The note you see at the picture above is about what happened to a girl when she went to a party. She became drunk and three guys started trying to rap her and steal everything she had on her after she was unconscious.
This is a real life happening which I wanted to tell everyone about. Girls should be more cautions about their surroundings and boys should stop doing these things to girls.
This girl probably has been traumatized by what happened and no one should go through this. Rape, bullying, self harm, all these shouldn't even have exist but people who did these things made it exist, making how many hundreds or even thousands become depress, antisocial or suicidal.
Please, stop these things from happening. All of this is just wrong.
Whoever are doing this to other people, you are a horrible person and think back about what you did to them. Sure, maybe they bullied you before but that doesn't mean you should bully them back.
Maybe you are doing all this just for fun, but have you ever thought what might have happened to that other person? Think from their pov, even if you don't even know them. If you don't even know them and bully them or do even worst things, you should be asahmed of yourself. He or she may have just been an innocent person.
The girl you just called fat? She is over dosing on diet pills. The girl you just called ugly? She spends hours putting make-up on hoping people will like her. The boy you just tripped? He is abused enough at home. See that man with the ugly scars? He fought for his country. That guy you just made fun of for crying? His mother is dying.
Anyone who had gone through any horrible things, hear me out. This world is better and everything may not change but you can. The people who suffered but are still smiling, the pain you are feeling is worst than the others so tell someone how you feel. People who are going through horrible times, please try to feel better. Put down that sharp thing and think back to happy times.If you can't, think of a fantasy world only you can dream of.
#stopbullying #forabetterworld
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