Yuki x Reader
Story title: Frog prince
Hey guys! God I really love Fruits Basket. I watched the full 2019 adaptation from start to finish the other week and fell in love with the show again like I did when I watched the 2001 version 😍 I am a Kyo girl I'll be honest but I love Yuki too! This was requested by AshliDinkelman
Valentine's day.
We all know the drill. Wanting to give chocolates to your crush, getting nervous, being rejected. It was the usual timeline of events that occurred every time February rolled around. I had been through this before. Twice in fact. Once when I was a young kid and once again when I was in middle school.
The first one we were just young kids and at least he was nice enough to let me down in private. That second one though, he just HAD to let me know in front of the whole class how much he didn't want to be with me. Yeah, that really made me feel confident to fall in love again. After that I found myself feeling more reclused, not wanting to open my heart up just so it could be stamped on again.
Yet here I was, a high school student and hopelessly in love with my classmate. And of course, my stupid heart had fallen for one of the most popular boys in the school. The prince of our school, Yuki Soma.
I felt stupid for falling in love with him. I knew it would never happen, he never got close to ANY girl apart from Honda Tohru and any other girl that tried was stopped by Yuki's fangirls. I was friendly with Tohru and her friends, I had even spoken to Yuki quite a few times, but most of the time I found myself alone just enjoying my own company. It wasn't as lonely as people expected it to be, I actually loved to spend time alone in my club room sewing things with music on.
With Valentine's day coming closer and closer, I found myself wanting to give him something special. Chocolates seemed like the best way to go but I knew he'd be getting plenty of them so I decided to use my own talents to create something special for him.
I sat in the sewing club room alone, green fabric and string surrounding me as I carefully sewed materials together. My headphones were firmly on my head, the music making me feel calm. Nothing could distract me now as I carefully threaded the string through the needle. The rest of my club had gone home a while ago, giving me the perfect environment to work in.
"I really need to finish this for tomorrow." I mumbled to myself as I looked over my progress. It shouldn't take too much longer but my hand is starting to hurt. I looked down at my hand, plasters decorated my fingers, showing all my mistakes. I probably should have done this before the literal day before. As I was staring down at my fingers I saw a shadow cover them, causing me to swipe my headphones off and swish around.
"(Y/N)-san what are you doing here so late?" The noise that came out of me could only be compared to a squeak as I stared at Yuki. He was just standing there, his usual calming expression on his face and his eyes slightly scanning the table. "Y-Yuki! E-Erm I'm doing nothing!" I used my whole body to cover as much of my secret project as possible, a weak smile on my face.
"(Y-Y/N)-san what's wrong?" He put a hand forward and I mirrored him. "I-It's something you can't see!" I fumbled with my words, unsure how to handle the situation I was in. I pulled a big roll of felt out over my work and finally relaxed. "How come you're still here Yuki?" I asked as I composed myself. He gave a short laugh and began to talk about his day. I felt calm as he spoke, his voice so captivating to me. I wish I could just tell him how I feel and have it all work out. How lovely would that be?
I've already accepted rejection. I will face it tomorrow properly and let my love die.
I packed up all my things and took them home to continue my work into the night and before long, the next day arrived. Valentine's day. I watched the cascade of chocolate boxes tumble out of Yuki's locker as I changed my shoes in the morning and felt a sense of dread fill me. What if he thinks it's stupid? Oh god what if I've messed up...
"Wow (Y/N) what's up with your eyes?" Uotani laughed as I raised my head from my desk, a sad smile on my face. I knew she was talking about the bags under my eyes from staying up all night. "Oh no (Y/N)-chan what happened?" Tohru jumped up from her chair, a worried expression on her face. "Her waves...are nervous...She's screaming inside..." Hanajima muttered from her desk and the whole group, including Yuki, stared at her.
"H-Hanajima I'm fine! Nervous? Pfft couldn't be m-me!" I laughed it off, well aware of the piercing gaze coming from my crush. Uotani and Kyo's friend continued to push for an answer before one of them ultimately put one and two together. "YOU'RE CONFESSING TO SOMEONE TODAY?!" I felt my face become hot with a bright red blush and I began to stutter excuses profusely, not even finding the confidence to look up anymore.
Yuri's pov
I was really trying to keep it not obvious that I was staring. I just couldn't help it though.
(Y/N) is going to confess to someone?
I felt a wave of sadness wash over me yet couldn't stop myself from listening to the conversation. I saw her yesterday...was she making something for her crush?
I hated being like this but I couldn't help it. I just couldn't deny my feelings for her. I'd been having so many new feelings and emotions towards people. Honda-san, Kakeru-kun, my own brother... And now (Y/N)-san. I had found the courage to be the student council president, to face Akito...but I can't tell (Y/N)-san I like her?
She continued to stutter at Uotani-san and Kyo's bumbling friends, her face bright red and as adorable as ever. She looked over at me and made eye contact with me for a split second before looking down at her desk. Before any more words could be said, the teacher entered the room and lessons began.
I wanted to stay when lessons ended for lunch but I ended up being dragged to the student council room much to my dismay. I hated to admit it but I wanted to see who she liked, who got to her heart before I did. I found myself rushing through my usual student council duties, my mind focused on what could be happening elsewhere.
When I finally got back to the classroom, I felt a small sense of relief when I saw (Y/N) still at her desk, Uotani still interrogating her on who she could be confessing to. In any other case, I would hate seeing Uotani annoy (Y/N) but at least it confirmed to me she hadn't confessed to anyone yet. She looked up and quietly greeted me, quickly looking down yet again with a red face. She doesn't want to look at me...
