7: The Sorting
e d i t e d
Harry and Ron sat in shock as Anna swam to the castle, beating the very slow-moving boats. The distance from the castle wasn't too far, and the ride was really for the aesthetic appeal, but Harry still was worried for her. How was she going to dry off? What if she got hypothermia? Would the others make fun of her?
"Anna's...kind of crazy, huh?" asked Ron from beside him, face scrunched in confusion.
Harry gave a weak chuckle. "Definitely...I don't think the candy helped."
A few minutes passed and they arrived to the shore. Anna was standing, shivering but forcing a smile as her two new friends came to greet her. "A-at least I beat you guys!"
"Bloody hell, you're drenched!"
"Wow, really? I had no idea, thanks!" she said, sarcasm dripping from her tone.
Hermione came over, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. "Now, how could you be so stupid to do such a thing? That water must be freezing...oh, no matter, I'll help...arificus!"
A small whirlwind formed around Anna. Warmth smothered her in a comforting way and she couldn't help but smile. She wasn't the only one, though, because the boys were giggling as Hermione tried to hold back. "What?"
The girl's formerly neat school clothes were wrinkled and out of order while her hair was one big tangled, frizzy mess, almost matching the absurdity of Hermione's.
Harry stepped forward and flipped her collar down. He attempted to sort out her hair, but Ron snorted from holding back laughter and he sheepishly stepped back. "I erm...you look fine, right Ron?"
"You look like a bloody mess!" He burst into fits of laughter but took a deep breath. "Um...you'll be fine! Looking messy is a new trend?"
Anna dramatically flipped her tangled hair and did a twirl before walking to the castle with the rest of the group. The others followed suit. Nervous chatter turned into gasps as the aspiring witches and wizards entered the castle that would soon become their home.
The castle was magnificent from the outside, but inside was a whole new world...the ceilings felt higher than the sky. The walls were made of stone, but every chunk has its own makings, its own personality. The stone-flagged floor felt magical beneath their feet. There were no muggle means of lighting, only candles and lanterns which made the halls glow with yellow warmth.
"Wow...better than Fred and George explained," gaped Ron, his blue eyes now saucers. "They said the whole place was a big dungeon...monsters everywhere...said one of them was named McGonagall-"
"Yes, Weasley, that's me," mumbled a woman in emerald-green robes, her flitting gaze harsh on the young boy. She went to the front of the group, standing tall and stoic. It was obvious she was not a woman to cross. "Hello students. I am Professor McGonagall. I am the Deputy Headmistress, Head of Gryffindor House, and I teach Transfiguration."
"Bloody hell, I can't believe my first impression was calling her a monster," whispered Ron, putting his head in his hands.
The woman's eyes narrowed, but as she was about to speak again, there was a croak and a voice called out, "Trevor!"
A toad sat before her and Neville ran, scooping him up. One look from the stern woman made him whimper and scramble to the back of the group yet again.
"Right, as I was saying...soon you will be sorted into your house. This will become your community for the next seven years. You will be sorted by both your personality and core values. The housed will compete for the house cup, awarded at the end of the year. Triumphs will earn you points while bad behavior will result in loss of points. Now, I have to speak with the headmaster quickly...wait right here."
McGonagall left the hall, and as the tall oak doors shut behind her, Draco Malfoy took the opportunity to make his appearance. He sauntered up to Anna, Harry and Ron, his smirk so prevalent it looked as if that was his only personality trait.
"So...are the rumours true? Are you Harry Potter?" he asked loudly so everyone turned their attention to him. Harry gave a nod. "Well, my name is Malfoy...Draco Malfoy. This is Crabbe and Goyle."
Ron snorted as he looked at the two boys that resembled mentally-challenged walruses. Draco's cold grey eyes snapped to him, his smirk never fading "Think my name and friends are funny, don't you? I don't need to ask who you are...red hair, freckles, and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley!"
As ginger was about to tell him off, Draco turned to the famous girl, whose irises were tinted red with anger. "And you, Anna, you've already met me. Have you thought about my offer from the train? You know, you and Harry are quite special...you'll come to learn that some magical families are better than others...I could help you."
Harry grit his teeth, staring down the blonde boy. He didn't know if he was angry that Draco had insulted Ron or that he was taunting Anna. "Hey Malfoy...I think we can find the right sort ourselves."
Draco glared at the raven-haired boy, and just as he was about a spew an insult, McGonagall made an entrance. "They're ready for you...follow me."
Harry lightly grabbed Anna's arm and pulled her by his side. They both felt the heat rise to their faces, but were grateful to be closer to each other than the pureblooded jerk.
The older students spoke in hushed whispers, pointing out certain students and placing bets on who would get sorted into what house. Up the few stairs in front of the tables stood the staff table and in front of that, a rickety stool with a tattered hat among it.
