Chapter 24
Anna's POV
"Is it okay that I'm really nervous right now?" I asked Hermione, Reeve, Gaby, and Evie as we were getting ready for the ball.
"Yes, but why are you nervous?"
"Remember? I have to dance in front of the whole school? And I have to look amazing too!"
"Oh, right..." Evie said.
"I'm so bad at dancing, how am I supposed to do this?"
"No you aren't."
"Yes I am."
"Fine, prove it," Reeve said, smirking. I gave her a questioning look, then, she pulled me to the middle of the room, and started dancing with me. Everyone started laughing.
"See, I'm terrible!" I said, between laughs.
"No, really, you aren't, and we need to hurry up, we are going to be late," Hermione said. I smiled and nodded. I walked to the mirror to check myself out. And I looked...beautiful... I couldn't believe it was me. My long hair was in loose curls, my eyes were enhanced by mascara, pinkish-silver eyeliner and perfect black eyeliner with long wings, which all tied together my long pink pastel gown and white pumps. I mean, I usually wear makeup, and sometimes my hair is curled, but I've never really felt pretty, let alone gorgeous. But tonight, I did, and it felt great. I turned to face them, and they all looked beautiful too.
"Okay, let's go," I said, smiling and we went to the top of the stairs that led to the doors of the Great Hall. I made sure to be last in line to go. Gaby went first, then Reeve, then Hermione. It was my turn next. I took a deep breath, and walked down the stairs as gracefully as I could, and blushed when I heard all of the gasps.
Harry's POV
"Do you know where Anna is?" I asked Reeve. She grabbed my shoulders, and spun me around. Anna was walking down the steps. She looked...well, words couldn't even describe how beautiful she was... I mean, she always is beautiful, but she looked better than ever.
"Hey!" Anna said cheerfully as she came over. I could see Cho's jaw clench, I forgot she was standing next to me...
"Um...hi Anna..." I stuttered stupidly, still awed by her beauty.
"What do you want?" Cho growled, glaring daggers at Anna.
"I just wanted to say that you both look great-"
"Yeah, well you can just go shove off," Cho said. Anna still kept a smile on her face, but I could tell she was really irritated.
"Um...okay then, I'll see you later I guess?" I said, and walked off.
"Why were you so rude to her?" I asked Cho.
"Why were you staring at her like that?"
"What are you talking about?"
"You know, how you were drooling over her!"
"I just thought she looked pretty?"
"Yeah, I guess it's an improvement," she said, smirking. Ugh, I hate Cho, why did I even listen to Reeve? Before I could say something really unpleasant back, McGonagall came through the doors.
"They're ready!" She said, excitedly, and we got in order from oldest to youngest. So Fluer and her date were first, then Viktor and Hermione, and Cedric and Anna were in front of me and Cho. I still couldn't take my eyes off Anna. She turned her head and smirked when she caught me staring at her. I could feel my face turn red from embarrassment. Cho elbowed me really hard in the side, making it throb from pain. Then, before I knew it, we were ushered into the Great Hall. Cho and I didn't receive nearly as many gasps as Cedric and Anna. I have to admit...I was as jealous as hell. What I wanted was, especially right now, to be with Anna again. Well, I guess I did have my chance... I wish I haden't messed it up...
"Harry, take my waist," Cho hissed as the music started. I did as she said, and started dancing with her. Before we knew it, everyone else started joining in, so everyone wasn't watching me make a fool of myself any longer.
"Sorry I'm such a terrible dancer..." I said awkwardly as we stopped. Cho giggled stupidly and batted her eyelashes.
"It's okay, your cuteness makes up for it," she said in a high-picthed flirting voice. Wow this is awkward...
"Um...thanks I guess..." I trailed off, and she just kept talking. I tried to act like I cared, and couldn't wait for the night to end.
Anna's POV
"Anna, I just want to say that you're beautiful. I mean, you're always beautiful, but especially tonight. And I'm probably the luckiest guy in the world to have you," Cedric said, smiling. I could feel a blush paint its way across my face.
"Thanks, even though you've said that I'm beautiful at least twenty times tonight."
"But it gets more true evey time."
"You're so cheesy, but I love it," I said, giving him a kiss.
"Love you too. I'm going to go get some drinks, I'll be right back," he said and left. I looked around, and saw Harry. I went over to him.
"Hey Harry," I said cheerfully.
"Hi Anna."
"Where's Cho?"
"She went to get some drinks."
"So did Cedric. Wait, is that Ron over there?" I asked, looking at this kid in really...well lets just say they were very...unappealing dress robes.
"Yeah, you want to go talk to him?"
"Sure," I said, and we walked over to him and Evie, who were stitting on one of the couches, ignoring eachother.
"Hey Ron," Harry said, and I stifled a laugh as he turned red with embarrassment.
"Nice dress robes," I said, and when he glared at me, I couldn't hold back my laughs anymore. I burst out laughing.
"Oh shut it," he growled, and I finally stopped laughing.
"So, have you two danced yet?"
"No! On the topic Ron, why won't you man up, and ask to dance with me?!" Evie exclaimed, obviously frustrated.
"Fine, Emma-"
"My name is Evie! How hard is that to remember?!"
"Okay, Evie, would you like to dance with me?"
"It's about time," she muttered and went to dance with Ron.
"They sure get along well..."
"I thought they would, honestly. Evie told me that he likes him, so I just thought they would be good together I guess..."
"Well, Ron actually has a crush on someone else-"
"Okay, who is this person that Ron likes and nobody will tell me?"
"No one, just forget I said anything."
"Fine... We should go look for our dates," I said, and we went towards the table with drinks on it. Cho and Cedric were nowhere to be seen. I looked around, saw a tall figure that looked like Cedric. I walked over, and my jaw dropped. It was Cedric...and he was snogging Cho...
Hello readers! Were you expecting that to happen? And what do you think will happen next? Tell me in the comments. Also, please vote, comment about other things (your opinion, what you want to happen, ect.), follow, and keep reading. I promise the next update will be coming soon! :)
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