Victor x Chubby Reader
Story Title: My head is gonna explode
Hey guys! I know, interesting title innit? Same thing my mum said before the aneurysm burst. Yeah I'm really trying to get through these old requests 😅 This was requested by AshliDinkelman a very long time ago sorry about that. Let's get into it
Your pov
I couldn't believe what I was looking at. Victor Nikiforov asleep on OUR inn's floor. "Yuri?! What the hell?" I whispered to him, trying not to wake the handsome man on the floor. A tiny noise escaped his mouth in response, him clearly being just as shocked as I was. Minako came rushing in behind me, her reaction being on par with mine. A sneeze was heard and we all stood speechless as Victor rose from the ground. "Hungry..."
As we watched him eat our Pork cutlet bowl, I couldn't help but feel like I was in a movie. I mean a world-famous ice skater coming here!? I'd had a crush on Victor ever since Yuri first showed me him skating. He was smooth, glided across the ice as if it was nothing and was so incredibly attractive. I'm glad Yuri's getting help from his idol. I smiled at the thought.
"Hello!" I was brought out of my daydream and looked up to see everyone but Victor had left the room and he was trying to talk to me. "O-Oh! Erm...I'm s-so sorry I was j-just..." I heard myself stumbling over my words like an idiot as my head began to heat up and spiral. "Don't worry, you don't have to be scared around me." Before I could respond he was leaning over the table and his face was directly in front of mine as if he was analysing me.
My head's gonna fucking explode. I thought.
We were like that for a few seconds before his relaxed expression turned to a big smile and he returned to sitting normally. "I can definitely see the family resemblance!"
"SORRY I-I-'M GONNA G-G-GO HELP Y-YURI." I shrieked before excusing myself, not listening to the sound of Victors concerned voice. I practically shot through the house and found Yuri and Mari moving Victor's luggage to one of the banquet rooms. "GUYS." I practically screamed as I ground to a halt. They both looked at my red face and tried to hold back laughter. I took a deep breath.
"Why did you leave me in there on my own with him knowing fully well I was DAYDREAMING!?"
"We did ask you to help but you were so far off in the land of nod we decided to leave you there." Mari giggled as she picked up a heavy box. Yuri gave me an apologetic look, clearly showing this was our older sisters devious plan. She knows how much of a crush I have on that man!
"Are you okay?" Victor suddenly appeared behind me, causing me to yelp out. "I'm fine!" I quickly answered, still glaring knives at my shit of an older sister. "Are you sure your face is very red." Without care for anything, my crush placed his hand on my forehead. I could see Mari grinning in the corner and Yuri looked worried that my head was gonna explode.
Oh my dear brother we're already past that. I thought in my head as if I was talking to him.
"I'm gonna go lay down!" I announced before rushing out of the room and to my bedroom. After locking myself in my room, I decided I was going to calm myself with something that always worked. Gin and tonic. I changed into my pyjamas and poured myself a drink with the bottles I kept on my bookshelf. After a while, I heard shouting coming from Yuri's room down the hall. Curious and a bit tipsy, I stepped out my room and followed the sound until I saw Victor banging on my brother's door with his dog sat patiently behind him.
"There are people sleeping you know? I'm sure most of them, me being one of them, don't want to hear you screaming about sleeping with my brother." He stopped shouting and turned to face me, shock and intrigue swimming in his eyes. He apologised and approached me slowly.
"You seem a lot calmer than before." He said as he arrived in front of me, looking me up and down. In any other case, I'd be very embarrassed stood in front of him in my grey pyjama pants and a tank top but my head was a bit fuzzy from the alcohol. Usually, I'd only have one if I was going to but tonight one had turned into four. Or five. Maybe six...
"Yeah, the solution was Watermelon gin, wanna try some?"
I found myself in Victor's new room, pouring him a gin and tonic though he was smart enough to keep his limit at one. "So you're Yuri's younger sister?"
"Yep. (Y/N) Katsuki. I'm 21." I extended my arm and handed him his drink. We started chatting and even though my confident drunk facade was making me seem calm, I was screaming in the back of my mind. He started asking about Yuri and I laughed. "You're lucky it's not Yuri sat here right now, he may be older but his tolerance is nothing compared to mine. One drink and he's gone." He laughed in response. "Have you always been close to your brother?"