A weathered man in the tallest chair held a hand up, causing the hall to fall silent. After a few seconds, the hat's fabric contorted into a face, and its deep voice rang out into a song.
Anna was overwhelmed and found it hard to remember all of the words, but she was able to pick out the specific traits the houses wanted.
"You may belong in Gryffindor where dwell the brave at heart. Their daring nerve and chivalry set Gryffindors apart.
You might belong in Hufflepuff where they are just and loyal. Those patient Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil.
Or yet wise in Ravenclaw, if you've a ready mind. Where those of wit and learning will always find their kind.
Or perhaps in Slytherin where you'll make real friends. Those folks cunning folks use anything to achieve their ends."
She felt conflicted. She tried to be brave, but she was no hero. Kindness was another goal, but her lack of friends made her deny that as well. Her marks in school were good but she was no genius. And Slytherin...cunning and ambitious...she could see that, but the stigma surrounding the house was something she would refuse to be a part of.
In that moment, Anna Black realized she had no idea who she was. She realized that in a few minutes she would sit upon the stool and her fate would be sealed...but what if she didn't like what she heard?
What if Ollivander was right? That she was heading down a dark path?
But she pushed those thoughts out of her mind and squeezed Harry's arm. Upon seeing his shocked expression, she knew the same things were going through his mind.
"Abbot, Hannah!" The first name was called and a young girl with a kind face and blonde hair sat upon the stool. Only seconds later, the hat yelled "HUFFLEPUFF" and the hall erupted into cheers.
The yellow-clad table was all smiles. Some students rushed to engulf her in a hug. One slipped some candy out of their pocket and gave it to the new girl. Her face was rosy from embarrasment and flattery, but it was obvious she was happy.
I wouldn't mind being there, thought Anna, but it's too good for me. I could never fit in.
A few names were called, and then... "Black, Anna!"
The hall fell completely silent. No more happy chatter. No more smiles. Just wide eyes of students wondering what this cursed girl's fate would be. She looked so innocent, but her reputation was darker than Harry's...her lineage...
Her grey eyes were wide with fear, but she didn't dare look down. She faced the crowd with all the courage she had despite feeling like she was burning alive under their gaze.
"Ahh, another Black! So interesting, you are, just like your father...you're kind but it doesn't define you...smart, yes, but there's more there now where is it...oh, OH! Yes, just a bit deeper...now you are extremely ambitious, yet brave in your means. This is hard, I must admit...why are you silencing yourself? Usually they try to argue with me...no? If you want me to choose truthfully then I'll try my best...SLYTHERIN!"
The green table cheered louder than the rest had so far, but everyone else sat in sad silence, upset that their assumptions were right. Draco grinned and gave her a hidden thumbs-up. Harry and Ron looked so sad that their eyes could well with tears at any moment.
"N-no?!" exclaimed the hat loud enough for everyone to hear. "I have never had a student like this...wow, you think you're something, aren't you?"
Anna narrowed her eyes. "I am not a Slytherin, and I won't move until you choose the right house for me."
"Arrogant? Air-headed? You sure are brave for going against me, but I admit, I don't like this one bit...you don't care? Fine, although I never make mistakes, I guess I'll sort you into...GRYFFINDOR!"
The dread left her immediately, and she happily hopped off the stool, running to join the maroon and gold table. There were many cheers for her, but lots of older students felt on-edge...how could someone possibly deny a sorting? And why?
Her eyes skimmed the table nervously as she tried to look for a seat. Two red-heads waved her over. They were the Weasley twins from the train station. She plopped down next to the slightly taller one.
He gave her a kind smile. "Hey, I'm George."
"And I'm Fred."
"Are you guys trying to trick me? I saw what you did to your mother," jested Anna, causing them to hold back laughter.
"No, we're being serious," said George. "Welcome to Gryffindor, we knew you'd get in. Harry will too. Now we just have to worry about Ronnie-kins."
Hermione Granger was on the stool now. Fred whispered, "Hey, you wanna make a bet?"
"Fred, stop bothering her, she just sat down-"
"Fine, I'll go easy on her...Anna, I bet two galleons that she gets into Gryffindor."
Anna's lips curled into a smile. "Deal! She's definitely getting into Ravenclaw, she's absolutely brilliant-"
"GRYFFINDOR!" the hat cut her off and Hermione hopped off the stool happily, skipping over to the cheering table and sitting across from Anna.
Fred stuck his hand out, "Pay up, kid."
"Did...did you bet on me?" asked Hermione, exasperated as Anna grumbled and handed over the galleons, giving a nod.
The sorting went by much quicker for Anna, relieved that she got into the house of bravery. She knew Harry was going to get in if she could, but was definitely concerned upon seeing him arguing with the hat as well.
Draco, of course, got Slytherin. She wasn't surprised when the hat didn't even touch his head before screaming the verdict.
And Ron...well, of course he got Gryffindor like the rest of his family.
