Saiki Kusuo x Shy Reader
Stpry Title: In the Library and Online
Hey guys! I swear my update schedule is just 'post two one-shots and then disappear for months!' Yeah I'm gonna try and not make a habit of that! Here's another Saiki x Reader cause god damn Saiki is just ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Anyway this was requested by @banana_fofana quite a while ago! I'm sorry it's taken so long to get to ya!
Your pov
A shy girl who spends most of her time studying and has the best scores when it comes to tests. That's what everyone else thought when they heard your name. You aren't interesting to them. You're not attractive like Teruhashi or unique like Aiura. You're quite normal. Or at least that's what everyone else thought.
Every day when you return home, you jump at the computer, finding comfort on the internet and in games. You have friends there and you feel as if you know them more than the people you know in real life. They're the ones that listen to you when you feel down or cheer you up after a shit day. And the best part is that because it's behind a screen, you don't feel as shy as you would if you were face to face with them.
Another boring day begins and you drag yourself away from your room and computer. You walk to school, hunched over slightly, visually showing your low confidence. As you entered the school, you speed to the library and take a seat in the far corner. Not many people go to the library and so in this corner you feel calm. You begin to pull out your textbooks and study like the good student you are. You hear the library door open and someone walks to the back where you're sat. You look up and you see Saiki from your class looking quite worried.
"Saiki-kun are y-you okay?" You ask, genuinely concerned. He looked at you and nodded before asking if he could sit with you. You awkwardly nodded and he took a seat next to you.
Saiki's pov
I only ran into the library because it's the place Teruhashi would be less likely to search in for me. Now I'm sat next to (Y/N), a shy girl from my class.
She gets high test scores and yet is not really paid attention to. She doesn't really have many friends either and usually goes unnoticed by everyone. I couldn't help but be intrigued by this girl. I wish I was like her at times, not being noticed by most people.
"Oh God oh god what do I say to him? Does he want to talk to me? No there's no way! He's never even talked to me before. I'm just scared I'll say something stupid..." I could hear (Y/N)'s worried thoughts as she continued to stare down at her textbook. It was kind of refreshing in some way. I seem to always be surrounded by people who are overly confident to the point of narcissism so seeing someone who's shy like her makes me feel happy.
Maybe I should just enjoy this whilst it lasts. I don't usually enjoy most conversations with people but, maybe this will be different.
"(Y/N) why do you always come to the library and sit in the corner?" I ask. She looked at me, looking both nervous but also brightened. "I-I feel calmer here. There are not as many people in the library then there are in the halls and to be honest, I enjoy alone time. It's easier to study this way. I guess I'm a little shy." She stuttered. We continued to talk and it was going well until the bell signalled that it was time for lessons. "Saiki this was nice. T-Thank you for talking to me. Maybe...we can do this again another time?" She asked as she packed her books away. I nodded at the shy girl, interested in her personality.
"Saiki's quite nice!" She thought as we walked to class. Hearing her think that made me smile inside. She's a strange one but she's kind too.
The day passed and I returned home. I entered my room and instantly went onto my computer which I had purchased not too long ago. I logged onto an MMO that I had gotten into. Because my teammates were people on the internet, I couldn't read their minds which made playing with them 10x better.
It made me feel normal.
One of my friends was online and I was quick to strick up a conversation with them.
SKCoffeeJello: Good evening. How's your day been?
SocialInteractionOFF: Hey! It was alright. Same old same old.
I didn't know who this person was. In fact, all I knew about them was that they were female and a student like myself. It was thrilling in my opinion to finally not know everything about someone. As we talked and played, she said something that sounded just like what (Y/N) had said that morning.
SocialInteractionOFF: I feel so calm here. There are not many people I know who will judge me here. And I don't have to actually use my voice. I guess I'm a little shy.
Thinking about (Y/N) made me smile a little. Her shyness to me was nice and dare I say, cute. I looked back at the monitor and responded.
SKCoffeeeJello: Someone I know said something just like that today!
SocialnteractionOFF: I guess you just attract shy people to you
I sighed, wishing that was the case. I played for a few more hours before logging off and heading to bed. The next day, I woke up and got to school earlier than usual. I didn't walk with Nendou and Kaidou as they'd attach themselves to me like leaches for the rest of the day which means I wouldn't be able to go to the library alone and see (Y/N).
I entered the library and saw the girl I was thinking about in the corner. She looked up and smiled at me before sheepishly waving at me. I walked over and sat down with her, appreciating the quietness of the library. I need to come here more often.
"G-Good morning Saiki." (Y/N) said quietly.
"Good morning (Y/N)." We began to have a fairly nice conversation. "What do you do at home (Y/N)?" I asked. I could easily just read her mind in an instance and find out if she was thinking about it, but I was finding that I actually prefered to hear her speak.
(Y/N)'s body stiffened at the question and she looked down in a slight panic.
What do I do? Do I tell him that I just play games and sit on the internet?! No, he'll think that's weird! What do I do?! My secret life as SocialInteractionOFF must be kept a secret! I dropped the pencil I was holding in shock when I heard what she was thinking.
(Y/N) is the girl I've been talking to online. It's so clear to me now. How similar they were. She looked at me with confusion as to why I'd dropped my pencil suddenly.
"I play Online games." I say, trying to lead the conversation in the direction I wanted. She sprung up and looked at me, sparkles in her eyes. "R-Really?! So do I!" She shouted. She was hushed by other people in the library for her outburst and she quickly sunk down into her seat again. She was a bright hue of red, embarrassed by the attention.
I laughed slightly, which was shocking for even myself. What is this girl doing to me?
"My online name is SKCoffeeJello." I said, smirking inside. She once again jumped up. "WHAT?!"
"SHHHHH!" Once again she was hushed, more harshly this time. She reseated herself and told me her online name and how she had been the person I'd been playing with. "I-I can't believe it was you the whole time." We continued to talk about gaming, but our conversation was different from any of our previous conversations. We talked to each other as if we were old friends.
When the bell finally went, we both stood up and headed out of the library. "We really need to d-do this more o-often!" (Y/N) chirped from next to me, her face slightly red. I read her mind and blushed slightly before nodded in agreement. I've never felt such emotions towards someone in my whole life. It was new and exciting.
I can't wait to develop this relationship into...maybe something more.
Hope you enjoyed that! Sorry that it was shit. Still trying to get back into the swing of things since it's been a while! I've got three more requests that I need to get through so expect them some time in the future.
Until next time Bye- Jude xoxox
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