"Aw yeah. We used to go skating together when we were little practically everyday. I always got super jealous cause he was a lot better than me." I took another sip of my nearly empty drink. "He always tries so hard, even though he may seem very sensitive he's strong and works harder than anyone else. He's sweet and determined. You should've seen me when he left to go and train in Detroit five years ago, I cried so hard." Victor looked serious as he was taking all this information in.
"God when we were younger we'd watch all your performances. We idolised you cause damn you were brilliant. The long hair, beautiful." I stupidly let the alcohol take control of my mouth. "Your hair was better than mine and I'm a girl! And you're so slender...well basically all skaters are but damnnnnn. I could never be that slim!" I could see the amusement land on his face as he took my glass and the bottle of Gin away from me. "You've clearly had enough."
"EH whatever you say. I should probably go to bed then." I managed to say as I stood up, stumbling slightly. "This has been a good conversation (Y/N)." He gave me a heart-stopping smile and I drunkenly grinned back. I left the room, tumbling back to my own where I collapsed onto my bed and passed out.
The sun burned my eyes as I groggily sat up in my bed. "Fuck, what did I do last night..." I sat there for a minute, trying to remember what happened last night.
I stumbled up, my head banging, grabbed some paracetamol and went to get some water. I took the pills with some water and stood for a moment. "You look rough." Mari said from the doorway. "Ha yeah yeah where did Yuri and Victor go?"
"They went to the ice rink to start training. Probably won't be back until later on." I sighed a mental note of relief. I don't have to show my face to him. I continued my day as normal, doing work for the inn and trying to pretend I didn't have a hangover. Eventually, the two men did return but I made sure to avoid Victor. I didn't want to see the disgusted look on his face.
Victor's pov
It's been nearly three days since I came here and more importantly, since (Y/N) had gotten drunk in my room. I wasn't expecting when I came here to meet such a beautiful woman but there she was in my room drunk. She was so interesting to talk to and whilst I'm trying to give all my attention to Yuri because he is the reason I came here, my brain couldn't stop thinking about her.
It became pretty obvious she was avoiding me whenever I was around the Inn. I'd call her name when I saw her and she'd instantly run away. What did I do wrong? I sat in my room sulking a bit as Yuri was out training to get in shape. I heard footsteps go past my room and I slowly peeked my head out to see (Y/N) sneaking out of the inn. After a little time passed I left my room and asked her mother where she went.
"She said she was heading to the ice rink." This purked my interest even more as I quickly got my shoes on and made my way to the ice rink. I went in and looked out on the ice to see (Y/N) alone on the ice. She was gliding, her moves obviously not as polished as her brothers but I could still see something in the way she moved.
She looked deep in thought as she turned, eventually her eyes landing on me. "Victor..." She said, her shock apparent on her face. "Nice skating for someone who doesn't do it professionally." I complimented her as I stepped onto the ice.
"O-Oh I'm not really that g-good. I only c-came here to look for Yuri but when he wasn't here I thought why not skate..."
"Why have you been ignoring me?" I pressed on, wanting to know. She looked down and muttered out in an embarrassed voice. "I m-made a fool of myself in front of you." I laughed a little, causing her to look up with a red face. "W-Why are you laughing!?" She stuttered.
"Because you're wrong. You never made a fool of yourself in fact..." I skated over to her only stopping when our bodies were close. "You made me more interested in you." She looked astonished. "I'm nothing i-interesting."
Just as I was about to say something Yuri came in and (Y/N) stood back. "Ah Yuri. No getting into the rink yet! Still need to lose that piggy weight!" I said, earning a groan from him. I looked back at (Y/N) and I saw her arms wrap around her body defensively. "Don't be too hard on him Victor. Our family has always had trouble with weight but he's always been good at working to lose it to." She skated past me and off the rink.
Later on, when I and Yuri were going back to the inn, I decided to ask him about the girl that was on my mind. "Yuri...your sister (Y/N)...why is she so shy?"
"She's always been like that. Never having confidence in herself. Well unless she's drunk. But I guess being drunk does that to most people. Either way, she's never seen herself as good enough or special. It kinda hurts for me as her brother cause I know how amazing she is but she can't see that. How come you're asking?"
