Chapter 27
Harry's POV
I looked in the water, waiting for Anna to surface. I instantly regretted listening to her, but I knew that she would be mad if I had stayed. And it was almost impossible to swim towards her after she shot that repelling spell at me... Then suddenly, a large area of water turned crimson red, rith what I assumed was blood. Oh no. I was about to jump in, but a bunch of people held me back.
"Harry, you can't go-"
"ANNA COULD BE DEAD!" I cut Hermione off. I struggled, but couldn't break out of their grips. Then a body surfaced, and I knew it was Anna. People pulled her onto the pier. When everyone saw her, they gasped. She had many deep gashes on her sides, arms, and a huge one on her left leg that was bleeding heavily. She wasn't breathing, and I understood why. She must have been strangled to death. She had cuts, and red and blue bruises on her delicate neck. I could feel my heart starting to pound in my ears, and I felt nauseous. She couldn't be dead... I kneeled down next to her, and held her limp body close to me.
"Anna, please, you can't be dead," I choked out, holding back sobs. I tried to find a pulse by grabbing her wrist, but felt nothing. People were saying things, but I didn't hear them. I couldn't believe she was dead, and it was my fault. I didn't realize what was going on around me, until people tried pulling Anna away from me, but I held her tight, and would refuse to let her go.
"Harry, we need to take her to the hospital wing," Dumbledore said calmly.
"But, s...shes dead," I sobbed, holding her even tighter.
"You don't know that-"
"She doesn't have a pulse, she's not breathing, and she obviously doesn't look alive!"
"She might be, we might be able to give her special potions, or be able to find better ways to tell if she's alive. But she needs to go to the hospital wing, you can carry her there," Madame Pomfrey said, trying to not freak out. I got up, and held her tight as I could as I walked to the hospital wing. When we got there, I gently set her down on a bed, and sat in the chair next to it.
"Mr. Potter, you need to leave."
"No, I can't, I'm staying-"
"Please, I assure you, she's in good hands," Madame Pomfrey said, giving a warm smile. I sighed and left, hoping I would get to see her again.
"Potter, I need to talk to you," Professor Moody said, coming over to me. I followed him to his classroom.
"What did you want to talk about?"
"Black, don't trust her."
"Anna? Why?"
"Because, she's not good, she's working with Voldemort, and other deatheaters."
"She would never-"
"You're blinded Anyway, she's tricking you."
"Why would you think that?"
"Have you ever thought Rita Skeeter was right?" he asked, giving me a cold look. I remembered the many times Rita had put in the paper that Anna was working with Voldemort. Maybe she was right? No, it couldn't be true... Anna would never betray me...
"I know Anna-"
"And I know dark witches and wizards, and how they think. I've known since the first day that she's evil."
"But she's not-"
"STOP BEING BLINDED BY LOVE YOU BLOODY IDIOT!" he yelled, making me jump. He seemed like he was telling the truth, but part of me was saying to believe Anna.
"She's the most powerful sorcress in the whole world, and probably even the most powerful in history. You don't know what she's capable of."
"I know that she's powerful, and I also know that she would never betray me, no matter what," I said coldly, and turned to leave. I opened the door, but with a flick of Moody's wand, it slammed shut.
"Sit, and let me explain. You're not leaving until you believe me."
"Okay, fine, whatever..."
"Anna has been putting up an act for a long time, she's pretended to love you, to be friends with those Gryffindors. She was orginally sorted in Slytherin for a reason you know. She's evil. Last year, when she was supposedly "kidnapped", she was actually making plans with Voldemort. In second year, she let Voldemort posses her, she was a host for him so he could grow stronger. Voldemort will be back, and it will be because of her. Unless she's stopped, or monitered closely," he said, but I just felt like he wasn't telling the truth... But I went along with it anyways.
"Well, why is she a problem if she might be dead?" I said coldly, hiding any emotion from my voice.
"She might not be."
"Okay, I believe you. I'm going to keep a close eye on that traitor," I snarled, and his mouth twitched, and if trying to hold back an evil grin. I went out the door, and slammed it shut behind me. I made my way to the common room.
"Harry, I have some good news," a calm voice said behind me. I turned, and saw it was Dumbledore.
"Is Anna okay?! Can I see her?!" I said excitedly, and he chuckled.
"She's alive. Well...barely. But she will most likely be okay. She's open for visitors."
"Thank you so much. I'm going to see her-"
"Ah, young love, how beautiful."
"Um...we aren't together..."
"I know, but you should be. She's single you know," Dumbledore said, and winked. I could feel a blush paint its way across my face. I tried to make it go away, but failed. I just forced a smile, and walked to the hospital wing. I saw her, and ran over to her. She looked better, since she wasn't covered in as much blood. Her neck was more bruised though, and I realized how badly she was strangled. I was surprised her neck wasn't broken... I held her hand.
"Anna, I love you so much, I'm so sorry, I should've gone back and helped you. I should have never listened to you..." I said, holding back tears. I just couldn't even describe my love for her. She was perfect, she was everything to me. The one time I have to do something for her, I screw up. No wonder why she broke up with me... I'm surprised she didn't do it sooner...
"Harry, is she okay?!" Ron asked, coming over. I sighed, and straightened up.
"Yes, she's going to be okay, she's alive..."
"How did she even-"
"There were about a dozen mermaids, and...forget it..." I trailed off, not wanting to admit that I hadn't saved her.
"She got attacked by mermaids."
"And they did this to her?"
"Why does everything happen to her?"
"I don't know, she's pretty accident-prone," I said, and we chuckled. I could feel the awkward tension between us. It's been there since Cedric had kissed Cho. We both wanted Anna, and we knew it. We also know how hard it would be to get Anna without ruining the friendship.
"Harry...I just wanted to say... If you and Anna get together, which you probably will, I'll try to not let it bother me. We both love Anna, and she's going to choose one of us..."
"I get what you're saying... Why do you think she would choose me? I'm pathetic..."
"No, I'm pathetic... She most likely is going to choose you. And I'll be happy for you mate," he said, giving me a warm smile. I could feel the tension fade away.
"Ron, you're not pathetic... Maybe...actually, nevermind."
"I was going to say that maybe we should just not try to win Anna over, maybe we should just act like friends to her."
"You're right... She wouldn't want us fighting, and that's what would happen if it turned into a competition..."
"So it's agreed, none of interfere with her choice of whoever she wants to be with?"
"Agreed," I said, and we both smiled. But I knew the relief that our friendship wouldn't last for long. Anna would choose one of us, and I knew it would cause a problem with our friendship. We both knew we truly loved Anna, and would do anything to have her...
Hello readers! I'm sorry if that chapter was weird or whatever, but I promise, the next chapter know what, I'm not giving any hints whatsoever to what will happen... I'm SO excited to write the next chapter, and I know you'll love reading it. So yeah, that's about it... I would love it if you could comment with any thoughts, opinions, and/or suggestions. It would also be great if you could also vote, follow me (I follow EVERYONE back, I promise), and just keep reading my stories! XD
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