Sawako x Male Reader
Story Title: Playing Ghost and Confessing
Hey guys! Things have been shit since I last updated I won't lie. My Nana died. She was old with dementia and cancer so we expected it but it still hurts. Life goes on I guess.
In this one-shot let's just say Kazehaya doesn't like Sawako to make things easier. This was requested by DominicLucio quite a while ago. Sorry it took so long!
When the class had decided to do a test of courage, I found myself watching that signup sheet, waiting to see if her name would appear on it. I didn't really see a point in going if she wasn't. Eventually, it appeared and only then did I add my name.
Sawako Kuronuma.
I'd known Sawako since the first year of middle school. Ever since we first met I found myself falling for her with every day that went by. I mean who could blame me? She was absolutely beautiful. We were friends but I could always tell she wanted more friends, especially on the girl side. And how hard she tried to make friends always seemed so adorable to me, though I hated how everyone seemed to be scared of her just because of her resemblance to Sadako.
When we came to high school, I found myself making friends with the boys in our class. I was so happy having new friends, I'd never had so many before but of course, Sawako was the person I was closest to. She always would be even if my new friends found her scary.
Over the time we'd known each other, I'd been building up my confidence. I had really been struggling to figure out how to approach her but I really wanted to tell her how I feel! I want to know how she feels about me.
The day of the test of courage arrived and I found myself with my friends. "Hey Ryu. Kazehaya. Have you guys seen Sawako? She's not here..." I asked them, still searching around the crowd for that familiar black raven hair. I noticed Ayane and Chizuru look over in my direction though I didn't think too into it as I was more focused on finding Sawako.
"No one has seen her. I think she just didn't turn up." Kazehaya said, giving me a sad smile. He and Ryu were well aware of my feelings for Sawako. I mean I was pretty obvious with how I felt, Sawako seemed to be the only one who didn't know. I let out a sigh, my hopes of doing the test of courage with my crush had been crushed.
"It's okay (Y/N) we'll find you someone to do the test with!" Soichi jumped forward, laughing slightly. He had already voiced his desire to do the challenge with a girl so it wasn't a surprise when Kazehaya told him to go with me. I didn't mind and we walked off together into the dark forest. Soichi seemed quite scared as we walked whilst I found myself just missing Sawako. Being in the dark never really bothered me. The night had always been my favourite time of the day and the forest was such a beautiful atmosphere.
As we continued on walking, we saw a figure in the distance. Soichi clutched my arm and I laughed at his actions. We continued on, much to the dismay of my friend beside me and saw a familiar figure in a beautiful white dress that stood out in the sea of dark greens and browns. She turned her head, a lock of her hair in her mouth and tried to give a scary face. That was it for Soichi and he screamed loudly, running away with his arms flailing above his head.
"Sawako what are you doing out here?" I saw the shock appear on her face as she saw it was me. She quickly spat the lock of hair out of her mouth and began stuttering out an explanation. "I-I was playing g-ghost..." She looked down with an embarrassed look and I gave a small smile. She was just trying to make sure everyone had a good time.
"Do you mind if I keep you company?" I smiled gently as she nodded quickly. We picked a spot under the trees where there was an opening so we could see the stars and sat down on the grass. We sat in silence for a little while, the only sound being the crickets buzzing around us as we stared up at the night sky. I glanced over at Sawako and caught her staring at me, her face slightly red.
"The stars look beautiful don't they?" I muttered, staring into her brown eyes. The way the light shined onto her, she looked so gorgeous. "Y-Yeah...They make me feel really calm." She replied, staring back at me. "You're not looking at them though?" I said, causing her face to turn an even darker shade of red. "Y-You're n-not either." Sawako squeaked out.
"Well they may be beautiful but to me, you beat them in every way. I'd rather look at you." I felt a weird amount of confidence flow through me for a second as I stared at her. She looked at me with a shocked expression. Her face was so red and I could physically see the cogs turning in her head. "W-W-What do you mean by that (Y-Y/N)?" She stuttered out. I felt my own face blush slightly as I placed my hand over hers on the grass.
"Have you really not realised yet?" I mumbled, my confidence faltering slightly. She shook her head, still bright red as she stared down at my hand on hers. I covered my face with my other hand and tried to calm my fast-beating heart. I-I'm going to tell her!
"I f-feel...well I l-l..I mean..." I found the confidence I previously had dissipating as I tried to confess my feelings. My nerves were taking over me. She looked at me with a patient look in her eyes, giving me a calming smile to try and make me feel more relaxed.
"I-I l-like you Sawako..." I confessed.
She smiled wide. "I-I like you too (Y/N)--"
"N-No! I mean. I LIKE you. R-Romanticly..." I stammered out, my eyes piercing into hers. She gasped and her eyes widened wider than I'd ever seen them before. She began sputtering out small noises as she tried to form some sort of sentence and I felt my heart sink. Oh no please no did I just make a mistake? I was about to stand up and walk away but I was stopped.
"I-I like you t-too! I like you (Y/N)!!"
She exclaimed, her voice breathless as her hand gripped my own. It was now my turn to be shocked as I stared back at her. Her skinny figure was shaking and her face was bright red with small tears in the corner of her eyes. I couldn't even bring myself to say anything as I leaned forward and planted a small kiss on her cheek. She squeaked slightly at the show of affection and was about to say something when two voices interrupted us.
"What are you two doing?" We both snapped our heads to face a smug-faced Ayane and a grinning Chizuru. Sawako looked like she was about to explode and I just looked away with a harsh blush.
Sorry if this was a bit shit.
Until next time bye- Jude
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