Tohru x Female Reader
Story Title: The maid becomes a nurse
Hey guys! 3 days in a row! Look at me being all responsible ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ
Anyway, this one is also requested by Azureman136 He seems to request a lot and I appreciate that. (」・ω・)」
Your pov
You sighed and plopped down onto your couch. You hurled your bag across the room, satisfied with the noise it made when it hit the wall. You'd just came home after a long day at work and couldn't find any energy to do anything. You heard a grumble from your stomach and looked down with worn out eyes. "Shut up you." You said to your stomach even though you knew it couldn't formulate a response.
Suddenly you heard a familiar ringtone and bolted up. That's Tohru's ringtone...
You scrambled to your discarded bag and pulled out your phone. "Hello?" You answered, a smile across your face. "Hello (Y/N)! Miss Kobayashi has said you can come over for a meal! I miss you..." Just hearing Tohru's voice filled you with energy and you instantly accepted your girlfriends' offer.
You had met Tohru one day when she was out with Kobayashi and Kanna. That was over a year ago. Around 5 months ago, Tohru had made it obvious that she liked you so you decided to make it official. You loved her so much. Both her human form and her dragon form. "I'll be over soon okay? I'll see you soon cutie." You smirked, knowing Tohru would be blushing. She loves being called Cutie. You hung up and ran to your room.
You quickly unbuttoned your pesky shirt that was so constricting for your boobs and replaced it with a nice long sleeved shirt with your favourite band on. You pulled some jeans on and slipped into a pair of boots before exiting the house. The Kobayashi house wasn't far from your own so it wasn't long till you were there. You were greeted by your gorgeous girlfriend who pulled you into a hug. You gave her a sweet kiss before you both walked into the main room. Kanna ran up to you and gave you a hug. You pat her head and sat down at your seat next to Tohru.
As you spoke to Kobayashi, Tohru served the food and we all sat down to eat. "This is just what I needed after such a longggg day!" You said before taking a big gulp of water. Before long the meal was over and you all sat down on the couch to just chill and let the food digest. "Bloody hell that was actually one of the most amazing meals I've ever had!"
"I'm glad you enjoyed that (Y/N)! I cooked yours with love." Tohru said, hearts in her eyes. You and Kobayashi looked at each other, knowing what that meant. "Babe...Did you put some of your tail in there?" You slowly turned to her and she was smiling widely. "Yes! Did you like it?"
As if on cue, your stomach began to scream with pain which was so debilitating that you instantly fell down to the floor. The last thing you saw before you passed out was everyone above you shouting your name.
3rd person pov
"TOHRU WHAT DID YOU DO?" Kobayashi yelled, more in worry for (Y/N) than anger. "I-I must not have detoxified it properly!" The dragon sobbed. They carefully carried (Y/N)'s unconscious body to Tohru's bed. They pulled off her boots and tucked her in.
By the time she woke up, it was the next morning. "T-Tohru?" She spluttered, coughing heavily. "Don't move, please. My tail...It's made you very sick. So I'm going to take care of you!" Tohru said, her voice full of determination. (Y/N) nodded weakly before falling back into her slumber. Kobayashi entered with some of (Y/N)'s clothes which she had went over to her house to get. Tohru proceeded to change the unconscious woman into some pyjamas so she was more comfortable. After changing her girlfriend's clothes, she folded up the ones that had been taken off.
Hmmm...I have an idea! The mischievous dragon thought with a smile.
Later on, she woke back up and slowly turned her head to face Tohru. Tohru could tell (Y/N) was shocked at what she saw, which made her giggle. "So, you're not only a maid but also a nurse?" (Y/N) smirked at the dragons nurse outfit, making said dragon blush. "I said I would take care of you and that's what I plan to do!"
(Y/N) coughed whilst laughing a little. "Yeah but I'm sick so I can't do anything whilst you're in that outfittttt." The woman complained, causing Tohru to go red. (Y/N) looked down and realised someone had changed her clothes. She looked up again and kissed the dragon maid. "Thanks Cutie."
For the next few days, Tohru was taking care of (Y/N) all day and night, with some help from Kobayashi of course. (Y/N)'s work understood she was ill and wished for her to get better. Three times a day, Tohru would give (Y/N) a special hot drink of coffee that was infused with some special medicine that would help the venom from the tail leave her body. Four days went by of sickness and fevers before the woman started to feel better.
"How are you feeling?" Tohru asked as she brought the drink in. "Quite well actually! I think I'll be better tomorrow." (Y/N) exclaimed. Tohru's smile increased as she sat at the bedside. "I'm sorry I caused this. I didn't mean too! I just wanted to feel closer to you as eating my tail means we are bonded." Tohru muttered, looking down. Her grip tightened around the cup. "It was my fault you became ill..."
"Tohru I'm not gonna lie. Your tail actually tasted pretty good."
Tohru's eyes lit up and she looked up with teary eyes. "Really?!" (Y/N) nodded. "Besides if I hadn't become sick I wouldn't have seen you in that nurse outfit and trust me once I'm fully recovered...Heh."
"Am I interrupting anything?" Kobayashi said from the doorway.
Both the girls in the room jumped at the sound of the other's voice before looking away with embarrassment. "I'm about to leave for work and Kannas leaving for school so we just thought we'd say goodbye." Kobayashi explained as herself and the smaller dragon entered the room. "Have a good day at work and thanks again for taking care of me for these past few days. I really appreciate it." (Y/N) bowed a little in her bed. "It's no problem seriously. Besides Torhu's the reason you ended up sick."
"Hey! Miss Kobayashi, it was an accident!" As Tohru whined at Kobayashi, Kanna approached the bed and climbed onto it. "Get better soon please (Y/N). I want you to be better." Kanna said and gave (Y/N) a hug. "Thank you Kanna. Have a good day at school! Tohru will be here taking care of me so don't worry." She turned and gave a small smile at Tohru who'd heard what she had said.
Kobayashi and Kanna left the home leaving just the couple together. Tohru returned to the bedroom after seeing the other two out, slowly climbed into the bed and snuggled up next to her girlfriend. (Y/N) put her arm around her dragon girlfriend and kissed her cheek.
"I love you Tohru. Thank you for taking care of me."
I hope you enjoyed that one! I really wanna see Tohru in a nurse outfit now because she can bloody work a maid costume so I bet she can work a nurse costume as well! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Until next time, bye- Jude xoxox
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