Fantasy Life (BNHA)
Pairing: Aizawa Shouta x Male!Reader
Genre: angst
Warnings: none
WC: ~2.6k
Request: an aizawa x male villain reader fanfic where aizawa and the reader are " dating". the reader is working undercover as nurse or as a teacher in UA but he is with the lov. One day, after proposing to the reader (while raiding the lov headquarters aizawa finds the male reader there. (reader quirk is Vines. reader can create vine sout of the palms of his hands )
A/N: I finally finally finally finally finally finished this oh my lord. I've been in a writing drought for a long ass time and even when I would get the urge to write I wouldn't be able to write anything besides like one sentence down, so I'm pretty excited to finally post something. I hope everyone likes this!
"How's married life, Y/n?" Dabi teases as he takes a seat next to you on the open stool. You roll your eyes, turning your body away from him as you focus on the book you're reading, you'd rather not give him the time of day. "Ignoring me now?" He says as he dips his head closer to you, trying to catch your eye.
"I'm not a child, I don't ignore people," You tell him as you look over your shoulder at him, "I just think about ways I could make your life a living hell. Everyday of your life till you croak." You flash him a quick smile and return back to your book.
"Hmm. You're not doing a good enough job then." He replies as he looks over your shoulder at your book. You can't concentrate and you hate the overbearing feeling that has washed over you. You shut your book, not bothering to even bookmark the page, and stand up from the stool. "Where ya going?" He asks as he watches you walk towards the exit.
"Anywhere but here sounds nice." You respond as you push open the door and make your way out of the league of villains headquarters. Leaving a smirking Dabi alone at the stool.
You find yourself at a familiar door, knocking four times before taking a step back and waiting for Shouta to answer the door. You hated to admit you were excited at the thought of seeing Shouta right now. Even if you have been dating for over four years- now soon to be married. You hated that you couldn't tell him everything. That you were part of LoV. That you were assigned to get close to the underground hero, Eraserhead. That you were never supposed to fall in love with him.
The door opened and your head shot up to meet the lazy eyes of your fiancé. He was smiling at you and you smiled back, feeling guilty about how loving his gaze was towards you.
"Did you forget that you live here too?" He jokes and you smile at him before taking a step forward.
"I forgot my keys." You reply as you lean forward to kiss him. He reciprocates your kiss with his own and pulls you closer by the waist before shutting the door behind you. He pulls away and you can still feel his lips on your own before you open your eyes to look at him.
"Didn't you get called in?" He asks you and you pause for a moment, remembering the lie you had told him to go to the LoV meeting.
"It was just for some paperwork and I knocked those out pretty quick." You lie again before moving away from him and heading to the kitchen. You set your book down on the counter and head towards the fridge, opening the doors and grabbing a can of juice.
"That's good." He replies as he sits down at the barstool on the other side of the counter. You crack open the can and take a sip as he looks at your hands. You put down the can as you catch him staring and furrow your eyebrows.
"What's wrong?" You ask him. He doesn't say anything, but he reaches his hand out and grabs hold of your left hand, admiring the ring on your finger. You smile at the action, but your gut flips in a nauseating way. You would never marry him. You could never marry him.
"Nothing's wrong."
He brings your hand towards his lips and kisses the ring on your finger. You find it hard to look at him, but you can't look away; wanting to engrave this moment in your head. Remembering the floating feeling in your stomach. The guilt eating at your being. Why'd you say yes? Why did you ever agree to do this stupid mission? Why did you have to fall in love with your assignment?
"Everything's perfect."
You were twirling a thick piece of vine between your fingers, no longer wincing when the thorns scraped against your dry skin. You flicked the dried vine out of your fingers, watching it bounce twice before settling itself on the hardwood floor. You were anxiously awaiting for the arrival of Shigaraki and Kurogiri in the LoV headquarters. It was supposed to be a meeting deciding their next move with someone who helped the League behind the scenes. Someone important enough to not be revealed to anyone. You didn't even know this hidden character existed until today.
You were angry too. Angry that this person had this much control over the League and Shigaraki. And that they were going to be making such a big decision for the whole group to follow along like sheep. You grew another piece of vine from the palm of your hand, thick enough to wrap your hand around, and solidified it with a crunch sound; making it as hard as bamboo. You began twirling again, determined to continue until you had a pile of vines across the room or until Shigaraki and Kurogiri came back- whichever came first.
"You keep making these little fire starters and I'm gonna be tempted to light a few of these up." Dabi says as he picks up one of your vines off the ground.
"Have at it." You encourage him as you bite the inside of your cheek. He does exactly that and you glance at him for a brief second as the blue flame ignites the vine instantly before looking back at the floor.
"Not as fun if they don't run away." Dabi comments as he spins the vine in his hand before putting out the flames completely with a wave of his hand. He drops the vine to the floor and you watch as it crumbles to dust upon its impact.
"Shigaraki tell you anything about this meeting?" You cave into your curiosity and ask Dabi; hoping his ego doesn't bite you in the ass.
"Someone feeling left out?" Spoke too soon.
"Try pissed off." You reply as you crush the vine in your palm and let it fall to the floor.
"I know what you know. Nothing." Dabi says and you sigh as Toga and Twice walk in from the front door. You swivel around in your chair rather quickly, but it's not Shigaraki with life changing news. A part of you is happy that the decision is being delayed, but the other half is dying to know your next move. Where the group goes from here. How stupid and reckless this decidion might be.
"You scared that you're gonna have to uproot your perfect little life with Eraserhead?" Dabi taunts you with a smirk and you feel Toga and Twice's eyes on you. You snap your head to face Dabi and glared at him, daring him to speak up again and see what happens. He doesn't seem to get the hint as he starts talking once more. "I almost feel bad for the guy. He has no idea who or what you are."