The day continued and it seemed (Y/N) never left her desk, was she not going to confess to someone after all? School ended for the day and I let out a sigh of relief knowing I didn't have to go to the student council again today. Everyone had already left by the time I had collected all my books into a pile, ready to put them in my bag. As I was about to reach for my bag, the last person in the room jumped up from their seat.
"Something wrong (Y/N)-san?" I asked her with a worried expression. She looked panicked, her face bright red and nervous. She shook her head and grabbed her things before rushing out of the room, leaving me alone. Confused, I picked up my bag and opened it, ready to place my books into it when I saw something green sitting there.
I pulled the object out, my fingers running over the soft texture. A...frog?
A well-sewn frog plushy was staring back at me. "Where did this come from?" I thought, looking for any tag on it. There was none. As I continued to think of where this could have come from, I remembered what happened yesterday. Something sewn...and green...
Your pov
I stormed away from the classroom as quickly as I could. I was lucky not many students were around, but it didn't stop the anxiety swelling in my chest even then. I need to be somewhere away from everyone.
I felt my pace speed up from a walk into a run as I went in the direction of the roof. It was too cold to actually go out onto the roof but I could sit outside the door at the top of the stairway. As I reached the stairs I heard footsteps tapping down the hallway from where I came. I didn't even want to know who it was. I just rushed up the stairs and when I reached the top, I sank down to the floor.
Yuki will have found it by now...
I shook my head, pulling my knees up to my chest. He won't necessarily know it's me...I doubt he even spares a thought for me most of the time.
I sat there in thought before hearing footsteps coming up the stairs. I pulled my knees closer to my chest and backed further to the wall, hoping the person wouldn't come all the way up here. My hopes went unanswered though as I saw a grey tuft of hair come into my eyesight. He was the last person I wanted to see right now and especially when I saw the familiar green toy in his hand.
"Y-Yuki...W-What are you doing here?" I tried to speak calmly but failed to as my voice trembled. He didn't say anything in response and instead came closer, kneeling down in front of me. He held out the toy and gave me a soft smile. "Did you make this for me (Y/N)-san?" My eyes widened and I looked away from him, knowing that the action alone will confirm it was me. "I thought so. I mean no one else in the sewing club would be able to get to my bag so easily. And I saw you making something this colour yesterday..." I closed my eyes tight, not wanting to see his face.
"I w-wanted to give it to you in person b-but when it came to it I couldn't. P-please just tell me how you feel now so I can forget about my feelings for you..." I choked out my words. I didn't want it to be like this! I was going to be strong and face him head-on! Yet I ran away...I was scared it would be like last time. That he would just reject me in front of everyone and shatter me.
Tears were breaking from my eyes and I felt so stupid when I felt a warmth engulf me. Yuki was hugging me! The warmth only lasted a few seconds though as it disappeared in a puff of blue smoke. "E-eh. Y-Yuki-kun?" I stuttered as I rubbed the tears away from my eyes. What had happened?
As the smoke cleared I saw Yuki's clothes strewn out on the floor along with the plushie. "Did he...d-die?!" I began to panic, wondering what could even cause this when a small rat appeared from the pile of clothing. "Y-Yuki-kun...is a rat..."
There was a long pause before Yuki's voice came from the small Rat. "(Y/N)-san...I'm sorry you have to see this. I just couldn't watch you cry like that so I ended up hugging you." I just stared with a confused look on my face. My hand moved from beside me and I gently rested a finger on the rat's head. "You're real...You're Yuki-kun..."
He seemed to look sad at those words and turned away. "You must be disgusted. But please let me explain." I nodded and he began explaining the reason for his change. The zodiacs, the curse, his situation with Tohru. Everything. I just sat there and listened to him speak, not interrupting at all.
"We do turn back after a while." As if on queue the blue puff of smoke returned and Yuki was once again a human. "However we come back naked..." He blushed and I squealed slightly at the sight of his bare torso, glad that the smoke was thick enough to hide the other areas of his body. He quickly redressed himself as I covered my eyes with my hands. After about a minute I felt Yuki's hands move my own away from my eyes. I opened my eyes and found Yuki's grey ones staring into my own.
"(Y/N)-san...even after all of that, would you still accept me?" My eyes widened at his words.
"Y-You...like me back?" I muttered in shock. He nodded with a smile and I felt my heart burst. Tears were once again coming from my eyes and Yuki began to panic. He was apologising for his zodiac form and things similar so I decided to stop him with a quick squeeze of his hands. "I accept your zodiac form Yuki! J-Just...l-let me do this properly..." I stuttered out, grabbing the plushy from the floor and sitting up.
"Yuki-kun. I've had a crush on you for a while. I-I love you. Please would you go out with me?" I finally confessed properly, holding the plushy up to him with a blush on my face. A beautiful smile landed on his face and with glossy eyes, he took the plushy from my hands.
"I love you too (Y/N)-san." We both leaned closer and closer until our lips met in our first kiss.
After we left the school together, Yuki turned to me and asked. "(Y/N)-san what made you pick a frog? I love it of course but I was wondering." I turned to him and smiled. "Cause frogs are cute! And he's got a crown so he's a prince just like you!" I exclaimed and Yuki just laughed.
"Well if I'm the prince then you're the princess."
Hope that wasn't too bad! The requester picked the picture of the plush for this one!
Also on a personal note, it's been a while hasn't it? Since the last time I updated, I got my first Tattoo! Ain't it a beauty?
It's the Windmill from the Gorillaz 'Feel Good Inc' music video! They're my favourite band and I always wanted to get something from them on me! My tattoo artist is also a friend and he designed the tattoo to make it my own. And also...
THE GORILLAZ CONCERT IS NEXT WEEK! God I'm so excited! Going with my best mate, Nick, and fuckin hell we are both ecstatic! My UK guys, is anyone going? Hope you have just as much fun there as I will!
Until next time bye- Jude
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