Nagisa Shiota [girly looks]
I sat in my bathing suit watching the rest of the class. Most people where still slightly shocked at the fact of nagisa being a boy.
Nagisa began to wade away from the crowd, muttering to himself
"Was it really that much of a surprise that I was a guy?" He mumbled, the hurt showing in his voice.
"Nagisa!" I called out, motioning him twords me.
"I... Didn't see you y/n..." He rubbed his neck, slightly embarrassed. "Where you..."
"No I wasn't suprised you where a boy. I thought it was obvious. It was more of a shock that others didn't know"
A slight red formed on his cheeks
"Well.. that makes me feel better. Thank you y/n" He smiled.
Suddenly Karma jumped on top of me, pushing me under.
"Y/n's gotta girlfriend, y/n's gotta girlfriend~" Karma sang and teased.
I started slamming on his back and running out of air. Nagisa pushed karma off of me.
I began to gasp and weeze, my lungs couldn't get enough air.
"First off" Nagisa started in a matter-of-fact voice
"I am a male, meaning if y/n and I where to date, which we are not, I would be a boyfriend"
I blushed at his words.
"Secondly, if let go of y/n right now I'd suggest you run because she may kill you for almost drowning her." Nagisa laughed while releasing my arms.
Karma laughed before seeing me right in front of his face with a look of murder in my eyes.
I pulled karma out of the water, all eyes where on me. I kneed him in the stomach and prepared for a punch before nagisa pulled me back in.
"Come on" I complained.
"I almost got a hit innnnnn"
Nagisa shook his head as karma climbed back in.
"Control your girl" karma glared at nagisa.
"Then control your murder urges!" I yelled back
"Y/n..." Nagisa started putting a hand on my shoulder
"Whatever" I muttered before sitting down to relax.
After we finished swimming Koro sensei called us inside for class.
I wasn't really paying attention, my mind began to wander. My hands guided themselves to nagisas hair and I subconsciously began playing with it. His posture straightened with the unexpected touch.
Nagisa turned slightly
"Y/n..." He whispered, a hint of red on his cheeks.
Realising what my hands where doing I began to profusely apologize.
"Gah.. I-I'm sorry"
"Wait.." but before he could finish, class was dismissed.
"Hey y/n... Can we... Walk home together..."
The nervousness in his voice was oddly cute.
With a smile I gladly accepted.
"Can I give you a..... Piggyback ride home..." I was small, even someone with a very small figure could easily carry me.
"It's just... In class...... You playing with my hair felt... Nice.." he was obviously flustered but I'm sure the blush on my face was obvious as well.
(Nagisas POV)
Y/n climbed upon my back.
Don't do anything stupid I told myself. Y/n ran her hand through my hair, playing with it in multiple ways. Though she began to slow as she rested her chin on my head.
'please let no one from class see or interrupt this' I prayed
Karma would never let me hear the end of it and I would hate for rumors of y/n dating a 'girl' to hurt her feelings.
Y/n began to stir slightly, mumbling short phrases out.
She wrapped her arms around my neck as I continued the path twords her home.
When I finally reached y/n's front door she still layed asleep on my back. A few of her neighbors looked over at us, one even asked if us two 'young girls' where in a relationship and how nice it was to see people become more confident in their sexuality.
I didn't want to have to wake y/n. She seemed so peaceful, but to get her key I'd either have to check her person or ask her. Both seemed to have unfavorable outcomes. In the end with the young female on my back, I began walking towards my own home.
Walking inside, I placed y/n on my bed and relaxed in the living room waiting for her to wake up.
(Y/n's POV)
I began to stir awake.
'this feels different than my normal bed' I thought
'it smells nice'
I nuzzled my face into the sheets and hugged a pillow.
''It smells like.... Nagisa..." I softly sighed aloud
Now I knew I was fully awake but refused to open my eyes.
Finally after a tough battle with consciousness, my eyes where fully awake.
'my room didn't look like this'
I looked down and found myself still in my school uniform.
My eyes where awake but it seemed my brain was still mostly asleep.
I pulled out a random tee-shirt from the closet and stripped to my underwear, putting on the shirt over.
"Ahh sweet comfortable home" I journeyed downstairs for a bite to eat when I saw nagisa in the living room.
Completely unaware of my clothing, I sat next to him and asked him
"Uhhh nagisa what are you doing in my home?"
(Nagisa's POV)
I looked over at the now awake girl. Seeing her apparel, I turned my head and blushed the darkest shade of red in existence.
"Nagisa, why are you in my home?" She asked sweetly and obviously confused.
"Y/n... This isn't your home..." I looked back over to y/n. She was wearing one of my baggy tee-shirts. I can't lie and say she didn't look good. I knew of my feelings towards her, but actions like these only seem to make my want for her to be mine grow.
"W-what do you mean!" She stammered
"N-no way... I-Im so sorry" she bowed her head multiple times. Finally realising her attire she gasped more
"This is so embarrassing I'm sorry nagisa I....I.....I'm sor-"
I cut her off by kissing her.
Her stammering stopped and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I drew small circles in her back. Finally we had to break apart. Her e/c eyes looked into my soul lovingly. A soft small smile covered her lips. I however was a grinning mess
"You don't know how long I've waited to do that" I grinned before kissing her once more.
We turned our heads at the flash coming from the window.
Koro sensei and karma stood there snapping pictures of us.
"How long?" I asked with a worried look.
"Since y/n climbed on your back" karma smirked back.
"Looking good, nice clothing choice y/n" karma laughed.
We weren't even officially dating but jealousy immediately overcame me.
"You're dead karma" my attitude completely changing
"Go change y/n" I yelled while chasing towards karma and Koro sensei
"I'll... Take care... Of these two" my bloodlust could be felt for miles.
Y/n only giggled while heading upstairs. The other two ran for their lives.
Long chapter
Word count 1184
Hope you enjoyed
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Goodbye for now my bonbons~
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