Chapter 3
Anna's POV
"AND IRELAND WINS!" the speakers blared when Viktor Krum caught the snitch.
"Yes! I told you they would win!" I said happily to Fred and George.
"Oh shut it," they grumbled. We went back to the tent and we just goofed around. Then, the scar on my neck starting hurting really bad. My throat closed up and I couldn't breathe. I collapsed to the floor, I could sense Voldemort or his followers near.
"Anna, what's wrong?!" Harry said worriedly and came to my side. I was able to fight the pain and talk.
"We need to leave, now," I choked out.
"Come on!" Arthur said as he looked out the opening of the tent. Harry helped me up and all of us ran. We got split up, I needed to find Harry.
"HARRY!" I yelled as loud as I could, hoping he could hear me. I ran around frantically trying to find him. Then, I saw him, a death eaters were behind him and about to curse him. I reached in my pocket for my wand, but it wasn't there. I held out my hand.
"EXPELLIARMUS!" I screamed and a huge blue light erupted from my hand and blasted them all back, knocking them unconscious. Harry turned around and ran over to me. We hugged eachother tight.
"We need to run," I said hoarsely, my throat sore from yelling.
"Was that you who cast the spell?"
"Come on," I said sternly, avoiding the question. I couldn't tell him about my special powers, not yet at least. (A/N Sorry to interrupt your reading. If you were wondering about her powers, they were sort of explained in the last book, but they will be better explained in a future chapter in this book. Okay, you can go back to reading now!) Harry grabbed my hand and we ran as fast as we could to the woods. A curse hit me in the back and I was paralyzed. I fell to the ground. A death eater came over to me. I didn't know if Harry was near me, or if he got caught in the crowd again.
"Back to Voldemort you go," the death eater said coldly, it was Lucius Malfoy. I couldn't move or speak.
"Stupefy!" I could hear Harry say behind me. A green light knocked Lucius back and I could feel the curse lift.
"Thanks," I said sheepishly. We finally made it to the woods this time.
"Anna! Harry! Over here," Hermione said and we went towards her and everyone else. I looked up at the sky and saw a bright white light. It formed into a skull with a snake protruding from its mouth. The dark mark.
"Oh no," I said in shock.
"Is that Voldemort's sign?"
"Anna, what I think you said was true, Voldemort is going to comeback soon," Harry whispered. I already thought that, but him clarifying it just made it worse. My heart dropped to my stomach, and I could feel the fear overcoming me.
"I'll go through first," I said. I gripped my cart and ran as fast as I could through the barrier. When I came to the other side, I saw all of the kids, their parents, and the glistening red Hogwarts Express. I could feel a smile spread across my face, I was so happy I was going back to Hogwarts.
"Are you ready to get on the train?" Harry asked behind me, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah," I said and we got on the train. We found a compartment and sat down. I stared out the window and thought about Voldemort and how he was probably coming back soon.
"Are you okay Anna?" Hermione asked. I turned and faced Ron and. Hermione across from me.
"I need to tell you something," I said. I told Hermione and Ron about how my scar on my neck kept hurting and how I kept having those dreams about being in a graveyard with Voldemort coming back.
"Why didn't you tell us earlier?"
"I don't know..."
"Did you write to Sirius?"
"Yes, and he said that I was probably right, Voldemort is coming back," I said depressed.
"Did you know about this Harry?"
"Yeah, and my scar was hurting too over the summer, but I didn't have those dreams," Harry said. I felt fidgety because of the silence, and decided to leave for a bit.
"I'll be back," I said and went to the bathroom. I walked out and saw Harry at the candy trolley. Then, this Asian girl came us to the trolley and started talking. I hid behind a wall and watched. I recognized the girl, I think her name was Cho Chang. When I was kidnapped, I was not only physically tortured, but I was also mentally and emotionally tortured. They would show me terrible things, one of them involved Cho. They showed an image Harry telling Cho about how much he hated me and how worthless I was, and then them kissing. It killed me, but I chose to try and forget about it instead of asking Harry even though it bothered me.
"Hi Harry," she said, trying to flirt. She flipped her hair over her shoulder, smiled, and made herself blush. I already hated her. She seemed like one of those stupid boy crazy girls that wears skirts hiked up so freaking high that if she bent over, you could see things you wouldn't want to see.
"Um h...hey Cho," Harry stuttered as if he were in a trance. I could feel my jaw tighten and my hand clench.
"How was your summer?"
"It was f...fine."
"That's cool, well, I have to get back to my compartment, see you at school," she said and giggled stupidly. I couldn't believe it, Harry liked her? A stupid little slutty lovesick puppy over me? I saved his ass and went through all of that torture, and he fell in love with another girl while I was being tortured? I stormed over to him, not even knowing what I was going to say.
Hey readers! I hope you liked that chapter. What do you think is going to happen in the next chapter? Tell me in the comments! Oh, and guess what? IM UN-GROUNDED! YAY! Now I can update more often! And other thing, have you heard that JK ROWLING IS POSTING A SHORT STORY ABOUT DRACO FREAKING MALFOY ON POTTERMORE?!?! I started crying and ocean of happy tears when I found this out mad I started screaming like any rabid fan girl would. I'm so happy right now! So anyways, remember to VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW, AND KEEP READING!
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