Chapter 15
Anna's POV
"Wait, where are we going and why?" I asked Hermione. She was leading me somewhere and had her hands over my eyes.
"Just wait, its a surprise. And we're almost there."
"But I really need to be somewhere!"
"At the Black Lake."
"Who are you meeting?"
"Wait, are you two back together?"
"Then why-"
"Reasons... Are we there yet?" I asked, trying to change the topic.
"Balderdash. And yes," she said as we walked into what I was guessing was the Gryffindor common room since I couldn't see. Then, she uncovered my eyes. I saw that I was in the Gryffindor Common room, along with the whole Gryffindor house. Some of them had their faces painted, some had signs, and everyone was smiling. And it looked like there was a party. I heard the portrait swing open and Neville came in with Harry. Me and Harry looked at eachother, confused.
"What's going on?" Harry and I asked in unison.
"Well, since you two got the highest scores for the First Task, we decided to have a party," Fred said, and everyone muttered in agreement.
"Wait, we got the higest scores?" I asked in shock. I never did know who won because I stormed off before I heard the scores. And I wasn't sure if the teacher's accusations affected my score...
"Yeah. You got first, and Harry got second," George said. I smiled, surprised I actually won.
"Speaking of the tournament, how did know, win?" Neville questioned, probably wondering about how the dragon brought me the egg. I hesitated, not wanting to say what I actually did.
"Let's just say the dragon liked me..."
"Wait, have you two opened your eggs yet?" Hermione saved us.
"Well, let's see whats inside!"
"Okay," Harry and I said.
"Three!" I said and we opened the eggs, and there was this ear-splitting screeching sound. Everyone covered their ears as me and Harry forced our eggs shut.
"Bloody hell! What was that?" someone asked. The crowd moved aside to reveal Ron. There was an awkward silence.
"Um...we'll just...leave you three..." Fred said awkwardly, and everyone went and did their own thing.
"I just want to apologize-"
"Have you finally stopped being such a thick-headed git?" Harry spat. I elbowed him and glared.
"Yes, I know you two didn't put your names in. I'm sorry I was such an idiot. Do you forgive me?" Ron asked. Harry and I exchanged glances and we silently agreed to forgive him.
"Of course," we said st the same time.
"You two are starting to sound like Fred and George."
"What do you mean?"
"You say the exact same thing, and sometimes you even finish eachother's sentences..." Ron trailed off awkwardly. Wow, I didn't even notice...
"Well, I guess great minds think alike," I said, smiling. I was happy that Ron was our friend. I honestly did miss him...
"So...this is an awkward question, but are you two back together?"
"I've been gone for a while, and haven't really been updated with what was going on... And it just seems like it..."
"We're friends?"
"I almost forgot to ask what you were going to tell me earlier before Draco came," I said. He was just silent, and nervously glaced at Harry as if he was afraid that Harry would get mad at what he was going to say.
"I'll tell you later..."
"No, tell me now. Please?"
"Yeah, Ron. Why can't you tell her now?" Harry asked, ticked off as if he knew what Ron was going to say.
"It's...never mind..."
"Just tell me."
"Fine..." I muttered. Harry was still glaring at Ron. "Okay, what is with you two?" I asked.
"Nothing. Can I talk to Ron a second?"
"Yeah, see you later!" I said and walked off.
Harry's POV
"I'm going to ask you one time, and one time only. Do you like Anna?" I growled. Ron's eyes were full of fear, pretty much giving away the answer.
"Yes... But-"
"And you were going to tell her?!"
"She's going out with Cedric! How could you do that to her?!"
"Wait, she's still going out with him?"
"I don't even know anymore. But she's happy, and I don't want anyone to ruin that for her. And I don't think she's been truly happy for a long time..."
"But, she seems happy."
"She puts up this act so nobody will know what she's acually feeling."
"Oh, so that's what she meant earlier..."
"What?" I asked and he explained to me when she broke down after the tournament.
"I've never seen her like that before..." he trailed off sadly.
"Me niether. Well, she was sort of like that when she broke up with me last year... But still..."
"I just want her happy."
"Me too. I wish she didn't have it as hard-"
"What about you mate?"
"Ron, think about it. She was possesed all of second year. Last year she was kidnapped. And Voldemort has been sending her more freaky dreams than me. And I've had to fight Voldemort once, well, twice, but the first time she mostly helped. She's had it a lot harder than me."
"I guess you're right..."
"And the problem is that she's so independent and won't let anyone help her."
"Since when did you know about girls?"
"I don't even know... I've known Anna almost my whole life, and I guess that's how I know her so well," I said. He nodded, but I know he was holding something back. "What?"
"Well, I have a confession... I guess I've always felt a little...jealous..."
"Of who?"
"Of you!"
"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you've been with Anna for so long. Or maybe because I know I'll never have a chance with her unlike you? Or maybe because you're famous?"
"Harry, can I talk to you for a second?" Reeve said, coming over.
"Um, yeah, sure," I said and we went to the side.
"I just want to congragulate you on getting second place for the first task."
"And, I also want to help you."
"With what?"
"With getting Anna back."
"Look, Anna is with Cedric-"
"I know. But even though I don't know you two that well, I just know that you two are meant to be," she said. I sighed, well, maybe her idea might work. Why not try it?
"Okay, what's your plan?"
Anna's POV
Everyone was telling me congrats, and I have to admit, I did like the attention somewhat. I mean, I hated being in the tournament, but since I can't get out of it, why not try to win? I went to go get some butterbeer, and George came over to me.
"Hey George!"
"Hey Anna. Congrats on getting first place!"
"Um, can I ask you something?"
"Sure," I said. He looked around, as if making sure nobody was listening.
"Well, there's this girl..."
"And you want advice?"
"Well, who's the lucky girl?"
"Her name is Ashlee. She's over there," George said, pointing to this pretty girl that was skinny, average height, and had long brown hair, and striking blue eyes. I smiled.
" have a crush?! Aw, that's so adorable!" I said in a singsong voice. He rolled his eyes.
"Oh shut it."
"Well fine. I just won't help you..."
"No, I'm sorry. Please help?"
"Okay. Are you friends with her?"
"I suggest you become her friends first, and figure out if you really want to be with her. Then, you should try and subtly ask her out. You don't want to be too straightfoward," I suggested. He nodded.
"Well, go talk to her!" I said, pushing him foward.
"Wait, what?! Anna, where are you going?" he asked, mortified as I walked toward Ashlee.
"Hey, are you Ashlee?" I asked her.
"Yes, I am. And I want to congragulate you on getting first place!"
"Thanks. Have you met my friend George?" I asked and George waved.
"No, I've heard of him though. And his brother too. They're the best pranksters!"
"Do you like pranking?"
"YES! Sorry, I get excited when I talk about pranking..." she said sheepishly. I chuckled. I motioned for him to come over.
"It's fine. Oh, here he is. George, meet Ashlee," I said and winked at him.
"H...hey Ashlee."
"Hi George."
"Well, I'll leave you two lovebirds alone..."
"Anna!" George hissed. I smiled.
"Bye!" I said and went to find Harry, dreading when I would have to tell him about my powers...
Hey readers! I want to introduce our new character... ASHLEE BRADLY (picture is to the side)!!! YAY!!! Thanks rawr101800 for this awesome character! I promise we will see more of her later. And I'm sorry this chapter wasn't that good, its more of a filler... But it will get better, I promise. Remember to vote, comment, follow, and keep reading!
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