Chapter 14~ The Donut Chaos
"Geo?! Ringo?" John hollered when he stepped out of his car.
"John?" Ringo stopped talking to the police officer.
"Ringo! God, what happened?"
Ringo held up one finger and continued talking to the police officer. In John's car, Anna and Julian sat as patiently as they could. Anna was too short to look out the window. Blurs of blue and red flashes came in. Julian was watching real carefully.
"Julian! What's goin' on? Tell me, pleeeeeaaase!" Anna wiggled around.
"The police are coming to take ya," Julian said a little too serious.
"What!" Anna whispered. "Daaaddy! I want Daddy!" Anna started to yell.
"Shhh! I was kiddin'! I see uncle Ringo and Dad. Ooh! They police man has a donut! I'm gonna ask Dad for a donut! It's got sprinkles!"
"I wanna see it!" Anna cried out.
Anna unbuckled her seat belt and stood on the car seat. Julian pointed to the police man and they both started saying who should have the bigger one. Julian won the argument. They both started searching for other food police men might have. But John was talking to Ringo.
"What'd they take?" John put his hand through his hair.
"Clothes, pictures, money, and some decorations. Ooh, even me lucky rings!" Ringo stated.
John tsked. Ringo kicked the dirts and sighed, muttering, "Bloody fans!" They stood in the cold and shivered. Several fans were around the house, being held back by police men and security guys.
"I swear, they ain't fans if they raid through our homes," John shook his head.
"Happy anniversary," Ringo smiled.
"It's not my... Shoot! We need to go! I'll ring yeh later, mate. Don't forget to lock your house next time, bye!" John hustled back to his car. Jumped in. And drove over. "Dad, I wanta donut!" Julian demanded.
John rolled his eyes, "No, Julian. We need to get home for Mummy. Okay? Maybe some other time."
"I want a donut, too!" Anna pouted.
"Not now, love."
"We want donuts! We want donuts! We want donuts!" Julian and Anna shouted together. John made a big U turn and stopped at the next grocery store. He ran in, forgetting his hat and sunglasses. Five minutes later, he comes sprinting out, with a box of donuts, with about twenty people right behind him screaming. He jumped in the car and stomped on the gas pedal and sped off.
"Here are are yeh donuts!" John tossed them in the back angrily.
They open the box and start to messily eat. Soon, they were home with a half empty box of donuts, two messy kids, and one angry John. John came in and went straight to Cynthia. The kids came in, guarding the donut box with their life.
"John..." Cynthia frowned, looking at his angry face.
John's face softened, "Cyn, I'm sorry! I love you, I love you, I love you!" John started to kiss Cynthia. Which surprised her. He brushed his hand through her blonde hair.
"I love you, too, John," Cynthia said.
And the whole family spent the day watching T.V, kissing, and of course, eating donuts with sprinkles.
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