Your pov
Victors words kept on repeating over and over again in my mind as I lay on my bed. "He's interested in me?" I whispered into the silent room. No there's no way. My eyes diverted down as I grabbed my chub with my hands. He's the worlds hottest bachelor. He has the choice of any girl in the world why would he pick a chubby girl...
For the next few days, Victor and I would chat when we could though that wasn't much due to all the training Yuri was doing. They had started inviting me to eat with them after training which really helped calm my nerves around my crush. I enjoyed the time I spent with Victor and the more time I spent with him the more I fell in love with him.
Today was the same as ever, I saw Yuri and Victor in the morning before they left, worked in the inn all day and went to the shops later on in the night to get some things. When I returned I found a young blond-haired boy in the room Victor, Yuri and I would usually eat. His head was on the table and his eyes were closed with an empty bowl next to his head. He ate and fell asleep. Should I wake him? As I pondered who he was and whether I should wake him, his eyes darted open and he stared blankly at me. "Who are you?" His voice was instantly hostile and I felt a shiver up my spine.
"(Y-Y/N)...I-I work here. Who are you?" I questioned, his glare kind of scaring me. "You're that girl Victor was talking about." I took a seat in front of him. "He talked about me...W-What did he say?"
Instead of responding he just stared at me, almost as if he was analysing me. "Are you fatso's sister?" I looked at him, puzzled for a second. "Wait do you mean Y-Yuri!? You can't call my brother a fatso!" I countered, crossing my arms.
"I can call him whatever I want! I'm not wrong. Seems like it runs in the family to pig!" The moment the words slipped out of his mouth he realised his mistake. He was cranky from just waking up and had gotten too worked up and said something that hit me deep. I felt my eyes begin to water and I quickly stood up and walked to the door.
"I didn't mean it!" He yelled, his voice still hostile but with a slight bit of remorse.
I left without a word, breaking out into a run once I was out of the front door of the inn. I kept running until I reached the beach. I crept under the pier on the sand and curled up into a ball. I'd ran so quickly each breath I took stung. That's 'cause you're overweight...
I let my tears loose as I felt myself break out into a fit of sobs. I knew the kid didn't mean to be horrible but it hurt. He was right. I'm fat. As I cried, I heard the sound of footsteps on the sand and quickly looked up. I caught a glimpse of that familiar platinum hair and snapped my head back down.
"(Y/N)." I felt my breath stop.
"Look at me please." I looked up, staring into his beautiful eyes. He was just as captivating there as he is on the ice. "I'm sorry about Yuri...He's a bit of a fireball. I heard what he said and trust me I told him off." I looked at him confused. "The young blond kid is called Yuri too." I nodded.
"Victor he's not wrong. I am fat. I'm a pig just as he said." I sniffled as his facial expression turned to sadness. "I'm just like my brother I gain weight easily. But instead, I can't lose weight as quick."
"You're not a pig (Y/N). You're perfect. Body isn't everything and your personality is beautiful. We haven't known each other long but the moment I laid my eyes on you I knew you were special." His hand came up to my cheek, holding it even though it was wet from my tears.
"(Y/N), wanna be my girlfriend." He said it so calmly as if it was just any another sentence.
My heads gonna explode again. I thought. He must be messing with me there's no way he'd ask me, a chubby girl he's known for a week to be his girlfriend...
"I'm not messing with you if that's what you're thinking." He smiled.
"'s insane! You're the worlds most attractive bachelor, every woman in the world is throwing themselves at you! Why would you pick some chubby, shy girl you've known for a week?!" I babbled out, my voice cracking from the crying.
"Because I know what I want. I want you." I gasped as he pulled me on top of him. He collapsed onto the sand, me in his arms and my lips on his. He pulled away after a few seconds. "I will help you (Y/N). All those insecurities, I'll help. I'll show you just how amazing you are."
Sorry if that was shit. This is one of the longest one-shots I've written in ages. I hope you all enjoyed it. Also on another note just wanna say is anyone listening to Gorillaz Song Machine right now cause daamnnnn. If you ain't you need to get on that shit right now. Like I'm literally listening to the most recent ep of Song Machine, Aries, right now! I love it so much 😍
Until next time Bye- Jude
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