Chapter 11
Anna's POV
I walked to the Forbidden Forest. I needed to see the dragons again before the first challange, which was was in two days. I wished it wasn't so dark, I could barely see a thing. But at least the darkness concealed me for the most part. I heard a twig snap behind me and I spun around. I saw nothing there, but I knew a person or animal had to be somewhere near. I had the feeling I was being watched by someone. I held out my hand and a flame flickered to life, acting as a light.
"Is anyone there? You can come out, I won't hurt you," I said softly. A girl about my age slowly came out from behind a tree. She had very pale skin (almost like a ghost), jet black hair, and crystal blue eyes. Her contrasting facial features made her very pretty.
"Who are you?" she asked quickly. I tried walking closer to her, but she quickly backed up.
"I'm Anna Black, I'm safe, I promise I won't hurt you. Who are you?"
"I...I'm Reeve Waters..."
"Why are you out here?" I asked. She started telling me all about how her mother was killed by Wormtail and she doesn't know who her father is. And about how she had run away so she wouldn't be killed by Wormtail too. After she was done, I just gave her a big hug, and she sobbed into my shoulder.
" mother w...was the o...only one there for," she choked out. I felt so bad, I couldn't imagine losing my father...
"Reeve, it's going to be okay, you have me now. Okay?"
"And you're going to love it at Hogwarts. Let's go see the headmaster, his name is Dumbledore. Come on, lets go inside," I said and she nodded. We walked to the castle and to Dumbledore's office.
"What's the password?" the gargoyle in front of the staircase asked.
"Sherbert Lemon." I said and it moved aside. I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. Dumbledore opened it.
"Hello Miss Black, how may I help you?"
"I think we have a new student," I said, moving aside to reveal Reeve.
"Who's this?" he asked. I nudged Reeve so she would answer.
"I'm Reeve. Reeve Waters," she said formally. Dumbledore nodded and beckoned us to his office. He grabbed the sorting hat off his desk.
"You will be sorted into one of the four houses here at Hogwarts. Gryffindor for the brave, Hufflepuff for the loyal and hard working, Ravenclaw for the smart, and Slytherin for the cunning," he explained. He motioned for Reeve to sit on the stool and she did. The hat was placed on her head.
"Ahh, Miss Waters, I've been waiting for you. I don't even have to think twice about which house you would be in. You're very bright, one of the smartest witches of your age. You could even give Miss Black and Miss Granger a run for their money. You must be sorted into...RAVENCLAW!" the hat bellowed. Reeve smiled and hopped off the stool.
"Good job!" I said, although I wished she would have been in Gryffindor.
"Well, I suggest you go to bed Miss Black, it's very late. And I need to talk to Miss Waters," Dumbledore said.
"I'll see you tomorrow Reeve," I said and smiled.
"Okay, goodnight," she said and I left. I looked at the clock and saw it was about four in the morning. I looked out a window and saw the sun peeking through the trees. I decided to head back to the common room, I could probably go to see the dragons tomorrow.
It was the next morning. I got ready and headed to the Great Hall for breakfast. I saw Reeve standing outside the doors of the Great Hall.
"Hey Reeve, did you sleep well?"
"Yes, can I sit with you?"
"Yeah, but only for a day or two before you have to go to your house's table."
"Okay, thanks," she said and we went to the Gryffindor table. Since we were early, there was barely anyone there. I saw Harry come in. I waved for him to come over.
"Hey Harry! I wanted to introduce you to Reeve, she's new," I said, motioning to Reeve. She smiled shyly and gave a small wave.
"Hi Reeve. Is it your first day?"
"And she's in Ravenclaw, but she's sitting here for a day or two, until she gets settled."
"Okay, cool."
"Can I ask a question?"
"Sure Reeve."
"Are you two dating?" she asked. Wow, this is awkward...
" We're just friends... Why do you ask?"
"I don't know, it just seems like you are. I think you two should go out. Just saying..." she said. Me and Harry looked at eachother, waiting for one of us to speak. Of course, me being as talkative as I am, I stepped up to speak.
"Well, we did, but it didn't really work out., um...spoons?" I said awkwardly, and there was just a long silence between us, and awkward stares.
"We should get to class," Harry said, breaking the silence.
"Okay, let's go," I said, and we walked to class. The whole rest of the day, I kept trying to ignore the annoying voice in the back of my head telling me that I still liked Harry, but failed miserably.
Hey readers, I hope you liked that chapter! I promise, it will get more interesting in the next few chapters. Oh, I almost forgot to introduce our new character...REEVE WATERS!!!(Her picture is attatched). Yay! I want to thank my favorite Wattpader, HarryPotterFanGirl14 for creating this awesome character, we will see more of her later, I promise ;). Anyways, remember to vote, comment, follow, and keep reading!
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