Your Lie in April (Medley🎵)
There was a certain charity concert in the memory of Kaori Miyazono, the violinist who transcended the musicians who wrote their work on sheets. Bulletins about the same were posted all over the city. All of the people who ever performed with her or against her were found to be in the lineup. Emi Igawa, Takeshi Aiza and even Hiroko Seto, Arima's guardian were participating.
Kousei Arima himself had no intention of joining, it was already difficult to cope with everything he went though. He wouldn't mind watching the performance, but would need to be in disguise. The boy was in two minds, until Tsubaki managed to convince him to attend.
Phase 1: News
Tsubaki was shocked when Nagi Aiza gave her the news. Kousei was to be coerced into performing a few songs. Nagi explained that she was one of those taking part, but the organisers wanted him, at least as an accompanist.
Tsubaki met Takeshi to find out what exactly was happening. The latter seemed quite out of it himself. It was only two months after all.
He told her what the plan was. She relented, knowing that Kousei would sink into depression yet again if he didn't pull himself together. Takeshi smiled and winked at her, before she left.
Phase 2: Practise
Nagi asked Arima for lessons in duet pieces as he was her tutor. On being asked, he took a minute to attempt to compose himself, but couldn't. He was about to get up from his seat, but Nagi stopped him and gestured that he play something.
Nagi somehow made him practise for a week until the performance was only a day away. Arima had perfected his parts and so had she. They played in harmony, trying out new tunes instead of the usual classical pieces. She was satisfied with their 'rehearsal'.
Phase 3: Performance
The day came. Tsubaki dragged Kousei outside, who was ready to watch Nagi and Takeshi or whoever else her partner would turn out to be. He was quite shocked when a lady took him backstage.
Emi was unrecognisable in the outfit. He wondered whether it was her costume or whether she came in disguise. That was when Tsubaki joined him and told him about his situation. She added that both their disguises were her handiwork. He was flabbergasted and nearly threw a fit when Nagi walked in.
She begged him for forgiveness and he accepted, only because he knew it wasn't her fault.
Takeshi was set to perform before the two. Everyone watched from the sides as he climbed onto the stage. He chose to play using a digital synthesiser instead of an actual piano. Takeshi tested a few sounds before picking the music box. He had begun his piece.
The notes resonated ever so slightly, like a fresh gust of wind set to move pollen grains around with care to their destination.
It then moved on to a minor key, from melancholic to grief-filled. He hit the keys hard, struggling to keep to the tempo but refused to give in. The pace then quickened, to the point where the gentle breeze turned into a gale.
He regained control over the keys and brought it to a stop. The final lines were in major, the mood shifted to give a view of the light beyond the tunnel he dragged the audience into. Emi stepped up and sat in front of a piano. They played together, a mixture of emotion and rhythm.
That duet lasted only around three minutes and ended without anybody realising. The two stood, bowed at the audience and left the stage. Nagi entered and there was a collective gasp. Kousei was pushed by Tsubaki who accidentally also came up on stage.
Tsubaki wasn't scared of the limelight, she just didn't ever have the need to enter it. Nevertheless, she stayed for Kousei's sake, seated next to him at the same piano. Nagi opted to use the synthesiser, just like the brother she looked up to for everything. What she changed was the sound. Nagi chose the violin as per Tsubaki's suggestion.
She began with 'Ichiban no Takaramono'. The introductory chords evoked various memories for everybody who was listening. While Tsubaki had no real knowledge of how a piano is played, she did know that it was his going to be his cue soon. Kousei was listless the whole time.
Tsubaki played the 'D' note, which luckily went along with Nagi's part. Kousei suddenly received a jolt. He moved Tsubaki's hand away and began.
It was completely different from the practise sessions. They played the same songs, however the sounds were completely different and this time, took the audience by storm.
Nagi learned to replicate the exact violinesque sounds that Kaori once would have made. Arima was exactly like the 'human metronome' that they called him. While Nagi kept to the expressive, freestyle method, Arima's style underwent several changes. First it was his usual, mechanical sounds. Then, it began to compete with Nagi's violin tone, struggling for dominance. The latter took it as a challenge and moved her fingers faster, creating an intense atmosphere.
Kousei looked like he would faint any second. Tsubaki noticed the shift in his facial expressions and brought a water bottle from backstage. She was aware that he'd have a minute's break. During that time, Nagi slowed down, transitioning to a more positive song, namely 'Lion' from the Macross Frontier series.
Now Kousei lagged behind when it came to hitting notes, but he didn't stop. The chorus changed everything. His fingers followed the lead Nagi took. They played a perfect medley, one which was never seen with either of the two performers. While their left hands played chords, the right ones did the vocal parts. It was far beyond what anybody would expect from them. Tsubaki could do little, but she was there for support, and support him she did. They were all relaxed at the end, it was obvious by the music they played.
The audience stood up this time. They received a standing ovation, and were taken to the back with some help as the curtains closed on them.
Phase 4: Acceptance
Everyone wanted Arima back. Their efforts were not in vain as one could see. That's when Kousei found his path. He decided he would stay back as a tutor so as to help others find their own style of playing. Hiroko was a proud guardian indeed.
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