The sorting ended and Dumbledore came to the podium. All the students in the hall were silent as they cast their expectant gazes upon him. Anna and Harry could've sworn he was looking directly at them, winked, and raised his hands as he said, "Let the feast...begin!"
Gasps filled the hall as the tables became filled with food immediately. There seemed to be enough food to feed all of London. Food of all sorts were before them: turkey, ham, lamb, chicken, potatoes - mashed, baked, and roasted - , corn, pudding, strawberries, cake, cookies...literally everything was an option, even chopped liver!
Ron took full advantage, stacking his plate with two layers of food. He looked as if he was inhaling chicken and Harry started laughing.
"Gosh Ronald, you act as if you haven't eaten a day in your life!"
"He's so articulate," Anna said dreamily, holding back a laugh. She flinched when Harry gasped and put a hand to his head. "What's wrong?"
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Yeah I just...headache?"
Anna's eyes followed where he had been looking...to the staff table. There was man with a turban that caught her eye immediately and she felt a dull pain from her neck...was it her scar? She shook it off, remembering that the man was from Diagon Alley, as Hagrid had introduced them.
Another interesting man sat beside him. He was very pale, had a hooked nose, and his hair was greasy black along with his robes. He looked so sad, and Anna attempted to shoot him a smile. She could've sworn the corners of his mouth twitched before he looked away.
"Ah, are you ogling Snape?" asked Fred dramatically. "I think he attempted a smile!"
"Unheard of."
"Who's Snape?" asked Harry softly.
Ron laughed. "Apparently Snape is the greasiest git in this school! Worst teacher...I can't wait to fail Potions."
"How would you know? This is our first day," asked Anna with a frown. "Maybe he's just lonely? Going through something?"
The boys shrugged her statement off before going back to talking about the odd teacher and rest of the staff table. She disagreed and decided to stay out of it. Her and Hermione talked about their classes and the thing the latter had read in textbooks. Anna was becoming increasingly grateful for her newfound friend since she knew the boys were going to be no help with school.
At the end of the night, they were introduced to their common room and dorms. Although exhausted, Anna made sure to stay up long enough to write a letter to her aunt and uncle, and a seperate one to Violet.
"Hey, Leah?" asked Anna softly, causing the siamese kitten to hop on her lap. "Do you know how to send a letter?"
The cat's tail flicked to an owl on the windowsill. Anna raised an eyebrow, surprised that the cat understood her. Maybe it was a coincidence. She tied the letters to the owl's leg and sent it off despite having no idea whose owl it was.
"Goodnight," she whispered to the cat before laying her head on the pillow. Leah nestled herself on the pillow next to Anna, purring as the girl fell into a deep slumber.
~In which some old sections with inline comments are preserved~
"I believe we've already met Anna," he said, kneeling down and kissing my hand which made everyone whisper and go 'ooooh'. I could feel the blood rush to my face. Draco stood back up and smiled at me, which made me blush even more. I could see out of the corner of my eye that Harry's face was redder than Ron's hair... Was he... Jealous? No, he couldn't be. He didn't like me, or did he? I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Draco walk towards Harry.
^okay liSTEN, in was literally 12 when I wrote this and had no clue they were cousins. I promise I think that incest is absolutely wrong. still, these comments never cease to make me wheeze
"Ahhh, another Black. Hmmm but you are different, much like your father. Ohh but where to put you. You are an all around person. You are very loyal, brave, smart, and yes cunning just like a slytherin. What house would best suit you. Either Gryffindor, or Slytherin, hmmm. I guess I will put you in SLYTHERIN!" The hat yelled, my face fell as I got off the stool
"WAIT!" The hat yelled. Ok siruisly (anyone get that?) what the hell was going on?
"I think you would do better in....GRYFFINDOR!!!" The hat yelled and the Gryffindor table cheered. I was so happy and relieved. I jumped off the stool with a big grin on my face. I sat next to a boy that looked sort of like Ron, I assumed that he was one of his brothers.
^haHA gotcha! also excuse my sad pun
"Weasley, Ronald" I snickered. His name was Ronald?
^the comments...are you guys ok?
"I.. I'm fine," he said. I didn't believe him, but I let it go (anyone got that reference?). I looked over at the teachers table. I made eye contact with a man with greasy black hair and a pale complexion. He gave me a small smile and I returned it.
^I love how the comments are either people spazzing from confusion/excitement or trying to make an in-depth analysis of whether or not he loved Leah instead of Lily
After the feast, we went to the common room, and up to our dorms. The first thing I did was write a letter to my aunt and uncle. And a separate one to Violet, tied it to Leah's leg, and sent her off. I read some of my potions textbook because I knew that Professor Snape was strict, and I wanted to be prepared. Then, I went to bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep.
^omg, you guys are so funny...Leah was originally an OWL. I changed it for reasons that will be revealed in the future
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