me-"
"BS...All she's ever done is be nice and listen to you... She deserves so much better-"
"Of course you think that's you, right?" he snickered, rolling his eyes.
"Not necessarily...but this is about her... You're probably relieved she's near dead so your reputation doesn't get ruined even more from what you've done-"
"I hate to break up this little argument..." Snape said, coming into the room with a smirk, "but I believe I need to speak to Mr. Potter... Go to sleep Weasley," he said boredly, grabbing Harry's arm and pulling him out of the room. Before Ron had the chance to leave, his twin brothers ran in.
"We...we heard about dad...and...came as fast as possible..." they panted and he raised an eyebrow.
"McGonagall didn't tell you?"
"Ron...Dad got attacked by the same person who almsot killed Anna," the twins said and explained what they knew.
Anna woke up to bright whiteness. She blinked hard a few times as she took in her surroundings. Somehow, she ended up in a hospital room. And Luna was next to her for some reason... She gave her a dazed look.
"Luna?" she whispered, slurring her words. She was hooked up to something that looked similar to an IV, and her thoughts were cloudy. What happened?
"Oh, you're finally awake! You've been out for days, three to be exact. I was worried you were in a coma or something," she said with an adorable grin. Anna gave a lopsided smile, she was completely numb and couldn't feel anything, not even Luna's hand in hers.
"Am I on drugs?" Anna asked sloppily and Luna giggled.
"Just a mix of muggle medications and very strong potions. Do you feel any better?"
"I don't even know how I felt before...what happened?"
"Well...we don't really know...I think you were attacked through a dream?" Anna's eyes widened, it was all coming back to her. The vision. The snake. Harry... Oh, when she got off the meds and out of bed...well...things wouldn't turn out so well.
"Harry James Potter, when I get my hands on you I'm going to...I don't even know," she tried sounding threatening, but ended up sounding like an angry drunk. Luna stifled a laugh and gave a thoughtful look.
"What did he do?"
"He...oh, never mind... Sorry, these meds are getting to me. I honestly don't know half of what I'm saying," she said, faking embarrassment. Luna gave a skeptical look, but brushed it off.
"It's okay."
" offense, but why are you here?"
"Well, it's holiday and I don't really have many friends to be with...and my dad is kinda I decided to keep you company even though you weren't awake and didn't know I was here."
"Aw, well thatw as really sweet. Thank you Luna."
"No problem... Oh, and some of the others are here visiting Arthur right now. They came in earlier but you were still asleep, should I go tell them?" she asked and Anna hesitated. She couldn't face Harry...
"Um...I don't know..."
"Luna, how is.... Anna, you're awake..." Harry said with a nervous chuckle, and Anna narrowed her eyes.
"Yeah, I am... Surprised, aren't you?"
"Um..." he trailed off, not being able to make eye contact with her. Luna gave a small smile.
"I'll go, y ou two probably have some catching up to do," she said and left the room. Anna kept her cold gaze on Harry.
"I. Can't. Believe. You," now it was easier for her to form complete sentences without sounding like a complete drunk.
"Heh, what are you-"
"I KNOW IT WAS YOU! How could you do such a thing? Not to me, but to Arthur? I can't believe it..."
"But it-"
"Wasn't you? It's almost like it's never you. You've let Voldemort consume you! You could've fought him but didn't... YOU WERE TOO DAMN LAZY AND A COWARD!" she screamed, leaning closer to him since she couldn't stand up. Her head was pounding, and she felt like she was going to pass out, but she didn't care. All she wanted was to get her anger out.
"I'm sorry... This is my fault, but I didn't mean for this to happen, I would've never attack Arthur, or you. Definitely not you, I would never hurt you, I swear-"
"But you have's too late for apologies... You're damn lucky I'm not telling everyone about this... But don't give me another reason to."
"Now go out and get Ron, don't tell him this is your fault," she scowled and he opened his mouth to say something, but quickly refrained. He left the room, and for the minute or two of being alone, Anna surveyed her injuries. A completely torn up leg and arm, and bandages were wrapped around her stomach also. Wow, Harry had really maimed her...
There was the click of the door opening and she sat up a bit straighter.
"Ron..." she said with a smile. He returned it and hugged her.
"I'm so happy you're alive!"
"Ron...please let me go," she winced and he quickly stepped away.
"Sorry, I didn't know-"
"It's okay. So, how's holiday been so far?" She asked, trying to brighten the mood. He sighed.
"Well, it's sucked. Hermione won't stop talking about OWL's and Harry is...well..."
"Haha, yeah, I get what you're saying."
"Right. And it's just so depressing in the Black house. I can't wait until you are able to come. Christmas is tomorrow you know," he said with a smile, grabbing her now un-numb hand.
"What? Seriously?!" She exclaimed and Ron chuckled.
"Yeah, and I have something special for you."
"Aw, thanks!'s Arthur doing?" Anna asked worriedly, and Ron smiled.
"He's okay. He got out of here really quickly, only one bite from that snake... That's what he said at least. I still don't get the whole situation. He wants to thank you for saving him by the way."
"I'm sorry... I should've-"
"Why are you apologizing? He would be dead if it weren't for you. You're the one we're worried about."
"That's my point-"
"Your father won't get off Harry because of it. Honestly, I didn't think he could be so bloody terrifying when he's mad," Ron said with a shiver. "But Harry didn't really have much to do with it, right?" Anna avoided eye contact. "Anna, what's wrong? Are you not telling me something?"
"No, sorry, I just...zoned out I guess..."
"I didn't want to pressure you into talking about this, and you don't have to...But what even happened? You were hysterical the night it happened...but you weren't awake if that makes any sense."
"'s a long story...and I can't even remember it all because I'm on so many potions and medications-"
"It's okay, and at least you won't have to tell it more than once."
"What do you mean?"
"Of course when you go to the Black house, you'll have to tell the story," Ron said, but said softly with a wink, "and maybe exaggerate it a bit, they'll gush over you f you tell a dramatic story."
"Ha, maybe, but I have enough dramatic tales without purposely spicing it up," she chuckled.
They talked and joked for a while, and Anna was grateful no one had come
in to bombard her with questions. She appreciated Ron's company, but secretly wanted Luna's sweet voice and dreamt attitude to converse with her. Even though Ron may have been a bit obnoxious and too chatty, she liked his niceness and accidental good sense of humor. But they had to be cut off when a nurse came in.
"Oh sweetie, I'm so glad to see that you're awake. Here, take this potion... Would you like to go home tonight?" The sweet nurse asked, and Anna nodded eagerly.
"That would be great!"
"Okay, here's some crutches... Try not to move too much, get stressed, be rough, or laugh too much. Your wounds are still healing and it's best to be cautious."
"Too late on the last one," she chuckled and noticed blood seeping
through the bandages. The nurse sighed and shook her head.
"Weasley, I'm sure that Anna loves your company, but I have to get her moved out. Can you notify someone that she's going home?" She asked and Ron nodded.
"Sure, I'll see you in a bit," Ron grinned and she returned it.
Hey everyone! I'm really sorry about the long wait for an update. In all honesty, I was trying to get one out yesterday since it was my birthday and I want to give YOU all a gift. But
I unfortunately, didn't meet my goal and am very disappointed in myself. But oh well. At least I still got it done. I know this was an obvious I surprise, and I hope you'll like the other two. Thanks for reading! :)
Oh, and I forgot to ask you to read my new story called "Voldemort's Daughter". It doesn't have a cover and is currently only one chapter, but u hope you like it.
And I apologize for any mistakes :)
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