You were fed up. Angry that Dabi keeps running his mouth. That he keeps bringing up Shouta as if he was your weakness. But most of all, you were angry that he was right. You were scared; terrified even. You had worked so hard on keeping who you were concealed from Shouta and you were worried that this meeting could change all of that. You were worried you'd lose him, or even worse, kill him.
As you were about to jump to your feet to get in Dabi's face, there was a loud banging on the door. Someone beating the door with their fists. Your blood runs cold. No one's supposed to know anyone is here; this is an abandoned building. Everyone in the room freezes. Toga and Twice were exchanging glances before they looked at Dabi, who had been staring blankly at the door. You froze as three more knocks sound and echo in the now silent room.
"Police! We have a warrant!" A voice yells from the outside and another, much louder bang, shakes the walls and the foundation under your feet. The door is busted open, revealing dozens of police officers and heros alike. You react immediately, throwing your hands up and producing thick vines to replace where the door once was.
"Head for the back, quick!" You yell out to the others. They're all quick to move towards the door leading deeper into the building and you throw up a few more walls of vines as you back up towards the door as well. You could hear them break through the first wall, a hero with sharp claws or teeth you're guessing. You bolt once you reach the door and make your way through the familiar hallways, hoping that they didn't know about the back exit. You turn the corner and face the door of the exit, it was opened just a tiny bit and you could see the back of someone's shoe. It was Toga's flats. She was kneeling. You ran back through the halls, heading for the stairs that were falling apart and cracking with each step you took. You took the extra step to turn around at the top of the stairs and cover them with your vines; weaving them through the holes in the wood and making new ones so it would be harder to climb.
You turned the corner and headed to the first room you saw. It was empty, besides the mattress on the floor that was stained with god knows what, and there was a window right across from the doorway. Your hands were starting to cramp from using your quirk so much in such a small amount of time, but you knew you had to escape. You pulled the window up and stuck the upper half of your body through the window, looking across the other building about 25 feet away from you. You could launch some vines over and ground them into the floor of the next building and walk across. It would be difficult, but not impossible. You put your left hand out first, your right steadying you on the windowsill, and shot one vine straight through the window of the next building. You heard voices nearby and your heart was pounding so loud you could practically hear the thumping with your ears.
You moved your hand back and grounded the vine into the wall beneath the windowsill before hardening it. You could hear something behind you, on the staircase, and you quickly brought your other hand out to make the next vine. But as you were attempting to make the vine, you couldn't. You furrowed your brows and shook your hand a few times, as if that would help in any way, and tried again. It wasn't until you looked down at the alley below that you saw the reason why. Shouta was standing below the window, using his quirk on you.
You could see the anger behind his bloodshot eyes. The memories you two shared being burned and forgotten in seconds. The love you two shared being ripped away all the same. Trust. Forgiveness. Loyalty. Now only just words and not what you had promised him when he slipped the silver ring on your finger.
You cower backwards, fumbling on your feet before turning and running out of the room. You needed another way out. You need to get out of here before the reality of this moment sinks in. Before you realize that everything is over for you.
You run past the staircase into another room, prying at the closed window with everything you have. You lifted the window up just as bodies came rushing up the now clear stairs. You turned your head in time to see a winged hero fly up after the vines were broken down and rush at you. You turn back to the window, getting ready to jump, but you feel her hand on your arm, pulling you back into the room. You panic and bring your free hand around, trying to make a vine to grab her foot and drag her back, but she's quicker. Metal handcuffs are snapped onto your wrists and just as a vine starts to leave the center of your palms, a sphere of glass encases your hands and the vine, with nowhere else to go, fills the small space.
She gets your other hand before you could even register it and puts it behind your back, locking you in the cuffs. You deflate, letting your head hit the dusty wooden floors. Everyone was caught. How did they even know where to find this place? Did they know Shigaraki was gone? Were they trying to get him? Or was this their plan all along?
"I got one up here!" The hero yells downstairs as she digs her knee in the middle of your back. You wince, but don't bother to try and get free as you hear another pair of footsteps walk into the room. "Eraserhead." The girl says and you tense up at the name. You feel your heart beating against your chest, wondering if he can feel it in the floorboards as he comes closer.
"I got him. Go help the others." He tells her. You can feel her hesitance as her knee bounces on your back, but eventually she leaves. It is silent between you two and you want to say something to him, explain to him why you had to do what you had to do. But you knew they were just excuses. That he wouldn't listen to you. These handcuffs around your wrist spoke loud enough for the both of you. You feel him touch the handcuffs and the sphere around your left hand opens free. This was an opening. You could use your vines to cover his eyes and push him against the wall. You could jump out the window and swing to the next building over and escape along the roofs.
He touched your hand and you felt your fist uncoil into a relaxed position. You clenched your eyes shut as you realized you would never be able to escape. Not as long as Shouta was here. You couldn't hurt him anymore than you already have. You wouldn't do it. His fingers trace the outline of the ring on your finger before he slid it off easily. You turn your head to try and look at him, breathing heavily at the realization of what he was doing.
"No, please. Shouta please just let me have that. Please!" You cry out as hot tears welled in your eyes. "It's the only good thing that ever happened to me... please." You beg him pathetically as you make eye contact with him. He pockets the ring and the sphere materializes again around your hand with a quick 'swish' sound. You hate the words coming out of your mouth right now. Hate how vulnerable you feel and how selfish you were. But it was the truth. You've never felt happier and more in love than when you were with Shouta and that ring was proof that he felt the same. And even if everything leading up to you getting that ring was a lie, you wanted to live in that fantasy. Wanted to relive every moment with him and dream that you were the person he thought you were.
"What makes you think I would believe anything that comes out of your mouth after today?"
And with one sentence from him, your whole fantasy life comes crumbling down.
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