Swapped Roles - DCMK
[I was looking through my old drabbles and ideas and I found this little thing that I didn't post and have no idea *why* I didn't. Made this about 4 months ago, but am just now posting this.]
Warnings: OOC
Kaito knew now that Snake had been the one that murdered his parents. He had taken it upon himself to find Pandora, and destroy it so it wouldn't be used for evil. Even at the cost of his own life. He also knew that the group was small, and was confident he could take them on. He knew that. So why was what we was hearing saying otherwise?
"Snake's team just needs more time!" A pleading voice begged.
"To what? Play around more with Kaitou 1412? The damn guy is still alive!" Sneered a voice, it sounded familiar - but he couldn't place where he might have heard it from.
"Well-" Splutters the other person, obviously flustered.
"No excuses. Tonight is his last chance. If he screws up..." The voice chuckles darkly. "He won't live to see the sunrise." Kaito shudders at the tone. Ice cold, unforgiving and hateful. He was also alarmed - why would Snake be killed?"
"But what about Anokata-"
"What about him?"
"Wouldn't he be opposed to you killing Snake?"
"No...on the contrary. Anokata would love to see the idiot wind up in some ditch. He's a pain to deal with."
"..." The other man had no response.
Kaito is worried. His number one policy at any of his heists is to not let anyone get hurt, much less get killed! No matter the person, it's his number one rule. So when hearing that Snake could possibly be murdered was concerning. Not that he was willing be a scapegoat for the guy - not at all. If only he could just think of something...
He was jolted out of his thoughts by revving of an engine. He listened as the car pulled out - by the sound, possibly a Porsche, - and leave the area. What he failed to hear, however, was the sound of a man coming up behind him.
"Oh? What's this? A little birdie decided to do some snooping around?" Kaito whirled around, just in time to barley see the attackers face before he was hit in the head - hard - with a bat? Kaito couldn't tell, his head was growing fuzzy. He was hardly aware that his body had fallen over, or that someone was forcing something into his mouth. He reflexively swallowed, and then after a few moments he was enveloped in /pain - pure, excruciating, agonizing pain./ He screamed, feeling like he being burned alive. He was hardly aware of the sadistic laughter slowly fading away as he squirmed and ripped at the ground weakly, tears gathering in his eyes.
He yelled and screamed until his throat went dry, and soon after he passed out, the pain becoming so unbearable his body couldn't take it.
Kaito groaned, his eyes fluttering weakly. He slowly sat up, vaguely aware that /his clothes were bigger on him than they should be/ and that he had a huge bump on his head from the large, blunt object that had struck him. He slowly opened his eyes, frowning. Why did everything seem so much bigger than before? Then he noticed the policemen.
"Oi! There's a little kid over here!" Two policemen rushed over to him. '/What? No...that can't be right...I'm a teenager in high school, I'm hardly little./Kaito inwardly scoffs, having the decency to keep his little thought to himself, pasting on his usual poker face. Suddenly, a sharp pain flashes in the side of his head, making him hiss in pain. '/Wait, why did my voice sound so high just now?/ Kaito, confused, tries to speak, however, only a tiny and very strained screeching noise came out. He swallows and winces at his dry throat - he needed water.
"Are you alright? Need anything, little boy? That's quite the nasty bump you got there." Kaito notices the policeman's waterbottle. He points to it, hoping he gets the message. He frowns, looking at his arms. Why the hell were his arms and hands so small? So spindly? He frowns. Something was wrong. Very wrong. The policeman gets the message, and hands him the bottle. He opens it and gulps half the bottle down sighing in relief when the pain in his throat subsides.
He thinks the situation over a bit, searching his memory. He had realized that he likely knew whoever had knocked him out and fed him that painful poison. He also knew that he was probably supposed to be dead by now. So why is he still alive? Did something happen?
"So, little boy, what-"
Kaito ignored him, and darted away, needing to /get away/ and figure out what the hell happened to him. As he ran, he noticed that his clothes didn't fit him anymore. Getting in the way constantly, he decides to slow down, not wanting to trip. He sees a mirror over by the shopping mall, and walks up to it, unprepared for what he'd see.
He sees a younger Kaito in the mirror, one that looked about 6-7 years old. Kaito inwardly gapes. '/So I've turned into a 6-7 year old instead of dying...not a bad trade off...but how the hell did this even happen?/' Kaito thinks, when someone knocks into him. "Oh sorry, I didn't see you there!" Kaito freezes - that was the same voice from before. /He/was the one who'd tried to kill him, because he had overheard something he wasn't supposed to have overheard.
He looks up, throat dry, poker face firmly in place, a stupid, childlike expression of innocence. What he was not prepared for, however, was the owner of the voice. Kudo Shinichi, the famous high school detective, stared down at him apologetically.
(Idk, I guess I always liked the idea of Shinichi being in league with the Black Organization, so this happened)
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