Chapter 9
Anna's POV
I was walking down to the quidditch pitch for our first practice. I hadn't talked to anyone in a while, I didn't know what was wrong with me. one minute I would be fine and the next I was really angry. I looked in the distance and saw the Slytherin team arguing with my team.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"We had the field booked, we even have a signed note from Professor Snape," Marcus Flint said.
"We were told by McGonagall that we had the field,"
"Do you have a signed note,"
"HEY!" I yelled, getting their attention. I could feel my eyes glow red and anger come across my face. Then, I was fine again. This has been happening a lot lately, it would take a while to explain what's wrong with me.
"We had the field booked, wait, why do you all have new brooms?" I asked.
"It was a gift from Lucius Malfoy," one of the slytherins said.
"Well, some people get on the team because of pure talent," Hermione said, walking over with Ron.
"Shut it you filthy mudblood," Draco growled. I could feel myself get angry again, but Ron stepped foward before I could.
"Eat slugs!" he yelled and pointed his wand, but it backfired because his wand was broken and he was blasted backwards.
"Ha, you can't even afford to get a wand that actually works," Malfoy said, tainting him. But Ron was too busy puking up slugs. I was about going to kill him, but Harry held me back.
"He's not worth it," Harry whispered in my ear. I went back to normal again and ran over to Ron.
"Lets get to Hagrid's," Hermione said and we helped Ron get over there because he was about to pass out.
Harry's POV
I saw Anna walking to the quidditch ptch for our quidditch game aginst Slytherin. I ran towards her and stopped her.
"Anna, I need to talk to you," I said. she turned around, her eyes glowing red, anger painted across her face..
"No, I really need to talk to you," I said, grabbing her hand. It was almost like she snapped out of a trance. Her eyes turned chocolate brown again, and she didn't look angry anymore.
"Did you say something?" she asked. What was wrong with her?
"Anna, you've been acting...different lately. Just please tell me what's wrong, you can trust me," I said soflty.
"I...I'm fine," she stuttered.
"I'm fine, I promise," she interupted, faking a smile.
"I know you're not, please tell me," I pleaded.
"Listen, I can't tell you, but I'm fine, I promise," she said. I dropped the topic because I knew that she would get mad if I pressed it any farther. I was just worried about her, it was almost like she was possesed sometimes. We walked into the quidditch tent and got ready.
Anna's POV
I threw the quaffle to Angelina and she scored. We were winning. Then, a bludger zoomed towards me and I ducked. It came towards me again, and I flew, trying to get away from it, but it wouldn't stop chasing me. I looked over and Harry, who was having the same problem. I had an idea, I turned around and shot fire out of my hand at the bludger. It exploded and everyone gasped. They didn't see what I did with the fire. I tried to look for Harry, he was on the other side of the field and caught the snitch. But, just as I was going to blast the bludger, it hit his broom, causing him to fall off. Dumbledore got his wand out and blasted the bludger. I ran over to Harry.
"Harry, are you okay?" I asked, kneeling next to him.
"We won the game, so I'm happy," he said and I just chuckled, he moved his arm and winced. It was bent at an odd angle.
"I think your arm is broken, Madam Pomfrey can-"
"No, no, I can get it," Lockhart interrupted.
"Lord help us," I muttered and Harry laughed.
"Brackearm Emendo" he said and it was as if Harry's arm had turned to rubber.
"How can you mess up magic that badly?" I asked, and the kids who didn't like Lockhart (mostly the guys) and even some professors tried to stifle a laugh.
"Um... maybe you were right, he should have gone to Madam Pomfrey," he said sheepishly.
"You think?" I asked and rolled my eyes.
Hi readers! I know, not the best chapter, its a filler. I know I say this a lot, but I really don't care for The Chamber Of Secrets so I will try to finish this book quickly so I can move onto the more interesting books.Trust me, you will like the other ones better than this one. So, what do you think is wrong with Anna? Will she ever tell Harry about her father? Will she reveal what's wrong with her? Tell me your guesses in the comments!
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